Jesse Lokison

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❝Lillian I told you I'm fine where I am, I could care less how the law deems me, I'm above if after all, we're gods.❞

Name: Jesse Dusk Lokison
Nickname: Jesse
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Strait
Alias: God of Magic
Alignment: Villain
Teams: The Villains


Parents: Loki Laufeyson & Leah of Hel
Siblings: Blake & Lillian, Adoptive siblings Lukas & Sarah
Grandparents: Odin & Frigga, Laufey & Farbauti (Both Deceased)
Aunts & Uncles: Thor, Hela, Angela, Helblindi & Byleistr
Cousins: Belladonna, Meredith, Shyla, Shawn, Chloe, Trixie, Lorianne, Pandora, Inferno, Zenon, Nova Star, Aria, Helios & Starla
Nieces & Nephews: None
Other family members: extended family up the Asgardian Tree
Love interest: Fiona Howlett


Sorcery Ancestry
Telepathy, Rift portals, Teleportation, Astral projection, Shape shifting, Sorcery, Magic

Magic, Sorcery, Witchcraft

Inherited abilities
Ice Control

Race: Norse
Species: Asgardian Jotun
Hair: black
Hair style: long shoulder length hair
Eyes: green
Height: 5'6
Piercings: ears are pierced
Weapons: a staff
Other: none

Everyday clothes

Super suit

❝My dear, you're not so innocent? You're fooling Valhalla's gates, So you won't have to change. You're no saint, you're no savior.❞

Backstory Info
I just wanted to be like my father. I'm not a people person at all, if anything I'm a bit socially awkward. I mean, he wasn't either, but had more charm than I ever could. I'm not really evil per say, I just enjoy a little bit of trickery, you know? I get nagged on the most, By all of my older siblings. I was the youngest until Sarah came along, and that was a relief- until she became a little devil too. I have an older twin sister, Lillian, who seems like she found herself. I'm still trying to figure out myself, but it's hard. I remember when Lukas and Sarah came home. I did enjoy having more siblings, but I also don't like people. I like being left alone.
Did I get myself a very deadly girlfriend? Yes, yes I did. She could stab me at any time if I fall out of line. I probably would deserve it, though talking about harm in that manner is... not a good thing. I shouldn't joke about it, but I do find it just a little funny. Fiona is very sweet, and I love her so much. Sadly it feels like all of our dates are being spied on, Kendall and Blake at my door if I bring her back to mine, Levi and Riley at her's the other way around. I enjoy the quiet, and maybe one day I'll get used to crowds more, but just being one on one makes me feel the most at ease. I think I may end up making her a goddess, she may have an extended life, but since I love her, I want her to spend the rest of eternity with me. It's all up to her though, she's the one with the mortal family. I'll understand if she declines, it just means ill have to make every second count... Or I may just decline the golden apple when she gets to the end of her lifespan.

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