Dustin Belova

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❝I cant stop chewing holes in my own clothing...❞

Name: Dustin Lunella Belova
Nickname: Dustin
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Alias: MothMan
Alignment: Villain
Teams: Villains


Parents: Adopted by Yelena Belova, White Widow
Siblings: Adoptive Siblings June & Nikita
Grandparents: Unknown
Aunts & Uncles: Natasha
Cousins: Adam, Alanie, Taylor, Carla, & Elliot
Nieces & Nephews: None
Other family members: None
Love interest: None

Bio Parents: Unknown
Bio Siblings: Unknown
Bio Grandparents: Unknown
Bio Aunts & Uncles: Unknown
Bio Cousins: Unknown
Bio Nieces & Nephews: Unknown
Other Bio family members: Unknown


Flight, Dark vision, Chemical secretion, Chemical sensing, Toxin Immunity

Race: polynesian
Species: Mutant
Hair: white
Hair style: short
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'3
Piercings: ears are pierced
Weapons: Daggers
Other: Has moth wings and antennas

Everyday clothes

Super suit


❝I move like a moth or a butterfly, Craving a change in the wind... I swirl by all the insects and all the flies, Watching the cycle they're in...❞

Backstory Info
I was abandoned, left behind... some mutants cone out with their physical characteristics, but powers don't kick in until puberty. My parents where horrified, so abandoned me. I was found by Yelena, in an alley when returning home from a red room raid mission. She chose to take me in, and along with my two sisters, grew up together. I don't want to find my bio family, they where cruel... they abandoned me, i have no love for those who show cruelty to those undeserving of it. I have a small hatred for humans, i mean June, my protector, and Yelena, my savior, are humans, and i love them... but they're outliers. I have to be rid of the hate in my heart to move forward, but for now, i cannot. I feel horrible for breaking their hearts, but i have to find my own path...

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