Montauk Surprises

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All Characters belong to RR & MW

Fury POV

I was barely restraining my anger. I was rubbing my temples to soothe my headache,"You mean to tell me that the Avengers were beat up by a 16 year old boy with a bag on his head and his hands in his pockets?!?"

Once I sent the avengers out to detain the boy they came back a few hours later groaning and holding their heads with an extremely happy norse god.

"Sir, he caught us by surprise." replied Steve timidly.

"You're the AVENGERS, your not supposed to ever be caught by surprise." I emphasized on the word Avengers.

"Sir, we're sorry," Natasha said. "It won't happen again."

"It better not." I said sternly. "Now go an retrieve him using any means necessary."

They all nodded. Thor lead the way happily humming. I rolled my eyes.

"gods." I mumbled.

I exited the building leaving the team with a fangirl god.

***Time Skip***

Tony POV

I can't a boy, a 16 year old boy beat the worlds mightiest heroes! We followed Thor, jeesh he was crazy, to a beach and he lead us to a small cabin. It was early in the morning, so I assumed he would be asleep. Thor quietly knocked on the door softly.

"Perseus?" Thor asked. "Perseus are you awake?" No reply. I rolled my eyes and barged through the door with a loud crashing sound.

"Up and at 'em boy." I shouted loudly startling him from his sleep.

He jerked up and fell off the bed onto the floor with a groan. He sat up disoriented, he turned toward us and rubbed his eyes. Once he saw who was in his he waved hi sleepily before getting off the floor.

"Hey costume buddies." he yawned tiredly before continuing. "What brings your to my humble cabin? Nice to see you again Thor, I see you found your way."

"Nay Perseus, I know from the legends only." to say Perseus looked creeped out was an understatement.

"There are legend of where I live?!?"

"Yes Perseus, did I not explain that?" Thor asked confusedly.

"gods." Perseus mumbled shaking his head exasperated.

With only the light from the doorway we couldn't see him clearly. So when he switched on a light we all gasped in surprise. The boy had huge dark circles under his eyes, he was extremely thin, very pale, and his voice was scratchy like he had been screaming all night. Natasha managed to regain her voice.

"We-we have to retain you and bring you back to out director."

Perseus simply rolled his eyes again. He walked to a dresser and grabbed a hoodie and slipped it on over a blue t-shirt. He already had blue jeans on, he just put on his sneakers. Then ignoring us he brushed by us, walking out the door and sitting on the sand staring out into the ocean. The smell of sea salt hit me with the wind blowing out hair back, the sun was rising and the sea gulls chirping. Peaceful was the only word for it.

"I'm not going with you." he said.

"We have to bring you." Clint replied.

"Well you can keep coming, but I'm not going with you. What does your director even want with me?"

"He thinks your a possible terrorist." Steve said.

"Well, I thought we had the possible kidnapping across the country cleared up." He chuckled as did Thor.

"Well it's not." I interrupted rudely annoyed that he wasn't begging for autographs from the worlds mightiest heroes. The ones that saved the world from Aliens from space.

"Now your coming with us whether you like it or not." After I said that I grabbed his hoodie and flew up in the air.

"Hey!" he shouted indignantly. "Let me go!" His feet dangled as he grabbed my arm holding his hoodie.

"No kid, your coming with us or I'll do worse."

The kid snorted, "Like you could Tin Can."

"What did you call me?!?"

"Tin Can, what? You got a problem with it?" He smirked mockingly.

"Yeah." then I let go of him.

His face contorted into surprise as he dropped like a stone. The others screamed in surprise and horror. I rolled my eyes and flew after him. I tried to grab him as he spun and twisted in the air.

"Don't touch me!" He screamed.

"Shut it kid!" I yelled at him. "I'm trying to help you!"

"I don't need yours or anyone else's help! I'm fine!" He shouted angrily, and somehow managed to twist in the air and kick me in my family jewels. I squeaked and stopped flying after him frozen in pain.

"Go after him Tony!" Natasha screamed. "If you don't you better hope that's all the pain you get!"

I gulped loudly and forgetting the pain Perseus gave me and going as fast as the suit would go after him. Natasha is scary when mad and if I didn't reach the kid in time...

Just as I'm about to grab him again, before he hit the water, he spun around and swiped his hand horizontal. The water from the ocean exploded upwards hitting me in the face and forcing me to crash into the beach. We heard a loud splash as the boy hit the water, at the same time Natasha, Bruce, Steve, and Cling screamed while Thor laughed.

