The Boltagon Royal Family

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Who is Black Bolt?

❝ I. Am. AWAKE!!❞ -Blackagar

Name: Blackagar Boltagon
Nickname: Blackagar
Living Status: Alive
Age: 40s~
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Hum
Alias: Black Bolt, King of the Inhumans
Alignment: Hero
Teams: Inhumans

Parents: Agon & Rynda Boltagon
Siblings: Maximus
Other family members: Crystal, Luna, Damian, Ivan
Love interest: Medusalith Amaquelin
Children: Phillip, Nicole, Madalyn, Kari


Sonic Scream, vocal manipulation, sound manipulation, sound waves

Species: Inhuman
Hair: Black
Hair style: slicked back
Eyes: Grey Blue
Weapons: None
Other: Is the King of Attilan

Who is this Character?
Black Bolt was born to two of Attilan's top geneticists, Agon, head of the ruling Council of Genetics, and Rynda, director of the Prenatal Care Center. Subjected to the mutagenic Terrigen Mist while still an embryo, Bolt was born with strange powers surpassing even the Inhumans' norm. As an infant, he demonstrated certain energy-manipulative abilities which he could not yet control, particularly that of producing quasi-sonic energy of great destructive potential through his voice. To protect the community, he was placed inside a soundproof chamber and given an energy-harnessing suit. There he was schooled in the art of controlling his powers until the age of nineteen, when he was permitted to enter society. A month after being awarded his freedom, Black Bolt discovered his younger brother Maximus in the process of making a treacherous pact with emissaries of the alien Kree. Attempting to stop the Kree ship before it escaped, Bolt used the forbidden power of his quasi-sonic voice to knock the ship out of the sky. When the ship crashed to Earth, it landed on the parliament, killing several key members of the Council of Genetics, including his parents, Agon and Rynda. The reverberations of his brother's shout affected Maximus's sanity and suppressed his nascent mental powers. Despite his guilt and silent protests, Black Bolt was obligated to accept the mantle of leadership of the Inhumans at age twenty.
Black Bolt's first crisis in leadership came when his cousin Triton was briefly held captive by humans. Learning of Triton's encounter upon his escape, Black Bolt decided that the Inhuman' island of Attilan was in imminent danger of discovery by humanity. Black Bolt scouted out possible sites to which to move, and settled upon the remote Himalayan mountains. After the great migration, Black Bolt faced his second great crisis when his now mad brother Maximus unleashed the Trikon, three of the Inhumans' worker drones who were transformed into energy-beings. The Trikon enabled Maximus to wrest the rule of the Inhuman from his brother and send Black Bolt and the other members of the Royal Family into exile. For the next few years, Black Bolt and his kinsmen wandered Asia, Europe, and finally America, in search of Medusa, his betrothed mate, who had been separated from the others during the battle with the Trikon. Eventually Black Bolt was reunited with Medusa and the Royal Family returned to Attilan and resumed the crown. Black Bolt led the Inhumans through some of the most turbulent times in their history, including several more attempts by Maximus to usurp the throne, revolts by the worker class, attacks by human renegades, the kidnapping of Medusa, the destruction and rebuilding of Attilan, the revelation of the Inhuman existence to humanity, and several more relocations of Attilans. Following the traditional lengthy period of betrothal, Black Bolt and Medusa were wed.
They commonly fought threats such as the Kree, Maximus, and Morgan le Fay. He returned the kingdom again to the moon with his Royal Family after being banned from most of Earth, and again it seemed that the rest of the Inhuman population soon rejoined them there and reaffirmed his role as king without much ado. There was very little exploration of the ongoing inequities and injustices of the caste-bound Attilan society during this time, and Black Bolt seemed to turn a blind eye to much of it. It could be that as a product of that environment, he accepted the status quo as a given: this would make him a benevolent yet flawed ruler. Given his ever changing status as ruler, he likely saw limits to any further changes that he could realistically make to the social fabric at this point. He was a great leader in ensuring the survival of Attilan against threats from outside and in.

