Hunter Summers

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❝I'd remove my glasses to get a better look at you, but I'd rather you stay in one piece❞

Name: Hunter Archer Summers
Nickname: Hunter
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: strait
Alias: Ruby Shot
Alignment: Villain
Teams: Villains, Brotherhood


Parents: Scott Summers, Cyclops, & Colleen Wing, Samurai
Siblings: Markus, Julia, & Juliet, half siblings with Rachel & Nathan
Grandparents: Christoper & Kathrine Summers (Deceased), Azumi & Lee Wing (Both Deceased), Great Grandfather Kenji Wing
Aunts & Uncles: Alexander & Gabriel
Cousins: Koen & Rivera
Nieces & Nephews: Wattson, Dune & Hope
Other family members: Jessica
Love interest: None


Optic blasts, energy trajectory, beam curving, energy absorption

Race: white
Species: mutant
Hair: brown
Hair style: short hair
Eyes: red
Height: 5'7
Piercings: ears are pierced
Weapons: none
Other:as to wear Ruby crested glasses at all times in order to control his laser eyes

Everyday clothes

Super suit

❝I see red, red, oh red... A gun to your head, head, to your head, oh... Executioner style, and there won't be no trial, Don't you know that you're better off dead. All I see is red, red, oh red... Now all I see is-❞

Backstory Info
I am the Fourth child, second to my father's previous marriage. He's had problems with his wives, his first being a clone of the love of his life. She turned out to be crazy and is currently in limbo. Nathan is technically both oldest and second oldest, since he's a time traveler and has become an old man for that reason, while being the first born to our father... since Rachel, who is in her twenties, was a teen when Nathan was born, but isn't from our timeline. She just lives here now, she's the daughter of our dada and Jean, his love. Our mother got with our father after Madelyne, and had us. I've picked up on why they've separated, our dad still loved Jean... and as one would, our mom wouldn't stand for that, so they divorced. The girls don't know, and Markus does either... there was an incident a few years ago, where both Markus & Stephen died. They separated a year after his death, it May have been a contributing factor, but definitely wasn't the primary reason. Markus came back, I'm not sure how, but he's alive, looks. The same just as he did before his death, before the injuries... it's like he was taken from that day and brought into the present. I've missed him, and I'm having a. Hard time adjusting to him being here again, but I'm working on it. I'm happy he's back...

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