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All Characters belong to RR & MW

Fury POV

I stared at the broken boy in front of me, the one who I just offered on the avengers. Silence consumed us as he weighed in his options. Seconds and minutes passed...

"No." disbelief sailed across my face like a wave before it came crashing down.



"Why wouldn't you want to be on the avengers? Be a hero? Save people." He glared at me an I froze petrified. His glares froze you inside and out.

"I have several reasons that I don't care to name, now can I go?"

"No, tell me the reasons."

"Why should I?"

"If you don't you are considered a threat we need to eliminate." he laughed without emotion.

"You wouldn't understand my reasons." I rolled my eyes, teens think their everything and no one understands.

"Sure, now tell me." he gave me an even more horrifying glare than before.

"Just because I'm younger than you, doesn't mean you have more experience than me."

"Actually it does."

"You don't know what I've been through."

"You probably ran away for 9 months and came back to find your parents dead so you cried and thinks no one can understand having no parents. NEWS FLASH other people don't have parents so I think your not the only on-"

He cut me off by standing up so quickly his chair flew across the room. He slammed his fists into the table breaking the metal table in half. His eyes were livid like a hurricane brewing. He was shaking in anger and with a barely controlled voice he started talking.

"I have lost EVERYTHING being the hero, every time I'm the hero I loose people I love. I'm sick of it, this time if I play hero again I'm going to break, it's a miracle I'm still sane right now. In my world, age doesn't tell experience, it tells how long you were able to survive, you might have done it deceivingly or by heroics. I've been to Hell and back literally so don't think you can tell me what you think are the reasons I won't join a costume party of super heroes." He broke off and his voice started choking up. He sat down on the floor looking pitiful and not scary and angry like before.

"Being the hero always causes me pain. If I loose one more person I love, I'll go insane." He whispered the last part softly, like he was scared to say it. "I'm not that strong leader everyone looks up to, but I have to pretend to be so no one else crumbles with me. I'm just the shell of their hero, in the inside I'm shattered."

Thor opened the door to the room and walked in. He knelt next to the boy and pulled him into his arms. Perseus hugged him back, but no tears were shed. The god rubbed circles into the threats back comforting him.

"I'm leaving." he finally said, "And your not stopping me."

He got up and and walked out the open door. I was too stunned by the display of emotions to go after him. When I could finally move again I sprinted after him.

"Perseus wait!" He came to a stop in front of the elevator and turned to face me with an annoyed expression.

"You will be going back to your cabin?"

"Yes, that's my house." I got nervous.

"What did you do Fury?" Thor asked creeping up on me, the rest of the team followed him.

"I-I just sent some agents over there to destroy the threats house." I mumbled. having an angry god and threat was dangerous. "So if the threat escaped then he would have no where to return to." The ground shook, the sky darkened and the boys eyes were pulsing with power and anger so intense I'm surprised I didn't explode.

With a deadly calm voice he said, "You did what?"

"I-I sent s-some agents to d-destroy your h-house." I stuttered over the words.

I was so terrified. The winds outside were whipping through the air circling around the building. He marched up to me and grabbed my collar lifting me up in the air and slamming my back into the nearest wall. I was too shocked to cry out in pain.

"If everything, everything in that cabin is destroyed, you have just earned yourself the enemy you feared you had, but it would be a million times worse." He growled out. Dang this teen is scary.

"All my memories of the people I love that are dead are in that cabin. If I can not find one still surviving, I will not stop at anything to destroy you." With that said he disappeared into vapor. I fell from the air against the wall into my feet. not ready for it I fell hard onto the floor. No one helped me up.

"Fury," Thor boomed at me, "You better hope that he finds something still surviving, because I will take his side and you won't have me to help defend yourself." before he too disappeared.

I was left with the rest of the team looking at me in disappointment.

***Line Break***

Percy POV

I was furious with that pirate thinking my life was easy and he had more experience because he was like a million years old, but what really blew me off was him destroying my cabin.

After I found mom and Paul dead I moved all the memories from the apartment and my camp cabin into the cabin at Montauk beach. I disappeared from the tower to my cabin to see it utterly destroyed, burned down top to bottom. I fell to my knees, I knew from there, not even a scrap of a photo or paper was left. I threw my head back and screamed a scream of anger, fury, and sorrow for my lost memories of my mom, Paul, Annabeth, and the rest of the seven. Suddenly I heard soft foot steps, but I didn't turn around.

"Percy?" This time I did turn, it was Katie, the Stolls, and the rest of the surviving cabin leaders from both wars. Katie held a scrap book in her hands.

"Hey." my voice sounded croaky, probably from that raw scream.

"Before the agents came, we went in your cabin and grabbed all the pictures you had," Katie said softly, but with held back excitement.

"We put them in a scrap book for you as a surprise." My eyes widened and I jumped up and pulled them into a big hug.

There were gasps and squeaks of "can't breathe perce" but it was all fine. I stepped back releasing them from my hug, they handed the book to me. It was heavy, then it glowed gold and shrunk into a necklace with the charm of an open book on it.

Athena's voice spoke in my head, "Pull on the charm and it will transform into the scrap book, open and close it twice continuously to change it back into the necklace. I have blessed it so nothing can harm it and it will always return to you."

"Thank you Lady Athena." I thought to her.

"Take it as a gift for protecting my daughter in Tartarus." I smiled sadly as I remembered the events that took place and nodded.

"Thank you for making this guys." They all smiled.

"Anytime Percy."

"Anything for you Perce."


"Welcome." (guess who)

They all left, and a few seconds later a flash happened and Thor appeared. He looked taken aback when I wasn't looking to destroy his director. I explained how my memories were saved and he was happy for me.

"Take me back to Fury Thor."

"Sure, but why Perseus?"

"I'm going to change my answer."

"On what?"

"I'm going to join the Avengers."

Tell me what you think...

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