The Silent War
After Quicksilver stole a cluster of Terrigen Crystals, Black Bolt and other Inhumans followed him to Earth in pursuit. Quicksilver evaded capture however, and the crystals fell into the possession of the US government, who refused to hand them over to the Inhumans. This led Black Bolt to declare war on the United States. He sent a strike force led by his cousin Gorgon to capture several high standing members of American society who were attending a charity opera. The operation went awry however and several civilians were killed and the team was captured by the Fantastic Four. The US government began experimenting with the crystals, exposing Gorgon to them once again, causing him to undergo a second terrigenesis. Black Bolt met with his imprisoned brother Maximus who urged him to end the war by committing genocide against America. Black Bolt attempted to retrieve the Crystals from the Pentagon but Lockjaw was redirected to a confrontation with the Sentry who urged Black Bolt to give up on getting the Crystals back and end the war. Black Bolt and other members of the royal family then journeyed to Earth to find Quicksilver searching for the Crystals. Black Bolt lost his composure and began savagely beating Quicksilver until Medusa stopped him from killing him. Matters were further complicated by the fact that Black Bolt's brother Maximus managed to exert control over Medusa and force her to kiss him, leading Black Bolt to believe she was having an affair. Maximus also manipulated Luna into freeing him. Meanwhile, Black Bolt traveled to the Pentagon with other members of the Royal Family to free Gorgon and get the crystals. They defeated the facility's defenders and the Avengers who arrived to stop them and reclaimed the crystals. The United States retaliated by sending a marine squad that had been mutated by the crystals to Attilan. The Inhumans engaged them, and the squad surrendered. While inside the city, one of the squad members was ordered to use her powers to detonate herself as a suicide bomb in a giant blast that devastated Attilan. Maximus confronted Black Bolt amidst the rubble, declaring himself king and telling his brother that he'd be taking care of everything now. Black Bolt was jailed, and while imprisoned was approached by Luna who told him that everyone except Black Bolt and herself were being manipulated by Maximus, and asked him what to do.
Black Bolt was ambushed by the Skrull Empire at some point after losing his crown and being freed from imprisonment by Maximus, while on his way to an Illuminati meeting, and was then taken captive by the Skrulls and held prisoner. The Skrulls planned to use his quasi-sonic scream as their deadliest and most powerful weapon. A Skrull began impersonating Black Bolt. The Illuminati discovered the Skrull impostor among them. Black Bolt was rescued by Medusa and the Inhuman Royal Family, and returned to Attilan to co-rule with Maximus. He then took aggressive counteraction against the Skrulls, and deployed Maximus-designed inventions to tap into his quasi-sonic powers for military purposes. The city of Attilan became a weaponized vessel that tracked down and destroyed the fleeing Skrull ships, as well as some Shi'ar vessels trying to intercept. He breached Kree defenses and forced Ronan and the Kree to pledge allegiance to him. The Inhumans had plans to lead a benevolent future with the Kree. Crystal was promised to Ronan to further unite the Kree and the Inhumans even offered the Terrigen Mists to enhance the evolution of the Kree. However, the Shi'ar declared war on the Kree.

