Marry Me | Loki Laufeyson x Reader

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Requested by Fever09

Amount of words:850
Warnings: none

Y/F/N means your father's name

Your father is a very close friend of Odin so you were best friends with Thor and Loki. You and Loki ended up falling in love and you convinced Loki to not fight Thor. Loki has not told you that he is frost giant yet. You and Loki love each other dearly. However, your father and Odin have agreed for you and Thor to be betrothed yet neither you or Thor know this.


You stare into night. You are currently on a balcony in Asgard's palace. Tonight is Thor and Loki's welcome home party. You wear a long golden dress that sparkles in the moonlight. You lean against the railing, waiting for Loki to arrive.

"Lady Y/N?" someone says from behind you. You turn around.

"Loki!" You squeal as you throw your arms around him. "I've missed you so much!" You mumble into his chest.

"As have I," he whispers as he kisses you gently. "You look stunning," he mumbles against your lips. He pulls away from you. "Lady Y/N," he says softly. "I need to ask you something." He takes your hands. "You are the love of my life, Lady Y/N. You stopped me from fighting my brother. You're so sweet, so kind, so beautiful, so smart, and so strong. I need you in my life." He pauses and kneels down in front of you. "So will you, Y/N Y/L/N marry me?" He asks as he pulls out a ring.

"Yes!" You squeal as he slides the ring up your finger. He stands up again.
"I love you," you say lovingly before you kiss him passionately.


You return to your home later in the night feeling giddy. You notice that your father is still awake.

"Father!" You exclaim. "Loki asked me to marry him!" You show him your ring. "And I said yes!"

"Well that's too bad." Your father says sternly.


"Odin and I came to an agreement. You are betrothed to Thor."

"What?!" You shriek. Your heart pounds. This couldn't be happening, could it?

"The wedding ceremony will be in two weeks."

"No! I don't love Thor! I love Loki!"

"Silence!" Your father shouts. "You will marry Thor and you will not be with that mischievous boy Loki! Now go to your room."

You look at him with tears threatening to fall. You shake your head at him and rush to your room. You slam the door and fall asleep crying.

You wake up early in the morning. You change into a more comfortable clothing and sneak out of the house to see Loki. You walk into the garden and see Loki sitting on one of the benches. You hug him from behind. He turns around and pulls you into a kiss.

"Have you heard the news?" You ask Loki.

"Yes," he says sadly. "But maybe you shouldn't marry me."


"Y/N, I'm a frost giant. Odin isn't my real father." You pull away from him.

"I knew you'd be afraid of me," he mumbles.

"I'm not afraid Loki," you say softly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want to harm you. I didn't want you to see the real me."

"Loki," you whisper soothingly. You wrap your arms around his neck. "That's not the real you. You're the sweet, yet mischievous god that I'm in love with. I don't want to marry Thor. He's just a friend. You're the one I want to marry."



Thor comes into the garden.

"Lady Y/N?" He says. "I've known you for almost all of my life. You've been my best friend for a while. And I'd like to-"

"Keep it that way." You finish. "I feel the same way. You're in love with Jane and as for me?" You gaze at Loki. "I'm in love with Loki."

"Oh Y/N," he whispers as he pulls you in for another kiss. Thor just stands there awkwardly.

"Ahem," a deep voice coughs. You pull away from Loki. Odin and your father stare at the three you with a disapproving glare.

"Loki," Odin says sternly. "Lady Y/N is to be married to Thor. Not you."

"Stay away from Loki," your father warns you.

"But I love him!" You blurt out. "I love Loki. And Thor loves Jane. So why are Thor and I marrying each other if we don't love each other in that way? Love is a choice. And I choose to love Loki."
You take his hand.

"Very well then," Odin states. "Loki, you may marry her as long as Y/F/N approves.

Your father gives a curt nod to Loki. "If you're the one who brings joy to my daughter, then you may marry her."

"Thank you sir," Loki says with a smile. "Now if you'll excuse us, we have a wedding to plan."

Requests are open!

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