See You Again Part Two |Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Reader| *updated*

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A/N: this is a part two to see you again but the song isn't actually in this chapter...but it is a continuation of the previous chapter. Oh and there's some slight Brucetasha so....

Memories will be in italics and translations will be in bold. (Some parts are spoken in Romanian. I used Google Translate so some words may be incorrect.)

Amount of words: 2035

Warnings: feels.....

*updated 11/3/16*

"Steve? Steve!" You sobbed. You crumbled to the ground. Peggy knelt by you and rubbed your shoulders.

"He'll be remembered," she whispered in your ear.

"I will find him," you promised. "And I will give him the funeral he deserves."

You sneak out into the night and steal a jet. Your ship got hit and you crashed. The last thing you saw before going unconscious was Zola's face....

*timeskip to Captain America: The Winter Soldier brought to you by Thor chasing Tony around the Avengers tower since Tony ate all of Thor's poptarts*

You woke up in a dilapidated room. You remembered nothing. You looked to your left and saw a man with a metal arm. You realized that your left arm was made of metal as well. The man helped you stand.

"We have a mission," he said in a gruff voice.

"What is it?"

"To kill Steve Rogers."

The fight was an intense one. But eventually, Steve and Natasha Romanoff beat the two of you. Your mask fell off as you and your partner tumbled down the street. He helped you up and you both looked at Steve. Steve's eyes widened when he saw your faces.

"Bucky? Y/N?"

"Who the hell is Bucky?" your partner snarled. You remained quiet. Suddenly, everything went black. You woke up in constraints next to your partner. They were wiping his memory. You watched in horror as your partner was screaming in pain.

*timeskip to Civil War/Present time brought to you by Steve and Bucky discovering emojis*

You walk into the kitchen to prepare lunch, only to see a man standing in the kitchen. You and Bucky shared an apartment after the events of project insight. Over the past couple of years, you had regained your memories--but Bucky did not. The man turns around. It is Steve.

"Y/N," he says softly. You just stare at him.

"You know me." he says as he walks towards you. You remember that you had dated Steve back in the '40s, yet you didn't want him to know about your memories. You believe it will bring back memories of all the people you killed.

"You're Steve Rogers," you mumble.

"You were one of my best friends in the forties," he murmures as he takes your left hand. You pull your hand away from his. You don't want to hurt him. He looks at you with sad eyes.

"Where's Bucky?" he asks you.

"He went out to get something," you stammer as you back away from him. He takes a few steps closer towards you.

"Y/N, wait. I-" he starts. He's cut off by the door opening.

"Bucky!" you with relief as you run to him and give him a tight hug.

"Bine ai venit acasa." Welcome home.

"Ce face el aici?" he asks you. What is he doing here?

"Nu știu. El caută tine." I don't know. He is looking for you.

"Avem probleme?" Are we in trouble?

"Sper ca nu." I hope not.

Steve walks towards you and Bucky.

"Bucky," he whispers.

"You know me."

*another timeskip brought to you by karaoke night at the Avengers Tower*

You sit next to Bucky in the car.

"Can you move your seat up?" Bucky asks the bird man.

"No." he responds. You pat Bucky's knee.

"Acolo acolo," you soothe him. There, there.

You watch Steve get their equipment from a blonde girl. You see them kiss. Your heart pounds. Did he not love you anymore? Bucky notices you tense up. He takes your hand and you bury your face in his shoulder. A few tears drip down your face.

"E în regulă prietenul meu," he whispers in your ear. It's okay my friend. "Sunt sigur că încă te iubește." I'm sure he still loves you.

"esti sigur?" Are you sure?

"sunt pozitiv." I'm positive.

When Steve reenters the car, he sees Bucky holding you and his heart breaks. He's still in love with you but he doesn't think you love him back.

When you arrive at a rest stop, you leave the car without a word. Steve stares at you longingly.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asks Bucky.

"She still loves you Steve," he replies softly. "She saw you and that chick making out. She doesn't think you love her anymore."

"She remembers me?"


"I've really screwed up this time, haven't I?"

"You really did punk."


You return to the car with your head down. Steve grabs your arm.

"Y/N, can we talk?" he pleads with puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

"Fine," you say coldly. You follow him to an enclosed spot.

"Do you remember me?" he asks you softly.

You don't say anything.

"Do you?"

"Yes," you sigh.

"Then why did you pull away when I took your hand? Why did you back away from me?" he asks sadly.

"I didn't want to hurt you."

"Y/N," he whispers as he touches your face lightly. You jerk back, surprised by his touch. "I-" he gets cut off by Sam.

"We gotta go Steve," he says. You walk away from Steve quickly. You're afraid that if you date Steve again, then you'll hurt him.

"Y/N!" Steve calls after you. You ignore him and keep walking.

"Y/N!" He's right behind you now. "Y/N, I love you!"

"Stop it Steve," you snap at him. "Don't you have a new girlfriend to tell that too?" He grabs your arm and turns you around.

"Sharon's not my girlfriend," he growls. "Isn't Bucky your new boyfriend?"

