Pryor-Grey-Summers Mess

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Who is Cyclops?

❝ I was blind. Blind to how the world worked...and then I met a man who taught me to see——see how things really were. I loved him for it. And because I loved him—because I believed in him...and, in a way worshipped him—I claimed the things that he had faith in as my own. He called it his dream. It was a good one. But the world, you see—the waking world, where we all live... it is a killer of dreams. A destroyer of things you believe in. So when I grew older, I realized it was foolish to... deify him. Honestly, it's unfair to expect that kind of perfection from anyone. After all, we're all flawed and imperfect. There is no real difference between any of us. No matter how much we believe the lie that there is. You see, he wasn't a savior. He was just a man—a mutant, like me. And his dreams—which still make me smile to this day, are no more valid than anyone else's. Including mine. I love the idea of that. The promise of it. So what's my story? I'm a dreamer. I'm an X-Man.❞ -Scott

Name: Scott Sunmers
Nickname: Scott
Living Status: Alive
Age: 40s~
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Alias: Cyclops
Alignment: Hero
Teams: X-Men

Parents: Christoper & Kathrine Summers
Siblings: Alexander, Gabriel
Other family members: Hope, Jessica, Dune, Rivera, Koen, Wattson
Love interest: Ex Wife Madelyne Pryor, Ex Wife Colleen Wing, Dated Jean Grey
Children: Nathan, Rachel, Markus, Hunter, Julia & Juliet


Optic blasts, energy trajectory, beam curving, energy absorption

Species: Mutant
Hair: Brown
Hair style: brushed to the side
Eyes: Brown, turn red when using powers
Weapons: none
Other: wears Ruby glasses to contain his powers

Who is this Character?
Scott Summers is the oldest son of Major Christopher Summers and his wife Katherine Ann. His younger brother is Alex, known today as the mutant Havok. When Scott and Alex were boys flying home from a family vacation in their father's vintage private plane, a scout ship from the alien Shi'ar Empire suddenly materialized and set the plane ablaze. Katherine pushed Scott and Alex out the plane door with the only available parachute. The parachute caught fire, so Scott used his mutant optic blasts for the first time to slow their descent. Scott and Alex were unaware that their parents had been teleported from the plane by the Shi'ar a moment before it exploded. The two boys were hospitalized, and both suffered traumatic amnesia regarding the incident. The geneticist, who happened to be Mr. Sinister, took an interest in the boys. He believed that Scott was the Summers brother with the most potential, so he had Alex adopted to separate them and render Scott emotionally vulnerable, something he became. As a teenager, Scott began to suffer from severe headaches and he was sent to a specialist, who yet again was Sinister in disguise, who provided him with lenses made of ruby-quartz. Scott was drawn to a mutant criminal named Jack Winters, the Jack O'Diamonds. Jake sought to use Scott's newfound talent in his crimes and physically abused the young boy when he initially refused. However, Scott's display of power had attracted the attention of the mutant telepath Professor Charles Xavier, who teamed up with FBI agent to find Scott. Scott was rescued from Winters' clutches and was enlisted by Professor Xavier as the first member of the X-Men, a team of young mutants who trained to use their powers in Professor Xavier's dream for human-mutant equality.
In the School for Gifted Youngsters the X-Men were tutored by Professor X and trained in the use of their powers in the Danger Room. Xavier provided Scott with a visor made of ruby quartz to help him control his powers in the field. As Cyclops, Scott became deputy leader of the X-Men. While he was a skilled tactician, Scott's social skills were lacking. Scott had fallen in love with his teammate Jean Grey, but his reserved demeanor prevented him from expressing his actual feelings for her. Scott refused to admit, even to himself, that he had feelings for Jean, afraid he would be hurt again, or that his optic blasts would hurt her or others. What Scott did not know was that Jean actually had a crush on him too but was too shy to make a move. Eventually they revealed their love for each other and began to date. Scott was reunited with his brother Alex when the X-Men rescued Alex from the Living Pharaoh, though he refused the offer to return with Scott and the X-Men at that time. When the X-Men finally freed Alex from Larry Trask and his Sentinels, Alex accompanied his brother and joined the X-Men under the code-name Havok.
When most of his original students were captured by the sentient island-being Krakoa, Prof. Xavier sent another team comprised of Dr. Moira MacTaggert's students, one of whom was Cyclops' long-lost brother Gabriel, to rescue them. After the team freed Cyclops, they were seemingly killed. Cyclops escaped, but Prof. Xavier wiped the traumatizing knowledge that his new-found brother had seemingly died saving him from Cyclops's and Havok's memories. Xavier assembled another new team of X-Men, including Sunfire, Banshee, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Storm, Wolverine, and Thunderbird. Scott led this new team, this time successfully rescuing the original X-Men from Krakoa. When Jean Grey and the other original X-Men left the fold following the formation of the new X-Men, Cyclops stayed-on as deputy leader, feeling that he would never be able to lead a normal life because of the uncontrollable nature of his powers, though he continued to date Jean. The new team was made up of individuals and loners, such as Wolverine, who quickly developed feelings for Jean. They weren't initially working as tight a unit as the original team despite the hard training that Cyclops put them through. Thunderbird was killed in the new team's first mission against Count Nefaria, and his death haunted Cyclops.

Dark Phoenix
Shortly after Jean left the team, she, Prof. Xavier, Wolverine, and Banshee were kidnapped by Sentinels and taken aboard a space station. After defeating them, the X-Men had to escape back to Earth aboard a space shuttle during a solar radiation storm. The cockpit lacked the shielding needed to protect the pilot from the lethal radiation. Jean absorbed flight knowledge and volunteered to pilot. While guiding the shuttle to Earth with the other X-Men protected by the shielded part of the shuttle, the solar radiation finally proved to be too great and she began to succumb to the radiation's lethal effects. However, Jean did not die. The Phoenix Force responded to Jean's anguish and telepathic calls for help. It took on the form, memories, and personality of Jean by absorbing a portion of her consciousness. The shuttle crashed into Jamaica Bay and the X-Men were shocked when Jean came out of the wreckage unharmed, calling herself the Phoenix. The Phoenix took control of Jean's mind, while she remained dormant, healing. The Phoenix took Jean's place as a member of the X-Men and continued Jean's romance with Scott.
The X-Men journeyed to the M'kraan Crystal's homeworld where they met Christopher Summers, Cyclops' long lost father, who had become a space pirate called Corsair, and leader of the Starjammers. Scott still believed that his parents had died in a plane accident and was unaware that they had been captured and sold into slavery by the Shi'ar Empire. Phoenix and Storm learned of Corsair's identity, but he made them promise to keep the truth from Scott. Cyclops questioned his relationship with Jean, feeling that this reborn Jean was not the same Jean he had loved. Yet, when he mistakenly believed her dead for an extended period of time Scott was not able to mourn Jean and believed this meant he did not really love her anymore. Scott briefly dated Colleen Wing, however, when Scott and Phoenix were reunited, they fell in love all over again.
Attempting to infiltrate the evil Hellfire Club, the Phoenix fell under Mastermind and the Hellfire Club's control. She was transformed into the Black Queen of their Inner Circle. After shaking Mastermind's control Phoenix underwent another transformation into the Dark Phoenix and soared through the universe, Destroying Star systems. When she returned to Earth, Phoenix threatened to kill everyone, but Cyclops still tried to reach out to her. Professor Xavier was able to keep Phoenix under control and helped her will herself back to normal. Scott finally proposed to the Phoenix as they were teleported away by the Shi'ar. The Shi'ar Empire had witnessed Dark Phoenix consuming the star and the X-Men were forced to battle with the Imperial Guard over Phoenix's fate. The battle triggered Phoenix's transformation into Dark Phoenix once more. Phoenix understood that she would never be able to fully control the dark hunger inside and sacrificed herself on the moon. When the Phoenix committed suicide, Scott believed the love of his life had died and he left the X-Men.

Madelyne Pryor
When Corsair came to Earth for help with the Sidri, Scott recognized a certain medallion that Corsair was wearing, containing pictures of the Summers family. At first, Scott was very angry at Corsair and Storm for keeping the truth from him, but Scott came to understand and forgive his father. Scott introduced Corsair to his other son, Alex. Corsair introduced Scott to his grandparents. Scott's grandparents owned North Star Airways, a shipping company in Alaska. At the Summers family reunion, Scott was shocked to meet Madelyne Pryor, a pilot for his grandparents who was identical in appearance to Jean Grey. Scott became obsessed with Madelyne's similarity to Jean, unaware that Madelyne was a clone of Jean created and programmed by Sinister to fall in love with Scott to make use of their potentially powerful offspring for his own purposes. He learned that she was the sole survivor of a plane crash that happened on the exact same day that Phoenix died on the moon, another fabrication by Sinister.
Scott began to suspect that Madelyne was a reincarnation of Phoenix. He fell in love with her and proposed, and soon Scott and Madelyne were married. The happy couple settled in Anchorage. Scott met Rachel Summers, his daughter with Jean from an alternate future. Rachel called herself Phoenix and wore a similar outfit as the original, a fact that Scott protested. Rachel was shocked to discover that, unlike her own timeline, Jean Grey had died, and Scott Summers was married to another woman instead. Not wanting to disturb Cyclops' marriage to Madelyne, Rachel kept her true relation to him secret. A short time later Madelyne revealed she was pregnant. Rachel, after discovering that Scott would soon be the father of a child other than her, began to tap into the Phoenix Force and vowed to restore honor to her mother's name. Madelyne had a son named Nathan Christopher Charles Summers. Scott was away helping the X-Men when the child was born. Rachel established a psi-bond with Nathan. she adored and loved her brother, swearing to protect her little brother as long as she lived. After Xavier was forced to leave Earth because of his health, Scott battled Storm for undisputed leadership of the X-Men and New Mutants. After being defeated, Scott retired from the X-Men with his wife and son in Alaska. Scott later learned that Madelyne had used her powers to influence the outcome of the battle.
Scott and Madelyne's marriage became strained because of Scott's priorities as a member of the X-men. Madelyne resented the fact that Scott was rarely home and that he continued to miss Jean. Scott became very distant, even leaving Madelyne in the middle of the night, Madelyne grew bitter feelings during that time. Finally, the news came that Jean had been discovered alive at the bottom of the Jamaica Bay and Phoenix had been an impostor. Scott was hit hard and hid this news from Madelyne and began packing. He left Madelyne and baby Christopher despite Madelyne's warning that if he left her again, he would not be welcome back.
After meeting with Scott in New York, Jean decided that they should do something to help mutants, as she believed the X-Men had strayed from Professor Xavier's dream. Scott couldn't control his remorseful feelings. Unsure what to do about Maddie, the baby, and Jean, Scott only felt useful when commanding his team. Scott attempted to contact Maddie, but the number was disconnected. At first, Scott tried to keep his marriage from Jean, but eventually the truth came out. Jean noticed that Madelyne looked exactly liked her and she became very distraught. After beginning to fear for Madelyne's safety and feeling bad about abandoning his family, Scott went back to Alaska to look for them. Scott was unaware of Sinister's influence on his life. Sinister sent the Marauders to kill her and collect Nathan for him. She was shot multiple times and fell into a coma. She was taken to the hospital as a Jane Doe. Sinister erased every record of Madelyne and the baby. After finding the corpse of a young red-head in a river, Scott believed his wife was dead and buried her by himself. Scott and Jean began to grow close again as friends. Scott and Jean returned to the site on the moon where Phoenix had committed suicide and Jean acknowledged that Scott loved Phoenix and she had loved him and it really hurt her even more. Meanwhile, Madelyne Pryor awoke from her coma and contacted the X-Men who agreed to protect her.

The Goblin Queen
Scott saw Madelyne and the X-Men sacrificing themselves in Dallas on TV. Her last words were asking him to find their son. Scott had not only lost his wife but also his younger brother Alex. Using cryptic clues provided by Destiny, Scott and Jean returned to the orphanage Scott grew up in and found an entire laboratory in the basement with many children, including baby Nathan, in incubation pods, but was captured by demons. After returning to New York, Scott and Jean were reunited with X-Factor and fought countless demons. X-Factor's search for Christopher led them to the demon responsible, N'Astirh, and Madelyne appeared with him calling herself the Goblin Queen. Scott was shocked to find out that his wife was alive. Madelyne started a fight, blaming Scott and Jean for the misery in her life. She had seduced Alex and made him her Goblin Prince. After N'astirh attacked, X-Factor and the X-Men combined efforts to defeat him. The Goblin Queen attempted to sacrifice baby Nathan atop the Empire State Building to permanently open a gateway between Earth and Limbo to spite Scott. The Goblin Queen locked herself, Nathan, and Jean inside a psionic barrier. The invasion was thwarted after Madelyne committed suicide in combat with Jean. Jean learned Sinister had cloned Madelyne from Jean. Madelyne had been given life and awareness by a portion of the Phoenix Force Jean had rejected, that had copied Jean's personality and memories. Sinister had then programmed Madelyne to fall in love with Scott, planning to make use of their potentially powerful offspring for his own evil purposes.
Jean was forced to reintegrate the portion of herself that Phoenix had given to Madelyne. In the process Jean also got Madelyne's and Phoenix's memories and personalities too. Scott finally learned that Mister Sinister had run the orphanage in which he was raised, provided the ruby-quartz lenses, and his role in Madelyne's creation. Scott appeared to kill Sinister with an optic blast. Scott, Jean, and Nathan grew closer as a family. Scott decided to take Nathan with him on missions. Nathan's other mutant powers began to manifest as a protective force bubble whenever he was in danger. Scott and Jean both taught Nathan to use his powers. Later, Scott proposed to Jean only to be turned down. Jean now carried the memories of Scott's earlier proposals to both Phoenix and Madelyne, and was distraught to gain those memories and needed time to be sure their relationship was their own decision, not preordained. Scott and Jean finally learned that Rachel was actually their adult daughter from an alternate timeline. They introduced Nathan to his sister. The Riders of the Storm kidnapped Nathan and took him to Apocalypse's base on the Blue Area of the Moon.Apocalypse infected the child with the Techno-Organic Virus, that was rapidly spreading through his body and, if not stopped, would kill him. A woman from the late 37th-early 39th century appeared calling herself Sister Askani. She claimed to be a member of the Clan Askani that had technology in her future that might be able to save Nathan. However, she could only risk one time jump without destroying herself. Distraught, Cyclops chose to send his son into the future rather than watch him die in the present. Scott and Jean both were very hurt seeing their son go. For some time, Scott had no way of knowing if Askani's cure had been successful.
Cable found his way back to the present, he asked Scott about his mother before leaving to go his own way. Scott finally had most of his answers at last but was left with unresolved issues. Scott and Jean both wanted a relationship with their son. Jean proposed to Scott, and he happily agreed. During the night of his bachelor party Scott was alerted that there was an intruder in the Danger Room. Scott found Cable there viewing a hologram of when he was given to the Askani by his father. Originally put-off by Scott's eagerness to relinquish his son forever, Cable came to respect his father after seeing a hologram of Scott's agonizing response after his decision. Scott and his longtime love were finally married. Afterwards, on the other side of the world and away from Scott's notice, Rachel Summers sacrificed herself to exile in the timestream to save her Excalibur teammate Captain Britain.

After the events of M-Day, nearly all mutants were left de-powered with no more mutant births occuring. Overnight, mutants went from the future of in human evolution to an endangered species. Against the wishes of co-headmasters Scott and Emma, the government assigned a Sentinel Squad to protect the mansion and its inhabitants. With few mutants left after M-Day, Cyclops turned the Xavier Institute to a refugee camp, set up for any mutant who needed protection or a place to stay. The energy previously possessed by the depowered mutants began orbiting Earth after the events of M-Day. While passing some orbiting rocks, the energy awakened Vulcan, Scott's lost brother, who returned to Earth. Vulcan, shocked that Scott did not recognize him, attacked and easily defeated several members of the X-Men and kidnapped Cyclops and Rachel and revealed himself to be Cyclops' younger brother. When Scott asked why he did not remember any of the events surrounding Vulcan rescuing him from Krakoa, Professor Xavier confirmed that he had erased the memories from Scott's mind, to keep him strong enough to continue fighting for the X-Men. Vulcan escaped, stating that he despised what the X-Men had become and did not consider Scott or Alex his brothers anymore. This further damaged Cyclops' already strained relationship with his mentor. When the first new mutant baby since M-Day was born, the Marauders and the Purifiers tried to claim her. Upon discovering that Cable had kidnapped the new born mutant, Cyclops ordered the reformation of X-Force, with Wolverine leading the team to hunt down Cable and retrieve the baby. Unbeknownst to the other X-Men, Bishop feared the child would become an evil monster responsible for his dark future and resolved to kill her. He infected the Sentinels that guarded the mansion with nanites and in the fight that ensued, the X-Mansion was destroyed. The search for the mutant messiah ended when Prof. Xavier convinced Cyclops to allow Cable to escape to the future with the baby. Cable teleported to the future, just as Bishop fired a round at the child. The shot missed her and hit Prof. Xavier in the head. Cyclops struck Bishop with an optic blast and declared the X-Men disbanded. Scott encountered his ex-wife Madelyne again when she inexplicably returned as a psychic ghost. Calling herself the Red Queen she attacked the X-Men with a newly assembled all-female team of mutants, the Sisterhood. Madelyne stole a lock of Jean's hair from Wolverine with the goal of using it to locate and inhabit Jean's body, allowing Madelyne to be reborn. Scott employed Domino to exhume Jean's grave and swap her body with another. Unaware of the switch and spurning Scott's attempt to reach out to her, Madelyne attempted to possess the body, but seemingly disintegrated into nothingness as no other body than Jean's could house an entity of Madelyne's level of power. Eventually, Cable and a teenaged Hope returned from the future.

