Distracted |Clint Barton x Reader|

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Amount of Words: 309

Warnings: none

"Okay, okay you've beaten me!" Agent Romanoff struggles under you. You and Agent Romanoff have been sparring for the past hour. So far, she's won every fight. Until now. You hear someone's voice as they come into the gym.

"Well, well, well," the stranger says. "I'm glad to see someone that's beaten the famous Black Widow," he says with a smile. You stand up and walk towards him.

"And who might you be?" You ask.

"Agent Barton. Clint Barton."

"So you're the famous arrow guy, Legolas, and old man?"

He gapes at you. "But how did you?"

"Agent Romanoff has told me all about you," you say with a small smile.

"Only good things I hope?"

"Maybe," you smirk.

"And who are you, gorgeous?"

"I'm agent Y/L/N. Y/F/N Y/L/N. Level seven espionage agent. Agent Romanoff here has been training me."

"And now that you've beaten me," Agent Romanoff says as she joins you. "It's time for you to spar Clint." She walks off and sits on the bench. "Go ahead and start whenever you're ready."

"Ready to be beaten Agent Barton?" You sneer as you get into position.

"Are you?"

Within minutes, Clint's pinned you to the ground.

"What were you saying earli-" he starts.

"Can I tell you something?" You interrupt.


You press your lips to his. Clint's grip on you loosens so you use that chance to flip your positions.

"Number one rule in fighting," you breathe. "Never get distracted by your opponent. No matter how gorgeous they are." And with that, you spring up and grab your gym bag.

"See ya tomorrow Agent Romanoff, Agent Barton," you say as you leave.

Clint doesn't answer. All he can do is stare after you.

Natasha shakes her head as she watches Clint gape at you.

"Oh boy."

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