Bucky Barnes-At Your Service

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Pre-Serum Steve & Sergeant James Barnes

You walked along the street, your head held high as though you hadn't just been rejected from yet another job. It was hard as a woman and you had considered joining the Army like your sister had, but it was a little too much for you. Granted, your sister had made sure you were able to defend yourself at all times and you knew how to handle different firearms, but you preferred medical aid.

The ANCA(Army Nurse Corps Association), to be exact. You were still waiting for a reply from them.

You were so caught up in your violent thoughts about sexist shop owners, you almost missed the scuffle going on down an alleyway. A rather large fellow was in the process of beating up a very skinny boy and you watched as he was knocked to the ground, only to get back to his feet seconds later with a determined look on his face.

Hmph. Only weaklings beat up people smaller than them.
You scoffed and began to march down the alley.

The man pushed the boy to the ground and as he raised his fist, you grabbed his arm and wrenched him around.

"Did your mother never teach you any manners?"

His twisted sneer smoothed into what he must've thought was a charming smile as he realized you were a woman.

To you, it was awfully frightening.

"My mother taught me to follow my dreams. How about you and me do somethin' fun when I'm finished up here?" He winked at you. The blonde boy began to cough and specks of blood colored the dirt as he pushed himself to his knees.

"I'd rather not. Now if you please, I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd leave." You demanded, putting a hand on your hip.

His "smile" disappeared.

"I think you should be the one leavin', lady. I don't wanna have to do somethin' I'd regret to that pretty face of yours." He growled.

"And I'd hate to ruin your day, but I think we're done here."

That being said, you swiftly punched him in the face and sent him stumbling into the brick wall. He clutched at his jaw, glaring angrily at you.

"You bitch!" He snarled and began to charge at you, raising his fist.

You dodged his swing and twisted his arm around before slamming your knee into his stomach. He collapsed to his knees and clutched desperately at his waist as he struggled to breathe.

"I said leave."

You didn't bother watching him run, choosing instead to help the boy to his feet. Which turned out to be a young man when you got a good look at him. He was very small with ruffled blonde hair and big blue eyes that stared at you with wonder.

"You-Your accent. You're not from here, are you?" He asked. He then blushed as you smiled at him.

"Sorry. That was rude. Thanks for the help." He muttered.

"No need to apologize. I'm from England." You said warmly and held out your hand.

"Steve. Steve Rogers."

You began to introduce yourself when you heard a low whistle from behind you.

"And here I thought you'd be getting another beating within an inch of your life, Rogers!"

You both turned to see a tall man in uniform stride towards you with a flirtatious smirk. Steve's face flushed an even deeper red as the man threw an arm over his shoulders and rubbed the top of his head roughly.

"Cut it out, Bucky." Steve snapped.
"James Buchanan Barnes, at your service, ma'am." He bowed graciously and tipped his hat before straightening and giving you a sly wink.

You had to admit, he was rather handsome. With his dark hair and shining eyes, the corners of his mouth lifting into a mischievous smile. The way he looked at you made your heart flutter, but you didn't want him to know that.

Heaven help the next man you'd fall for if your sister found out.

"Actually, I must be on my way. It was nice meeting you, Steve." You said kindly.

"Wait up, doll. What's a gal like you doing in a back alley with my friend here? Don't tell me you were the one who beat him up." He teased.

Steve rolled his eyes.

"She helped me out. Gave the guy a good kick ass beating and sent him on his way."

"Wow. Beautiful and quite the fighter. I'm interested." You cleared your throat and felt a flush of heat creep up your neck as James studied you intensely.

"I really should be—"

"We're going to the World Exposition tonight. How about joining us? It's the least I can do for saving my buddy's neck." He interrupted, still gazing at you with those dark eyes you couldn't bring yourself to look away from.

"Yes, that sounds lovely. I very much look forward to it." You said after a moment's reflection. Your sister would be busy with work, what was one night?

"Great! We'll meet you there, doll. Promise me you'll be early." He gave you a crooked smile.


You ripped your eyes away from his and began to walk down the alley, your heart light and full of happiness when-


You turned back around.

"We didn't get your name!" Steve called.

"Y/N! Y/N Carter!"

Boy, was Peggy in for a story.


The men watched as you sauntered down the alley and round the corner, relaxing their shoulders as you disappeared.

"What about those girls you already asked out, Buck? What are you gonna do with them?"

Steve asked anxiously.

Bucky shrugged.

Sure, he knew the girls would be royally pissed at him and he wouldn't blame them. But, it wasn't everyday he ran into a beautiful, bad ass chick such as yourself and he was suddenly grateful his buddy decided to pick a fight today.

Y/N Carter.

"They'll live." He murmured and shoved Steve lightly as they left the alley, both of them excited to see you again.

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