The Phoenix Five
When Nova crashed in New York, he gave the Avengers a cryptic warning: It's Coming... Thanks to this, the Avengers discovered that the Phoenix Force was burning a path through the universe on its way to Earth. Meanwhile, Cyclops sparred with Hope repeatedly, training her harshly. When she asked why and he refused to give a straight answer Hope flared up with the power of the Phoenix, which the Avengers detected. Captain America consulted Wolverine, who told him of Hope Summers. Cyclops became convinced that the coming of the Phoenix Force would herald the rebirth of mutantkind as a species. Captain America saw it as the herald of Earth's destruction, and so arrived with the intent of taking Hope into protective custody. After arguing Cyclops refused Captain America, blasting him into the ocean. In response, a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier uncloaked itself and the Avengers began an invasion. After a pitched battle, the X-Men surrendered, and the Avengers begin to make plans for capturing Hope. This was all a ploy however and Cyclops and the X-Men teleport away, giving them a head start in capturing Hope. Cyclops also contacted his daughter Rachel and convinced her to feed the Avengers false information which sent them on wild goose chases. He proceeded to travel to the Jean Grey Institute in order to offer Wolverine one last chance to change sides as well as recruit anyone willing to fight alongside their fellow mutants. After finding out that Hope was heading to the Moon together with Wolverine, Cyclops gathered Emma Frost, Magik, Namor, and Colossus and teleported to the Moon in order to confront the Avengers. Before a fight broke out, Thor fell from the skies, closely followed by the Phoenix. A fight broke out between the X-Men and the Avengers while Iron Man built a weapon to fight the Phoenix. Iron Man attacked the Phoenix but instead of destroying it, the Phoenix turned the five X-Men into its avatars. Cyclops and the rest of the avatars then took Hope back to Earth in order to prepare her.
Scott and his fellow hosts began reshaping the world into a better place to live, outlawing wars and providing food, water, and energy to the entire world. The Avengers continued to oppose them however and after they convinced Hope to leave with them, Cyclops feared that they planned to use her as a weapon against them and declared, No more Avengers. Despite fighting the Avengers, Cyclops insisted that none of them be harmed to the ire of his fellow Phoenix, Namor. After finding out that the Avengers were hiding out in Wakanda, Emma told Namor but neglected to tell anyone else. Namor stormed Wakanda and was narrowly defeated by the Avengers. After being knocked out, Namor's portion of the Phoenix left him and went to the four remaining hosts. With her increased powers, Emma was able to sense where the Avengers had taken Hope. She told Cyclops, who left immediately, but also begged him to stop her before she lost control which he did not hear. After Colossus and Magik began fighting each other and knocked each other out, their portions of the Phoenix went to Scott and Emma. With his vast power, he was able to penetrate the dimensional walls and enter K'un-Lun where Hope was being hidden. Cyclops made short work of all the Avengers that opposed him and even defeated Shou-Lao the mythical dragon that granted K'un-Lun its power. Hope managed to copy both the dragon's powers as well as the Scarlet Witch's magic and managed to defeat Cyclops, sending him to the Moon and incapacitating him. The other X-Men defected to the Avengers, recognizing that their implicit trust in Cyclops's leadership had been a mistake. Realizing that he needed more power, Cyclops traveled to find Emma. He could not bring himself to attack Emma, however, and they were interrupted by Professor X, who arrived and attempted to shut down their brains. A battle ensued, with the combined might of the Avengers and X-Men uniting to defeat Cyclops and Emma. When the battle turned in the Avengers' and X-Men's favor, Cyclops took the final piece of the Phoenix from Emma, making him the sole host of the Phoenix. This proved too much for Cyclops and he lost control, became Dark Phoenix, and hurt Xavier. Hope and the Scarlet Witch managed to exorcise the Phoenix Force from him and dissipate it, using it to re-spark mutantkind.After losing the Phoenix, Cyclops was placed under arrest and kept in a ruby quartz cube to prevent him from breaking out. While in prison, Mister Sinister visited him, taunting him by revealing his survival and goading him into breaking out, telling Cyclops that he was the only one capable of stopping him. Magneto, Danger, and Magik destroyed the prison and freed Cyclops.

Inhumans Vs Mutants
One day, he and his team of X-Men responded to a distress call from Muir Island. Upon arrival, they discovered all of its staff dead and Multiple Man in agony. With his dying breath, Madrox informed Scott that the island had been swept by a cloud of Terrigen Mists, one of the two unleashed by Inhuman king Black Bolt many months earlier, which now was proving fatal to mutants. As Cyclops and Emma Frost delved into Muir Island, traces of the mists still present on the island affected Scott and had a quick effect on him, killing him almost immediately. As he laid suffocating, a dying and confused Cyclops pleaded Emma to not let it end like this. Struck by grief and her love for Scott, Emma kept Cyclops' death a secret and created a telepathic projection of him. Using Cyclops' guise, and having him act as she believed he would, Emma allowed him one last act of heroism, projecting an image of him facing down the Inhumans after having masterminded a plot that resulted in the transfiguration of one of the Terrigen clouds, rendering it harmless to mutants, humans, and Inhumans. In a final confrontation, "Cyclops" was killed by Black Bolt. He was given a hero's funeral by the X-Men where Storm gave the eulogy honoring Cyclops' life as a teacher, hero, warrior, and mutant, with only Emma and later Havok knowing the truth about Cyclops' death. The actions of Emma Frost radically changed the public's perception of Cyclops, with both mutants and humans considering him a terrorist. This, along with the new M-Pox disease, kicked off a new era of worldwide anti-mutant hysteria.

House of X
Shortly afterward, Charles Xavier, Magneto, and Moira MacTaggert established a sovereign mutant nation in Krakoa, and Scott was one of countless mutants who became part of it. Xavier .and Magneto then tasked the X-Men with destroying the Mother Mold and preventing the creation of Nimrod. Though they succeed, the entire team was killed in the attack. Cyclops and Jean, the two remaining X-Men, tried to mount an escape, but they tragically failed when Dr. Gregor killed Scott in revenge for her husband's death. The team was later resurrected by a group of mutants known as "the Five", consisting of Eva Bell, Proteus, Hope Summers, Elixir, and Goldballs. Merging their powers, the Five were able to transfer the deceased X-Men's minds into cloned bodies. They were later proclaimed as the heroes of Krakoa.
Later, Scott moved into the Summer House, located within the Blue Area of the Moon alongside members of his family including Jean, Vulcan, Havok, Wolverine, Prestige, and Cable. Although the Quiet Council disbanded the X-Men, no longer seeing them as necessary now that mutants had their own nation. When Krakoa and Arakko fought, Cyclops and Marvel Girl reformed the team when they went to Otherworld to rescue their son and the remaining mutants in that dimension. After this Cyclops and Jean decided to keep the team going as opposed to taking positions on The Quiet Council because they felt the mutants of Krakoa needed someone working in their best interests. Letting the people chose the team lineup themselves through an election.
This election was held at the Hellfire Gala with all the worlds mutant's either voting or nominating themselves telepathically. Synch, Laura Kinney, Sunfire, Rogue and Polaris were elected as the new team. Cyclops created a new base for this team in a lot of land Emma had purchased for them in Central Park and 86th Street, turning it into a park that was a celebration of mutant accomplishment and a memorial for mutants such as Thunderbird, who couldn't be revived. In this park, he had Krakoa and Forge create a techno-organic Treehouse for the team to operate in and, unlike the other Krakoan gates and embassies, this area was free to visit by humans and mutants. Since he was now splitting time between leading the X-Men and being a captain of Krakoa, he stepped down as Captain Commander giving the role to Bishop instead.

Eventually, Scott & Jean split. He ended up getting with Colleen again, where the wed and had their kids, Markus, Hunter, then the twins, Julia & Juliet. They had a strained marriage, since Scott still loved Jean. Eventually, after the death of their eldest, they just couldn't do it anymore. Scott had an affair with Emma Frost, and Colleen knew he was only with her since she resembled Jean. They divorced, and Scott got better. He and Jean started dating again, but did not tell any of their kids.

Who is The Phoenix?

❝We come into this world alone and we leave the same way. The time we spent in between - time spent alive, sharing, learning together... is all that makes life worth living❞ -Jean

Name: Jean Elaine Grey (Summers)
Nickname: Jean
Living Status: Alive
Age: 40s~
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Alias: Marvel Girl, The Phoenix, Dark Phoenix, White Phoenix
Alignment: Hero, Antihero
Teams: X-Men

Parents: John & Elaine Grey
Siblings: None
Other family members: Madelyne Pryor, Hope
Love interest: Scott Summers, husband TBA
Children: Rachel, Jennifer, Bianca, Raina, Karone. Adopted Nathan.


psychic abilities, telekinesis, telepathy, mind control, Telepathic Cloak, Psionic Shield, Telepathic Camouflage, Mind Alteration, Telepathic Illusions, Mental Paralysis, Mental Amnesia, Psionic Blasts, Mind Transferal, Mental Detection, astral projection, energy blasts, flight, force fields

Gifted powers
heat generation, illusion casting, cosmic energy, cosmic Phoenix, fire control, Phoenix spark, Pyrokinesis

Species: Mutant
Hair: Ginger Red
Hair style: long down curled hair
Eyes: Green
Weapons: none
Other: is an Omega Level Mutant

Who is this Character?
Jean Grey is the daughter of Elaine Grey and Professor John Grey. She was raised in a farmhouse near Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, where her father taught History. When Jean was ten years old, she was playing with her best friend, Annie Richardson, who was accidentally hit by a car. The stress awakened Grey's mutant telepathic powers which empathically linked her to her dying friend. The traumatic experience of Annie's death left Grey in a withdrawn and deeply depressed state. Moreover, not able to control her newly awakened telepathic abilities forced her to isolate herself from other people to hold on to her sanity.
Months later, a psychiatrist recommended to her parents that they consult Professor Charles Xavier, who was secretly a mutant with telepathic abilities as well. Xavier revealed to Jean Grey, but not to her parents, her status as a mutant. To protect Grey, Xavier decided to block her intense telepathic abilities erecting psychic shields until she had developed the maturity necessary to handle them. Additionally, he assisted her in unlocking her potential as a telekinetic abilities instead, teaching her how to levitate and manipulate objects through psionic force. Under Xavier's tutelage, Jean Grey helped him to calibrate his Cerebro machine, a mutant locator device and experienced a psychic contact with young orphan Scott Summers' mind. After years of treatment, Jean Grey was successfully recovered. Eventually, Xavier recommended to John and Elaine Grey that they should enroll their daughter in his newly established Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.
This school served as a cover for the X-Men, a team of young mutants being trained by Professor Xavier in order to fight for a dream of peaceful racial coexistence. The team acted in the shadows combating threats posed by evil mutants who used their powers against humanity. Jean Grey completed the group with four more students, Cyclops – Scott Summers' mutant alias –, Iceman, Angel, and Beast. Grey took on the codename Marvel Girl. As a member of the X-Men, Marvel Girl confronted terrorist and harmful mutants, such as Magneto and his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, the Vanisher, and the Blob. Although Jean Grey was initially harassed by her flirtatious male teammates, the group soon formed a sound friendship bond as a result of their constant adventures and intense training at the X-Mansion Danger Room. After Jean officially graduated at Xavier's school, her parents transferred her to Metro College. Scott and the other X-Men were heartbroken. Jean remained a part-time X-Man when time allowed for it but missed being a super hero full time. Jean was eventually able to return to the team. Jean and Scott revealed their passion for each other and began to date. Satisfied with Jean's added maturity and her years of practice, Xavier released the psychic barriers preventing Jean from using her telepathic abilities.

Dark Phoenix
While on a mission in space with the Fantastic Four to defeat the Z'Nox once and for all, Jean was scanned by the Phoenix Force, one of the oldest known cosmic entities, that would come to play an essential role in Jean's fate. It sensed Jean's unlimited potential while touching her subconscious.  While enjoying Christmas with Scott and the X-Men, Jean was was kidnapped along with Xavier, Wolverine, and Banshee by Steven Lang's Sentinels and taken aboard Lang's space station. After defeating Lang, the X-Men had to escape back to Earth aboard a space shuttle during a solar flare that produced deadly cosmic rays. The cockpit lacked the shielding needed to protect the pilot from the lethal radiation. Jean absorbed Dr. Peter Corbeau's flight knowledge and volunteered to pilot. While she hoped to protect herself with her telekinetic ability, Jean and the others knew that she would likely die. While guiding the shuttle to Earth with the other X-Men protected by the shielded part of the shuttle, the solar radiation proved to be too great and she began to succumb to the radiation's lethal effects.
However, Jean did not die. The Phoenix Force responded to Jean's anguish and telepathic calls for help. The Phoenix Force informed Jean that she was dying, but that by taking the Phoenix Force's hand, Jean would gain her "heart's desire". What Jean most wanted was to save the lives of the X-Men and herself. Jean held onto the Phoenix Force's arm and fell into a coma. It possessed Jean, while it healed her. Phoenix made sure the X-Men survived their return to earth, fulfilling its pledge to Jean. The shuttle crashed into Jamaica Bay and the X-Men were shocked when Jean came out of the wreckage unharmed, calling herself Phoenix. Scott had no idea the woman he loved had been replaced by a cosmic being. The Phoenix took Jean's place as a member of the X-Men, and continued Jean's romance with Scott. The Phoenix revealed herself as a mutant in front of Jean's parents. Phoenix healed the M'kraan Crystal, the nexus of all realities, saving the universe.
The Phoenix was corrupted into Dark Phoenix by the influence of Mastermind and the Hellfire Club. She was transformed into the Black Queen of their inner circle. After shaking Mastermind's control, Phoenix underwent another transformation into the Dark Phoenix. She soared through the universe, where she devoured an entire star and the five-billion inhabitants of one of its planets. She returned to Earth and threatened to kill everyone, but Professor Xavier was able to keep Phoenix under control and helped her will herself back to normal. Scott finally proposed to the Phoenix before they were teleported away by the Shi'ar. The Shi'ar Empire had witnessed Dark Phoenix consuming the star and the X-Men were forced to battle with the Imperial Guard over Phoenix's fate on the Blue Area of the Moon. The battle triggered Phoenix's transformation into Dark Phoenix once more. Phoenix understood that she would never be able to fully control the dark hunger inside and sacrificed herself, bidding Scott an emotional farewell. When the Phoenix committed suicide, Scott believed the love of his life had died and he left the X-Men.
The portion of Jean's consciousness that had bonded with the Phoenix Force awoke in a realm called The White Hot Room. There Jean found herself on top of a floating tower in an outer space dressed in a White Phoenix outfit and wondering why she wasn't dead. Jean wondered if there were three phases of the Phoenix: Green the Good, Red the Bad, and White to which she had not discovered the meaning to. Jean was approached by Death itself, who manifested as a male cosmic construction worker. Death had Jean build towers in the afterlife to house the souls of Dark Phoenix's victims. Jean also relived the experience of the destruction of the D'bari system from the point of view of the victims. Death explained to Jean that she was an avatar of the Phoenix because her spirit was most closely carved from the Phoenix. If she and the Phoenix were not meant for each other, then they would not have reached out to each other. She was destined to become the Phoenix and to heal the M'kraan Crystal. Her perceptions and imagination had influenced the Phoenix and that it belonged to her by right and would one day come to her children. Death instructed Jean to return to life, to live and learn.
The Phoenix tried to return the borrowed fragments of Jean's life-force. Encased in a small portion of itself, the Phoenix Force keyed these aspects to Jean's genetic structure and sent them to back her body, in a cocoon at the bottom of Jamaica bay. Jean instinctively rejected the Phoenix, unable to deal with the horrible images of the pain Dark Phoenix had wrought. It wandered the globe, lost.

Madelyne Pryor
At the moment Dark Phoenix died on the moon, a spark of the Phoenix Force was accidentally bestowed on a genetic clone of Jean, Madelyne Pryor. Madelyne had been a failed experiment of Mister Sinister. Sinister had wanted Jean for her genetic potential but did not abduct her when she was a child knowing that he could be exposed by Xavier. He believed that a union between Cyclops and Jean Grey would produce a powerful mutant he could use to defeat his enemy, Apocalypse, so he cloned Jean instead. Sinister abandoned the clone when she did not manifest any mutant abilities. The lost aspect of the Phoenix that had been rejected by Jean became attracted to Madelyne Pryor, the next best thing. It gave a spark of itself to Madelyne, granting her a life force and some of Jean's memories. Madelyne came alive surrounded by a bird of fire and Sinister immediately put his scheme back in motion.
Scott was shocked to meet Madelyne Pryor. Unaware that Madelyne was a clone of Jean now programmed by Sinister to fall in love with him, Scott became obsessed with Madelyne's similarity to his lost love. He learned that she was the sole survivor of a plane crash that happened on the exact same day that Phoenix had died, a fabrication created by Sinister. At first, Scott suspected that Madelyne was a reincarnation of Phoenix. Afterward Scott accepted Madelyne for who she was and they were married. They had a son named Nathan Christopher Charles Summers. Soon, Scott met Rachel Summers, his daughter with Jean from an alternate future. Rachel called herself Phoenix and wore a similar outfit as the original, a fact that Scott protested. Rachel was shocked to discover that, unlike her own timeline, Jean Grey had died and Scott Summers was married to another woman instead. Not wanting to disturb Cyclops' marriage to Madelyne, Rachel kept her true relation to him secret. When she discovered that Scott would soon be the father of a child other than her, Rachel began to tap into the Phoenix Force and vowed to restore honor to her mother's name. Rachel established a psi-bond with Nathan, swearing to protect her little brother as long as she lived.
Many months after Phoenix's death, the Avengers found Jean's cocoon beneath Jamaica Bay and brought it to the Fantastic Four for study. Jean released herself from the cocoon. At first, she was unable to remember her encounter with the Phoenix Force, but with the help of the Avengers and Fantastic Four, she remembered what happened. As a result of her harrowing experiences, Jean had lost her telepathic powers, but the strength of her telekinetic powers had greatly increased. Jean held off informing her family of her return because she was unsure how to break the news. Meanwhile, Scott and Madelyne's marriage had become strained. Madelyne resented the fact that Scott was rarely home and that he continued to miss Jean. Finally, Scott learned that Jean had returned and was possessed by the Phoenix Force before. Scott was hit hard by this news but hid it from Madelyne and began packing. He left Madelyne and his son despite Madelyne's warning that if he left her again, he would not be welcomed back.
Jean was greatly disturbed to learn of the current wave of anti-mutant sentiment that had risen in her absence. She was also stunned that the X-Men were working alongside Magneto, the original X-Men's greatest foe. Jean decided that the original X-Men should do something as she believed the X-Men had strayed from Professor Xavier's dream. The five original friends founded a new organization to help other superhuman mutants. X-Factor intended to seek out and aid other mutants under the pretense of hunting them down as menaces to society. The public assumed they were humans hunting mutants, when in fact, they were training young mutants in the use of their powers at the X-Factor Complex. Unsure what to do about Maddie and the baby and Jean, Scott only felt useful when commanding his team. Scott attempted to contact Maddie, but the number was disconnected. At first, Scott tried to keep his marriage and son from Jean. Meanwhile, Jean was plagued with dreams of herself becoming the Phoenix. She also sensed that Scott was being distant about something. She assumed he had fallen for Phoenix while she was asleep in the cocoon. Finally, the truth came out. Jean noticed that Madelyne looked exactly liked her. The team battled Apocalypse and his Alliance of Evil. Apocalypse would become one of Jean and the X-Factor's most persistent foes. One of his first actions was turning their teammate and friend, Angel, against them as his Horseman of Death.
Feeling bad about abandoning his family, Jean suggested that Scott goes home to check on them. Scott went back to Alaska to look for them. Scott and Jean were both still unaware of Sinister's influence on their lives. Sinister sent the Marauders to kill Madelyne Pryor and collect Nathan Christopher for him. She was shot multiple times and fell into a coma. She was taken to the hospital as a Jane Doe. Sinister erased every record of Madelyne and the baby. After finding the corpse of a young redhead in a river, Scott believed his wife was dead and buried her by himself.  Scott began to hallucinate and believe Jean, Madelyne, and the Phoenix had been the same woman all along. Scott's visions nearly led him to kill Jean before it was discovered they were actually holograms created by Cameron Hodge, trying to destroy them. Jean and Scott began to grow close again. Scott and Jean returned to the site on the Moon where Phoenix had committed suicide and Jean acknowledged that Scott loved Phoenix and she had loved him. Meanwhile, Madelyne Pryor awoke from her coma and contacted the X-Men who agreed to protect her. X-Factor brought Angel out of his brainwashing. After defeating Apocalypse, his sentient Ship crash landed on their Complex and X-Factor began living in it. X-Factor finally revealed the truth of their mutant origins and shed their disguise of mutant hunters. After saving the city from a series of fires that began as a result of their battle with Apocalypse, X-Factor was given a ticker-tape parade.