Inhumans Vs Mutants
Black Bolt was visited by Thanos' Cull Obsidian who demanded a tribute, the heads of Inhuman younglings between the ages of sixteen and twenty-two, or the annihilation of Earth's inhabitants. Using the Inhuman Codex, Black Bolt discovered Thanos used the tribute demand as a cover for his true mission, to kill his secret Inhuman-descendant son whose identity and location were unknown even by his father. After the Inhumans denied the tribute to Corvus Glaive, Thanos personally visited Black Bolt in Attilan. Finding the Inhuman city empty, with only Black Bolt left, Black Bolt unleashed a powerful scream which tore down Attilan itself and activated a Terrigen Bomb which spread the Mists across the Earth. The global distribution of the mists caused millions of humans who possessed a latent Inhuman gene to undergo Terrigenesis and develop powers. The powerful scream had no physical effect on Thanos but shattered the Mad Titan's Armor, and Thanos found Black Bolt still alive in the rubble, and demanded to know the location of his son. Black Bolt refused, and continued attacking Thanos with his voice, until an enraged Thanos knocked him out. Black Bolt was held captive, for Thanos to use his power to activate the Illuminati's anti-matter bombs to destroy the Earth. When the Illuminati arrived in the Necropolis, they found Thanos' general Supergiant, with Black Bolt under her control, whom she used to defeat them. When Supergiant activated the bombs, Maximus appeared with the trigger. He triggered the bombs, but also used Lockjaw to transport the anti-matter bomb along with Supergiant to a distant uninhabited planet where she died in the explosion. Black Bolt was liberated, and left the scene along with Maximus and Lockjaw. In the ancient location of Attilan in the Himalayas, Black Bolt hid the Inhuman Codex, and made Maximus understand his survival and that of his brother were to be kept a secret. Maximus also deduced that Black Bolt was always going to activate the Terrigen Bomb, irrespective of Thanos' arrival, to herald a new age of the Inhumans. After being examined by Maximus, they discovered that the Terrigen Bomb had greatly diminished Black Bolt's powers. They agreed to keep it a secret. Using exogenetically charged waters, Maximus was soon able to help Black Bolt recover from this weakness.
The mists released by Black Bolt during Thanos' invasion eventually settled in the form of two enormous clouds that roamed the planet, propelled by natural wind currents. Unfortunately, the molecular composition of the Terrigen Mists changed after being mixed with the atmosphere, turning them into a substance toxic for mutants. The toxicity of the mists was discovered by Cyclops' X-Men, though too late, leading to Cyclops' death when he was exposed to residual mists found at Muir Island. Fueled by grief, Emma Frost called out the Inhumans for the mists' hazardousness, and used a mental projection of Cyclops to lead the destruction of one of the clouds. When Emma confronted the Inhumans, she used the projected image of Cyclops to push Black Bolt into "killing" him with his sonic scream. This event raised tensions between mutants and Inhumans. When Beast discovered the remaining Terrigen Cloud was weeks from being completely assimilated into the atmosphere, thus making the Earth uninhabitable for mutants, the different factions of the X-Men joined forces to take down key Inhuman players so they could destroy the cloud with no interference, believing that the Inhumans would refuse to assist even at that moment. In order to neutralize Black Bolt, Emma Frost enlisted the help of Dazzler, a mutant who used her ability to absorb and repurpose energy from sound to dampen Black Bolt's sonic scream and use its power against him. Black Bolt was subsequently held captive in Limbo, though he was eventually rescued by the other royals. The attack had left Black Bolt unable to access his voice; however, he and the Royals joined the final battle against the X-Men. Black Bolt is impaled by Emma Frost's diamond arm, but is saved by Karnak and Lockjaw. The Inhumans continued fighting against the mutants until they realized the stakes of the conflict. After Medusa willingly destroyed the cloud, the X-Men and the Inhumans joined forces to take down Emma Frost, who, having been driven mad by Cyclops' death, tried to massacre the Inhumans in spite of the mists no longer being a threat. In an inspirational act, an injured Black Bolt flew Medusa up for her final confrontation.

Blackagar ended up having children with Medusalith after everything was Said and done, having four children with her. First was Phillip, their heir to the throne. A year after they had their twins, Nicole and Madalyn, then finally Kari a few years later. Black bolt attempted to shield his children from earth, not wanting his children to repeat their mistakes. Black bolt frowned upon humans, had high tensions with mutants, and hated the Kree and Skrulls. What did his children go and do? His eldest Fell for a human, the second hit with a mutant, and the third is with the heir to the Kree/Skrull throne. The youngest hasn't shown any interests yet, so he's hopeful. He's cordial to his children's partners, though deep down does not like their choices from his horrible experiences.

Who is Medusa?