"Bucky's my friend," you argue. "He's my family."

"Then that means I can do this," he whispers.


He interrupts you by pulling you close towards him and pressing his lips against yours. You feel yourself begin to melt  into the kiss but you pull away. You can't do it anymore.

"I-I can't," you stammer in shock.

"Y/N, I-"

"We should go," you mumble as you walk away. Heartbroken, Steve lowers his head and defeat and follows you to the car.

"I'm sorry," he says loud enough for only you to hear.

But you don't respond.


As you fight against the Avengers on Tony's side, you feel several sharp pains on your side. You look down only to see blood spreading on the side of your suit. You collapse to the ground. Steve sees you fall and rushes towards you.


"I've been hit Steve," you whisper hoarsely.

"You can't die on me!" he says in anguish. "Captain's orders."

"You know I was never good at following orders," you chuckle. "Especially yours."

He strokes the side of your face as tears drip down his face.

"I can't lose you again," he quavers.

"I'm sorry Steve," you breathe. "But this, th-this is th-the end of the line f-for me. Now g-go protect that j-jerk Bucky for me w-will ya?"

You take one final breath as the light leaves your eyes and your body grows cold in Steve's arms.

"No!" he shouts in despair.

"I love you Y/N," he sobs as he lowers your body to the ground. "I'm sorry."

"Clint!" he yells desperately.

"Yeah Cap?"

"Bring her home for me."

"Yes sir."

~three years later

You've been living with Clint for the past three years. Turns out you weren't completely dead. You were mostly dead. Not completely dead. There's a difference. (A/N ten points to anyone who understood my reference XD) You were given a miracle pill that awakened you. You convinced Clint to let you live with his wife, Laura, and kids. Clint only told Natasha about your survival. She became one of your best friends.  As you make lunch for the kids, someone knocks on the door. You go answer it. It's Natasha.

"Hey Nat!" you greet her.

"Get dressed we're going out," she tells you as she walks into the house.


"We're going to a wedding."


"I'll tell you in the car."


After getting dressed, you follow Nat to her car. You slide into the passengers seat and buckle in while she starts the car.

"So who's getting married?" you ask her.

"Guess," she says.

"Tony and Pepper?"


"Uh, Thor and Jane?"


"Bucky and some girl?"


"You and Bruce?" She slaps you playfully.

"No!" She looks at you and her eyes soften.

"It's Steve and Sharon, isn't it," you mumble.

"Yeah," she says softly.

"Then why are you taking me there? You know I still love him!"

"That's exactly why I'm taking you there! Listen, Sharon's nice and all but Steve doesn't know what he's doing! This is your last chance for you and Steve to get back together again!"



"Nat, no."

"Y/N, yes."


"Please?" she asks you with a look that could kill.

"Fine," you groan. "But it isn't going to be easy."

~fast forward a couple of hours

You step into the church foyer. Nat left you to find Bruce and three seats. You head to the bathroom to freshen up, only to run into Steve.

"Y/N?" he asks with shock. "You're alive?"

"Surprise," you laugh sadly. He throws his arms around you.

"I've missed you so much! Who brought you here?"

"Nat did," you say.

"Y/N, I-"

"Steve, I understand. Sharon's the one you love now. Not me," you say while trying to prevent tears from falling. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to use the ladies room." You run away from him. You missed Steve. He doesn't love you anymore. You think. He loves Sharon now. You sigh. It's time for you to move on. You find Nat and Bruce sitting in the church. You take a seat by Nat and she squeezes your hand.

"You can do this Y/N," she whispers to you. The wedding begins. You see Steve looking at you so you lower your head. What are you doing here? You wonder. You're watching the man you love get married to another woman. You have to control your feelings. You just have to. Sharon walks down the aisle. She looks beautiful. No wonder Steve chose her. She reaches the altar and Steve takes her arm. You sigh heavily. When the vows begin, you realize that you can't take it anymore.

"I can't do this," you whisper to Nat. "I'm sorry,"

"I understand," she whispers back as she shoves a few bills into your hand. "Go take a taxi. I'm sorry I made you do this. I thought you could change his mind."

"I thought so too."

You stand up and quietly shuffle your way out of the pew. You almost reach the back door when you hear Steve call your name. You break into a run.

"Y/N!" he yells as you disappear from the church.

"Steve!" Sharon wails.

"I'm sorry Sharon, but you're not the one for me," he says as he stalks off.

"Steve!" she sputters.

"Goodbye Sharon."

You burst out of the church with tears streaming down your eyes. You knew you should of never come. You take out your phone to call a taxi when you here someone behind you. You turn around. It's Steve.

"Steve?" you manage to squeak out.

"It's you that I love Y/N," he blurts. "I only dated Sharon to try to get my mind off your death and one thing lead to another and-" he stops to take a breath. "You're the one I'm in love with Y/N," he confesses. "Not Sharon, but you."

"Shut up," you say as you pull him into a kiss. "I'm in love with you too Steve," you mumble against his lips.

"I love you to the moon and back."

"I love you more."

"I love you the most."

The End

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