The Goblin Queen
Scott saw Madelyne and the X-Men sacrificing themselves in Dallas on TV. Her last words were asking him to find their son. Using cryptic clues provided by Destiny, Scott and Jean returned to the orphanage Scott grew up in and found an entire laboratory in the basement with many children, including baby Nathan, in incubation pods. Jean somehow opened a telepathic link with Nathan, only to fail to prevent demons from snatching him. After returning to New York, Jean and Scott were reunited with X-Factor and fought countless demons. X-Factor's search for Nathan led them to the demon responsible, N'Astirh, and Madelyne appeared with him calling herself the Goblin Queen. Scott was shocked to find out that his wife was alive. Madelyne started a fight, blaming Scott and Jean for the misery in her life. After N'astirh attacked, X-Factor and the X-Men combined efforts to defeat him.
The Goblin Queen attempted to sacrifice baby Nathan atop the Empire State Building to permanently open a gateway between Earth and Limbo to spite Scott. The Goblin Queen locked herself, Nathan, and Jean inside a psionic barrier. The invasion was thwarted after Madelyne committed suicide in combat with Jean. Jean then learned Madelyne's true origin. She was forced to reintegrate the portion of herself that Phoenix had given to Madelyne. In the process, Jean also received Madelyne's and Phoenix's memories and personalities too.Scott appeared to kill Sinister with an optic blast.
Following Madelyne's funeral, she Kept Switching back and forth between her multiple personalities, and it took a heavy toll on Jean. In a battle with the Celestials, the personalities of Madelyne and Phoenix were purged from her system. Only their memories remained and Jean was free. Scott and Jean started taking Nathan with them on missions. Nathan's mutant powers began to manifest as a protective force bubble whenever he was in danger. Later, Scott proposed to Jean only to be turned down. Jean now carried the memories of Scott's earlier proposals to both Phoenix and Madelyne and needed time to be sure their relationship was their own decision, not preordained. Scott and Jean finally learned that Rachel was actually their adult daughter from an alternate timeline.
The Riders of the Storm kidnapped Nathan and took him to Apocalypse's base on the Blue Area of the Moon. Apocalypse infected the child with the Techno-Organic Virus, that was rapidly spreading through his body and, if not stopped, would kill him. A woman from the late 37th-early 39th century appeared calling herself Sister Askani. She claimed to be a member of the Clan Askani that had technology in her future that might be able to save Nathan. However, she could only risk one-time jump without destroying herself. Distraught, Cyclops chose to send his son into the future rather than watch him die in the present. For some time, Scott had no way of knowing if Askani's cure had been successful. Jean's telepathy returned while battling the villainous Dark Rider Psynapse.
X-Factor disbanded and all five original X-Men rejoined Prof. X and returned to his school. Jean served on the "Gold Team" under Storm's leadership while Scott became leader of "Blue Team". A soldier called Cable had reorganized the New Mutants, Xavier's junior mutant team, into an outlaw team called X-Force. The Gold team was invited to a Hellfire Club event in an attempt to bury the hatchet between the two groups. It ended badly when Trevor Fitzroy's Sentinels crashed the party, resulting in the deaths of the Hellions. Both Jean and Emma Frost, the White Queen, fell into comas. Jean somehow transferred her psyche into the body of Emma. After waking in Emma's body, Jean battled Trevor Fitzroy. The X-Men rescued her and she was returned to her body.
Cable found his way back to the present. When Cable asked Scott about his mother before leaving, Scott finally had most of his answers at last, and father and son began repair their relationship at last. On Thanksgiving, Jean finally proposed to Scott. Jean and her long-time love were finally married. Jean told Rachel Summers that she hoped she would be born soon in this timeline. Afterwards, on the other side of the world and away from Jean's notice, Rachel Summers sacrificed herself to exile in the timestream to save her Excalibur teammate Captain Britain.

Phoenix Resurrection
Afterwards, Jean and Scott took a leave of absence from the X-Men for him to recuperate. On the plane ride to Alaska, they briefly battled a battalion of A.I.M. soldiers. While on leave, Scott called the original X-Men together to reassess Professor Xavier's dream of a peaceful co-existence between mutants and humans. Scott grew weary as Jean began to wear the green-gold Phoenix costume. She now also manifested the Phoenix firebird while training. Scott began to worry that the Phoenix had returned, though the couple stayed in retirement together and the matter of the Phoenix Force's return was dropped for a time. Professor X returned to the X-Men in their absence. Nate Grey visited them during that time as well. With the bonds between Nate and his "parents" strengthened, Scott presented Nate with one of his old X-Factor uniforms. Cable found Rachel alive and young at the end of time. The Phoenix Force had abandoned her. Cable brought Rachel back to the present with him. Rachel asked Cable to keep her return secret from Jean and the other X-Men while she tried to get her life back together.
Jean and four other mutants were recruited by Prosh for a special mission to fight the Stranger. A part of the mission included sending their minds back through time revisiting key moments in their past to learn new insights. Jean was forced to relive various moments from her past such as piloting the shuttle, being in the cocoon, the moment Phoenix died, and meeting Death in the afterlife. Death reiterated that Jean and the Phoenix chose each other and told Jean that she hungered for power when she touched the Phoenix. Death explained that her hunger scared the fundamental forces of the universe, because she was a human mutant with unlimited potential for growth. One day those like her could grow to replace the fundamental forces of the universe. Jean and the other recruits stopped the Stranger's plan to make himself the sole survivor of a new universe from the ashes of the old universe.
The Phoenix Force was reconstituted before its time and was assaulted by a Shi'ar warship, splintering a great deal of its power across the galaxy. The Force arrived on Earth, as she had just reformed outside the White Hot Room and was not complete and fought the Phoenix, dying again. But the Phoenix reminded her that years ago, Jean had asked for her help when wanting to save Scott and that this time, the Phoenix needed Scott and asked her to "take my hand", resurrecting a yielding Jean. But Jean however, had sensed the dark hunger of the Phoenix appeared to Wolverine and changed her attire to match that of Dark Phoenix's as a way to alert him of the Phoenix's dark intentions, but the Phoenix took hold of Jean and truly became the Dark Phoenix once more, easily overpowering Logan, who alerted the X-Men of Jean's resurrection after she escaped. Wolverine found a Dark Phoenix-possessed Jean in the woods and they fought with the Phoenix winning but not killing him as she was using him as bait for Scott and the other X-Men, but the Shi'ar were still in search of her and tried to obliterate her with an event horizon power-blast that destroyed that part of the forest, but the Phoenix saved herself and Wolverine by way of teleportation and they found themselves in a polar region.
Jean's attempts to regain control of the Phoenix Force were complicated by the interventions of the X-Men who wanted to contain the Phoenix Force and Quentin Quire who wanted to make use of the Phoenix Force to resurrect Sophie Cuckoo. The Shi'ar just wanted her dead. The Phoenix, as Jean, kept the power of Cerebra from locating her, but the Cuckoos were able to find her direction in the least, where her power upset the balance of Nature, allowing Storm to locate them through her natural abilities. Wolverine woke to a reawakened Jean as her "green-gold" Phoenix self, who told him that although the Phoenix has different plans, she is always Jean, And she's always the Phoenix. She further revealed that when she died, she scattered into a trillion pieces as the Phoenix which begun to reform outside the White Hot Room, but some parts of her were still lost in the Omniverse and she needed to "try again" in way of another death as she was "out of balance". So Logan killed her, but the Phoenix awoke and healed Jean, becoming Dark Phoenix again in full control. Logan killed her several times, but the Phoenix seemed to make Jean's body truly immortal, asking him how long he can kill her, but she eventually died and woke as a sane Jean once more, applauding Logan for weakening the Phoenix, her consciousness regained control. Jean then, wielding a form of cryokinesis, froze her own body under thick ice to prevent the Phoenix from using her body further.
The X-Men found Wolverine and Emma Frost determined that there was no brain activity to be read under the ice and Jean was dead. Unfortunately, the Phoenix left Jean's body to die and begun to absorb Scott's optic blasts, managing to form its body into Jean. Now, its power was enough to sustain Jean's form without her actual body. Eventually, the Phoenix told Scott she loved him in Jean's form, saying that she was the one he'd dreamed about as an orphaned child and will reach out to her the day he dies, but she realizes that he does not love Jean as much as he does Emma Frost and takes her as her host. Quentin Quire found the Phoenix, but it rejected him and this leads to the Phoenix coming to the conclusion that the entire world is  sick and plans on burning the sick world to destruction as it would not work.
Scott burned the ice in which Jean was frozen dead and Jean seemingly resurrected herself, and knocked the Phoenix to the ground. The Phoenix asked Jean how she was capable of this without its power and Jean reminded her that they are one. the Phoenix refused, saying that it was the only body Scott loved, so Jean forcibly expelled it from Emma's body. Jean talked to the Phoenix, calming it and telling it that the reason it was confused was because it was incomplete and she would understand once they'd completed themselves in the White Hot Room with the revelation that the hunger that Phoenix was feeling was due to Jean's longing to be with Scott and to feel loved again, and as the Phoenix was Jean's spirit virtually manifested, it sought to quench that longing. Sadly, the Phoenix came to the conclusion that it needed Jean again and the two merged once more, its hunger turning them into Dark Phoenix once more. Thinking quick, Scott drew her attention and told Emma his plan: Emma, through the Stepford Cuckoos, linked to all the X-Men and linked anyone who'd ever loved Jean telepathically transferring their emotions to her and she and the Phoenix were finally satisfied by it, restoring them to sanity via the emotional support of friends and family, telepathically conveyed to Jean. In its bid to eliminate the Phoenix, however, the Shi'ar warship generated a singularity above the North Pole whose event horizon annihilated everyone there just as she became the White Phoenix of the Crown, Jean reversed the damage and saved the X-Men through her reality warping powers. Finding herself alone with Cyclops in a psychic state of limbo, Scott gave her advice, telling her that she was and always will be Jean Grey. Jean returned to the White Hot Room to begin the task of finding the missing fragments of the Phoenix Force that still remained scattered through the omniverse and has not returned since either than two accounts. When she was collecting the missing fragments of the Phoenix Force, she later forcibly took some of them from Rachel Summers and the Stepford Cuckoos after the events in Phoenix Warsong when they wield the powers.
Desperately seeking to merge with Jean again, the Phoenix Force resurrected her and placed her inside a pocket reality inhabited by her colleagues and her loved ones, so to slowly prepare her for their reunion. Jean subconsciously saw through the Phoenix's farce, and caused psychic incidents back in the real world as cries for help. The X-Men investigated this phenomena and eventually located a gateway into this pocket universe in New Mexico. When the mutants arrived, the elderly Logan confronted Jean and managed to snap her out of the Phoenix's illusion and regain her true memories. Fully returned, Jean renounced the Phoenix once and for all, deciding to live life with the pain and loss that naturally comes with it instead of giving in to the Phoenix's temptations of a perfect life.

House of X
Jean, as Marvel Girl, was next seen living on the sovereign nation-state of Krakoa for mutants, created by Charles Xavier, Magneto, and Moira X.Xavier and Magneto then tasked the X-Men, consisting of Archangel, Cyclops, M, Husk, Marvel Girl, Mystique, Wolverine, and Nightcrawler, with destroying the Mother Mold and preventing the creation of Nimrod. With the help of Jean Grey and M, Trinary coordinated the communication between team members and the X-Men base in Krakoa. When the ship was invaded by Orchis, Monet got Jean into an escape pod to preserve communications between the two teams. The X-Men accomplished their goal, but the entire team was killed in the attack. Cyclops and Jean, the two remaining X-Men, tried to mount an escape, but they tragically failed when Dr. Gregor killed Scott in revenge for her husband. Jean's escape pod was later intercepted by Sentinels, and ripped apart with Jean inside of it.
The team was later resurrected by a group of mutants known as "The Five", consisting of Eva Bell, Proteus, Hope Summers, Elixir, and Goldballs. Merging their powers, The Five were able transfer the deceased X-Men's minds into new bodies grown by Krakoa. They were later proclaimed as the heroes of Krakoa. Jean was later asked to join the Summer section of the Quiet Council. Summer consisted of Marvel Girl, Storm, and Nightcrawler, representing the more empathetic, level-headed, and just members of the X-Men and other factions. Jean helped draft the basic tenets of the new mutant nation and was part of the unanimous vote to exile Sabretooth into the depths of Krakoa. Following their deliberation, Jean and the rest of the Council joined in the festivities taking place on the island, celebrating the recognition of Krakoa as a sovereign nation by the United Nations. Emma and Jean appeared to bury the animosity between the two of them, in particular over Scott, over a couple of beers. She was later required to use her powers in the resurrection of Charles Xavier after he was killed by mercenaries who infiltrated the island. Upon resurrection he made her a member of Krakoa's new black-ops security agency, X-Force.
She eventually abdicated her role in the Quiet Council, so she and Scott could form a team to rescue their son from Otherworld. A place Krakoans had been forbidden from entering due to an ongoing conflict. After it was over she was offered her position in the council back but she declined in order to reform the X-Men with Scott. At the Hellfire Gala an election was held to decide the new team who subsequently moved to a Treehouse in Central Park.

This tab will be filled at a later time when the father of her four daughters is created

Who is The Goblin Queen?

❝Surprise. It appears your devices have limits. And I don't.❞ -Madelyne

Name: Madelyne Jennifer Pryor
Nickname: Maddie
Living Status: Alive
Age: 40s~
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Alias: The Goblin Queen, Anodyne, Black Queen
Alignment: Villain
Teams: None

Parents: Created by Nathaniel Essex
Siblings: None
Other family members: Jean Grey & her offspring
Love interest: Ex Husband Scott Summers, current Husband TBA
Children: Nathan, Mesmira, Aon


psychic abilities, telekinesis, telepathy, mind control, Telepathic Cloak, Psionic Shield, Telepathic Camouflage, Mind Alteration, Telepathic Illusions, Mental Paralysis, Mental Amnesia, Psionic Blasts, Mind Transferal, Mental Detection, astral projection, energy blasts, flight, force fields

Gifted powers
heat generation, illusion casting, cosmic energy, cosmic Phoenix, fire control, Phoenix spark, Pyrokinesis

Species: Mutant
Hair: Ginger Red
Hair style: long down curled hair
Eyes: Green
Weapons: none
Other: is an Omega Level Mutant, Queen of a section of Limbo

Who is this Character?
Madelyne always bore a striking resemblance to the presumed deceased Jean Grey. Numerous individuals mistook her for Jean reborn. To make matters more suspicious, Madelyne's mind was closed to Professor X and she was the sole survivor of a mysterious plane crash, which occurred at the exact moment the Dark Phoenix committed suicide on the Moon, or so she thought. In reality, she was a clone of Jean created by Mister Sinister. Mr. Sinister found that a union between the X-Men, Scott Summers and Jean Grey would produce a powerful mutant. Sinister hoped he could control such a mutant and use it to defeat Apocalypse. At the time, Jean, actually the Phoenix, was acting recklessly, so Sinister created a clone of her. Sinister's plot was to produce a child from the union of Madelyne and Scott, whom he believed would become a genetically superior mutant. To Sinister's disappointment, Madelyne had no life and did not develop any mutant abilities at puberty as he had hoped. Sinister left Madelyne in her incubation tube as a failed experiment. It was at the moment of the Dark Phoenix's death that a spark of the Phoenix Force was accidentally bestowed on Madelyne's body and renewed Sinister's interest. After Dark Phoenix died on the moon, the Phoenix sought to return the borrowed portion of Jean's soul to her body which was in suspended animation. Jean instinctively rejected the Phoenix and it wandered the globe, lost. Eventually, it became attracted to Madelyne, since she was an exact genetic clone of Jean. The Phoenix Force searched for the next best thing, giving a spark of itself to Madelyne, granting her a life force and some of Jean's memories.
Madelyne met Scott in Alaska, while he was being introduced to his grandparents. From the moment of their first meeting, Scott was immediately attracted to Madelyne for her physical resemblance to Jean. Mister Sinister had also played a part as a matchmaker, by giving Madelyne a personality he knew Scott would like and placing her where they were sure to meet, as a pilot for his grandparents. Sinister also gave Madelyne the name "Pryor" as a pun on her "prior existence" as a cell sample taken from Jean. Scott was amazed how much Madelyne was like Jean, even after being tricked for a short time, by Mastermind, into thinking she was Dark Phoenix. After a whirlwind romance, Scott proposed to Madelyne on the deck of the Starjammer and Madelyne and Scott were married on the grounds of the X-Mansion. During their honeymoon in the Caribbean, Scott and Madelyne were attacked by a shark and a giant squid. This prompted Scott to choose retirement, realizing he would rather start a family than face a life of endless battles among the X-Men and the Starjammers.
Early in their marriage, Scott and Madelyne were flying a geological survey team across Alaska, when they ran into a mysterious storm that forced them to crash-land. Through Loki's Firefountain, all non-super-powered humans aboard the plane, including Madelyne, were endowed with mystical powers. As Anodyne, Madelyne could heal virtually any injury, illness, and physical-defect. Madelyne also used mystical healing powers to allow Cyclops to function without his protective lenses. When it was discovered that Loki's intentions were never altruistic and that his gift was badly flawed, as the cost of those powers was the loss of individual creativity and imagination, everyone went against him. His plans ended, Loki was ordered by Those Who Sit Above in Shadow to restore everyone to their original state. Loki spitefully removed all the powers he had granted and everyone who Anodyne had cured were also regressed back. During the incident, Madelyne revealed she was pregnant.
Scott returned to the X-Men after learning that Magneto joined. While he went on missions, Madelyne was left at the mansion. Madelyne felt that she and Scott were drifting apart after getting calls from other X-Men about her well-being but not her husband. While Scott was battling Fenris at the trial of Magneto, Madelyne gave birth to her son in the kitchen of the mansion, who she named Nathan Christopher Charles Summers. Scott battled Storm for undisputed leadership of the X-Men. Maddie inadvertently used her mutant powers for the first time to influence the outcome of the battle. After he lost, Madelyne convinced Scott to move with her back to a cabin in Alaska and live out their lives there, a subconscious suggestion implanted by Sinister — the remote location made it easier for him to study and if need be abduct the child.
During their time away, their marriage became strained. Madelyne resented the fact that Scott was rarely home and that he continued to miss Jean. Madelyne was also upset at the fact that Scott only married her because of her resemblance to Jean and that he only left to be with her and the baby because he lost in his bid to run the X-Men. Scott became very distant, even leaving Madelyne in the middle of the night. When the real Jean Grey was revealed alive, Scott abandoned Madelyne and baby Nathan to be with Jean and help found X-Factor in New York, despite her threats of him not being welcome back. Madelyne was heartbroken that Scott had left their family.
Maddie was hired to fly a cargo plane to San Francisco for a large sum of money and, at the last minute, decided to take Nathan with her. Mister Sinister, reacting quickly to Jean's return, aimed to eliminate Madelyne before the truth of her creation was revealed, and sent his Marauders to kill her and kidnap her son. Maddie used her latent psychic powers to defend herself but lost baby Nathan to her enemies. Maddie was shot multiple times and left for dead, then taken to a hospital in San Francisco, as a Jane Doe. Though the doctors thought she was a hopeless case, Madelyne pulled through and awoke months later from a coma after having dreams of surviving a plane crash and the flamebird of the Phoenix. There was no record of Maddie or the baby left in existence, as Sinister had erased them all. Upon waking, Maddie called the X-Men and was confused why Scott left her and took the baby. When the Marauders returned to finish the job, the X-Men were present and protected her. Madelyne felt abandoned by Scott, just as Alex Summers did, due to his lover Polaris being controlled by the Marauder Malice. The two comforted each other.
In Dallas, Texas the X-Men battled the Adversary and gave their lives to imprison him. Forge required the essences of nine souls to seal the portal and, with only eight X-Men present at the time, Madelyne agreed to be the missing piece and the group was transformed into pure energy. The entire incident was recorded by a news crew, providing Madelyne with the chance to tell Scott she loved him and to find their missing son. However, the Omniversal Guardian Roma restored the X-Men to life. After being resurrected, the X-Men and Madelyne decided to use the opportunity to go underground and keep their rebirth secret. The X-Men resurfaced in Australia, where they defeated the Reavers and claimed their base. While the X-Men would go on missions, Maddie would stay at the base and familiarize herself with the computer systems and, while watching the news, Madelyne saw Scott with Jean. Finally, Maddie learned the reason why Scott had abandoned her and she fell unconscious. In her dreams, Maddie was approached by the demon, S'ym, who toyed with her self doubt and tempted her with great power. Madelyne slowly lost herself to the dark side of her personality and manifested a black tattered uniform.