❝I am an accidental queen, Karnak. I never asked for this office. My Son will take his father's place on the throne as soon as he is of age. I will not allow anyone to usurp his succession. So I am queen, and I will hold the throne in faith for my son. And I will stay queen until he is fit to rule.❞ -Medusalith

Name: Medusalith Amaquelin-Boltagon
Nickname: Medusa
Living Status: Alive
Age: 40s~
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Alias: Medusa
Alignment: Hero
Teams: Inhumans

Parents: Quelin & Ambur Amaquelin
Siblings: Crystalia
Other family members: Maximus, Luna, Damian, Ivan
Love interest: Blackagar Boltagon
Children: Phillip, Nicole, Madalyn, Kari


Indestructible hair, Hair length manipulation, Flight, Prehensile Hair

Species: Inhumans
Hair: Ginger Red
Hair style: Repunzel length Long
Eyes: Green
Weapons: None
Other: Queen of Attilan

Who is this Character?
Medusa was the first of two children born to Inhuman nutritionists Quelin and Ambur. Medusa is considered a member of Attilan's Royal Family. Medusa's parents elected to expose her to the mutagenic Terrigen Mist when she was an infant. the process endowed her with hair she could animate like added appendages. While still an adolescent, she began to make frequent visits to the isolation cell of Black Bolt, and learned to communicate with him in a special sign language. Medusa and Black Bolt developed a bond that turned to love when Black Bolt was first allowed out of his cell at age 18.

The Silent War
Medusa and Black Bolt both disagreed on his decision to declare war against the United States for failing to relinquish the Terrigen Crystals that were originally stolen by Quicksilver.Medusa found herself no longer able to interpret her husband's wishes as she used to. While Medusa was issuing Black Bolt's war declarations to the Inhumans council he became frustrated and snapped his fingers to silence her, indicating that she wasn't relating what he intended. Medusa later confided to Black Bolt that he had never treated her that way before, as if she were a dog, and Black Bolt responded apologetically. In her growing confusion with her husband's actions, Medusa found herself drawn to Maximus against her will and would visit him often in his prison cell. It was revealed by Luna that Maximus had somehow implanted a darkness into Medusa's mind that was affecting her actions. Later on, Medusa and Maximus shared a kiss as a distraught Black Bolt watched from the shadows. The truth was that Medusa was not in control of her actions and that she only loved Black Bolt. In the end Black Bolt was confined in prison, and Medusa now at Maximus' side as he assumed the throne of the Inhumans.
During the Skrull Secret Invasion invasion of Earth, the Inhumans were also targeted on the moon. It was revealed that Black Bolt had been replaced by a Skrull at some time in the past. Medusa led the Royal Family of the Inhumans in making contact with the Skrulls' oldest enemies, the Kree, and in exchange for their help she offered Crystal's hand in marriage to Ronan, though was refused. With the Kree's assistance, the House of Agon rescued the real Black Bolt and Ahura, and Black Bolt regained the throne. Unsatisfied with mere victory over the Skrulls, the Inhumans forged Attilan into a mobile vessel and took to the stars, vanquishing Skrull saucers they came across. The Inhumans made their way to Hala and, in a bloodless coup, named themselves rulers of the Kree.

Inhumans Vs Mutants
When it was discovered that the two Terrigen Clouds were toxic and could even be fatal to mutants, resulting in a disease known as M-Pox, Medusa agreed to work together with Storm of the X-Men to find a solution to this matter, which led to biophysicist Beast moving to New Attilan. Unfortunately, a group of X-Men led by Emma Frost escalated this issue when they made public the discovery of Terrigen's toxicity, accusing the Inhumans of liars, and blaming them for this predicament. This group of X-Men then sparked tensions between Storm's team and the Inhumans, taking advantage of the distraction caused by the ensuing skirmish to neutralize one of the Terrigen Clouds with the aid of Alchemy. Following the destruction of the cloud, Frost's X-Men were confronted by Black Bolt and Medusa. Cyclops pushed Black Bolt into killing him, aggravating the situation. In reality, the Cyclops who confronted the Inhumans had been a mental projection cast by Emma Forst, with the real Cyclops having died earlier of M-Pox. Storm prevented more violence by negotiating a truce between the X-Men and the Inhumans. Beast was not able to find a solution to the Terrigen poisoning, with predictions that the Earth would become uninhabitable for mutants in a matter of weeks, and so the X-Men prepared to destroy the remaining cloud. They broke the truce, and neutralized Black Bolt, Lockjaw and Karnak before attacking New Attilan. Medusa was fighting Young Beast when Nightcrawler teleported her and then the rest of her team of Inhumans, along with the Human Torch, into an prison sphere in Limbo. Medusa concocted a plan to escape the sphere, and they attacked X-Haven in Limbo, from where they freed Black Bolt. With the help of Lockjaw, they teleported out of Limbo.
Medusa and the Royal family then joined the final battle against the X-Men in Iceland, where the Terrigen Cloud was going to pass by. A group of New Inhumans had discovered of the X-Men's motives to attack them, and were trying to help destroy the cloud. These Nuhumans informed Medusa about the X-Men's motive for the conflict. As a result, when the Ennilux arrived to facilitate the New Inhumans with a device to purge the Terrigen, Medusa agreed to destroy it, even if it cost the future of her species. However, Emma Frost was determined to kill the Inhumans, and called forth Sentinels reprogrammed to kill Inhumans. Both the X-Men and the Inhumans united to fight them. Medusa called upon Black Bolt instead of Human Torch to take her up to Emma as she realized the need to inspire her team. She captured Emma, but was knocked out by a blast from Havoc who left with her.

