Time bomb | Bucky Barnes x Reader

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Amount of words: 987
Warnings: some cussing

High School/College AU

The two of you were a time bomb. No one knew when the two of you would explode at each other. The two of you were a time bomb.

The summer you met James Buchanan Barnes was a hectic one. You met James Buchanan Barnes (he preferred Bucky) at a summer camp in which you both were counselors. When your eyes met, something just clicked. Was he the one? No, he couldn't be. You barely knew him.

"Like what ya see doll?" He had asked you with a smirk.

"Oh I've seen better," you snapped.

Turns out he was your partner in the outdoor activities station. Lovely. At least you didn't have to share a room with him. Bucky ended up becoming an enemy of yours. You and him would always argue and yell at each other. You hated him. On the other hand, Bucky felt something for you. He loved your feistiness, your strength, your passion, and your looks. You were glad when camp was over. You would finally get away from Bucky. Bucky however, felt the opposite.


On the first day of school as a junior, you were late for class. Really late. You made a mental note to stay off of Wattpad at one in the morning A/N: I need to learn how to do this XD or else you'd be late for class. As you rushed to your first period, you rammed into a guy. Turns out that guy was Bucky. He helped you up. You just scowled at him and stalked away from him. Fortunately, you didn't have any classes with him. Unfortunately, he had the same lunch period as you. You sat with your best friends, Natasha, Clint, and Steve. Steve became your best friend when he moved to your school from Brooklyn. However, you didn't know that Steve and Bucky were best friends in Brooklyn.

Bucky came up behind Steve and said "Remember me punk?" Steve gasped and hugged Bucky. (The bromance is real...) Bucky then proceeded to sit down next to you.

"Remember me doll?" he asked you with his famous smirk.

"How could I forget?" you had responded sarcastically. You huffed in annoyance and stalked off.

That high school year was a disaster. You and Bucky would argue about everything. He would get jealous when other guys hit on you. He got extremely jealous when Steve asked you out--and you said yes. You attend junior prom with Steve. Bucky followed the two of you around the entire time until you yelled at him to stay away. You spent your summer with Steve...with Bucky third wheeling the entire time.

Senior year wasn't any better. You had all your classes with Bucky and he still followed you around everywhere. You still fought and argued with him a lot. By the time homecoming rolled around, you had enough. Steve had gone to get some refreshments for the two of you, meaning you were alone. You and Bucky had gotten into a terrible fight. He thought you were using Steve to make him jealous. You were in disbelief. He really thought that? You disagreed with him and you  yelled at him to leave you alone--forever. He realized what he'd done. So he left you with tears in his eyes.


During the summer before college, you didn't see Bucky at all. You felt kinda bad for what happened at prom. You and Steve ended up breaking up. He was joining the military and you were going to a school for [whatever occupation you want]. You thought you could finally get away from Bucky. But you thought wrong. He ended up becoming your roommate. You expected the worst. But instead, he was actually nice to you. You decided to be nice to him as well. But whenever you brought a boy over, Bucky would get jealous. Whenever Bucky brought a girl over, you felt something. Was it jealousy? Could you be feeling something for James Buchanan Barnes? You pushed those feelings away.

A few months later, your boyfriend broke up with you. Because he was tired of Bucky hitting on you. You came into your dorm room in tears.

"Y/N?" He asked softly. "What's wrong?"

You ignored him.

"Y/N?" He grabbed your arm.

"Let go of me!" You snarled at him. "Drew broke up with me because of you!"


"He got tired of your shenanigans so he broke up with me!"

"Well he wasn't good enough for you." He grumbled.

"Why do you do this to me?!" You cry. "Why do you always try to break up all the relationships I'm in? Why are you nice to me one day and rude to me the next? Why do you flirt with me for a minute and then criticize everything I do the next? Why James? Why?!"

"Because I love you." He whispers.

You don't believe him.

"Go fuck yourself," you snarl at him.

"I'd rather fuck you," he says in a low growl as he grabs you and presses his lips to yours. For some reason it felt right. You kissed him back. You felt him move his hands to underneath your shirt. You pulled away.

"Forget Barnes," you growled as you stomped off.

The next morning, you woke to the smell of pancakes. You entered the kitchen. Bucky had made pancakes for the two of you.

"Y/N," he said sadly. "I'm sorry for everything. I really do love you. He looked at you with puppy dog eyes. "Will you please give me a second chance?"

You ran to him and gave him a hug.

"I love you too James Buchanan Barnes."

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