The Goblin Queen
After Storm abruptly left in the middle of the night, Maddie tracked her to the Savage Land and the X-Men departed. After responding to a fake emergency call from the Press Gang, Maddie flew a plane for the Australian Flying Doctors and was ambushed and taken to Genosha, with Jennifer Ransome and an infant. While in captivity, the demon, N'astirh, attempted to contact Maddie, but she told him to try later. The scientists of Genosha could not decide if Maddie was a mutant or human and, when the Genegineer came to check on her, Madelyne's latent powers had killed all the Magistrates investigating her and destroyed her observation lab. they also mentally attacked a representation of Dr. David Moreau himself, but, when asked what happened, Maddie had no memory. Madelyne had broke herself out of her cell and was cradling the captured infant when the X-Men arrived to rescue her.
Maddie agreed to help the demons S'ym and N'astirh create a link between Earth and the extra-dimensional Otherplace, in exchange for locating the Marauders, to have the X-Men make them pay, and baby Nathan. After returning home, Madelyne had Gateway teleport her to the gravesite of Jean, where she cursed Jean for her troubles and Scott for lying to her. While at the gravesite, Jean's parents showed, to show their respects, and Maddie turned them into demons. N'astirh appeared and took Madelyne to the State Home for Foundlings in Nebraska, Scott and Alex's childhood orphanage, and, in the basement, revealed a laboratory and an incubation tube with her name on it. In the lab, Mr. Sinister revealed himself and bound Madelyne, explaining her existence as Jean's clone to her. After being told that he would experiment on her, Madelyne used her considerable power to break free of Mr. Sinister's bonds and N'astirh presented her with her son. As the Goblin Queen, Madelyne descended into madness after Sinister revealed she was only a tool modeled after Grey. She returned to New York, where she battled X-Factor, blaming Jean and Scott for the misery in her life. She instigated a battle between the X-Men and X-Factor, having the X-Men under her demonic influence and believing that X-Factor was attempting to kidnap Nathan. When Scott attempted to assist Madelyne, Alex interjected, stating that Scott forfeited every right to Madelyne when he walked-out on her. When N'astirh appeared and attempted to take Madelyne, Scott saved Jean and Alex rode-off to rescue Madelyne and the baby. After arriving at the Empire State Building, Maddie revealed herself as the Goblin Queen and asked if Alex would join her. Alex agreed to become her Goblin Prince. The Goblin Queen briefly attacked the White Phoenix, mistaking her for Jean.
The Goblin Queen attempted to sacrifice baby Nathan and the other nine mutant babies atop the Empire State Building to spite Scott and to finish N'astirh's work in permanently opening a gateway between Earth and Limbo. The Goblin Queen locked herself, Nathan, and Jean inside a psionic barrier, where she explained her origins as Jean's clone. Both X-Factor and the X-Men's combined efforts seemed to be futile in an effort to break through the telekinetic bubble. Pryor-Summers and Grey fought one-on-one, with Madelyne unleashing a psionic force, intending to destroy both herself and her opponents. X-Factor and the X-Men protected each other and Madelyne was the only one affected, but, as she lay dying, she pulled Jean into her mind to die with her. Jean would have succumbed, were it not for the Phoenix leaving Madelyne at that time and returning to Jean. Jean was able to resist and as Madelyne died, Jean recovered the part of her soul the Phoenix Force had mistakenly given to Madelyne. Years passed, during which Scott and Jean married and her son Nathan traveled to and from the future and became the man called Cable.
Madelyne regained a physical form from her resurrection from the Astral Plane. Madelyne remembered very little of her past. In Paris, she was lured away  by Selene, who slowly took her to New York and met with Sebastian Shaw, suggesting a revival of the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club. Selene presented Madelyne as Black Rook. She proved her value by winning a battle against the London Club's Red Rook Scribe, pulling the parasitic mutant Mountjoy out of the woman's body. One night, Tessa attempted to probe Madelyne's mind but was discovered. Madelyne angrily defeated Tessa and proved to be telepathic too, making Tessa forget the incident. Madelyne's memory was fully restored at last. She searched for Nathan Sunmers but met Threnody instead, who revealed to her that even though she was walking around and breathing, she was actually still dead. Angered, she murdered Threnody. Madelyne returned to Sebastian Shaw, with whom she began a physical relationship, which was of great concern to Selene and Tessa. During a battle with the X-Men, Madelyne unearthed Jean's coffin. Cyclops warned her not to take possession of the body inside, but she did so regardless. Madelyne then collapsed in agony. Cyclops revealed that he knew Madelyne would come to Jean's grave-site and had Domino remove her coffin and replace it with someone else's, knowing nothing less than Jean's body could contain her. Madelyne disincorporated into nothingness.

Lady Deathstrike formed an all-new Sisterhood initially comprised of Herself, Typhoid Mary, and the Enchantress. After Lady Deathstrike's assistant, Reiko, had been possessed by a powerful sentient bacteria Arkea, she also joined the team. As Arkea feared being killed by the X-Men again, she wanted powerhouses to join the Sisterhood. She first had Amora resurrect Black Queen. Using the genetic material of Jean Grey, she modified the dead body of Ana Cortés to resemble Jean Grey genetically. To complete this, she had Amora summon Madelyne from beyond the grave to complete the resurrection. Ana Cortés had contacted the X-Men before her suicide, and the X-Men attacked the Sisterhood. Madelyne telepathically defeated Rachel Grey. Storm offered Madelyne and Selene a deal, essentially letting them go free as they were only after Arkea at the time. As Madelyne and the other members of the Sisterhood didn't particularly care for Arkea, they allowed the X-Men to kill her without putting up much resistance. All Arkea samples perished. Meanwhile, Madelyne declared that she would create an all-new Sisterhood and departed, accompanied by Selene.

House of X
Madelyne's resurrection went unnoticed by her former allies and enemies for years, much to her dismay. When the nation of Krakoa was established, Madelyne represented a unique exception, not being invited to join the rest of her race. A resentful Madelyne made plans for vengeance against Krakoa for excluding her. She took control of Sinister's former cloning lab, where she was able to resurrect undead clones of the Marauders and control them as she wished. Planning to clone hundreds of Marauders, Madelyne would then lead her army of undead through the Krakoan gates, ravaging the paradise she was denied. Sinister sent his Hellions, a team of disreputable Krakoan mutants which included Havok as a member, to destroy his abandoned cloning lab. As the rest of the Hellions clashed with the undead Marauders, Madelyne tortured Havok and intended to sacrifice him as part of a ritual to fill the bodies of the resurrected Marauders with demonic essences. Her scheme was interrupted by Greycrow, who shot her and fatally wounded her. Madelyne died in Havok's arms, begging him to remember her.
Later on, Madelyne's resurrection was dismissed by the Quiet Council of Krakoa due to Krakoan laws forbidding the presence of clones being cloned, much to Havok's dismay. This ruling was protested by Havok, but to no avail. Emma Frost eventually convinced the council to overturn this rule and bring Madelyne back, after her Hellions mole Empath forced Havok to destroy a clone lab containing the mind of Psylocke's deceased daughter, leaving him wracked with guilt.

Dark Web
Ben Reilly, a mistreated and vengeful clone of Spider-Man, was drawn into Limbo and met with Madelyne, the two commiserating over their shared status as clones and deciding to team up to seek revenge on the people they blamed for their suffering. As part of their alliance, Madelyne used S'ym's severed finger to bestow Ben's girlfriend Janine Godbe with demonic powers, turning her into Hallows' Eve. Madelyne made a demon possess a mailbox, with Spider-Man intervening and defeating the demon, as Ben and Madelyne watched from afar, with Ben saying that he thinks his teamwork with her will work, and Madelyne agreed since they have a lot in common. While travelling through her kingdom, Madelyne encountered the King in Black Eddie Brock and intrigued by his similarity to Ben, agreed to help him reunite with his son Dylan in exchange for him aiding her and Ben with their plans. Growing annoyed by Eddie's insistence on being taken to his son, Madelyne had Ben use his new powers to rip out chunks of his memories to make him easier to manipulate. When her preparations were complete, Madelyne unleashed her army of demons on Manhattan, alerting the X-Men to her betrayal of their trust. While Ben left to assassinate Norman Osborn, the man responsible for his creation and first death, Madelyne sent Hallows' Eve and Eddie to cause a distraction. However, Eddie, reverted to his old revenge-obsessed supervillain state, reneged on their deal to hunt down Spider-Man, Madelyne lamenting to Hallows' Eve that she had taken too much from him.
Cyclops, Havok, Jean, and Magik went to Limbo to deal with the demon invasion, but were ambushed by Madelyne who locked the Summers brothers in the sky dungeon and trapped the girls in a powerful spell. Wanting to regain her memory of holding her son, Madelyne sought to use the Cerebro Drive to access Jean's mind. She entered Magik's mind finding a younger Magik and Jean inside the X-Mansion spied on by Mister Sinister. Madelyne then visited Cyclops and Havok being tormented, the latter offering to help Madelyne as himself was getting therapeutic help. However, she left and proceeded to manipulate Jean and Magik into accessing the Cerebro. This failed as Cyclops managed to fight back against his restraints and reached out Jean, allowing her to also fight back against Madelyne. The two proceeded to fight, with various demons coming to Madelyne's aid, only for them to be killed by Jean. Despite Jean freeing Magik from the spell, Madelyne kept fighting, until Jean surrendered. She allowed Madelyne to regain her memories of Nathan's birth, but would only share them with her. Madelyne accepted and the two relived the happy moment of Nathan's birth. With this, Madelyne reformed herself and agreed to retract the demons and help undo the damage caused by the invasion. Madelyne attempted to convince Chasm to stop torturing Spider-Man, but he refused, leading to Hallow's Eve using her powers to throw the Goblin Queen off her castle before stealing her scythe. She reunited with the X-Men and together joined Spider-Man and his own allies in trying to stop Chasm, who had become the new ruler of Limbo, from invading Earth.
Together they planned to attack King Chasm and Hallow's Eve in order for Madelyne to steal her scythe back and return things to normal. As Limbo's ruler and his lover celebrated their own twisted version of Christmas, the heroes attacked them. Madelyne summoned Brock back, now in the new form of Bedlam, and confronted Chasm. Chasm attempted to call all of his demons to attack the Goblin Queen, but was attacked by Spider-Man and Rek-Rap. As Madelyne was being attacked by numerous demons, Havok came to her aid, but she managed to muster up enough power to take back control of the demons. With the help of Magik, Madelyne was able to retake the Scythe, causing King Chasm to regress to his previous form. Although Cyclops suggested to just lock him up, the Goblin Queen instead opted to lock him inside the newly formed Limbo Embassy. In the aftermath, Madelyne sought to welcome anyone who had been lost and rejected into her domain.

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Who is Lady Samuri?

❝We never should have been heroes for hire, Misty. We should have just been heroes.❞ -Colleen

Name: Colleen Wing
Nickname: Colleen
Living Status: Alive
Age: 40s~
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Alias: Lady Samurai
Alignment: Hero
Teams: None

Parents: Lee & Azumi Wing
Siblings: None
Other family members: Grandfather Kenji Ozawa
Love interest: Ex Husband Scott Summers
Children: Markus, Hunter, Julia, Juliet



Species: Human
Hair: Auburn Ginger
Hair style: Long down
Eyes: Blue
Weapons: Katanas, guns, daggers
Other: None

Who is this Character?
Colleen Wing was the daughter of Professor Lee Wing, a professor of Oriental studies at New York's Columbia University. Her mother, Azumi Ozawa, was killed by an unknown assailant while Colleen was still a child. Colleen grew up in the mountains of northern Honshu in Japan, where she was raised by her grandfather, Kenji Ozawa. Kenji's other children died in World War II. Kenji trained his only grandchild in the arts of the samurai, which his own ancestors had been in the time of the daimyo. Kenji had also been a member of Japan's secret service. Kenji was murdered by Hong Kong crime lord Emil Vachon. Colleen made her home in New York City where her father lived. Caught in the midst of a gun battle on Manhattan's West Side, she was saved from being killed by police officer Misty Knight, who soon became her best friend.
After Misty lost her arm, Colleen encouraged Knight to rise above her depression and return to an active role in life. After Knight's right arm was replaced with a bionic steel arm, Colleen and Misty formed a partnership as private investigators and called their firm Nightwing Restorations, Ltd. The two specialized in missing persons cases, and teaming up with Iron Fist on many missions. She briefly dated Cyclops while Jean Grey was presumed to be dead by her fellow comrades. Colleen even gave Scott her apartment keys hoping to hook up with him later, but it didn't happen since Jean and Scott were reunited.

After Scott and Jean split, He ended up getting with Colleen again, where the wed and had their kids, Markus, Hunter, then the twins, Julia & Juliet. They had a strained marriage, since Scott still loved Jean. Eventually, after the death of their eldest, they just couldn't do it anymore. Scott had an affair with Emma Frost, and Colleen knew he was only with her since she resembled Jean. They divorced, and Scott got better. He and Jean started dating again, but did not tell any of their kids. Colleen on the other hand went back to NYC, to continue her work with Misty.

Who is Cable?

❝Sometimes the ends justify the means, no matter the cost to your soul. ❞ -Nathan

Name: Nathan Christoper Charles Summers
Nickname: Nate
Living Status: Alive
Age: 50s~
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Alias: Cable
Alignment: Antihero
Teams: X-Men

Parents: Scott Summers & Madeline Pryor. Adopted By Jean Grey.
Siblings: Half siblings with Rachel, Markus, Hunter, Julia, Juliet, Mesmira, Aon. Adoptive sisters Jen, Bianca, Raina, Karone.
Other family members: Jessica, Wattson, Alexander, Koen, Gabriel, Rivera
Love interest: Hope Summers, current wife TBD
Children: Dune, Adopted Hope Jr


psychic abilities, telekinesis, telepathy, mind control, Telepathic Cloak, Psionic Shield, Telepathic Camouflage, Mind Alteration, Telepathic Illusions, Mental Paralysis, Mental Amnesia, Psionic Blasts, Mind Transferal, Mental Detection, astral projection, energy blasts, flight, force fields, Teleportation, Time Travel

Species: Mutant
Hair: Brown, Greyed with Age
Hair style: short
Eyes: Blue, one is is yellow due to it being a bionic eye
Weapons: Guns
Other: Has a left Bionic Arm due to the techno Organic Virus, Is an Omega Level Mutant

Who is this Character?
Cable's destiny was planned before his parents even met. Geneticist Mr. Sinister found that a union between the X-Men Scott Summers and Jean Grey would produce a powerful genetically superior mutant. Sinister hoped he could control such a mutant and use it to defeat his immortal adversary Apocalypse. Around this time Jean's form and consciousness was replaced by the reckless cosmic Phoenix Force while she healed from radiation poison in a cocoon at the bottom of Jamaica Bay. Sinister created a clone of Jean and named her Madelyne Pryor. Sinister's plan was to produce the child he needed from the union of Madelyne and Scott. Sinister considered his clone a failure until a spark from the Phoenix Force granted Madelyne a life force and some of Jean's memories. Sinister crafted a false background for her and arranged for her to meet Scott as a pilot for Scott's grandparents. Scott was instantly drawn to Madelyne because she strongly resembled his true love, Jean. They quickly married. Madelyne later became pregnant and had a son who she named Nathan Christopher Charles Summers. Baby Nathan's alternate reality teenage half-sister Rachel Summers created a psi-bond with him, while promising to protect him and always be there for him. After losing leadership of the X-Men, Scott retired from the X-Men and together he and Madelyne raised the child in Anchorage, Alaska.
Over time Scott and Madelyne's marriage became strained. Madelyne resented the fact that Scott was rarely home and that he continued to miss Jean. Everything worsened when Jean was discovered alive. Scott left little Nathan and Madelyne to reunite with Jean and the other founding members of the X-Men in New York to form a new team called X-Factor. Hearing of Jean's return, Mr. Sinister sent his Marauders to capture Nathan and to kill Madelyne, before she could be exposed as a clone. Madelyne survived and came into the care of the the X-Men, while Sinister took Nathan to his secret lab hidden under the State Home for Foundlings, the orphanage in Nebraska where Nathan's father had grown up. There, Sinister experimented on Nathan. Sinister was thorough and erased all records of Nathan and Madelyne's existence. Scott later returned to Alaska to reconcile with his family, but there was no trace of them except for a baby toy he found left behind in their old home. Scott believed Madelyne had moved away with the baby. While staying with the X-Men, Madelyne learned the reason why Scott had abandoned her and slowly lost herself to the dark side of her personality. Madelyne agreed to help the demons S'ym and N'astirh create a link between demon infested dimension of Limbo and Earth in exchange for baby Nathan. Madelyne became aware of her powers and began calling herself the Goblin Queen.
The precognitive mutant Destiny pointed Scott and Jean to Sinister's lab where they found Nathan and many other children in incubation pods. While attempting to rescue Nathan, Somehow a telepathic link between Nathan and Jean was opened. Demons escaped with Nathan and he and nine other kidnapped infants were teleported to Times Square. N'astirh, using the babies as the points of an inverted pentagram, tried to keep a portal open, but the portal was closed by the combined efforts of the X-Terminators and the New Mutants. When his father arrived to rescue him, Nathan was taken back to his mother at the orphanage. Mister Sinister had revealed Madelyne's true origins to her. Blaming Scott and Jean for the misery in her life, she intended to use Nathan and the other nine mutant babies atop the Empire State Building as a sacrifice in her effort to reopen another portal. After the defeat of N'astirh, the Goblin Queen locked herself, Nathan, and Jean inside a psionic barrier. Madelyne killed herself and locked Jean into a mental bond, hoping to take her down with her. Jean re-integrated the portions of her life-force that had gone from the Phoenix Force to Madelyne. In doing so, Jean also received Madelyne's memories, including those of raising young Nathan. Nathan was taken to X-Factor's sentient Celestial Ship, where he was cared for by Scott and Jean. Scott decided to take Nathan with him on missions. Nathan's other mutant powers began to manifest, as he could form a protective telekinetic force bubble around himself.
The Riders of the Storm kidnapped Nathan and took him to Apocalypse's base on the Blue Area of the Moon. Before Nathan could be rescued by X-Factor, Apocalypse infected him with a Techno-Organic Virus that was rapidly spreading liquid metal and organic steel through his body and, if not stopped, would kill him. Ship created a protective electromagnetic field and merged with Nathan's electrical parts to keep him alive. A visitor from 2,000 years in the future, Sister Askani of the Clan Askani, appeared to Cyclops. She had sacrificed her physical body to become energy and claimed that Nathan would become a savior in her time. Sister Askani promised the Clan would cure him of the virus in the future, however she would be unable to make another time-jump, trapping Nathan in the future. Cyclops chose to save his son's life and gave him up, believing that he would never see him again.
Upon arriving in this future Earth ruled by Apocalypse and his Canaanite Army, Nathan was given to Mother Askani, a time-displaced version of his sister, Rachel Summers. Mother Askani placed Nathan in an incubation crib to preserve his life, but the virus had progressed too far. The only thing keeping the child alive was the acts of Ship. the Askani learned that the child would live after all. Just then, the Canaanites attacked the base. Nathan was safely removed before they nearly killed Mother Askani and began the massacre of the Clan Askani. The Techno-Organic Virus had already spread to the left side of Nathan's body, giving him a cybernetic appearance. Redd taught Nathan to use his telekinetic abilities to hold the effects of the virus back, and to telepathically mask its presence. At eight years old and after years of remission, Nathan's Techno-Organic Virus suddenly began to flare-up and he went into a coma as his condition was deemed terminal. Slym watched over Nathan day and night. Mother Askani, appearing as young Rachel Summers, telepathically formally introduced herself to Nathan. Rachel explained to him that he was potentially the most powerful mutant ever and that, if he sacrificed the maximum use of his telekinesis daily, he could contain the virus.
When Nathan first arrived in the present, he washed up, confused and traumatized, in Scotland and met Dr. Moira MacTaggert, although later it seemed she did not recall doing so. She was the first friendly person he met in the future, standing up for him against a violent mob. She then took him with her to Muir Island. After learning the English language and current events from a mind-link with Dr. MacTaggert. She taught him literature, art and various other topics, catching him up on the century as well as putting him in contact with Charles Xavier. Nathan, now calling himself Cable, shuttled between the past and future multiple times, at one point bringing with him his orbital space station, and setting-up technologically advanced safe houses all over the world. Xavier had assumed control of Graymalkin and the safehouses, performing duties similar to those it had as Ship.
During the night of Scott's bachelor party, he was alerted that there was an intruder in the Danger Room. It turned out to be Cable, going through a hologram of when he was given to the Askani by his father. Originally put-off by Scott's eagerness to relinquish his son forever, Cable came to respect his father after seeing a hologram of Scott's response after his decision. On the eve of Scott and Jean's wedding, Cable and Cyclops reconciled.

