Genesis LeBeau

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❝come oooooon~ just one more games of cards?❞

Name: Genesis Ann LeBeau
Nickname: Genesis
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alias: Crackle-Pop
Alignment: Hero
Teams: Young Avengers, X-men


Parents: Remy LeBeau, Gambit, & Anna-Marie LeBeau, Rouge
Siblings: Ramona & Giana
Grandparents: Raven Darkholme & Irene Alder, Jean-Luc LeBeau
Aunts & Uncles: Kurt, Dove, Erika, & Fate
Cousins: Nari
Nieces & Nephews: None
Other family members: None
Love interest: Andros Pryde


Energy conversion, Energy Redirection, Energy Storage

Inherited abilities
Kinetic Energy Blasts, Energy Manipulation, Energy-Enhanced Strike, Hypnosis

Race: White
Species: Mitant
Hair: brown
Hair style: long down hair with a bandana to pull it back, but a Few loose stands hang in face
Eyes: Pink
Height: 5'6
Piercings: snake bites and ears are pierced
Weapons: a bo staff, dice, throwing cards
Other: none

Everyday clothes

Super suit

❝You can't fight the friction, so ease it off. You can't take the pressure, so ease it off. Don't tell me to be strong, ease it off. You can't fight the friction, so, Ease it off.❞

Backstory Info
I'm the eldest of my siblings. I inherited my fathers powers, and got a little more to boot. I'm a really laid back person, I enjoy games and having fun. Ramona and I are super close, she gets annoyed with my antics sometimes. I enjoy cracking jokes and having fun, it's it's more laid back chill kinda fun, not thrill seeking. And with that, I guess you could call me an enabler. I let people do whatever they like, but I Didn't say I never warned them. I have a little sister named Giana, who if I'm not mistaken, inherited both our parents abilities.  The rest of my family is odd. Our dad was adopted by a thief when he was young, since he was abandoned by his family, believing he was a demon for being born with pinkish red eyes. I have the same eyes as well, so it. Hurts to know they would've though if me as such as well. Our mother ran away from her family and left it all in the past, after her powers came to be and she hurt them on accident. She wears gloves and covers her skin completely, since interacting with her skin will siphon life force from the individual in contact with it and borrow powers from the person, unlimited to what species or power origin they come from. She was adopted by Raven, aka Mystique, and her wife Destiny. So my extended family is all adoptive, our cousin being Nari, and a few uncles and Aunts, Kurt, Dove, Erika & Fate.
Back to that enabling behavior, that is my pitfall when it comes to my boyfriend. He's a bit... air headed. I don't try to stop him from partaking in his horrible ideas, though I will scold him afterwards. I should, though I just... don't. I sadly don't see him too often since he's with the villains, probably due to that reckless behavior I mentioned. He's very sweet and tries to impress me all the time with big shows and such, though I just enjoy him for being him. I do love him and he's very kind, to me at least, others, they see him as a bit of an annoyance. Ramona sometimes wonders how I put up with him since he's very energetic, just simply am content. He does like to sneak in to see me, and I keep that on the down low. I don't need people getting mad he's here, since he doesn't always think before acting.

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