Sam Wilson-Promises, Promises

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      Fluffy fluff...kind of (^-^)

"I have to go."
"Sam, I'm serious."

You sighed and shoved your boyfriend off of your lap, making him tumble onto the carpet.

"Um, OUCH." He said loudly before climbing to his feet with an irritated look.
"I love you." You crooned.

You got up and walked to the room you shared with him to grab your bag for work. What was supposed to be comforting his sick self turned into the both of you rewatching episodes of FRIENDS from 2 in the afternoon until 8 in the evening. Unfortunately, you started your job at the 24 hour diner at 9 and you were dog tired.
You felt a pair of hands grip your waist and Sam spun you around with a little grin.

"Promise you'll be safe?"
You pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"Even when you're on death's door, you're still concerned about me."

"Always will be, babe."

"I promise." You chuckled and strung your bag over your shoulder before sliding around him and grabbing your coat.

"I'll see you in the morning."
"Can't wait!"

You shivered a bit from the night air while you made your way down the barely lit sidewalk. Having enough, you awkwardly tried to tug your coat on and walk at the same time, but you were very uncoordinated and your bag slipped off of your shoulder.

"Best watch where you drop things, little lady."
Two men emerged from the shadows of the small alley that you had walked a few steps past without noticing.

An alley? How...cliché.

"Sorry about that. Didn't mean to cause you any trouble."

You reached for your bag, but the taller man with dark hair and even darker eyes held it a little out of your reach.

"Oh, no trouble caused here. We wouldn't want that, now would we?" The man with dirty blonde hair and teeth as straight as a jagged mountain peak grinned at you. A cold feeling gripped your chest and you deftly snatched your bag away from the first man.

"Thank you, but I have a shift to work." You nodded your head once and turned to walk away when you felt your bag get yanked from your hand.

"We didn't say you could leave."
"No, I say when I can leave. Now give me back my bag, you assholes." You snapped. The tall man's eyes widened angrily and he drew his arm back, slapping you across the face before you could react. Your head snapped to the side and the taste of blood seeped into your mouth.

"Scum women like you should know their place."

He lifted his hand once more and brought it forward, but before it could land on your cheek, you reached out and grabbed his wrist, jerking it in an impossible way. The sound of bone breaking made you grin and you shoved him away from you as he howled in pain and crumpled to the ground.

"Darren! You little bitch!"

The short man lunged at you and you drew back your fist when a large blur crashed into the man, sending him flying into the brick wall. His head hit the bricks audibly and he slid to the ground, unconscious.

"Damn you, Y/N. You promised you'd be safe."

The familiar sound of Sam's voice made you sigh in relief and you rushed to give your boyfriend a big hug.

"No thanks to the man who just tackled this asshole?"
"Bucky." Steve warned.
"Thanks, Buck." You mumbled into Sam's chest. Sam chuckled and squeezed you tightly before pulling away to look at you.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"I'm fine, Sam. Just a little shaken."

"What happened to you?" Bucky nudged the other man who was groaning softly.

"I broke his wrist."
"Oooh, badass. What'd he do?"
"That doesn't matter. I gotta go to work, okay?"

"I slapped her across her whore face. Bitch had it coming." The man snapped.

You shook your head as Bucky, Steve and Sam's eyes clouded with anger.

"You shouldn't talk to a woman like that." Steve snarled.
"I'll show you what you have coming, you piece of shit." Sam moved towards the man as Bucky hauled him to his feet.

"Don't close your eyes. This'll be good." Bucky smirked as you winced at the sound of Sam's fist colliding with the man's jaw. He dropped the limp man to the ground and dusted his hands off.

"Well, that was fun. You should get in trouble more, Y/N, I like seeing Sam's dark side."

Sam shot him the finger before kissing you on your forehead.

"Thanks, boys, but I have a job to do and you, sir, need to get back in the house. I'll see you in the morning?" You said softly. A small smile tugged at his mouth, one that got bigger as you lifted your lips to meet his.

"Shut up."

You broke away and blew Bucky, who was fake retching, and Steve a kiss before reluctantly leaving Sam's arms.
"Promise you'll be safe?" He called as you walked away.
You grinned and turned to poke your tongue at him, making his heart skip a beat at the cute sight.
"I promise!"


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