Cable resurfaced in possession of the first mutant baby girl to be born after M-Day. The X-Men, Marauders, and Purifiers had been seeking the child. This put Cable in conflict with Bishop, the X-Men, and the new X-Force. In the end Cable convinced Cyclops to allow him to take the baby into the future. Even in the future Bishop was able to track them down, but Cable escaped. Cable took refuge in the future in the secluded safe haven of New Liberty, where Cable got married to a resident named Hope, who later died defending the child. Cable decided to name the child Hope, in honor of her deceased stepmother.
Hope and Cable were separated in time, appearing in the same spot but in different years. When Cable touched down from the spot, he appeared two years after Hope, and was steadily losing control of his body due to the techno-organic virus within him. It altered his appearance so much that Hope didn't register Cable's face. Eventually, Bishop, using his code-name as a way to portray himself as a holy figure, gained on them, and Cable and Hope commandeered the last ship the planet had, the Ensahabnur I. Cable forced Hope to abandon Emil, the boy who had helped her survive undetected for two years, leaving Hope distraught. Bishop, armed with a thermonuclear device in the stump of his arm, set out to make his own ship, knowing it would only be a matter of time. At some point during their journey Hope accidentally betrayed Cable and he was imprisoned. Bishop and Emil eventually caught up to Cable and Hope on the last ship to leave earth, Emil under the impression that Cable had kidnapped Hope and Bishop was her true father. Bishop was also armed with a thermonuclear device which he planned to activate as soon as he saw Hope. While Bishop and Emil raided the Ensahabnur I, Emil and Hope were reunited and Hope explained to Emil that Bishop was in fact trying to kill her.
During Bishop's invasion the Brood, attracted to Hope's power, attacked both ships, distracting Bishop. Cable and Bishop both fought the Brood, Cable being swallowed by an Acanti, but escaping by using it's rib as a sword and cutting it's insides, forcing the Acanti to regurgitate him. Hope and Emil made their way to the ships two terraforming pods, which would facilitate their escape. Emil placed Hope in the pod against her will as she refused to leave Cable. As Emil was preparing the second pod Cable appeared and Emil gave the second pod to Cable, sacrificing his own life. After Cable and Hope had left Emil obtained Bishops thermo-nuclear weapon, detonating moments before he could be attacked by a Sleazoid. However Bishop escaped by allowing himself to be absorbed by an Acanti, and two years later he had tracked Hope and Cable in cryosleep within their terraforming pods.

The Phoenix Five
When the now teenaged Hope wanted to return to the past, Cable reluctantly agreed. They managed to make it back to the present, only to be attacked by Bastion's Human Council. Hope escaped with Rogue, and Cable fought alongside the X-Men once more. Cable later sacrificed his life to bring Wolverine and his X-Force team consisting of Archangel, Cypher, X-23, and Domino, to San Francisco. But in fact, Cable had escaped into the future, where he met Blaquesmith, who told him that the world collapsed because the Avengers killed Hope. Together they went to the Avenger's Mansion where they found anti-mutant technology, suggesting that the Avengers had clashed with the X-Men. They then returned to the present in order to hunt the Avengers down to prevent them from killing Hope, before the virus finally consumed Cable. Although he managed to defeat several Avengers, he was eventually taken down and brought to safety by Cyclops. There Blaquesmith convinced Hope to cure him which she did by absorbing the virus into herself and destroying it with the Phoenix flames, thus finally curing Cable of the techno-organic virus. On the astral plane Cable made Cyclops promise that he would do whatever it took to protect Hope when the Avengers would come for her, and promised him his help in the coming war.
After the war between the Avengers and the X-Men, Cable awoke from his coma and left, leaving Hope a note telling her not to follow him. He tracked down Forge, who had gone mad and was presumed dead, and used his telepathic powers to create a psychic scenario that allowed Forge to repair the damage to his psyche, curing him of his insanity. Cable had begun receiving visions of disasters, and needed Forge as part of a team to stop these events from coming to pass. Along with Forge, Cable also recruited Domino, Doctor Nemesis, and Colossus. After a time Cable went and reassembled an all-new X-Force team to protect the mutant nation and give it a stake in the world after altered humans were taken for usage by Secret Intelligence agencies across the world to be blamed for assassinations and terrorist acts. The new crew members Dayspring had accumulated were Marrow, Fantomex, MeMe, and Psylocke.

This tab will be filled at a later time

Who is The White Phoenix?

❝I'm assuming you saw what she did? How her power works? Anything we can do- anything any of us can do-  she's already there. It's like someone made a voodoo doll for the whole mutant race.❞ -Hope

Name: Hope Summers
Nickname: Hope
Living Status: Alive
Age: 20s~
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Alias: The White Phoenix
Alignment: Hero
Teams: X-Men

Parents: Louise Spaulding, Adopted by Nathan Summers
Siblings: Dune
Other family members: Uncles Markus, Hunter, Aon, Aunts Rachel, Julia, Juliet, Mesmira. Grandparents Scott summers, madelyne Pryor & Jean Grey, Cousin Wattson
Love interest: TBD
Children: Jessica


Mutant Power Mimicry, Mutant Power Absorption, Power Absorption Immunity, Power Mimicry Negation, Power Regulation, Power Negation & Supression, Mutant Power Synergizing, Mutant Power Sensing, X Gene Power Bestowal

Gifted powers
Cosmic Phoenix, Astral Projection, Energy Blasts, Energy Absorption, Energy Based Constructs, Energy Manipulation, Energy-Enhanced Strike, Fire Control, Force Field, Heat Generation, Light Projection

Species: Mutant
Hair: Ginger Red
Hair style: sometimes down, sometimes in a ponytail
Eyes: Green
Weapons: none
Other: first mutant born after M-Day, Is an Omega Level Mutant

Who is this Character?
Hope was the first new mutant born since M-Day. Her birth caused telepathic shockwaves so powerful that Cerebra exploded after detecting her. Soon after, her birthplace in Cooperstown, Alaska was attacked by the Purifiers, who had used information received from the time-traveling Sentinel Nimrod warning them of her arrival. Although the people of the town, including Hope's mother, were murdered by the Purifiers, Cable managed to save her. According to him, the baby was a messiah destined to save both mutants and humankind. However, according to the Purifiers and Bishop, she would kill a million humans, turning humanity against mutants once and for all, thus leading to a new era of mutant persecution, the very timeline in which Bishop was born.
The Purifiers and Cable were not the only ones pursuing Hope. Mister Sinister sent his Marauders to find her, while the X-Men also attempted to secure her. The Marauders succeeded in stealing Hope away from Cable, but were unaware that their leader had been betrayed and replaced by Mystique. She and her co-conspirator Gambit had hoped to use the child to cure Mystique's daughter figure, Rogue of the Strain 88 virus, which had left her comatose. Mystique's plan worked, and Rogue was cured of the virus. After a huge battle between the Marauders, X-Men, and Predator X, the X-Men claimed the child and Cyclops decided that the baby would be safest with Cable, allowing his son to take her into the future. However, an enraged Bishop decided to track Cable and the baby down in order to finally kill her and prevent his future from happening.
Pursued by Bishop and unable to return to the past, Cable eventually sought out the fabled sanctuary of New Liberty. He settled down here and married a woman by the name of Hope, who became like a mother to the mutant baby. When the child was seven, New Liberty was invaded by the remnants of the U.S. government. After spending months in the wasteland that had once been America, the family was attacked by the president of the liberty. The young Hope managed to take him down and Cable questioned the president, deducing from his story that in order to find Hope in the future, Bishop had destroyed all the continents in the world, except North America, in order to more easily find her and kill her. Cable killed the president, and the family moved on. They encountered a settlement, but were met with a pack of marauders. Cable took care of them easily, but not fast enough, as his wife was shot and killed before the young Hope's eyes. After burying her, Cable, who until then had refused to name his child in belief that he had no right to do so, decided to name her Hope Summers after his deceased wife.
In an effort to find and kill Hope, he set a trap for Cable and Hope, constructing a time-net that prevented them from jumping forward in time. When the X-Men finally found them, Cyclops sent X-Force to bring them back, only for them to also become trapped. When Cable and Hope were forced to time travel again, Hope resisted because she wanted to stay with X-Force members X-23 and Elixir, with whom she had bonded during the battle. Angry at Cable for forcing her to leave, she kicked him mid-jump, stranding herself and Cable two years apart from each other. Hope fled the rubble of the Celestial City and befriended Emil Spence, a descendant of the clone warriors. Hope survived for two years, with the help of Emil, until rejoining Cable and fleeing the dying Earth on one of two remaining spaceships, the Ensabahnur I, which Cable commandeered. Hope was devastated at being forced to leave Emil, the boy she loved. At some point during their journey, Cable was imprisoned. Bishop and Emil eventually caught up to Cable and Hope, Emil being under the impression that Cable had kidnapped Hope and that Bishop was her true father. Bishop was also armed with a thermonuclear device which he planned to activate as soon as he saw Hope, ensuring her death. While Bishop and Emil raided the Ensabahnur I, Emil and Hope were reunited and Hope explained to Emil that Bishop was, in fact, the one trying to kill her.
During Bishop's attack, the Brood, attracted to Hope's latent power, attacked both ships, distracting Bishop from Hope. While Cable and Bishop both fought the Brood, Hope and Emil made their way to the ship's two terraforming pods, which would facilitate their escape. Emil placed Hope in the pod against her will as she refused to leave Cable. As Emil was preparing the second pod Cable appeared and Emil gave the second pod to Cable, sacrificing his own life. After Cable and Hope left, Emil obtained Bishop's thermo-nuclear weapon, detonating it moments before he could be attacked by a Brood. However, Bishop escaped by allowing himself to be absorbed by an Acanti, and two years later he had tracked Hope and Cable in cryo-sleep within their terraforming pods. Hope and Cable survived the brutal crash-landing back onto the dying Earth. Soon Hope made the decision that she was ready to go home and join the X-Men. However, the only fully functioning time machine was in Bishop's robotic arm, and Bishop was still trapped inside a dying Acanti. Cable blew up the Acanti corpse, awoke Bishop and narrowly escaped with Hope into the past, but not before Bishop fired a bullet point-blank at Hope's head. Fortunately, Hope's mutant powers manifested and she used Cable's telekinesis to stop the bullet in midair.
The cobbled-together time machine turned out to be somewhat faulty, making it difficult to time-slide to a specific date. Also, the remnants of Bishop's time device were triggered with each jump, allowing him to follow them anywhere in time. A violent chase ensued across numerous time periods on Manhattan Island including the Revolutionary War and ruins of the apocalyptic future. Bishop finally reached them and was almost successful in killing Hope before Cable activated the time device in his arm to send Bishop to the year 6700 AD. Finally free of their pursuer, Hope and Cable made preparations for their final jump into the present. Cable and Hope arrived in the present at the ruins of the Xavier Institute. While searching the rubble for clues on the X-Men's current whereabouts, a team of Smiley Faces attacked them. They were able to escape, but had alerted Bastion to Hope's return. Bastion began tracking the pair using Cable's virus as a beacon. Hodge's Smiley-Faces and Stryker's Purifiers both continued to pursue the pair, but the X-Men were also alerted to Hope and Cable's return via the Stepford Cuckoos and Cerebra. The X-Men were able to stop both the Purifiers and Smiley Faces and catch up to Cable and Hope. Once the X-Men understood how Bastion was tracking Cable, they broke into two teams: Nightcrawler, Rogue and Hope teleporting back to Utopia and Wolverine, Cable and the remainder of Alpha Team acting as decoys. Bastion quickly uncovered the deception and attempted to kill Hope personally, but he was confronted by Rogue and then damaged when Nightcrawler sacrificed himself to save Hope by teleporting in one leap from Las Vegas to Utopia.
After Hope arrived on Utopia, Bastion launched the next phase of his plan. During the months leading up to Hope's return, a large energy dome was built over the Bay Area to cut off the X-Men from escaping or getting help. Once the dome was activated, Bastion opened a dimensional portal to his own time-period to allow an army of Nimrod-Series Sentinels to travel back to the past and kill Hope. Like the original Nimrod, these Sentinels were able to detect, analyze and adapt to mutant powers as well as self-repair. The X-Men were barely able to subdue them, and several X-Men sustained severe injuries. Every five minutes a wave of five new Nimrod Sentinels continued to appear through the portal. Only by sending X-Force, Cable and Cypher on a one-way mission into the future to reprogram and destroy the Nimrod Master Molds were the X-Men successful in defeating them. However, to get X-Force home safely, Cable sacrificed his own life.
Once the dimensional portal was closed, Bastion decided it was time to confront Hope personally. He converted both Graydon Creed and Stephen Lang into robotic forms in order to battle the X-Men on the Golden Gate Bridge. Hope, grieving profusely at the death of her father, allowed her sorrow to turn into purposeful rage. Her mutant powers manifested once more and Hope was able to draw on the mutant powers of the X-Men around her and single-handedly destroyed Bastion, Lang and Creed. Hope's return to the present prompted five new mutant manifestations. These mutants would become known as the Lights. Once the dust had settled after the final battle with Bastion, Hope, accompanied by Rogue and Dr. Nemesis, was sent to the Baxter Building in New York City to be thoroughly examined by Mr. Fantastic. After the examination, Richards concluded that Hope showed no major signs of damage from time-traveling. He did recommend she have some dental work done and begin a vaccination regimen. He also said a biological family history would be most helpful.
When Hope returned to Utopia, she was confronted by Cyclops, her adopted grandfather. They agreed to not let Cable's death stand between them. While Cyclops wanted Hope to investigate the five mutants who had emerged following her return, he agreed to allow Hope to go to Alaska to learn more about her origins. Hope went to Alaska with Rogue, Cypher and Dr. Nemesis, and discovered her biological mother's identity. While visiting her grave, Hope met her grandmother, who invited her to her home and told her all about Louise, oblivious she was talking to her granddaughter. Immediately after leaving Alaska, Hope and the others headed to Vancouver, Canada to save the first new mutant. Hope arrived just in time to save Laurie's life and stabilize her powers. After that, Laurie was committed to following Hope to the ends of the Earth. From Canada, Hope and the others went to Mexico City, Mexico where Hope similarly saved Gabriel Cohuelo. Next Hope, accompanied by Storm, traveled to Nigeria to save Idie Okonkwo from a paramilitary group threatening to kill her. Hope stabilized her powers and brought her back to Utopia with the others. The next light was originally located in Ukraine, but when Hope, Rogue and the other lights arrived in Kyiv, he was gone. They tracked him over most of Europe and finally found him in Miami Beach, Florida. Like the other lights, Hope was able to stabilize Teon's powers,. after Teon joined, the group set off for Japan to stop the fifth light from destroying Tokyo. At first, Hope was unable to get close enough to touch Kenji, but she was able to control her powers enough to mimic Kenji although the strain of mimicking his powers made her faint with exhaustion. Despite an order from Cyclops to let the X-Men handle Kenji, Hope and the other lights set off to try and save him. She was able to again mimic Kenji's powers and use them to successfully subdue him so she could physically touch him and stabilize his powers and personality.
After the incident in Tokyo, Cyclops replaced Rogue with Kitty Pryde as his envoy to Hope's new team. Now an officially sanctioned X-Men team, the Lights were deployed to Germany, where a sixth light had activated. They discovered the new light was, in fact, an unborn child who telepathically took control of those near him. Kenji and Teon proved immune to its power, and Kenji was able to create links to the rest of the lights to protect them as well. Laurie theorized that the child was acting out because it did not want to be born, and so Hope had Kenji link them to the baby. After several attempts to reason with it, Teon managed to calm the baby, and he was successfully delivered. Hope touched him, stabilizing his powers. The Lights then left Germany to return to Utopia, while Teon's family had started legal action to regain custody of him. While awaiting the trial, Hope was furious with the blasé attitude taken by Dr. Rao and Evangeline Whedon about Teon's custody. In an effort to distract her team from the looming legal proceedings, Hope insisted on adopting code names. Later, despite his normally animalistic nature, Teon was able to eloquently offer a sound case of why he needed to stay with Hope and the X-Men. Immediately after the trial, Laurie and Kenji began to speculate on the reason all of the Lights seemed to be so drawn to following Hope. After the events in Germany and Teon's trial, Hope and her team continued to train and prepare for more new mutant activations. Thanks to the Stepford Cuckoos monitoring via Cerebra, Hope and the Lights were alerted almost immediately of activation of the Seventh Light's powers. They left quickly, but arrived just after Zee had committed suicide. The whole team took the death very hard.