Medusalith ended up having children with Blackagar after everything was Said and done, having four children with Him. First was Phillip, their heir to the throne. A year after they had their twins, Nicole and Madalyn, then finally Kari a few years later. Black bolt attempted to shield his children from earth, not wanting his children to repeat their mistakes, while Medusa wanted her children to create bonds with the other races to ensure a more peaceful coexistence. Black bolt frowned upon humans, had high tensions with mutants, and hated the Kree and Skrulls. What did his children go and do? His eldest Fell for a human, the second hit with a mutant, and the third is with the heir to the Kree/Skrull throne. The youngest hasn't shown any interests yet, so he's hopeful. Medusa on the other hand, couldn't care less. She just wanted her children to be happy, and saw this as an opportunity. The eldest would still have inhuman children, who would continue the 'pure' line. If anything she saw his girlfriend as an opportunity to pass on the sacred traditions of Inhumans and why they must be protected. He second loving the son of one of the most well known and respected mutants, would bridge a gap between the two. The third being with the heir to their on and off enemies throne, would bring peace between the two factions.

Who is Crystal?

❝ Well, you're not the only one who can lose his temper -- now see what it means -- to anger an elemental!!❞ -Crystal

Name: Crystalia Amaquelin
Nickname: Crystal
Living Status: Alive
Age: 40s~
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Alias: Elementelle
Alignment: Hero
Teams: Inhumans, Avengers

Parents: Quelin & Ambur Amaquelin
Siblings: Medusalith
Other family members: Blackagar, Phillip, Nicole, Madalyn, Kari
Love interest: Ex Husband is Pietro Maximoff. Currently married to TBD
Children: Luna, Damian, Ivan


Enhanced Reflexes, Enhanced Endurance, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Strength, Aerokinesis, Flight, Force Fields, Atmosphere Generation, Geokinesis, Ferrokinesis, Hydrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Atomic Manipulation, Electrogenesis, Electrokinesis, Hydrogenesis, Magnetokinesis, Thermokinesis, Cryogenesis, Pyrogenesis, Elemental Awareness, Elemental Immunity

Species: Inhuman
Hair: Strawberry Blonde
Hair style: depends on how she's feeling, either long, or in a pixie cut
Eyes: green
Weapons: none
Other: none

