Homecoming Pt. Two |Peter Parker x Reader|

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Amount of words: 516
Warnings: some cussing

~Peter's POV

She laughs about some lame joke I made and rests her hand on my leg. My heart flutters. Does she love me?

"Peter, I-" she starts. She gets cut off by a flash of bright lights.

"Holy shit!" I yell as I try to swerve the car away.

"Peter!" She cries as she throws herself in front of me.

"Y/N, no!" I shout as the truck collides with my car. The car spins around and finally stops before hitting the school. I pull Y/N out of the car and hold her closely.

"Y/N," I whisper to her. "Why did you do that?"

"The world needs you Peter." She says weakly. "I love-"

Suddenly she falls unconscious.

"Y/N!" I scream. "No!"


I sit on the floor of the hospital in front of Y/N's room. How could I let this happen? She could die because of me. Tony Stark barges into the hallway and stalks towards me. He picks me up by the collar of my suit and pushes me against the wall.

"I trusted you!" he snarls at me. "I trusted you with my daughter! Do you even remember what you promised me?"

A memory flashes through my mind.


"Mr. Stark?" I say when I walk into his office.

"Yeah Spider-boy?"

"I was wondering if--I just wanted to-- um do you mind if I..."

"You want to take my daughter out to homecoming, don't you?" He grumbles. "Yeah I've seen you making goo-goo eyes at her."

I feel my face redden.

"Y-yeah," I stutter. "May I take your daughter to homecoming?"

He lets out a heavy sigh.

"Finnnnnnneeeee," he heaves. "Just promise me you'll keep her safe."

"I promise."


"You promised me you'd keep her safe!" He roars. "What the hell happened out there?!"

"There was a truck that was about to hit us and-" I take a deep breath. "She threw herself in front of me. When the car stopped spinning around, I took her out of the car and she told me that the world needed me. Then she fell unconscious and-" I get cut off by a nurse.

"Mr. Stark?" She says solemnly. "I need to speak with you."

"Sure thing," he replies. He turns around and glares at me. "Don't you dare move," he warns before following the nurse. I slump to the floor. She can't die. She can't! She's Tony Starks daughter. It's nearly impossible for her to die. Tony walks back to me with tears threatening to spill.

"What happened?" I ask shakily.

"She's in a coma," he says as his voice cracks. "My baby's in a coma."

"How long?"

"They don't know." He says coldly while biting his lip. "I'm going in to visit her."

"May I come?" I ask although I already know what the answer is.

"No." He snarls. "You stay the hell away from my daughter. I don't want to see you near her again."

To be continued...

A/N: yeesh I got a little deep....

Requests are open!

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