The Phoenix Five
In addition to leading her own team, Hope was made a member of Cyclops' new Extinction Team, featuring the X-Men's heaviest hitters. While on the team, Hope grew closer to Prince Namor, and made unsuccessful romantic advances towards him. She would also learn more about her potential role as the future avatar of the Phoenix Force. To Hope's great joy, her father Cable survived his sacrifice to save X-Force. Being thrown into a future where the Avengers had prevented Hope from becoming the Phoenix and brought about the Earth's destruction, Cable returned to the present and captured the Avengers, despite being rapidly consumed by his techno-organic virus. Cable was defeated and taken to Utopia. Manifesting the Phoenix properly for the first time, Hope absorbed the virus from him and destroyed it, leaving Cable comatose but safe.
Following her manifestation of the Phoenix, Hope began training rigorously with Cyclops to prepare her for the Phoenix. The manifestations began occurring more frequently, particularly when under pressure. Believing that the Phoenix was coming to Earth to destroy the planet, the Avengers invaded Utopia and demanded that the X-Men hand over Hope. Having been warned not to do so by Cable, and believing that the Phoenix was coming to Earth to save mutantkind from extinction, the X-Men refused, leading to a battle between the two teams. In the ensuing chaos, Hope fled, pursued by both the X-Men, Avengers and Wolverine, who had gone rogue and believed the only solution was to kill Hope. Hope sought Wolverine out and offered him a deal, that he would accompany her to the Moon, where she could meet the Phoenix, and if she began to lose control, she would allow him to kill her. Hope made her way there, but before she could merge with the Phoenix, it was splintered into five pieces by Iron Man. Acting on instinct, the Phoenix possessed five of the X-Men who had also journeyed to the Moon to find Hope. Using their power, the Phoenix Five took Hope back to Utopia and set about using their power to reshape the world, disarming the world's governments and bringing about global peace.
Hope continued to hear the call of the Phoenix, but the newly empowered Phoenix Five, led by Cyclops, now refused to relinquish it to her. Despite acting peacefully, the Phoenix Five continued to be harrowed by the Avengers. They eventually attacked Utopia hoping to kidnap Hope and use her to study the Phoenix. Hope chose to go with them voluntarily. The pressure of the Avengers' attacks caused the Phoenix Five to begin acting more erratically, and as they fell one by one, the power of the Phoenix becomes increasingly concentrated and more difficult to control for the remaining hosts.
The Avengers realized their mistake and now began working towards allowing Hope to host the Phoenix. Hope was taken to K'un-Lun, where she received further training from Spider-Man. With only two Phoenixes remaining, Cyclops and Emma Frost, the Avengers and X-Men united to try and stop them before they lost control entirely. Driven mad by the Phoenix, Cyclops absorbed it all and became a Dark Phoenix. Despite nearly destroying the world, Cyclops manages to beg Hope and the Scarlet Witch to kill him during a brief moment of lucidity. With Wanda and Hope uniting their powers, and with aid from Jean Grey speaking to Cyclops from the White Hot Room, they were able to dislodge the Phoenix from Cyclops, allowing Hope to merge with it at last. Aided by the Scarlet Witch, Hope dispersed the Phoenix and used it to undo the effects of M-Day, allowing mutants to be born freely once again.
With the Phoenix gone, the Avengers made arrangements for Hope to live a normal life and attend a normal school. Cable finally awoke from his coma, though too late to participate in the conflict between the Avengers and X-Men, and leaves a note to Hope telling her not to look for him. Hope disobeys him, travelling around the world looking for traces of her father, despite being warned by the Avengers not to do so. When about to give up the search, Cable visits Hope in her new home, telling her that it's not her job to watch out for him, and that he will always look out for her. At peace, Hope thanks her father as he disappears into the night. Under the watchful eye of the Avengers, Hope continued to live her "normal" life. She was made to see a psychiatrist and was placed under the care of foster parents. Unsatisfied, Hope decided to resume her search for Cable, making a deal with Domino so that she would use her luck powers to find him. Domino and Hope located Cable in a junkyard in Nebraska. Hope was finally properly reunited with Cable, and after getting over her initial anger at him for leaving her, became embroiled in his attempts to prevent a dark future from occurring.
Hope later joined him and his X-Force, and learned that the person feeding Cable the visions of the future that had thus far guided him were in fact a future version of herself. Later, she was kidnapped by a returned Bishop, who had returned to the present and become a member of another X-Force team. Despite contemplating killing Bishop in revenge, she decided to spare him, but warned him to stay away from her. After this, Cable's X-Force was disbanded and the two of them set off on their own. At the graduation day of the Xavier school, Hope made a surprise visit to see Idie.

House of X
After the establishment of the mutant nation of Krakoa Hope became a member of The Five, a group of mutants established by Charles Xavier with the goal of resurrecting all dead mutants. The five mutants, together, were able to create new clones of the deceased mutants, restoring their bodies, their powers, and their memories as they were at the time of their deaths. Hope's powers allowed The Five to operate at both their peak and in unison. The Five set about resurrecting mutants who had died before their time, both those who were long gone and those more recently deceased, helping to populate the island. The Five were seen partying following the recognition of Krakoa as a sovereign state by the United Nations and the first meeting of the Quiet Council. While Hope was initially reliant on Xavier or other telepaths inserting the psyches of the deceased mutants into their new shells, Mystique disguised as Xavier had Hope perform her first unassisted resurrection, allowing Hope and the Five to resurrect others wholly on their own.
During the Hellfire Gala Hope participated in the terraforming of Mars with other Omega Level Mutants. She assisted Vulcan and Proteus by supplying them with enough energy for the completion of their part of the process. In an effort to redeem herself for nearly causing the extinction of mutantkind, the Scarlet Witch convinced her father to aid her in a project that would allow for the resurrection of mutants who had died before the creation of the resurrection protocols. To do this however, Wanda would have to die at her father's hand, so that she could go through the resurrection method herself. On Wanda's behest, Magneto brought Hope into the plot. The plan hit a snag when the Quiet Council, unaware of Wanda's plans, refused to sanction her resurrection, even when it appeared that she had been murdered. Magneto became the prime suspect, and was left comatose after a battle with the X-Men, X-Force, and X-Factor. Professor X conscripted a reluctant Hope to aid him in probing Magneto's mind, unaware that she was in cahoots with him. Hope awakened Magneto from his coma, and instructed him to buy time while Hope and the Five resurrected Wanda. The plan eventually succeeded, leading to the creation of the Eldritch Orchard, where the Five could revive those who had died before the resurrection protocols. The first to be restored to life was former X-Man Thunderbird.
When Magneto unexpectedly stepped down from the Quiet Council, Exodus approached Hope, suggesting that she seek the vacant seat. Hope interrupted a meeting of the Quiet Council to declare her candidacy, practically demanding a seat on behalf of the Five. Hope was granted the seat over Selene in a vote of 6-5. Selene responded by transforming the External Gate into an invincible monster which began running amok on Krakoa. Acting on intel from Destiny, Hope managed to assassinate Selene, who was quickly resurrected, and while in a weakened state, telepathically forced to undo the spell before being killed again. Shortly after Hope joined the Council, Sinister put into motion a plan requiring him to kill several members of the Council. Using Moira MacTaggert Clones to reset the timeline upon failure, Sinister finally succeeded on his tenth attempt, killing the Council's psychics as well as Hope and Exodus.Hope was quickly resurrected, with Synch managing to fill in for her with the Five.

This tab will be filled at a later time

Who is Prestige?

❝I'm not my mother. I'm not Phoenix. I'm my own woman... and before I'm done... they'll wish I were the Phoenix.❞ -Ray

Name: Rachel Anne Grey-Summers
Nickname: Ray
Living Status: Alive
Age: 30s~
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Alias: Prestige, Askani
Alignment: Hero
Teams: X-Men

Parents: Scott Summers & Jean Grey, From earth 811
Siblings: half siblings with Nathan, Markus, Hunter, Julia, Juliet, Jennifer, Bianca, Raina, Karone
Other family members: Hope, Dune, Jessica, Gabriel, Alexander
Love interest: TBD
Children: Wattson


psychic abilities, telekinesis, telepathy, mind control, Telepathic Cloak, Psionic Shield, Telepathic Camouflage, Mind Alteration, Telepathic Illusions, Mental Paralysis, Mental Amnesia, Psionic Blasts, Mind Transferal, Mental Detection, Empathy, astral projection, energy blasts, flight, force fields

Gifted powers
heat generation, illusion casting, cosmic energy, blue cosmic Phoenix, Electric control, Phoenix spark

Species: Mutant
Hair: Ginger Red
Hair style: Short
Eyes: Green
Weapons: None
Other: Is an Omega Level Mutant

Who is this Character?
Rachel Anne Grey-Summers is the mutant daughter of Scott Summers and Phoenix Jean Grey-Summers in Earth-811. Being born from the Phoenix Force merging with Jean, Rachel inherited both her mother's potential for telepathic and telekinetic powers and the ability to tap into the limitless power of the Phoenix Force. Raised at Professor Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Rachel met and befriended fellow mutant Franklin Richards, the son of Fantastic Four members, Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman. When her powers manifested, Rachel joined the New Mutants, a younger generation of X-Men brought together to carry-on Professor Xavier's dream of a peaceful co-existence between humans and mutants. In the mainstream reality, the X-Men prevented the assassination of anti-mutant Senator Robert Kelly; however, in Rachel's timeline, Senator Kelly was killed. The assassination caused intense widespread public paranoia against mutants, and, in the next presidential election, an anti-mutant candidate won. Around this time, Rachel's mother was killed in a nuclear explosion in Pittsburg reportedly caused by the X-Men's old enemy, Mastermind. The anti-mutant outrage led to a genetic purity act, rendering the X-Men fugitives. The Mutant Registration Act further resulted in a dystopian future as the mutant hunting Sentinel robots, unleashed by the anti-mutant president's administration to contain and eliminate mutantkind, decided that the best way to do so was to take over the United States. Over the subsequent years, they killed or imprisoned virtually all known superhuman beings within North America, including Rachel's father.
One day, while Rachel was still a child, the X-Men's base of operations, at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, was attacked and demolished by federal troops. One of the only survivors at the school was Rachel, whom the soldiers found by the side of Prof. Xavier's body. The soldiers used drugs to neutralize Rachel's developing psionic powers, before she was tortured and brainwashed in the laboratory of the sadistic Ahab. Following extensive behavior modification, Rachel became a mutant "hound", using her psionic powers to hunt down other mutants for the authorities. Rachel's superiors branded her face with a grotesque, irremovable pattern of tattoos to mark her as a Hound and forced her to wear a leash. Rachel occasionally killed mutants herself and it is known that some of those were people she loved. Rachel's grief and shame at what she was forced to do as a hound and her anguish over the deaths of her parents and friends deeply scarred her soul, leaving her bitter and intolerant toward humans who persecute mutants. During one sadistic torture session imposed on her by Ahab, the pain helped Rachel break her brainwashing, letting her rebel and attack, Ahab, permanently scarring his face.
No longer of use as a hound, Rachel was placed in the South Bronx Mutant Containment Facility, where she rejoined the surviving members of the X-Men in a plan to end the Sentinels' reign by changing history. There, Rachel befriended Wolverine, Magneto, Katherine "Kate" Pryde, and the adult Franklin, who later became her lover. Within the camp, Rachel and Franklin found a way to break their power-neutralizing collars.
Rachel used her psionic powers to exchange the consciousness and spirit of the adult X-Man Kate with that of Pryde's teenage self, as she existed at a time just before the attempt on Kelly's life. It was hoped that the adult Kate, in her younger self's body at that earlier time, could warn the X-Men about the assassination attempt, so they could stop it, thereby preventing the chain of events from occurring that led to the Sentinels' rule. However, history could not be changed in this manner and Rachel, as it turned out, actually caused Kate to exchange psyches not with her younger self in the past of her own reality, but in the mainstream reality. While Kate was sent back to take over the body of her teenaged self, the other X-Men escaped the camp, taking Kate's unconscious body with them. Kate succeeded in preventing Kelly's assassination in the mainstream reality, after which the Prydes' psyches returned to their proper times and realities. On her return, Kate found that other X-Men, except for Rachel, had all died in an attack on the Sentinels' Manhattan headquarters.
Investigating why their efforts did not succeed in changing her reality, Rachel sent her astral self into that past as well, also arriving in the mainstream reality, subsequently learning Kate had crossed timestreams. While floating above New York City, in preparation for her return, Rachel's meditative astral form was found by the Phoenix Force, a powerful cosmic force that had been linked to Jean of the mainstream reality. Fascinated by Rachel, the alternate reality child of Grey and the Force itself, the Force read her mind and was impressed that Rachel had not given into despair after all she had experienced. Sending a portion of itself in the future of Rachel's reality with Rachel, the Force met Kate, after Rachel passed-out from the strain of the time travel.
The Force agreed to boost Rachel's powers, so she could physically travel back in time, not just psychically. Kate still did not give up her vain hope of altering her reality's history. Kate hypnotized Rachel into using her psionic powers to tap into the Phoenix Force and send herself back in time when Kate said the words "Dark Phoenix". Thus, Kate hoped that Rachel herself could change history. The next day, Rachel and Kate illegally entered the laboratory of Project Nimrod, which was the attempt to construct the most highly advanced Sentinel possible with the technology of that time, in the hopes of sabotaging the project. Kate planted a nuclear device, hoping to fool the regime into thinking Rachel had died, but the Nimrod prototype attacked Kate moments before the bomb detonated. Kate survived, due to phasing, but she suffered terminal radiation poisoning. Pursued by guards, Rachel and Kate locked themselves within the laboratory, whose walls were proofed against Kate's mutant power to phase through solid matter. Rachel believed herself and Kate to be trapped, but Kate said the words that caused Rachel to project herself back through time. Project Nimrod's creation, the Sentinel Nimrod, then fired on Kate and traveled back in time to find Rachel. According to the Force in the future Rachel came from Jean never became the Phoenix and died when Mastermind detonated a nuclear device in Pittsburg and it was this event, not the assassination of Senator Kelly, that resulted in the future Rachel was born in, though why Kate said Xavier was assassinated in Washington the same day Kelly was by the Brotherhood of Mutants rather then years later at his mansion at the hands of US troops was never explained.

Rachel found herself physically transported, body and mind, to a time shortly before the present, but, like Kate's spirit, Rachel had traveled not to the past of her reality, but to the past of the mainstream reality. Rachel went to Prof. Xavier's mansion, but could not bring herself to stay, on realizing that she had come back to the wrong reality, and fled without identifying herself. Pursued by the psychic vampire Selene, Rachel stumbled into a nearby nightclub, where she was in the process of being thrown out by the bouncer, when the club's owner, Nicholas Damiano intervened. Seeing her distress, Nick took Rachel back to his apartment and generously offered his assistance to her. Shortly after, while taking a bubble bath in his bathroom, Rachel sensed something was amiss when she was suddenly unable to sense his thoughts. She found him in his dining room, where he had made dinner for the two of them and was horrified to find him dead- his life-force drained from him by Selene. Rachel fought the psychic vampire, but was ultimately rescued by the timely arrival of the X-Men. After Prof. Xavier read her mind, Rachel was invited to the school. In the School for Gifted Youngsters, Rachel was tutored by Professor X and trained in the use of her powers in the Danger Room.
Rachel was still shocked to learn of the supposed "death" of Jean in this reality and visited the home of Grey's parents while they were absent, where she found a holo-empathic crystal that was imbued with an imprint of Grey's personality. Unaware that Jean had not actually been Phoenix, Rachel refused to believe that Jean could be evil, as people claimed Phoenix was, and she decided to claim the name and power of Phoenix as her own birthright. Through her own actions, Rachel sought to redeem the name Phoenix in this reality. Rachel also believed that as the new Phoenix, she could use her power to help her fellow mutants and, thereby, atone for what she had done as a hound in her own reality. Sensing this, the Force awoke within Rachel, allowing access to its power. It was at this moment, while holding the crystal, that Rachel first manifested about her the bird-shaped aura of energy associated with the previous Phoenix. From that time on, Rachel was able to draw to a limited extent upon the vast power of the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix Force. The alien being known as the Beyonder once hinted that Rachel could potentially become equal in power to the previous Phoenix. Now calling herself Phoenix, Rachel joined the X-Men
After sensing Scott Summers of the mainstream reality was in danger, Rachel met him and did not tell him of her true origins, while stopping a scheme of Loki's. Magneto joined the X-Men, per Prof. Xavier's request, and he, completely out of character, stopped Rachel from killing a human that shot at her, stating that she would only prove them right that mutants are murderers. At this time, the Beyonder brought a young mutant, named Boom-Boom, to the mansion and the X-Men and New Mutants instinctively attacked them. After showing her new uniform of the Phoenix to her teammates, upsetting Cyclops, the X-Men later traveled to Asgard to rescue Storm and the New Mutants from one of Loki's schemes and battled Fenrir. After defeating the wolf, Rachel met her alternate reality, infant, half-brother, Nathan Christopher Charles Summers, and created a psi-bond with him, promising to protect him and always be there for him. Rachel later took it upon herself to rid the universe of the threat of the Beyonder. After approaching him, he granted Rachel the full power that the previous Phoenix had possessed and gave her the choice to kill him or save the X-Men, after he had put them all in life-or-death situations. After saving them all, Rachel explained that knowledge and maturity must be won and deserved and left to rebuild San Francisco.
Rachel eventually left to London, where she was tracked by Warwolves. Rachel was captured by Gatecrasher and the Technet, who were hired by Saturnyne to eliminate Rachel as a threat to the entire universe. The combined efforts of Rachel, Shadowcat, Nightcrawler, Meggan Puceanu, and Captain Britain resulted in their escape and the defeat of the Technet and the Warwolves. Rachel suggested that the group stay together to continue Professor Xavier and King Arthur's dreams of equality and together they formed the British super-team Excalibur. After rescuing hostages in a nightclub, Rachel was introduced to Nigel Frobisher, who unsuccessfully attempted to ask her out. Rachel met Nigel again and, after she read his mind and realized his sleazy intentions, telekinetically pushed him away. Later, Rachel attempted to rescue Shadowcat, who was posing as Rachel, from her plan to find the remaining Warwolves, but Kitty was captured. After saving people from a subway train, Rachel felt Shadowcat being skinned by the Warwolves and held her consciousness together, while tracking her to the Warwolves' hide-out. Excalibur rescued Shadowcat, who's intangibility saved her life, and placed the Warwolves on display at the zoo.
The team moved into their new headquarters, Captain Britain's Braddock Lighthouse. Following a trail of counterfeit money, Excalibur traveled to Murderworld and battled the Crazy Gang, to rescue Captain Britain's ex girlfriend, Courtney Ross. While battling the Crazy Gang, Rachel felt her baby brother cry-out for help, due to the Inferno and the demon, N'astirh's attempt to sacrifice him. Sensing another distress call from her brother, due to his mother's attempt to sacrifice him, Rachel left for the Empire State Building. Upon arriving, Rachel confronted the Goblin Queen, whom she mistook for her mother. Rachel was changed by the magic of the demonic invasion, becoming a mannequin. The demon Crotus, servant to N'astirh, sensed the Phoenix Force within her, and hoped to marry Rachel, in order to bind the power of the Phoenix Force to his will, but the ceremony was prevented by Nightcrawler, and Rachel returned herself to normal. Shadowcat had acquired Illyana's Soulsword and eldritch armor, and Kitty battled Meggan, now calling herself the Goblin Princess, until the Goblin Princess returned her to normal.
After the demonic invasion, Rachel went to visit her brother on X-Factor's Celestial Ship, where she learned that Jean was still alive. Not wanting to alert Jean to her presence, Rachel sat on a cloud and entertained baby Nathan, then flew off before Jean could notice her. Upon returning to the Lighthouse, Rachel and Kitty found that the Soulsword had appeared, embedded in bedrock. Despite using the full extent of power permitted by the Phoenix Force, Rachel was unable to remove the sword, which she surmised only Kitty could remove. At this time, a competition grew between Rachel and Kitty over the affections of W.H.O. member Alistaire Stuart, whom Kitty had developed a crush on, while he found himself attracted to Rachel. After returning to the exchange of Dr. MacTaggert and the Highland Flyer crew with the Lightning Force Reichsrail Train, Reichsminister MacTaggart threw a nuclear grenade, and Widget teleported Excalibur and Alistaire to another dimension.
After many adventures with Excalibur, Rachel finally managed to return to the future she had come from. While she couldn't change her past, Phoenix and her teammates were able to change the directives of all the Sentinels of the era to preserve all life, thereby ending the genocide that had prevailed for years. On the return journey, Captain Britain was lost in the timestream and it was discovered that Rachel had to exchange places with him for him to return. Phoenix sacrificed herself to exile in the timestream, to save her teammate. There, Rachel diverged into two timelines. One Rachel became stranded in the late 37th century, 100 years after Apocalypse conquered the world, and became Mother Askani, founder of the Clan Askani.
Gaunt, a cyborg prisoner from over two billion years in the future who was imprisoned two billion years further into the future at the end of time on the Borderline reality, located the other Rachel in the timestream and guided her to his domain, depowering her. After he enslaved Phoenix, Gaunt forced her to telepathically summon Cable, the adult version of her alternate reality half-brother Nathan, for his freedom. The Dark Sisterhood of the modern era did not want Cable to aid their enemy, the Mother Askani version of Rachel, and offered Gaunt his freedom to defeat Cable. To obey the Sisterhood and eager to face a worthy adversary, Gaunt battled Cable for Rachel's freedom. Gaunt easily outfought Cable, who only managed to land a single blow, but this blow ultimately won the fight, however, as Gaunt inadvertently absorbed Cable's more virulent form of the Techno-Organic Virus. After Phoenix distracted him, the virus completely incapacitated Gaunt with it's aggressive spread, with his systems unable to restore him for a millennium or more. Cable returned Rachel to the modern era with him. With her own timeline erased and having been abandoned by the Phoenix Force, Rachel decided to retire from the costumed adventuring life and began attending college. Soon after, Rachel became embroiled in the Dark Sisterhood's attempted takeover of the United States. Rachel aided Cable in defeating the Sisterhood and their leader, Finality, after which she returned to college. Cable promised he wouldn't tell anyone she was back.

