Always Pt. One | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Reader

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Amount of words: 738
Warnings: Civil War spoilers! And feels. Lots of feels.

Post Civil War

3rd person POV

"Bucky!" Y/N cried as she flew into the room. "Steve told me that you're refreezing yourself."

"It's true Y/N," he said with sad eyes. "But it's better this way." He hugs her tightly.

"I'll miss you Buck," she says. "You're a good friend."

Immediately, Bucky is saddened. He loves her, more than a friend. She kisses his cheek and steps away, allowing Steve to say his goodbye. He watches Steve wrap an arm around her as he is placed into the chamber. He watches as Steve kisses the side of her head. A piece of his heart breaks. He has lost Y/N to his best friend. A tear rolls down his cheek as everything slowly disappears.

"I will always love you Y/N," he thinks as everything fades away.

A l w a y s

~Bucky's POV

It had been two years since I had chosen to refreeze myself. It's been years since I last saw Y/N. Oh how I miss her smile, her laugh, her kindness, her strength. I still love her. Always. I don't tell anybody but Tony that I've come out. I want to surprise them. Tony helps me. Ever since I got out, Tony has been extremely nice to me. He even gave me a new metal arm. It can actually feel things with it now. I walk to Tony's mansion. I want to surprise Y/N. I want to see her smile, hear her laugh. I want to kiss her lips and call her mine. I sneak in through the back door. I stay hidden in the shadows. But to my dismay, she's with Steve. They're dancing. He's holding her close. She looks at him. I can see the love that she has for him in her eyes. A piece of my heart breaks. The song ends. Steve leads her to the front of the DJ stand. The DJ hands him the microphone. The music stops playing.

"I would like to say a few words everybody," Steve says.

He turns to Y/N.

"Y/N, I've been in love with you ever since I first met you. You're smart, you're kind, you're beautiful, and you're the best woman I've ever met. And I want to spent the rest of my life with you." He pulls out a small black box. Another piece of my heart breaks for I know what's about to happen.

"So Y/N, will you marry me?"

~Your POV

"Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" You squeal as Steve puts the ring on your finger. He pulls you into a loving hug and the two of you share a passionate kiss. Everybody claps. You pull Steve out of the spotlight and you head to the back 0f the mansion.

"Why don't you say we head out of here and go into the bedroom," Steve says huskily.

"Why don't you say hello to your old friend first?" A voice behind you says. You whirl around.

"Bucky?" You say astonished. "You're back?" You hug him tightly. "I've missed you so much!" You squeal.

You move aside to let Steve do his thing. "Welcome home Buck," he says as he squeezes Bucky into another tight hug. Bucky looks at you with lust in his eyes. You feel Steve stiffen and you feel him wrap an arm around your waist.

"Do you want to stay in our apartment Buck?" You ask.

"Sure," he says quietly.

You hold Steve's hand as you walk outside. Bucky walks next to you.

"So when did you guys start dating?" he asks on the drive back to your apartment.

"About two years ago," Steve says with a sappy smile on his face.

"Goodbye Bucky," you whispered as the cryo machine thingy was turned on. A single tear rolled down your cheek.

"Y/N?" Steve said softly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Steve," you say harshly.

"Y/N, do you love him?"


"Do you love him?"

"As a friend, why?"

"Because I'm in love with you," he said as he pressed his soft lips to yours.

"I love you too Steve," you say with a smile. "How long have you been in love with me?"

"I've always been in love with you." He looks at you with love in his eyes.


To be continued...

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