We all looked at him horrified, no one could survive that, but then again, how did he command the water? Suddenly Perseus shot out of the water like a bullet and landed roughly on the sand. He was completely dry, not a single drop of water on him. We stared at him flabbergasted, except for of course Thor.

"Ugh." He groaned. "Remind me never to do that again Thor." Thor boomed laughing.

"Aye, young hero."

Startling everyone Perseus's head whipped up and he jumped to his feet, all laughing matter gone. He looked like a soldier, a warrior ready for battle. He looked around surveying the area, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pen. I burst out laughing as Thor gasped delightedly.

"It is thy mighty Riptide!" He screamed silently.

"What are you going to do with a-a pen?!?" I laughed out. Perseus ignored us both.

"Get behind me." he commanded.


"Now!" He ordered, his voice holding so much authority we automatically obeyed even though he was a kid, he sounded more of a leader than Fury and scarier.

Silence surrounded us except for the waves crashing into the beach and the sea gulls everything else was silent. Perseus walked forward cautiously watching around him, he uncapped the pen and out sprung a lead shaped bronze 3 foot sword. We all gasped with the exception of Thor or looked like he was going to faint in fangirl mode.

Suddenly out of nowhere a weird lady with fire hair, a donkey leg, and a metal leg lunged at Perseus' side. He dodged neatly and swiftly spinning around to face her. He sent a swipe at her midsection which she avoid barely. She growled annoyingly.

"Perseus Jackson." she hissed.

"Kelli." he growled.

"How nice to see you again."

"I can't say the same about you."

"You know, Tartarus isn't the same without you."

"Deal with it donkey legs." she bared her teeth. Then she grinned.

"Polybotes and I miss hearing your screams." Perseus paled slightly, but still stood tall. She continued smiling proudly.

"We have a few more brands to add, my old master and your fathers rival wish to meet with you. So why don't you make this easier and come with me?"

"Haha, how bout no? Sorry, but their going to have to schedule an appointment with a payment of 200 drachmas, just for the placement call. I need 300 drachmas for the actual appointment. Call me at +1 (800) PER-SASY if you have enough." We couldn't help it, we burst out laughing and the she-demon glared at us shutting us up. She growled at being mocked.

"Shut it sea spawn, just know he is coming." Then she lunged widely at his side.

Distracted by her earlier statement he dodged too slow and her claws raked across his torso. He didn't seem to be in too much pain, just annoyance as he sliced through her waist. She wailed in pain and exploded into golden dust.

Then a giant appeared with only one eye and a giant club almost bigger than him. He swung it quickly catching Perseus off-guard. We all screamed as he turned only to be hit with the club.

He flew backwards and hit a tree with a horrible crunch. He tumbled to the ground unmoving. He groaned in pain. We all winced, that sound of his bones breaking was deafening. The giant lumbered after his prey.

"How dare you hurt a hero cyclops!" A booming voice yellows furious.

Thor. The sky darkened and rain poured. Thunder cackled and Thor spun his magic hammer in circles before pointing it at the monster striking him square in the chest. The monster exploded into golden dust like the lady.

"Take that!" He shouted victorious. "Perseus is under my protection." We stared at the god disbelievingly.

A groan broke us out our stupor. We all rushed to Perseus. His eyes rolled into the back of his head right as we heard him say, "Thanks Thor."

"Anytime young one." Thor replied happily. We looked at each other.

"Guess we got him." Steve said. We all nodded.

"Lets bring him to the tower and contact Fury." Steve picked up the boy carefully trying not to injure him further. He frowned as he picked up Perseus.

"He's as light as a feather."

"Your a super soldier Icicle, of course he's light to you." I said rolling my eyes.

"No, I mean he lighter than normal Tony." I froze, he called me Tony, this was serious.

"Let me see him." I said.

"Careful, he has a couple broken bones and the claw scrapes from earlier." I nodded and took him from Steve's arms. His head lolled against his his chest and then fell back showing his Adam's apple.

Like Steve said, light as a feather. I frowned. I looked at Bruce.

"He needs a medical check up back at the tower." Bruce nodded concerned.

We all walked back to the Avengers tower with an unconscious injured 16 year old boy, and a beaming Thor happy to have help save Perseus life.

We walked into the tower coming to the meeting room with threat Perseus Jackson unconscious and injured in my arms and a pleased Fury.

"Strap him down in the interrogation room." Fury ordered.

Tell me what you think?

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