The Phoenix Five
Wishing to return to normalcy, Rachel chose to leave Utopia shortly after arriving and joined Wolverine in starting the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning. During the subsequent conflict between Avengers and X-Men, Rachel was contacted by Cyclops who asked her to feed the Avengers false information about the whereabouts of Hope Summers. She agreed and sent the Avengers on wild goose chases across the world. She proceeded to leave the school to join the battle on the side of her fellow mutants against the Avengers. She later helped the X-Men search for Hope, but with Hope copying her telepathic abilities, Rachel was not able to locate her. The interference of the Avengers led to the creation of the Phoenix Five, and when they began to lose control of the Phoenix, Rachel helped the Avengers and X-Men take them down.

Inhumans Vs Mutants
After the death of Cyclops from the Terrigen Mist, Rachel left the X-Men to travel to London and did everything in her power to stay away from the X-Men while mourning the deaths of the mutants dying from the Terrigen Mists. She was encountered by Magneto who convinced her to help his team after he showed her how little people cared about the deaths of the mutants and to save the future of mutantkind. Thus, she helped Magneto assault New Attilan to kidnap Ulysses Cain because Magneto feared his predictions would be used negatively by the Inhumans against mutantkind. They decided to leave Ulysses in peace after he showed Magneto a possible future where mutants kill each other, and Rachel decided to leave soon after because Magneto proved to be too untrustworthy a leader. During the war between Inhumans and X-Men, numerous Inhuman civilians were trapped in Limbo, the X-Men's then-current base of operations. When many of them turned out dead, Rachel helped Sabretooth find the Inhuman civilians to protect them. Unbeknownst to Rachel, the murderer was among the X-Men's ranks, as M was being secretly possessed by her brother Emplate.
In the aftermath of the war, Rachel was asked to rejoin the X-Men, assuming the identity of Prestige due to Kitty's request, in an attempt to help Rachel move on from her past. When the X-Men confronted a Sentinel named Alpha which was vulnerable to psychic attacks, Prestige attacked it, though the backlash knocked her into a blackout. As her friends continued fighting Alpha to no avail, Rachel found herself confronted with apparitions of Franklin Richards, Jean Grey, Cyclops and even her past self, which helped Rachel realize she was afraid of tapping into her full potential. Prestige assumed the risks of embracing the purest expression of her power, and woke up. She attacked Alpha again, successfully neutralizing it this time. In the wake of the battle, Rachel discovered she had reached a further state of awareness. During her blackout it was revealed she felt Nightcrawler's feelings for her and confronted him about this. They then became a couple.
Rachel's boost in powers caused her to experience flashbacks of her days as a hound. While fending off an attack from Negative Zone aliens, Prestige was gravely hurt and slipped into a coma. While comatose, Rachel's hound marks resurfaced. She eventually woke up, and complemented her physical changes with a new costume that resembled the one she wore as a hound. Not long afterwards, the supervillain Mesmero revealed himself to Rachel as the cause of her changes, since he had been probing her mind progressively for months. In order to defeat the X-Men, Mesmero forced Rachel into a cognitive recreation of the future where she hunted down mutants, however he was defeated. When Jean Grey was resurrected by the Phoenix Force in a pocket dimension and rescued by the X-Men, the first place she visited was the Xavier Institute in Central Park, and Rachel was waiting there for her. The reunited mother and daughter flew in the sky together, before being joined by X-23 and visiting New Attilan. That night, Rachel was psychically ambushed by Cassandra Nova who took control of her to use as a weapon against Jean. Cassandra Nova later reactivated her control over Rachel, after Jean Grey led an assault that destroyed her sentinites. Under Cassandra Nova's psychic control, Rachel battled Jean on Genosha, but held back by resisting Cassandra Nova. When Cassandra Nova turned on Rachel, Jean made a deal with Cassandra Nova to release Rachel. Rachel departed only at Jean's urging, and after punching Cassandra Nova.

House of X
Rachel embraced her citizenship of Krakoa, living in the Summer House on the blue area of the moon and serving as a member of the X-Men and X-Factor Investigations.

This tab will be filled at a later time

Who is Havok?

❝Lorna, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have lead you on.❞ -Alexander

Name: Alexander Summers
Nickname: Alex
Living Status: Alive
Age: 40s~
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Alias: Havok
Alignment: Antihero
Teams: X-Men

Parents: Christoper & Kathrine Summers
Siblings: Scott, Gabriel
Other family members: Nathan, Hope, Jessica, Dune, Rivera, Rachel, Wattson, Markus, Hunter, Julia, Juliet
Love interest: TBD
Children: Koen


Energy Blasts, energy absorption, Plasma Blasts, Energy Constructs, Flight

Species: Mutant
Hair: Blonde
Hair style: Short
Eyes: Blue
Weapons: None
Other: had flings with Lorna Dane & Madelyne Pryor

Who is this Character?
Alexander Summers was the son of Major Christopher Summers and his wife Katherine Ann Summers. He had two brothers, older brother Scott Summers and younger brother Gabriel Summers. All three are mutants. When Scott and Alex were boys flying home from a family vacation in their father's vintage private plane, a scout ship from the alien Shi'ar Empire suddenly materialized and set the plane ablaze. Katherine pushed Scott and Alex out the plane door with the only available parachute. The parachute caught fire, so Scott used his mutant optic blasts for the first time to slow their descent. Scott and Alex were unaware that their parents had been teleported from the plane by the Shi'ar a moment before it exploded. The two boys were hospitalized and both suffered traumatic amnesia regarding the incident. They left the hospital after two weeks and were placed in the State Home for Foundlings, an orphanage in Omaha, Nebraska and were subjected to a battery of tests and experiments by the orphanage's owner, Mr. Milbury, an alias for the evil geneticist and their future enemy Mr. Sinister. Sinister believed that Scott was the Summers brother with the most potential, so he had Alex adopted to separate them and render Scott emotionally vulnerable.
Alex had little or no contact with Scott until years later. Alex was raised by Andrew and Mrs. Blanding, whose son Todd had been killed in a car accident. Alex was pressured to act as a replacement Todd, which he tried to do as best as he could. When Todd's killer Vincent kidnapped Alex and his foster sister, Haley Blanding, Alex manifested his mutant powers for the first time, incinerating Vincent. Mister Sinister appeared, quite surprised to find that Alex's potential possibly exceeded Scott's. Unfortunately, Alex lacked any control over his powers. Sinister placed psi-blocks on both Alex and Haley, causing them to forget everything that happened that night.
Alex grew into an adult unaware of his brother's developing mutant power or his identity as Cyclops, leader of the X-Men, until after Alex graduated from Old Landon College's geophysical studies. Ahmet Abdol, then a professor of archaeology, discovered a psychic link between himself and Alex. While both of them possessed the latent mutant power to absorb and transform cosmic radiation, Abdol's ability to exercise the power was jammed in an unknown manner by Alex' body. Abdol captured Alex and took him to his laboratory in Egypt. Abdol found a way to screen Summers' body from ambient cosmic radiation, permitting his own body to attain its latent potential. Abdol was transformed into the Living Monolith, a gigantic mutant with vast cosmic power. The Monolith was defeated while in combat with the X-Men when Alex's latent mutant powers surfaced under the stress of entombment within the mechanism designed to screen him from cosmic radiation.
Incapable of controlling the shock waves his body emanated, Summers chose to remain in the Egyptian desert, rather than accompany the X-Men back to America. Summers was soon captured by one of the mutant-hunting robotic Sentinels and brought to the headquarters of Larry Trask, the son of the Sentinels' inventor, Dr. Bolivar Trask. Trask gave Summers the codename Havok and a costume, whose chest display monitored the build-up of cosmic energy within him. When the X-Men finally freed Trask's captive mutants, Havok was severely injured. The X-Men took Havok to Dr. Karl Lykos for treatment. Lykos tried to drain Havok's lifeforce to feed his own vampiric urges. Havok's mutant energy triggered his transformation into Sauron, a pterodactyl energy vampire. The X-Men battled with Sauron and stopped him from further leeching off Havok. Alex accompanied his brother and his teammates back to the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where he began training to help him keep his energy in check. While with the X-Men, Havok was immediately attracted to the green-haired Lorna Dane, much to the anger of Iceman, who also showed a romantic interest in her. Professor Charles Xavier enlisted Alex and Lorna's help repelling an invasion by the alien Z'nox. Havok gained enough mastery over his power that he could release it only when he wished to do so, as opposed to when he was near death, and could wield his power skillfully enough to become a formidable opponent in battle. Following the X-Men's battle against the island Krakoa, Havok and Lorna left the X-Men to pursue their mutual interest in geophysics, attending graduate school in Nevada. Alex and Lorna fell under the mind-control of the Shi'ar Intelligence agent Erik the Red. A battle ensued at Kennedy International Airport as the duo were turned against the X-Men and attempted to assassinate Professor Xavier. They were both eventually freed from Shakari's control and stayed at Muir Island for their recovery.
At Muir Island, Lorna and Alex were attacked by henchmen of the Living Pharaoh. After arriving in New York, Spider-Man came to their aid and accidentally knocked The Living Pharaoh into a containment unit that was to be used to make Alex a living battery to amplify the Pharaoh's powers a million fold, and he was transformed into the Living Monolith again. Monolith was beaten by Spider-Man and Thor. After returning to Muir Island, Alex and Lorna aided the X-Men battling Proteus. Afterward, they settled in New Mexico, where they completed their advanced degrees. Their plan to stay out of the affairs of the outside world did not last long as Professor X called on Alex and Lorna for help in the rescue of the friends and family of the X-Men from Arcade's henchman Miss Locke in Murderworld.
Scott brought a visitor to meet Alex, his long-lost father, who had become a space pirate called Corsair. Corsair had been captured and sold into slavery by the Shi'ar Empire and later became the leader of the Starjammers. Alex learned his grandparents were still alive and owned a shipping company in Alaska. At the Summers family reunion Scott was shocked to meet Madelyne Pryor, a pilot for his grandparents who was identical in appearance to Scott's late love and former X-Man Jean Grey. No one was aware that Madelyne was a clone of Jean created and programmed by Sinister to fall in love with Scott to make use of their potentially powerful offspring for his own purposes. Scott and Madelyne did grow close and Alex attended their wedding as his best man.

The Goblin Queen
While living in the Rio Diablo Mountains of New Mexico, Alex and Lorna stumbled upon a Brood Star-shark. Alex went to warn the X-Men, who he found on the run from the Mister Sinister's Marauders. Storm ordered Psylocke to erase his memory so he wouldn't remember the X-Men were going to go underground and become a proactive strike force. Because Professor Xavier had trained him in mental defense, his psi-shields made him have reoccurring nightmares of being attacked by the X-Men. Alex left Lorna to check on the X-Men again. This time Psylocke refused to erase his memory a second time, fearing she might damage his mind. Havok agreed to return to the X-Men in their time of need. While Havok was away the Marauders went after Polaris. The psychic entity Malice possessed her body and assumed leadership of the Marauders. Havok ran into Polaris/Malice in San Francisco when she was attempting to kill Madelyne Pryor, who was still in a hospital. Malice made Alex aware of the fact that Lorna was being controlled and tormented him with the knowledge that he could do nothing about it.
In Dallas, Texas, the X-Men and Madelyne Pryor gave their lives to imprison the Adversary. The Omniversal Guardian Roma restored the X-Men to life. The event was broadcast live on television and the world believed the heroes to be dead. After being resurrected, the X-Men decided to go underground and keep their rebirth secret. The X-Men resurfaced in Australia, where they defeated the Reavers and claimed their base. Roma magically made them invisible to any sort of detection such as cameras. The X-Men next investigated the Brood Star-shark Havok had found and tracked the source to Harry Palmer, who was unaware he was infected and had made an entire crèche of mutant hosts. The X-Men were conflicted over killing the human hosts, but Havok was forced to kill several of them. He was left to wonder if killing becomes easier each time. Alex began to feel remorse for the lives he had taken, feeling that he was becoming more like Wolverine and resented
Madelyne Pryor soon learned that the reason Scott had abandoned her when she saw him on television with Jean Grey. The demon S'ym offered to help her locate her missing son and promised to give her a chance to get back at Scott and Jean. He infected her with his magic. Alex was confused and lonely because of the Polaris/Malice situation. Madelyne seduced him into an affair. Madelyne transformed into the Goblin Queen and caused a demonic invasion of New York with Havok as her Goblin Prince. When X-Factor and X-Men met, Madelyne manipulated brother against brother. Havok accused Cyclops of abandoning his wife when she most needed him. Madelyne, at last, learned she was a clone of Jean and was driven mad. She died fighting the X-Men and X-Factor while trying to sacrifice her son to gain more power. Mister Sinister was seemingly killed by Cyclops.
Malice's hold over Polaris weakened due to the death of Sinister. After Lorna freed herself from Malice, she called the X-Men for help from the southern-most tip of South America, only to be captured by Zaladane. Psylocke knew that returning to their Australian base was certain death, however, the teleporter Gateway called the X-Men back, leaving Polaris stranded in South America. Roma had presented them with the Siege Perilous, a gem that created a portal which granted any person who walked through it judgment and a new chance at life, with a new career, home, and so forth. Psylocke persuaded Havok and the rest of X-Men to walk through the Siege Perilous rather than die at the hands of the Reavers. Lorna eventually regained her freedom and headed to Muir Island. Alex re-emerged as a magistrate of Genosha, serving the state voluntarily. During this time Wolfsbane was forced to undergo the mutate process, and was genetically bonded to Magistrate Summers. In a battle with his brother, his memories returned. Afterward, he elected to remain in Genosha to help put a new, better state together.

Following the Scarlet Witch's alteration of reality, many mutants were left powerless, including Polaris. When she chose to leave the X-Men Havok decided to accompany her. During an encounter with the creature called Daap, Polaris was abducted by Apocalypse and Havok returned to the X-Men. After the battle with Apocalypse, Wolverine discovered that one of his knocked-out Horsemen was actually Polaris. As her esophagus closed down, Havok administered CPR to save her life, but was infected with the meta-plague. Luckily, Emma Frost saved some of the antidote Havok destroyed earlier and cured him with it.
Alex's long lost brother Vulcan returned from his space exile to reclaim his title as an X-Man, killing Banshee in the process. After it was revealed Xavier had deceived the X-Men by keeping Vulcan's existence a secret, the X-Men attacked him as they deemed him too dangerous to be left alone. Vulcan easily repelled their attack and fled the planet, renouncing Cyclops as his brother, and headed for space, bent on revenge on the Shi'ar empire for killing his mother.
Havok was recruited by Professor X, along with Marvel Girl, Nightcrawler, Warpath, Darwin, and Polaris to participate in a space mission to stop Vulcan from unleashing his powers on the Shi'ar empire. Alex witnessed Vulcan murder their father. Alex, Lorna, and Rachel Summers stayed in space, joining the Starjammers to lead the resistance against Vulcan and his wife, Deathbird, who had conquered the Shi'ar Empire. The civil war between Vulcan's forces and those loyal to the dethroned Lilandra raged on. Led by Havok and the Starjammers, Lilandra's forces gradually whittled away at Vulcan's forces, which were plagued by defections. Warned in advance of a rebel raid on Feather's Edge, Vulcan and his fleet ambushed the Starjammers. However, in the middle of the battle, his ship, the Hammer, was destroyed by the Scy'ar Tal. Vulcan made contact with the Starjammers to call a temporary ceasefire.
Under the ceasefire, the Shi'ar and the Starjammers decided to take out the Finality, thus crippling the Scy'ar's biggest threat. Once Havok and Vulcan were in position to destroy Finality, the Eldest Scy'ar tried to stop them. Once Vulcan figured out how the Eldest was powered, he severed the connection Eldest had with his brothers, making him powerless. Once the connection was severed, the Scy'ar became unorganized, and the tide of the battle shifted to the Shi'ar. The Shi'ar then proceeded to attack both the Scy'ar and the Starjammers.

The Phoenix Five
Havok joined the conflict between the Avengers and the X-Men on the side of his fellow mutants. After the last two of the Phoenix Five, Cyclops and Emma Frost, began to lose control, Havok and many other X-Men joined the Avengers in attempting to defeat them. Cyclops later defeated Emma in order to absorb the whole Phoenix Force and become the Dark Phoenix, but was finally defeated and incarcerated. At the end of the war, Captain America realized that the Avengers had stood by and allowed the world to hate mutants and that they should have done more to help them. As a result, he formed a new team of Avengers in hopes of unifying mutant and humankind. He chose Havok to lead his team and become the new face to represent mutants as Professor X and Cyclops once were. As an Avenger, Havok started a romantic relationship with Janet Van Dyne.

Inhumans Vs Mutants
Following the supposed death of Cyclops at the hands of the Inhumans leader Black Bolt, Alex confronted Emma Frost, arguing his brother would never allow himself to be killed in such a manner. Seeing that Havok knew his brother too well, Emma revealed to him the truth, that the Cyclops who died fighting Black Bolt was a telepathic illusion she cast, with the real Scott having perished days earlier due to Terrigen Mist intoxication. When the different factions of X-Men went to war against the Inhumans due to the mutant-fatal Terrigen Mist cloud circling the atmosphere, Havok took the duty of guarding Black Bolt's cell in Limbo following his capture at the hands of Emma Frost and Dazzler. When the rest of the royal Inhumans broke out of their own prison and located Black Bolt, Alex initially threatened to kill him. Alex eventually gave in and let them go. When Colossus confronted Havok for helping the enemy, Alex admitted that while he felt he owed his brother something, that wasn't going to be a murder. When the truth of Cyclops' death came to light and Emma was revealed as the manipulator that pitted the X-Men against the Inhumans, the members of both species joined forces to fight her and her Inhuman-hunting Sentinels. When Inhuman queen Medusa had Frost on the ropes, Havok stepped in to save and teleport her away, revealing that saving her was what he felt he owed Cyclops.

