Dominic Danvers

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❝I hate agreeing with Selena ever, but you are right, I may be a bit arrogant...❞

Name: Dominic Deon Danvers, Dominicus-Vell
Nickname: Dominic
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Strait
Alias: Photon Star
Alignment: Hero
Teams: Young Avengers


Parents: Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel & Captain Mar-Vell
Siblings: Selena & Jase, half siblings with Theodore & Phyla
Grandparents: Joe & Mari-Ell Danvers (Both Deceased)
Aunts & Uncles: None
Cousins: None
Nieces & Nephews: Wisteria, Zenith, Zen, Kathrine & Anna Lynn
Other family members: None
Love interest: Brielle Banner


Inherited abilities
Energy Blasts, cosmic energy, Energy Absorption, Energy Based Constructs, Energy Manipulation, Energy-Enhanced Strike, Flight, radiation generation, light projection, cosmic energy blasts, Healing factor, Levitation, Super flight Speed, super Strength

Race: White
Species: Half Kree, Half Human
Hair: Blonde
Hair style: short
Eyes: Dark Blue
Height: 5'11
Piercings: ears are pierced
Weapons: none
Other: none

Everyday clothes

Super suit

❝I used to roll the dice, Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes. Listened as the crowd would sing, "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" One minute I held the key, Next the walls were closed on me. And I discovered that my castles stand, Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand.❞

Backstory Info
I am the oldest of my siblings, and the older twin at that. I have two older half siblings, being Theodore Altman, the King of the Kree Skrull Empire, and Phyla-Vell, a space warrioress. My father passed over a decade ago, from cancer. I don't remember a lot from when he was around, and I wish I got to spend more time with him. I only have stories from our mother... I... don't get along with my siblings, to put it bluntly. Selena and I, we just... don't click. I shouldn't comment on her appearance, but god... I hate what she did. I hate how she shaved both sides of her head and dyed the rest purple. Her face is covered in piercings, she disregards what I say, the crazy makeup... I shouldn't complain, but it's just... ugly. I miss when we used to look alike, I get she's 'finding herself', but I believe she's just rebelling or something, I couldn't tell you why she's changed so much. Personally, I couldn't manage all three of those at once. I'm fine with girls wearing make up, having colorful hair and piercings, I just personally don't like facial piercings. She's my sister and not a girlfriend, but it's just unsettling to look at because all I can think about is all that metal getting ripped out of her face in a fight or just the idea of willingly having needles pierced her like that. I only have earrings since our mother had us get them when we where younger, since Selena wanted to get them and I wanted to look just like her. Jase is just a pain in the ass, I get that's what younger siblings are supposed to be, I just hate dealing with his behavior.
There's this girl I like, but I don't want to hurt her. I'm cynical and rude, I don't think she'd like me. Maybe I believe everything Selena tells me, that I act like a d-bag and no girl would actually like me. I mean, I've watched almost all the other guys get girlfriends, and I keep getting skipped over. I've tried to get a few different people already, But every time I've been ready to go for it, someone else came along. First was Anastasia, but I guess she wanted to date a real god. Then there was Merida, but she started dating Thunder, which I couldn't compete with someone who would go over the top for her. Taylor was next, But I was nervous to ever go near her since Adam already fought Gene... and now she's dating Eden. Belladonna was a crush I had for about a day, but... Zane instantly treated her like the princess she is, and I was immediately done for. I thought Voltz was beautiful, but she being an Android, I didn't want to risk her not actually liking me since she's not human, I didn't want her affection to be disingenuous... Now it's Brielle, and I don't know what to do. She's so beautiful and intelligent... but so much stronger than I am. She could snap me like a twig if she wanted. That's not the issue, I just... how do I impress a girl that's physically dominating and brighter than the sun? Telling her how beautiful she is will only get you so far, and sound so shallow... I'm not a romantic... I'm just a guy who's going to loose another girl to someone probably more deserving.

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