Who lives, who dies, who tells your story |Steve Rogers x Reader|

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Amount of words: 1665

Warnings: i mean I'm using lyrics from Hamilton of course it's gonna be feels

Important A/N: I apologize for the long wait for requests. I am working on them it's just that lately I've been having a lot of school, orchestra, and church. I will be updating preferences and Fam Jam tomorrow and I might be able to get up one request tomorrow as well. Okay let's get on to the one-shot, shall we?

*Uses quotes from various songs from Hamilton*

*most lyrics are from act two so it'll get feelsy....especially since I accidentally went overboard with Burn. Oops.*

*lyrics in italics*

Oh and if you like Sharon, I apologize since she's kinda the Maria Reynolds in here....

And one last thing: it's like almost 12:30 am where I live so I'm tired and I'm not gonna proofread tonight just let me know (nicely) if there's any grammatical errors and I'll fix it later

How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman dropped in the middle of the forgotten spot in the Caribbean by providence, impoverished, in squalor, grow up to be a hero and a scholar?

You were an orphan that grew up in the Caribbean. Ever since the age of 12, you were on your own. You fended for yourself. You fought and wrote your way out, to seek a new life in America., to leave behind your rough past, to become a new person.

In New York you can be a new man

You traveled to New York and there you met Nick Fury. You got a job at SHIELD. You became an agent with Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton as your mentors. Soon, you became stronger, smarter, and quicker than them. They were the only Avengers that knew about you.

Then one night, Natasha brought you to one of Stark's parties, where you met him.

I have never been the one to try to grab the spotlight

We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night

You were shy. You didn't know what to expect. So you lurked in the corner by yourself, watching the Avengers (mainly Tony and Clint) make drunk fools of themselves.

Then you walked in and my heart went boom

Tryin catch your eye from the side of the ballroom

Everybody's dancin and the band's top volume

Steve Rogers walked into the room, fashionably late. You couldn't keep your eyes off of him. The music blared as everyone danced and you followed Steve from a distance. The man was your hero. You looked up to him as a child. Maybe, you'd get a chance to meet him. But for now, you admired him from afar.

Then you look back at me and suddenly I'm Helpless

Oh, look at those eyes

Oh! Yeah I'm helpless

Helpless I know

Steve looked back and your Y/E/C eyes met his baby blues. He smiled at you and walked towards you.

"Y/N L/N," you said, holding your hand out to shake.

"Steve Rogers," he replied, kissing your hand.

"I know," you said with a grin. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you, for your service."

"If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it."

He took your arm and brought you to the dance floor. 

"May I have this dance ma'am?"

"You may."

He wrapped his arms around you and right there and then, you knew you were helpless.

From there on, you and Steve were inseparable. Steve became the one you trained with and Nat and Clint shipped you two. With Steve's help, you became a level 7 agent and a member of the Avengers team. Unfortunately, you were better at hacking into things and strategizing their missions. They kept you off the field and kept you in the Quinjet so that you could do your yhing. You became the unknown Avenger. The press never seemed to care about you. The fans never knew your name. None of your fellow agents seemed to care that you were an Avenger. So you worked non-stop, with hopes that you might become noticed, that just maybe, your story would be told. You just had to wait for it.

You and Steve finally started a relationship with each other after the constant nagging of the other Avengers that shipped you two. He was the perfect guy.

Even when Steve and the team's support, you still worked hard for your story to be told. You were able to convince the team to let you join them on missions--they reluctantly agreed. Steve began to grow worried for you. You were working and fighting too much.

Look at where you are

Look at where you started

The fact that you're alive is a miracle

To stay alive that would be enough

Steve desperately tried to get you to take a break. But you refused.

Then, the Civil War broke out between Tony and Steve. You joined Steve's side--not just because he was your boyfriend, but because in your heart, it was the right thing to do. The war caused you to slowdown your work. You spent the majority of that year in hiding with the rest that were on Steve's side. Including Sharon Carter. She would always flirt with Steve whenever you weren't around. Sam made sure you knew about this. You kept quiet about it, not wanting to cause any drama.