House of X
When Charles Xavier and his cabal of allies established the mutant nation of Krakoa, they implemented a resurrection process through a group of mutants called the Five, and Alex was one of the many subjects returned to life. He later established residence in the Summer House in a Krakoan habitat on the Blue Area of the Moon, living with his brothers, as well as Cable, Rachel Summers, Jean Grey, and Wolverine. While on a mission in San Francisco for the nation of Krakoa with some of his fellow X-Men, Alex fought some humans who were involved in weapons trading with the Hellfire Cult. After being attacked by some of them, he blacked out and lashed out. He started disfiguring and dismembering the criminals, but was stopped by his fellow X-Men before he could kill them. Due to this outburst, he was assigned by the Quiet Council to Mister Sinister's team of Hellions, composed of mutants too violent or troubled due to their mutation, and led by Psylocke.
Their first mission led them to taking down the Essex State Home For Foundlings in Omaha, Nebraska, which was a cover for his still active Marauder cloning farm. When Alex and the Hellions arrived, they were confronted by and battled the Goblin Queen and her perverse Marauders, whom she had been magically torturing. After a swift defeat, most of the Hellions were captured. Alex, acting differently like before, was instead taken to the Goblin Queen's quarters after they embraced each other, only to be sacrificed to a horde of demons, all while Alex was supposedly under her spell. After she realized that it was outside forces possessing Alex, and not her love, she was shot dead by John Greycrow. Still possessed, Alex blew up the state home out of anger, with the Hellions escaping to safety outside. After the mission, he pleaded with Cyclops to talk to the Quiet Council to resurrect Madelyne Pryor. They denied his request due to her being a clone, which angered Alex. After Alex was killed on a mission with the Hellions to Arakko and resurrected by The Five, he told Emma Frost he wanted to leave the team but was once again denied. He became suspicious of Mr Sinister, refusing to believe his story that they all sacrificed themselves to ensure he got home safely and started questioning why Psylocke was so loyal to him.
Alex couldn't get over Madelyne's death and the Quiet Council's refusal to resurrect her. When he had to face Mastermind as part of a mission, he tortured him with visions of a relationship with Madelyne that went from loving to domineering at the drop of a hat. When he attended the Hellfire Gala he spent the entire night asking members of the council for more details on their decision. The rest of the team soon started to realize he was going out of his way to dissociate from them. He eventually got an answer to his questions about Sinister and Kwannon when the team fought the Locus Vile, a group of Arakki mutants who came to retrieve the DNA a clone of Mr. Sinister stole from them during their mission to Arakko. They revealed to the team many of the secrets Essex had been keeping from them, such as his secret clone lab in Murderworld he'd used Mastermind to trick the team into procuring for him. He and Greycrow wanted to destroy the lab but Psylocke begged them not to because he had a digital copy of her dead daughters mind in there he'd been holding over her head to make her subservient. Alex and John were understanding but Empath interfered and made Alex revert to madness, as he'd been asked by Emma Frost to make sure Sinister didn't break any Krakoan laws, in his maddened state Alex destroyed the whole facility. The next day Alex, horrified at what he'd done, went to talk to Emma Frost. She assured him that destroying the facility was for the best in spite of the guilt he was feeling and as a reward he was free to leave the Hellions. She also assured him she'd talk to the council about having Madelyne resurrected.
After a final traumatic mission with the Hellions, Alex parted amicably with his former teammates but was still shaken by everything he'd experienced. To make him feel better Scott revealed to him that the council eventually did reconsider and brought him to Madelyne wearing her old pilot's uniform. Although he was overjoyed to see her alive again she told him their relationship couldn't go any further because she needed time away from the Summers family.

This tab will be filled at a later time

Who is Vulcan?

❝I fear... I fear the fire within me has been extinguished❞ -Gabriel

Name: Gabriel Summers
Nickname: Gabe
Living Status: Alive
Age: 40s~
Gender: Make
Pronouns: He/Him
Alias: Vulcan
Alignment: Villain
Teams: None

Parents: Christoper & Kathrine Summers
Siblings: Scott, Alexander
Other family members: Nathan, Hope, Jessica, Dune, Rachel, Wattson, Markus, Hunter, Julia, Juliet, Koen
Love interest: Cal'syee Neramani
Children: Rivera


Energy Blasts, energy absorption, Energy Siphoning, Energy Constructs, Flight, Healing Factor

Species: Mutant
Hair: Brown
Hair style: Long
Eyes: Blue
Weapons: none
Other: Emperor of the Shi'ar empire, is an omega level mutant

Who is this Character?
Vulcan's life began on the Shi'ar throne-world, as the unborn child of Christopher and Katherine Summers. Katherine Summers was pregnant when the Summers family were abducted by D'ken, ruler of the Shi'ar Empire. Christopher escaped in an attempt to save both mother and child, but she was killed in retaliation by D'ken. Gabriel was removed from his mother's body and placed in an incubation-accelerator, used to breed new slaves, aging him to the prime of adolescence. Sent to Earth to become a slave for Erik the Red, the Emperor's hand on Earth, he escaped and was found by Moira MacTaggart with little or no memories of who he was or where he came from. She took him as her ward, and instructed him in the use of his nascent mutant powers.
He claimed his name was Gabriel, but chose the code name of Kid Vulcan from a book on Roman mythology. During an encounter with Charles Xavier his mental imprint was recognized as being related to Cyclops, one of Xavier's students. Charles recruited Vulcan, along with Moira's other students; Petra, Darwin, and Sway, to form a new team of X-Men that attempted to rescue the original X-Men from the living island of Krakoa. Vulcan and his team managed to rescue Cyclops, with Vulcan revealing to him that they were brothers, before sending him away on their jet to safety. As the jet took off, Cyclops watched in horror as the living island struck down and, seemingly, killed Vulcan and his team. Sway was hit first, and severed in two at her torso. Her body released the last of her mutant power to slow time down around them. As Petra was incinerated, she also reacted reflexively and drew them all below the surface into a cave that her power created. There, Vulcan and Darwin lay dying, and Darwin transformed himself into energy and bonded with Vulcan, thus saving them both.
After the apparent deaths of the team, Cyclops returned to Professor Xavier in a hysterical state, blaming himself for their deaths. The Professor decided it was best for all involved if he altered Scott's memories to forget about Vulcan and his team, to spare him the agony of their loss. A new team was assembled and successfully rescued the original X-Men from Krakoa. Vulcan and Darwin were launched into space along with the Krakoan landmass by Polaris and remained inert until years later, when the massive backlash of power resulting from M-Day awakened Vulcan. Believing the X-Men had abandoned him, he returned from his space exile to exact revenge on them, killing long-time X-Man Banshee in the process, attempting to kill Wolverine, and even kidnapping Marvel Girl and Cyclops.
After Xavier's deception had been exposed, Marvel Girl reached into Vulcan's mind and released the subconscious inert form of Darwin, which Vulcan expelled from his body. Using this opportunity, the X-Men attacked him as they deemed him too dangerous to be left alone. Vulcan easily repelled their attack and fled the planet, renouncing Cyclops as his brother, and headed for space with the vision of D'Ken killing his mother raging in his mind, bent on revenge. On his way to the Shi'ar galaxy he learned that D'Ken was in a coma and was no longer the ruler of the Shi'ar. He re-focused his anger on the then-current ruler: D'ken's sister Lilandra. He captured a Shi'ar war-bird and its crew and learned of Lilandra's sister Deathbird, who was in exile. As he made his way towards the Shi'ar galaxy, he destroyed the star-gates behind him to hinder the X-Men he knew would be coming, which brought him to the attention of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard.
After spending an unknown amount of time in the prison, Gabriel was released by a "Secret Order" of Shi'ar. Unsatisfied with Lilandra's peaceful intentions for the empire, this secret order wished to restore the warlike ways of D'ken, and brought him to meet Deathbird. Deathbird managed to convince him to at least delay his plan for vengeance, after the two became romantically involved. Vulcan used his powers to heal D'ken's injuries. Afterwards, a grateful D'ken asked Vulcan to take his sister's hand in marriage. After his wedding Vulcan attempted to kill Professor Xavier by throwing him into the M'kraan Crystal, killed D'ken, and named himself emperor of the Shi'ar. In the midst of a battle between the Shi'ar troops loyal to Lilandra, with Corsair's Starjammers and X-Men, and Shi'ar troops loyal to D'ken, Corsair was killed by Vulcan when Corsair commanded Vulcan, as his father, to stop his senseless violence.
The civil war between Vulcan's forces and those loyal to the deposed Lilandra continued to rage on. Led by his brother Havok and the Starjammers, Lilandra's forces gradually whittled away at Vulcan's, which were plagued by defections. The Shi'ar, contrary to Vulcan's expectations, were not happy to have an outsider as their ruler. Vulcan was discouraged by this, but Deathbird convinced him that they would come to accept him in time. Warned in advance of a rebel raid on Feather's Edge, Vulcan and his fleet ambushed the Starjammers. However, in the middle of the battle, his ship, the Hammer, was destroyed by the Scy'ar Tal. Vulcan and Gladiator attacked the leader of the Scy'ar Tal and were easily defeated, whereupon they retreated deeper into Shi'ar space. With their first attack, they destroyed Feather's Edge by transporting a star to obliterate it, after which, Vulcan made contact with the Starjammers to call a temporary ceasefire. Under the ceasefire, the Shi'ar and the Starjammers decided to take out the Finality, thus crippling the Scy'ar's biggest weapon. Once Havok and Vulcan were in position to destroy the Finality, the Eldest Scy'ar tried to stop them. Once Vulcan figured out how the Eldest was powered, he severed the connection the Eldest had with his brothers, making him powerless. Once the connection was severed, the Scy'ar became unorganized, and the tide of the battle shifted in favor of the Shi'ar. The Shi'ar then proceeded to attack both the Scy'ar and the Starjammers. Meanwhile, Vulcan blasted Havok into a sun.
Vulcan decided to use the Finality to destroy the Scy'ar by using the weapon to place a star in the middle of their fleet. Alex returned and, having absorbed enough power to hurt him, decided to put an end to his brother. While they battled, Rachel and Korvus tried but failed to stop the beacon that would initiate the attack by the Shi'ar. The Shi'ar Imperial Guard ended Alex's battle with Vulcan by appearing with the Starjammers in captivity, threatening to kill them. Before surrendering, Alex destroyed the Finality. With Alex and the Starjammers in custody Vulcan declared that he would return the Shi'ar Empire to its former glory.  Vulcan began an aggressive war of conquest to expand the Shi'ar Empire, occupying, among other races, the Z'nox. All the while, he became obsessed with making Havok acknowledge his superiority, which Havok refused to do. The Starjammers escaped their prison, nearly killing Vulcan in the process, and severely wounding Deathbird, but were forced to flee to the Kree Imperium.
Vulcan launched a surprise attack on the Kree, now ruled by Black Bolt and the Inhumans, sparking a war between the two empires. The Imperial Guard retrieved Lilandra, who Vulcan planned to execute. However, he was stopped by one of his admirals, stating that by doing so would only make her a martyr and incite factions loyal to her to overthrow him around a similar figurehead. Gabriel then abducted and attacked Adam Warlock. Soon enough, Lilandra was assassinated during an attempt to usurp Vulcan. Immediately, a civil war ignited in the Imperium between factions loyal to her and Vulcan. Though advised by the Fraternity of Raptors and his admirals to sue for peace and return to their planets to restore order, Vulcan refused to listen and flew off to engage the Inhumans. He found Black Bolt preparing to arm the Inhumans' secret weapon; the T-Bomb. Believing the Inhuman intended to destroy his empire, Vulcan engaged the silent king. During the battle, the T-Bomb detonated, and both rulers disappeared in the resulting explosion that tore a hole in the fabric of space and time, which would become known as the Fault.

House of X
Vulcan returned to Earth and rejoined his family, who in the interim had turned Krakoa into a mutant nation. Distrusting the island, Gabriel made his home in the Summer House, a Krakoan habitat on the Blue Area of the Moon. Gabriel lived with his two brothers Havok and Cyclops, his niece and nephew Prestige and Cable, his sister-in-law Jean Grey-Summers, as well as Wolverine.
While Vulcan was accepted by his family, it was clear his psyche was still damaged. He created energy constructs of his old friends, the deceased Sway and Petra, and spent most of his time getting drunk with them. Believing this was his mind's way of slowly healing, his family indulged his fantasies.mDespite the fact that the event had been erased from his memories, Gabriel experienced nightmares of the Fault shortly before a Brood invasion of Krakoa.

Vulcan began to have even more visions of his time in the Fault, and of the interdimensional aliens. After multiple nights of partying and drinking with "Sway" and "Petra", in the Summer house on the Blue Area of the Moon, the visions disturbed him enough to provoke him to leave and take a walk. While walking, he discovered small Cotati Empyre outpost where they were plotting to fire upon the Earth. He greeted them and attempted to peacefully convince them to abandon their violent ways. When attacked, he defended himself, but continued to hold back. A probe unleashed by the Cotati triggered Vulcan's memories from the Fault, prompting his original persona to re-emerge and destroy the outpost. Vulcan was found by his friends, who brought him back to his senses. Vulcan's actions unknowingly resulted in a Cotati invasion of Krakoa, which was easily repelled by the mutant forces.
He along with many other Omega-Level Mutants later used their powers to terraform Mars to create a new home for Arakko. Vulcan's psyche soon began to rapidly deteriorate, causing him to revert to his old self. When aid from the Scarlet Witch made resurrecting the real Petra and Sway possible, Professor Xavier and Cyclops attempted to break through to him. Xavier attempted to use his telepathy to make Vulcan see the truth, but the violation of his mind triggered Vulcan into killing them. He was subsequently made unwelcome at the Summer House. When Magneto left the Quiet Council, Vulcan declared his candidacy for Magneto's seat, making his case before the council. The seat would eventually go to his great-niece Hope Summers.
Following his exile from the Summer House, Vulcan made his way to Arakko and began harassing Shi'ar visitors, declaring himself the rightful Majestor of the Shi'ar Empire. After a brawl with Sunspot and Thunderbird, he was incapacitated by Cable and taken into S.W.O.R.D. custody. Abigail Brand, head of S.W.O.R.D., offered Vulcan a place among her new X-Men team, which was to be active on Arakko and provide a positive example for the warlike Arakki mutants. Quickly realizing that she wasn't using Vulcan to his full potential, Abigail offered to help him learn more about his powers. Desiring an inside man on the Great Ring of Arakko, Abigail encouraged Vulcan to challenge Tarn the Uncaring for his seat, exploiting Gabriel's desire to be adored. Vulcan challenged Tarn, the two negating each other's powers. While Vulcan struck the first blow Tarn quickly dismantled him, brutally beating him to death. Eventually, Vulcan later resurfaced as he had returned to his full potential and later reappear at the Diplomatic Ring.

Gabe ended up returning to Deathbird once he became stable again. He returned to his role as emperor, though the Empresses still held all powers being the heir to the throne. They decided they needed an heir, and had Rivera.

Who is Deathbird?

❝ You will show them greatness that D'ken never possessed, you will show them strength that Lilandra never had. And they will love you for it. ❞ -Cal'syee

Name: Cal'syee Neramani
Nickname: Deathbird
Living Status: Alive
Age: 40s~
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Alias: Deathbird
Alignment: Villain
Teams: None

Parents: Emperor Neramani & unnamed Mother
Siblings: D'Ken, Lilandra, Unnamed younger sister
Other family members: Nieces and Nephews
Love interest: Gabriel Summers
Children: Rivera


Claws, wings, flight

Species: Mutant, Shi'ar
Hair: None
Hair style: has purple and blue feathers in place of hair
Eyes: White
Weapons: None
Other: Is the Heir to the throne of the Shi'ar empire

Who is this Character?
Born as Cal'syee Neramani, she was the eldest child of the Majestor Neramani and thus the heir of the Shi'ar Empire's throne. Cal'syee was born with atavistic features and was fiercely proud of it. Unfortunately, the atavism also caused her to experience fits of uncontrollable rage that eventually forced Cal'syee to kill her mother and younger sister. For these crimes she was stripped of her name and became known as Deathbird. She lost the right to the throne and was exiled from the Shi'ar Empire.
Deathbird reached Earth trying to get some supplies for her ship, and she encountered superheroes Ms Marvel and Hawkeye, and allied herself with M.O.D.O.K.. Later, she escaped from Earth. Wanting the throne, she rebelled against D'ken, who was emperor at the time, and allied herself with the Brood to usurp him and, later, Lilandra, who succeeded D'ken. She eventually usurped the throne and became empress of Shi'ar, although she had to face many rebellions. A group of Skrulls maimed her wings and forced her to abdicate in their favor. Deathbird sought the help of Lilandra's allies the X-Men but, once the Skrulls were removed from the throne, Deathbird chose not to sit on it, and she abdicated again in favor of Lilandra. Due to her surprisingly good job while reigning, once the Kree-Shi'ar War was over, Lilandra named Deathbird viceroy of the recently annexed Kree Empire.
Deathbird was later recruited to serve Apocalypse as the Horseman War. She retrieved the Living Monolith along with X-Man Bishop for Apocalypse to use in the Twelve. Deathbird and Famine were teleported away after Apocalypse's defeat. While in space, she began a relationship with the time-displaced Bishop. The two ended up confronting each other over a plan to defeat the Ruul, and Deathbird was presumed dead after being ejected from a spaceship. Deathbird was rescued by the Imperial Guard, but Lilandra imprisoned her because she posed a threat to her rule.
On his quest for vengeance against the entire Shi'ar race, Vulcan was captured and incarcerated in the same maximum security installation that housed Deathbird. Released by a member of a secret order that wished D'ken to lead the Shi'ar once more, Vulcan himself released Deathbird. Vulcan was enthralled by Deathbird, and they became romantically involved. He promised to put his quest for vengeance on hold. Deathbird convinced Vulcan to finish the healing process that the Shi'ar members of the secret order had begun on D'ken, who remained in a coma since the M'kraan Crystal incident. When D'ken discerned Vulcan's feelings for Deathbird, he invoked an ancient Shi'ar custom and invited Vulcan to marry Deathbird and become part of Shi'ar royalty.
Vulcan and Deathbird were married in front of the M'kraan Crystal just as the X-Men, Lilandra, The Starjammers, and the Shi'ar loyal to Lilandra attacked. During the chaos that ensued Vulcan killed D'ken, as he didn't promise not to kill him and assumed the throne of Emperor of the Shi'ar Empire, with Deathbird as his Empress. During the fight Polaris crushed the ribs of Deathbird's husband and she instructed the Imperial Guard, still loyal to the ruling family, to protect them as they fled.  Vulcan's rule was initially compared to Lilandra's as the Shi'ar thought Cal'syee's husband another weak human. Vulcan however proved that he was a strong emperor and the people fell in love with him. During the Starjammers escape from their prison planet Cal'syee was severely injured by Polaris.

As Xandra's advisor, Deathbird was invited to the marriage between Emperor Hulkling and Wiccan. Later, on Chandilar, a band of Stygian rebels captured Xandra. Deathbird recruited the X-Men to help find the missing Majestrix. The X-Men eventually discovered Urr's plot to kill Xandra as he believed it would end the tyranny of the Shi'ar Empire. The X-Men defeated Urr and returned Xandra to Deathbird's side.

During Dormammu's attack, Deathbird and the Imperial Guard defended the Aerie and its moon from an army of Mindless Ones. M'Baku and Shuri assisted the Shi'ar in repelling the enemy forces, though Deathbird vowed to kill them if they attempted to betray her. The combined forces ultimately succeeded in destroying Dormammu's Mindless Ones. Despite her hatred for the Wakandans, Deathbird offered to open official lines of communications between the Shi'ar and Wakanda.

Gabe ended up returning to Deathbird once he became stable again. He returned to his role as emperor, though the Empresses still held all powers being the heir to the throne. They decided they needed an heir, and had Rivera.

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