Mischief and Thunder

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A/N A part of this really does not make sense, a kind of AU wheee Loki is to become King of Asgard if you will?

Warnings: Fluff into smut
Word Count: 887


You watched as Thor paced the floor in front of you, hammer swinging slightly at his thigh. His eyes held brewing storms, greying clouds rolling deep within his iris'. You gulped. Not exactly scared of the Odinson - but you did watch in an apprehensive manner. Scared of his actions toward the God of Mischief, rather than yourself.
"You're sleeping with my brother!" The Thunderer growled, lifting his hammer up and tracing the fine detail of the head with his finger, nostrils flared, breathing erratic. "Fratenizing with the enemy...!" He continued, looking up sharply, jaw set in a stone lock grip.
Thor's eyes grew dark and in return, you rolled your own at his lack of control. "Fratenizing with the enemy? I'm not fratenizing with anyone! Let alone the enemy..." Your tone contained annoyance and the hint of anger you conveyed sunk deep into Thor's expression - his features becoming the hardened marble you saw throughout the many halls of the Asgardian Palace. His head twitched slightly and you could tell he was quite clearly taken aback. Afterall, nobody usually talks back to a God.
"He is my enemy and-!"
"Yes! Your enemy! Not mine..." As you spoke through gritted teeth, you watched as Thor's shoulders slouched, tongue peeking out from the hideout of his lips.
"This is betrayal..." He pointed his finger down, as if lay in front of him was an account of every horrific act you'd committed. "This... How can you do this..." His head cocked back slightly and you broke your gaze with him, an undeniable wave of shame flooding your veins.
"No..." From somewhere deep inside, you found the courage to stand up to the God "You say Loki is your enemy and... for what? Because he doesn't fit your 'Divine ideology' of rebuilding Asgard?" You could see your questions had stumped the Thunderer.
Why did Thor see Loki as his enemy?
"Asgard was once a gorgeous city, yes. But things change, people change, Thor. Loki has changed..."
Moments passed, a lifetime passed. Thor finally spoke up, his voice so deep and comanding you thought you could burst out crying at any second.
"My brother is the God of Mischief and I will not stand-!" You jumped at his sudden outburst of rage, however stood your ground, head held high, chin up.
"No!" You screamed at him. It was all you could do to get him to quieten down. Thor was never going to tolerate your relationship with Loki, you knew that, Loki knew that. But you wouldn't have him shouting at you as if you were one of the commoners down in the underbelly of the Asgardian town. You were a Princess - soon to be Queen - and you would allow no man or God the right to talk to you in such a manner. "Talk about Loki in anyway other than praise and you'll wish we were your enemy..."
With this, you turned on your heel, lifting your skirt slightly as you walked with determination to the golden arches, leading out into the hall and leaving Thor alone.

"My Queen!" Loki greeted from the bed as you stormed into his chamber, the look of love he sported quickly turning to concern as the door slammed shut behind you - shaking the chamber and the whole of Asgard with it. "My Queen, what's the matter?"
You paced the room for a moment, head low, rage coursing through your veins. "Thor..." Was the only word you had to say for Loki to understand. You spoke through gritted teeth, your jaw set in a stone lock grip, clasped tight off your own accord to stop yourself from screaming to the high heavens.
"Thor has always had a temper, My Love, you won't please him- You can't please him..." Loki tried hard to reassure you, however his words came through as a muddle of white noise you quickly dismissed.
"My Love..." He spoke softly now, trying to appeal to your calmer nature and, with his words, you soon realised you had left Thor alone, you were in the presence of his brother - the one you trusted, the one you loved.
Your jaw slackened, heart rate lowering as you brought your gaze to Loki who was still lay in bed, sheets strewn messily over his waist, marble torso exposed to the suns rays. He held his hand out for you to take, a smile pinching at his lips when he saw you move over to the bed, slipping your hand into his palm and taking a seat on his lap - stradling his waist and looking down upon his gaze.
"You have to forget my brother, he thinks he's the be all and end all around here..." You giggled as Loki traced your arm with his chilled fingers, bringing them up to your shoulders and tugging gently at the straps of your gown. He began to kiss your chest and you lolled your head back to grant him easier access, your own fingers traveling to his raven locks, tangling within the briars of his morning curls.
"I can think of no better way to forget about the stress your brother has caused..." Loki chuckled at your remark, placing his hands on your hips as he gently nipped at the exposed skin of your neck.

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