Who is this Character?
Crystal was the second child born to the Inhuman nutritionists Quelin and Ambur. She is considered part of the Royal Family of Attilan. Like her older sister, Medusa, Crystal was subjected to the Terrigen Mist when she was an infant, and the process endowed her with certain mental powers. While she was still a child, war erupted, forcing Crystal and her guardians to flee Attilan. Crystal passed through adolescence into young adulthood while wandering with her Guards through Asia, Europe, and finally America in search of Crystal's amnesiac sister Medusa. When they finally caught up with Medusa in New York, Medusa had sought refuge with the Fantastic Four, mistaking her kinsmen for her enemies. Crystal then met Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four and the two began a romantic relationship that survived Crystal's return to Attilan and a lengthy separation.
Crystal eventually returned to New York and served as a substitute member of the Fantastic Four. During this time Crystal performed quite admirably as Susan Storm's replacement and effectively defeated the Wizard all by herself. Crystal was forced to return to Attilan when her health became impaired by prolonged exposure to pollutants in the atmosphere. However, on the way back to Attilan, happened upon Quicksilver, who had been wounded in battle with the Sentinels. She brought Quicksilver back to Attilan, nursed him back to health, and became romantically involved with him. The Human Torch soon learned of Crystal's change in affections, and after a futile battle with Quicksilver, terminated his relationship with her. Crystal and Quicksilver were wed shortly thereafter, theirs being the first marriage between an Inhuman and a mutant in recorded history. Crystal and Quicksilver conceived a child, a girl bearing no apparent Inhuman or mutant characteristics, whom they named Luna after the world on which she was born. While Quicksilver wanted to exercise the father's right to have his child subjected to the Terrigen Mist, Crystal convinced him to let her grow up normal. Eventually, Crystal and Quicksilver's marriage began to deteriorate, due to Quicksilver's temper, which may have been aggravated by the evil Inhuman, Maximus the Mad. Dissatisfied, Crystal briefly had an affair with another man. Crystal left Quicksilver and Attilan with Luna and her nanny, and returned to the Fantastic Four. Soon after, she and Quicksilver reconciled.
Later, the Inhumans were attacked by the alien Brethren, and Crystal sought out the Avengers for their help. Shortly there after she joined them, moving into the Avengers Mansion with Luna and the nanny. During her tenure with the Avengers, she developed an attraction with teammate Dane Whitman, the Black Knight. This relationship was complicated by a contrite Pietro trying to fix their marriage, and the available and aggressive Sersi pursuing Dane at the same time. Crystal recommitted to Pietro when he returned to the Avengers and Dane and Sersi were soon in a relationship, ending their thoughts of an affair. Crystal returned to Attilan, where she remained beside the Royal Family, raising Luna. More recently, the Inhumans were captured by the alien Kree, the original creators of the Inhumans. The Kree judge and warrior, Ronan the Accuser, hoped to use the Inhuman Royal Family to assassinate the Kree's enemy, the Shi'ar empress Lilandra. Black Bolt single-handedly duelled and defeated Ronan, but the Inhumans turned away from him, deposing him by decree and exiling him. The Royal Family returned to Earth, monarchs with no people. After the events of House of M, Crystal was reunited with her depowered husband, only for him to steal the Terrigen Mist from Attilan, in an attempt to use it to restore the depowered mutants. Luna was exposed also, granting her various abilities. During the events of Silent War, the Inhumans located Quicksilver, who allowed Black Bolt to beat him in response to his betrayal and informed him that by Inhuman law their marriage had been annulled. Crystal participated in a series of battles against S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Mighty Avengers when the Inhumans declared war on the United States. The Inhuman royal family travelled into Kree space, seeking an alliance against the invading Skrulls who they wished they rescue Black bolt from.

This will be filled out on a later date upon the creation of their partner

Who is Maximus The Mad?

❝What... What have I done...? Only what I must. Because I am Maximus. I am my brother's keeper and my mother's child. The seeker of the Prima Materia. I am the last Inhuman. And what I do, I do... For the good of all.❞ -Maximus

Name: Maximus Boltagon
Nickname: Mad
Living Status: Alive
Age: 40s~
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Alias: Maximus the Mad
Alignment: Antihero, Villain
Teams: Inhumans

Parents: Agon & Rynda Boltagon
Siblings: Blackagar
Other family members: Phillip, Nicole, Madalyn, Kari
Love interest: None
Children: None


Mental Manipulation, Mind Control, Mind Reading, Neural Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Illusions & Hallucinations, Personality Alteration, Precognition

Species: inhuman
Hair: black
Hair style: short
Eyes: light blue
Weapons: none
Other: none

