Jayne Dane

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❝Luckily my favorite color is in fact green❞

Name: Jayne Polar Dane
Nickname: Jayne
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alias: Magnesia
Alignment: Hero
Teams: Young Avengers, X men


Parents: Lorna Dane, Polaris, & TBD
Siblings: None
Grandparents: Erik Eisenhardt & Suzanna Dane (Deceased), Step Grandfather Arnold Dane (Deceased), Step Grandmother Briar Raleigh
Aunts & Uncles: Half with Wanda, Pietro, Quinn, Enchanted & Elissa
Cousins: William, Thomas, Henry, Skyfall, Zenix, Laya, Elli, Stephen, Luna, Troy, Yona, Peri, Silvia, & Arina
Nieces & Nephews: None
Other family members: Starlight, Bolt, Zenith, Zen, Kathrine & Anna Lynn
Love interest: Donovan Sarkissian


Metal Oxidization, metal deoxidization, metal corrosion, Gravity control, Magnetism, Flight

Inherited abilities
energy blasts, Electronic Disruption, Electronic interaction, Energy Absorption, Energy Manipulation

Race: white
Species: Mutant
Hair: Green
Hair style: two fishtail buns that go down into bubble braids
Eyes: green
Height: 5'4
Piercings: ears are pierced
Weapons: none
Other: hair is green due to mutation

Everyday clothes

Super suit

❝So I handed you my porcelain heart, Breakable but not yet broken, Harboring my words unspoken. I handed you my porcelain heart, Disregarding consequences, Letting down all my defenses to my porcelain heart❞

Backstory Info
Yet another child with magnetism abilities. I do feel like a bit of a background hero, as I am another person who can magnetize things. Then again, I am the only hero with magnetic capabilities, while my aunts and uncles are villains... I'm not sure how to feel. All my cousins are super close with one another, and I'm on the outside. They've already got established friend groups among themselves, I wish I was apart of it. I'm lonely. I don't like this. I'm close with Katrina, but... I want their attention still. I desperately want them to include me, I want to be apart of everything. They go places together as a unit, but I'm still alone. I just want attention too... that's why I resorted to my love. I picked someone who would hurt to be with, maybe because I wanted the thrill to feel alive and noticed, not bored out of my mind. It's only done nothing but cause me pain. He's been used by hydra, and I can't help him. I've tried so many times, and it's not like I can throw my hands up and walk away, quit. I already invested time and built a connection with him, I have to see it through to the end... I just... want attention.

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