Mackenzie Radd

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❝Emotions are a very odd concept❞

Name: Mackenzie Lovata Radd
Nickname: Kenzie
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual 
Alias: Skystreamer
Alignment: Hero
Teams: Young Avengers


(Metallic form)

Parents: Norrin Radd
Siblings: None
Grandparents: Jartran & Elmar Radd (both deceased)
Aunts & Uncles: None
Cousins: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Other family members: None
Love interest: None


Inherited abilities
Energy Blasts, Cosmic Energy, Energy Absorption, Energy Manipulation, Energy-Enhanced Strike, Flight, Phasing, Super flight Speed, Super Strength, surfboard Telekinesis

Race: Latina
Species: Alien, Zenn-Lavian
Hair: Left half white, Right half Black
Hair style: long down
Eyes: Light blue grey 
Height: 4'9
Piercings: ears are pierced
Weapons: surfboard
Other: can turn skin metallic

Everyday clothes

Super suit

❝Bang, Bang! The sun is gonna be going down, Defending the line, Bang! Bang! You're coming too close No hope for me to be standing by. High noon, We'll kick up the dust And face each other eye to eye. Whether we'll meet, it's just a fight.❞

Backstory Info
I am from the planet Zenn-La. I was born right after he was transformed into a Harold of Galactus, so I inherited the abilities he was imbued with by the god. I've rarely ever seen my father, I don't know if he knows I exist. My mother passed, and I no longer had any family on that world. When I was 8, I chose to leave, and ventured the stars, looking for my father. I came upon earth, where he had been many times before, and chose to stay here. I don't have friends, I just live here at the tower because I belong nowhere else. It doesn't bother me, emotions are weakness anyway. I'm numb to it all, I just... don't care. I don't need love, I don't know if I can even feel like. Maybe I could, but I'm just... Empty.

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