Steve and Tony finally made up and Ross was fired. The Avengers reformed. You and Steve got engaged.

One day, you got off a mission early and you decided to surprise Steve. You walked into your shared bedroom and your heart broke. He was with Sharon. And things were getting a little steamy.

"Steve?" You managed to croak out.

I knew you were mine

You said you were mine

I thought you were mine

"Y/N?" He gasped. "It's not what it looks like I-"

"How could you?"

"How could he what?" Sharon cut in. "You're nothing. You're the unknown Avenger. No one cares for you. No one cares about your stupid story or your so called legacy. Steve doesn't need you. The world doesn't need you," she taunts.

"Great choice Rogers," you spat as you slammed the door closed and ran to your original room in the tower.

I'm searching and scanning for answers

In every line

For some kid of sign

When you were mine

You pulled out every memory of him. Every letter, every picture, anything, to try to find something, to prove that he was once yours.

The world seemed to burn



Steve knocked on your door and tried to come in.

"Y/N? Please let me come in. Please let me explain."

He begged. You refused to fall for it.

You forfeit all rights to my heart

You forfeit the place in our bed

You'll sleep in your office instead

With only the memories

Of when you were mine

I hope that you


With a broken heart, you opened the door to Steve. Tears stained your cheeks. Your eyes were puffy from the crying.

"I hope you that you burn Steven," you said in a strangled voice before shoving your ring in his hand and slamming the door in his face.

A few weeks later, you were assigned to another mission. An "easy mission" they claimed. Ha.

You boarded the Quinjet and you were greeted by a familiar face. Steve.

"Y/N," he whispered, his face full of hope. He took your hand.

"I'm sorry,"

"I know," you sighed.

"Will you ever forgive me?"

You didn't answer. You walked away from him.

"The mission's simple. Get in, get the Hydra stuff, get out," you said stiffly.

"Y/N," he sighs sadly.

"Not now Captain," you respond. "After."

"As you wish."

Turns out the "simple mission" was an ambush by Hydra. You, Steve and your team of agents did your best to fight back? But they were too strong. You had to retreat. As you ran back to the Quinjet, you noticed a sniper that was aiming for Steve out of the corner of your eye. Steve didn't see him. You threw yourself towards Steve, knocking him over, and causing you to take the hit.

"Y/N!" He cried as he realized what happened. "Hold on Y/N," he murmured as he scooped you up and carried you to the Quinjet. "Stay alive."

"Saved your ass again Rogers," you chuckled softly.

"I know, I know," Steve breathed.

I know I know

I know I know

I know you did everything just right.

"I-I'm sorry Steve," you stuttered. You didn't have much longer.

"I know, save your strength and stay alive," Steve whimpered.

"Just please, tell the world my story," you asked him.

"I promise," he whispered, grasping your hand.

"I love you Steven Grant Rogers."

"I love you too Y/N L/N."

I imagine death so much it feels like a memory

When's it gonna get me

On my feet

Several feet ahead of me

I see it coming, do I run, fire my gun, or let it be

There is no beat, no melody

*timeskip brought to you by Steve moping around because of your death while singing It's Quiet Uptown*

Let me tell you what I wish I'd known, when I was young and dreamed of glory

You have no control

Who lives, who dies, who tells your story

Steve kept his word and did his best to spread your story to all. To your hometown, to New York, to other countries, to everywhere.

I interview every soldier who fought by your side

Steve got the other Avengers to share their story if you as well. He missed you so much. Everyday he'd head to your grave and talk about his day. He couldn't wait to see you again.

Oh, I can't wait to see you again

It's only a matter of time

Will they tell your story


Who lives, who dies, who tells your story


Will they tell your story


Who lives, who dies who tells your story

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