Who is this Character?
Maximus, an Inhuman, was the second son of two of Attilan's top geneticists, Agon, the head of the ruling Council of Geneticists, and Rynda, director of the Prenatal Care Center. Subjected to the DNA-altering Terrigen Mist while still in his mother's womb, Rynda's powers allowed her to filter the Terrigen that entered Maximus' body. On Agon's guidance, she ensured the Terrigen concentrated on the baby's brain to grant him a heightened cognitive function, and also made it more "pure." Maximus' gift manifested in the form of increased intelligence and mental control, powers his parents determined were attuned to those of his elder brother Black Bolt, and vice versa. Maximus's powers additionally caused him to experience flashes of future memories. As he matured, Maximus hid his developing psionic powers from the community but was less successful at disguising his antisocial tendencies. When he was about sixteen, Black Bolt was released from the protective chamber in which he had been confined since birth due to the destructive nature of his Terrigen mutation. One of Maximus' first ploys was an unsuccessful attempt to force his brother to unleash his highly destructive vocal powers in order to have him reincarcerated.
A month later, Black Bolt witnessed Maximus making a treacherous pact with an emissary of the Kree, the alien race responsible for genetically accelerating the Inhumans eons before. In addition to his objective of seizing the throne, Maximus was making a pact with the Kree in an attempt to learn more about the legendary Primagen, with which he had become obsessed in discovering. In an attempt to stop the fleeing emissary so that he could be questioned by the ruling council, Black Bolt used his forbidden power of the quasi-sonic scream and blasted the alien ship out of the sky. When the ship crashed to earth, it landed on the parliament building, killing several key members of the Genetics Council, including the boys' parents. The reverberations of Black Bolt's voice also affected Maximus, who was standing nearby. Maximus' powers were expanded, allowing him to catch a small glimpse of every moment of his life all at once, driving him mad. The reaction also suppressed his nascent mental powers once it was over. After the Forgotten Reign, Black Bolt assumed the throne and Maximus vowed to oppose his brother and eventually usurp his rule. Maximus staged his first successful coup a few years later. By performing an illegal experiment on the Alpha Primitives, the subhuman worker clones that once served the Inhumans, Maximus created the Trikon, three bodiless energy beings of great destructive power. While the Trikon wreaked havoc in Attilan, Maximus was able to drive the Royal Family of the Inhumans out of the city in search of the amnesiac Medusa. In the several year interval before Black Bolt and his cousins located her in America, Maximus ruled Attilan in Black Bolt's stead. Feeling secure in his position, Maximus bade his servant, the Seeker, to locate the Royal Family and bring them back to Attilan.
Immediately upon doing so, Black Bolt seized the crown back, to Maximus' dismay. Maximus, hoping to win back the public's affection, activated the Atmo-Gun device he had been working on, a machine he believed would kill the human race and leave all other living beings intact. Maximus miscalculated, however, and the device had no effect. Out of spite, Maximus used the device to erect a "Negative Barrier", a dark force sphere around Attilan, imprisoning the entire race inside. For many months the Inhumans tried to find away to get through the barrier. Maximus built the Water-Circulation Apparatus for Triton that allowed him to survive outside of water, which annoyed Gorgon because Maximus should be building a device to free them. Black Bolt eventually liberated his people by using his quasi-sonic voice to destroy the barrier, at the price of devastating Attilan's ancient architecture.

The Silent War
With an upcoming war between the United States government and the Inhumans, Maximus again plotted his revenge, taunting Black Bolt from his prison and trying to sway a distressed Medusa on his side. He in fact managed to convince Medusa to try to have Luna help "cure" him, only for Luna to realize too late that the "cure" instead allowed Maximus to gain control over all the other Inhumans. After the enhanced Marines managed to destroy Attilan, Maximus usurped the throne of the Inhumans from Black Bolt, taking Medusa as his queen, and announcing a new plan to conquer Earth. Sometime prior to the Skrulls Secret Invasion, Maximus allowed his brother out of captivity and back with his wife. Black Bolt was then captured by the Skrulls and replaced with an imposter. When the Skrulls on Attilan revealed themselves, He aided the Inhumans in fighting the Skrulls, though he made no effort to aid in the rescue of his brother.

