Morra Cuckoo

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❝I can help you with that.❞

Name: Morra Aurora Cuckoo
Nickname: Morra
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alias: Gemini, Mermaze
Alignment: Hero
Teams: Avengers, X-Men

Art will come later

Parents: Phoebe Cuckoo, All in One, & TBD
Siblings: None
Grandparents: 'Great Grandparents' Winston (Deceased) & Hazel Frost, 'Grandparents' Emma Frost & Sebastian Shaw
Aunts & Uncles: Eriss, Celeste, Esme, Irma, & Sophie
Cousins: Jeannette, Esmina, Irene & Gigi
Nieces & Nephews: None
Other family members: Christian, Genetically half sisters with Eriss, Jeanette, Esmina, Irene & Gigi
Love interest: None


Hive Mind Merging

Inherited abilities
Telepathic Hive Mind, Telepathy, Mind Reading, Mind Control, Mind Alteration, Telepathic Tracking, Mental Paralysis, Memory Erasure and Restoration, Mental Triangulation, Mental Illusions, Astral Projection, Gestalt Psychic Link, Collective Super-mind, Hive Intelligence, Telekinesis, Flawless Diamond Form, Telepathic Immunity, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Durability, Compartmental Diamond Transformation

Race: White
Species: Mutant
Hair: Blonde
Hair style: Messy High Bun
Eyes: Blue Grey
Height: 5'5
Piercings: ears & Snake Bites are pierced
Weapons: none
Other: Creates Gemini, has a hive mind with her half sisters. While in Diamond form it causes her to be unable to use telepathy powers and unable to feel emotions.

Everyday clothes

Super suit

❝Twisted all my limbs for you, Two of them in knots and two of them in loops. Ribbons tied around like a noose, Wonder if I'll ever get it loose... I don't wanna bruise for you, Holding back my words until my face is blue. I don't really care about your crew, You can tell 'em what you wanted to.❞

Backstory Info
We grew up at the Xavier institute, and it wasn't clear we'd be the same as our mothers. We where actually all very similar, each of our moms having us all on the same day. Our mothers are clones of Emma Frost, who we view as a grandmother since she is their mother figure, though Eriss, being our aunt in that manner, we treat like a cousin. It's confusing, she's our half sister, cousin, and aunt all at the same time. I am the Eldest, yet surprisingly not the leader. I am physically fit and strong, constantly active. I'm usually found working out, though in battle, I'm usually just directed around. I follow orders, instead if taking initiative like I do in my personal life. I take joy in assisting others, and working out. Call me boring in that regard, but I enjoy it. I like being active and running around, since I cannot stand sitting still with my mind. I'm closer with Amanda, she sharing a similar physical prowess as me, though doesn't have the same dedication. My favorite thing to do is spar with whoever is around, this Human named Brooklyn has definitely become a good friend in that regard. I'm not sure how she managed t9 sneak into the school as often as she can, but I enjoy her chaotic company. Keeps me both on my feet and mind sharp as ever.

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