Caroline Barnes

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❝Hydra ruined my childhood. I had none, they took my siblings from our father, Zach and I had it the worst. They turned him into a weapon, while I was one of their many superhuman assassins.❞

Name: Caroline Marie Barnes
Nickname: Carol
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Strait
Alias: Arctic Angel
Alignment: Antihero
Teams: Young Avengers, Hydra


Parents: James Barnes, The Winter Soldier, & TBD
Siblings: Zachary & Jasmine, Adoptive siblings Tommy & Isabella
Grandparents: George & Winnifred Barnes (Both Deceased)
Aunts & Uncles: None
Cousins: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Other family members: None
Love interest: Adam Romanoff


Inherited abilities
Super Strength, Enchanved physical Abilities, increased stamina & agility

Gifted powers

Race: White
Species: Super Soldier
Hair: Blonde
Hair style: side bang that covers left side of face, the rest is pulled up into a high ponytail
Eyes: brown eyes, though the left is now grey
Height: 5'5
Piercings: ears and eyebrow is pierced
Weapons: guns, daggers, occasional sword, Mechanical wings
Other: has a scar going over her left eye, which has blinded her. She has been given mechanical winds in her back and her left arm was replaced and made mechanical
Holder of the Space stone

Everyday clothes

Super suit

(Also her villain outfit)

❝I know you're dying to meet me, But I can just tell you this. Baby, as soon as you meet me, You'll wish that you never did.❞

Backstory Info
Hydra kidnapped most of my siblings, and myself at young age. They stripped us of our childhoods, and it was only recently we were freed and joined the young avengers to fight against them. I inherited my father's superhuman abilities, which seeing as his offspring where more super soldiers, we where the perfect targets. I've fought many battles and taken part of many missions unwillingly, I now an blinded in an eye which is scarred over, I lost an arm. They gave me wings, which the process was extremely painful. Once my newfound friends freed me, my life has been changed ever since. I'm glad Jasmine was spared from their clutches, I though came out the worst battered of the bunch. I know Zach sometimes has a hard time looking at me, maybe because I'm the second youngest, and as my elder brother, he couldn't protect me. I want to protect Jasmine, make her smile.
Adam saved me. When my mind was freed from hydra, I remained at his side. It look a long time to open up to him and talk, but her remained there. We did indeed fall in love, maybe it was because he saved me, or maybe it was because he was willing to invest time in me and wait. I may never know, but I'll always be grateful for what he gave me. I... I want to have a family with him. I want to grow old with him at his side and enjoy every moment together. I never knew someone could feel some completely with another person, but my god, he managed that too. I plan to always be here with him, for as long as we live. I don't need someone with superhuman gifts, just heart. He's the heart of the team, he shines... don't ever tell him I said that though, he'd be embarrassed... but it's true.

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