Confessions | Steve Rogers x Reader

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Amount of words: 546
Warnings: none

You were shy. Extremely shy. In fact, ever since you joined the Avengers, the only people you've really talked to were Clint and Nat. Clint was your sparring buddy and a good friend and Nat, well, she was the only girl you could really talk to. She was the only person that knew about your major crush on Steve Rogers. But why would he be interested in you? He had Sharon. You could tell that she really liked him. She flirted with him at every chance she could. However, you were too scared to tell him about your feelings for him. Whenever you were around him, you got flustered and you couldn't speak. But on the other hand, Steve also had a crush on you. He thought you were beautiful, smart, strong, and amazing. Whenever he came near you, you would take off and leave the room. This happened a lot. Like last night. It was near the end of one of Tony's parties. A few people were lingering around. You were sitting on the couch by yourself. Then Steve came over and sat next to you. Your heart began to beat faster and you began to sweat. You dismissed yourself quietly and ran to the bathroom. Nat followed you.

"Y/N!" she exclaimed. "You're never gonna get Steve of you keep running away!" she scolded.

"I know," you sighed. "It's just that my feelings for him have really grown so I get really scared that he'll reject me."

"Then find another guy if he rejects you!" She looked at you. "Now grow some balls and ask him out," she said shooing you out of the bathroom.

"Maybe tomorrow Nat," you mumbled. "I'm going to bed." Little did you know that a certain metal-armed soldier was listening in on your conversation.

*time skip to present time brought to you by Steve listening to American Idiot by Green Day for the first time.*

You were at some fort with the Avengers. Bucky and Steve has dragged you all to see some fort from World War II. The fort had a lot of nooks and crannies so you all decided to play hide and seek. As you walked around, your clumsy self tripped on something. As you are embraced yourself to fall, you felt a pair of strong arms catch you.

"Th-thanks," you mumbled to your "savior." You turn around only to see Steve.

"St-Steve?" You managed to squeak. Your breath quickened as he pulled you near him.

"Why do you avoid me Y/N?" he asked you softly. "Do you hate me?"

"No it's just-" You swore you hear Nat yelling at you to woman up at the back of your head. "I kinda-" You sighed. "You see, I-" You couldn't do this.

"You have feelings for me?" Steve whispered. Your eyes widen.

"But how did-how did you know?"

"Bucky told me. He eavesdropped on your conversation with Nat yesterday."

You buried your face in your hands.

"It's okay Y/N," he soothed. "I have feelings for you too," he said as he used a finger to tilt your face up towards him.

"Y-you do?"

He kissed you softly on the lips.

"Of course I do."

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