Gemma Gold

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❝Alright, I'm going to take a backseat on this one, please don't set something on fire, I could really use a break from being the responsible one of the group.❞

Name: Gemma Gemstone Gold
Nickname: Gemma
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alias: Lark
Alignment: Hero
Teams: young Avengers


Parents: Melissa Gold, Songbird, & TBD
Siblings: None
Grandparents: Unnamed Grandfather & Mimi Gold, Both Deceased
Aunts & Uncles: None
Cousins: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Other family members: None
Love interest: Phillip Boltagon


Inherited abilities
Energy Blasts, Energy Based Constructs, Energy Shield, Energy-Enhanced Strike, Flight, Psyonic Scream, Super Speed, Voice-induced Manipulation

Race: White
Species: Super Human
Hair: white that fades to pink
Hair style: left side is shaved, right is long and flowy
Eyes: teal
Height: 5'6
Piercings: ears are pierced
Weapons: none
Other: can generate a pair of energy wings to mimic a bird

Everyday clothes

Super suit

Energy Wings

❝And I don't wanna be somebody in America, just fighting the hysteria, I only wanna die someday.❞

Backstory Info
I don't have much of a family. My mother is all I have, my father disappeared when I was young. She ran away from her parents, I never met them. My grandfather was a raging alcoholic, and my grandmother was incarcerated. My mother turned to a life of crime after running away, and to make it in this world, went through a Power Broker augmentation procedure to enhance her vocal cords to give her the sound based abilities I have now. It altered her genetics, so I inherited it. She had gotten tech implants after she wrecked her vocal cords, so she still has her powers, they're just tech based now. She joined the thunderbolts, which are a team of villains turned heroes, and then Moved up to the avengers, where she had me. She doesn't talk about my father, I don't know much about him. I'm just a human with a genetically enhanced voice. I can turn sound into energy, that's how I can fly and my abilities work- other than screaming like a banshee. I've always wanted to do something with my life, that's why I take charge and go into roles of leadership. I may not lead our team, but I just wanna help in any way I can, relieve stress off of Noah. He's honestly a great friend, and I'm Glad he's got an amazing girlfriend by his side.
I don't know how I pulled off getting a boyfriend, on the other hand. He's sweet, loving, kind... but easily stressed out when you mention his family. Poor thing is stressed over the Idea of becoming the King of All Inhumans one day. Don't tell him I said this, but let's be real, I'm gunna end up being king and he'll sit there looking pretty. No, he's definitely capable of handling things, I just never want him to feel stressed. You have no idea how lucky I am to have him. I jump head first into situations, I don't care if I'm injured or overworking myself. He's my yes-man, but knows when to stop me. I try and go ahead to do whatever I want, but Phillip keeps me in check. He makes me rest when I need to, takes care of me when I need it. He's sweet as pie, and I'm relieved I have him.

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