Romanoff and Barnes Training

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A/N - This is based off a textpost I saw on Tumblr agessss ago, I can't find it atm but when I do, I'll attach it as a media!

Warnings: Nsfw(ish)
Word Count: 425


"That's it! I am never training with Bucky again!" Natasha stormed into the lounge, hands above her head in mock surrender. You cocked your head to the side, glancing up from your book and furrowing your brows in confusion - catching Natasha's disgruntled visage in your peripheral.
"What's happened now?" Tony sighed, strolling in from the kitchen, throwing an apple from his fingertips towards the ceiling and swiftly catching it in the palm of his hand not a second later. "The White Wolf beat you again, perhaps?"
"Oh ho, no! I'd say I beat him pretty well. A little too well, some may say..." At Natasha's cryptic clue, Bucky followed in her wake, hands held out in front of him - as if he knew he had to calm the situation before he even spoke a word. His face conveyed sorrow, teeth gritted, eyes squinting slightly.
After a moment of thickly hung tension and stares of 'Don't you dare' from Bucky and 'Oh, I dare' from Natasha, Tony spoke up, voicing his mock impatience.
"Would anyone care to enlighten us? Or are the none Russian's not allowed to know?" He added as he took a large bite from the Snow White apple and stood, arms folded over each other, hips cocked slightly.
"We were training, and I-"
"Nat!" Natasha shot Bucky a white hot stare at his interuption and - as a puppy would - he cowered back slightly, hanging his head at his wrong-doing.
"We were training, and I took Bucky in a headlock..."
"And?" You wondered, seeing Bucky's cheeks blush crimson as her - rather tame - story progressed.
"And, when I began to squeeze, he said 'Harder, Daddy'!" Tony sputtered at the ending, spitting his apple a foot in front of him, keeling over in genuine laughter. Bucky's cheeks looked as though he'd been slapped a hundered times over and his head still hung low as you too began a thunderous laugh - joining Tony's caucophany of noise.
As the moment passed and the laughter began to die down - Natasha still seething with anger, Bucky still disappointed with his carelessness - Steve sauntered in, his expression slightly confused at the mixed emotions hanging in the air.
"What's going on, here?" At his question, yourself and Tony glanced at each other once more, another wave of laughter washing over you and filling the Avengers dining room.

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