Inhumans Vs Mutants
Several months later, Maximus grew bored and wanted to do something fun but rejected his past schemes as he found them boring. When he turned on a television and witnessed news footage showing New Attilan under attack by the X-Men as well as other mutants as part of a larger plan to rid the world of the remaining Terrigen Cloud, Maximus became struck with inspiration by the situation and came up with a new plan. Using the Unspoken's knowledge of the history of Inhumans and Lineage's power, Maximus was able to speak with the Inhuman Moran and convinced him to reveal the recipe for Terrigen Crystals but left the Unspoken and Lineage out of the loop. He also killed Moran with a fork so he didn't reveal his plan. To carry out his plan, though, Maximus needed Triton who was being held in a S.H.I.E.L.D. prison. So, he gave the Unspoken the last remaining Terrigen Crystal, which gave him enough temporary power to break Triton out. Maximus then explained his plan to his allies: he would make Terrigen Crystals and use them to end the war between the Inhumans and the mutants. Triton grudgingly agreed to help Maximus in the endeavour. The first location Maximus and his companions traveled was the South China Sea where they journeyed inside the digestive tract of a large, underwater creature. After fighting off some humanoid, crustacean-like creatures, the four entered the court of the Maw Queen. Next to her was a bowl full of Deep-Eggs, one of the ingredients in the production of Terrigen Crystals. Maximus offered the Maw Queen the Unspoken's hand in marriage as he was a kind in exchange for some Deep-Eggs. When the Unspoken refused, Maximus used his mind control to force him to accept the deal. After that, Maximus, Triton, and Lineage traveled to other remote places around the world to obtain the necessary ingredients. At their final destination in Mumbai, India, Maximus admitted to his companions that not everything they collected was needed for the recipe as he wanted to keep them guessing what the recipe actually was. After getting the final ingredient from a spice shop, Maximus introduced Triton and Lineage to their new ally, the Inhuman Banyan, who agreed to help them recruit the Inhuman Kludge so he could build a machine to manufacture the Terrigen Crystals.
Banyan took Maximus, Triton, and Lineage to a warehouse where he had set up a factory and had hired workers to operate it including Kludge. Maximus forced Banyan, Triton, and Lineage out of the warehouse so he and Kludge could work privately on the production of Terrigen Crystals. Not trusting Maximus, Triton asked Lineage to help him kill Maximus once he was done making Terrigen Crystals. Days later, Maximus emerged from the factory and revealed what he and Kludge had been working on. Instead of Terrigen Crystals, however, they had constructed a large robot. Maximus explained that he planned to use the robot to fight the mutants attacking his fellow Inhumans and had abandoned the idea of making Terrigen Crystals because he found it boring. Then the huge creature that the Maw Queen and her court lived in appeared under the control of the Unspoken. The Unspoken had tricked the Maw Queen into helping him kill Maximus. Max and Kludge quickly entered the robot and piloted it to fight off the Unspoken. After using the robot's glowing green sword to kill the creature, Maximus discovered that the Unspoken had become embedded on the sword's tip. Maximus then learned from Kludge that the robot and its sword were powered by Terrigen energy. This allowed the Unspoken to power himself using the Terrigen energy powering the robot and grew several times larger than Maximus' robot. The Unspoken ripped the robot in half and walked off to take over the world, Suddenly deciding to become a hero, Maximus used his telepathy to take over the Unspoken's mind and force him to release all of the Terrigen energy he absorbed into space, forcing him to return to his unpowered state.
Maximus then explained to his companions that his reason for abandoning the idea for making Terrigen Crystals was that for in order for Inhumans to evolve, they needed to stop relying on them. Triton pointed out that Maximus' knowledge of Terrigen Crystal formula could also be used as a bargaining chip to ensure his own survival. In the meantime, mutants and Inhumans had solved their conflict. In the end, Medusa destroyed the Terrigen Cloud, sparing mutantkind but ridding the Earth of essentially all traces of Terrigen left, thus potentially dooming Inhumanity to a future with no more Terrigenesis.

Has done nothing of note since

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