Anastasia Jones

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❝I would love to have a pet cat, though I fear being a hero is too dangerous for pets❞

Name: Anastasia Christine Jones
Nickname: Ana
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Strait
Alias: Blazing Star
Alignment: Hero
Teams: Young Avengers, X-men


Parents: Angelica Jones, Firestar, & TBD
Siblings: None
Grandparents: Bart Jones
Aunts & Uncles: None
Cousins: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Other family members: None
Love interest: Konan Julian 'Kj' Amorason


Future Visions, nine lives, healing factor, spirit speaking

Inherited abilities
Energy Blasts, Electronic Disruption, Energy Absorption, Energy Manipulation, Energy Shield, Energy-Enhanced Strike, Fire Control, Flight, Heat Generation, Fire immunity, Heat Vision, Light Projection, Radiation

Race: Mediterranean
Species: Mutant
Hair: brown fading to red
Hair style: high ponytail
Eyes: hazel
Piercings: ears are pierced
Weapons: none
Other: wears glasses

Everyday clothes

Super suit

❝My demons are begging me to open up my mouth. I need them mechanically make the words come out. They fight me, vigorous and angry, watch them pounce. Ignite me, licking at the flames they bring about❞

Backstory Info
I've had a rather quiet childhood. Where do I really begin? I've been alone with my mother as long as I can remember, the only other relative I know of is my maternal grandfather, but she doesn't talk to him much anymore. My dad is no longer around, my mother hasn't told me why... personally I like to believe he's dead and gone. I've grown up at the school for the gifted, since I had a virtually single mother. I am a mutant, who gained similar fire powers to my mother, though I've always wanted to find something new, a purpose. I've always wanted to have pets and travel, but also find love and settle down. I guess I'm all over the place, but I'd enjoy that, I personally am alone quite often, I don't have many friends. I'm more shy and quiet, though will speak up when need be.
I have a boyfriend, Kj, though I don't get to see him too often. I enjoy his company, he's just so sweet to me... I wish I could spend more time with him. I get nervous when got to his base, but I guess that just might be due to not being close with  or knowing the people who live there. I love him, and would love to spend my life with him. Sometimes I worry, he's a god, he will live on long after I'm gone. Sometimes I wonder if he would replace me... I'd understand why if he would, it just... hurts. I don't like thinking about it. I just want to spend the time I have on this plane of reality with him,  until death shall do us part. I wouldn't never ask him to give up his godhood or any of that sort... one can dream, but in the end, the time I spend with him is all that matters.

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