The Jotuns of Marvel

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This chapter will contain Ten of the Jotuns in the Marvel universe, since they're a group not mentioned far too often, just mentioned as a threat to the asgardians. Within order, we will cover Ymir, Laufey, Farbauti, Helblindi, Byleistr, Surtr, Sinmara, Skadi, Njord, and finally, Angrboda.

Who is Ymir?

❝Im far more than just the king of the frost giants. I am king of all Jotun.❞ -Ymir

Name: Ymir
Nickname: Ymir
Living Status: Alive
Age: Unknown, as old at the Ten realms himself
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Alias: The first Jotun, the Jotun King.
Alignment: Villain

Parents: Unknown, Unsure if he has any
Siblings: None
Other family members: None
Love interest: Will be created at a later time
Children: Lucian


dimensional travel, Magic, Cosmic Magic, cosmic energy, cosmic energy bursts, Ice Breath, Ice Control, cold resistance, Weather Control, Matter Absorption, Size Manipulation, Super Strength, enhanced durability, Immortality

Species: Jotun, Ice Giant
Hair: Ice
Hair style: Ice
Eyes: Ice
Weapons: Ice
Other: ...Ice. In all seriousness, he was the original king of both the frost giants of Niffleheim and Jotun of Jotunheim. His body always produces immense cold and regenerates it's ice.

Who is this Character?
Ymir came to being on Niffleheim, one of the Ten Realms. He was the very first and the most powerful of the Ice Giants, a race from which the Giants of Jotunheim (Storm Giants, Mountain Giants, Rime Giants, and Frost Giants) descended. Like the other Ice Giants, Ymir was covered with snow and ice, and constantly generated intense coldness from his body. His huge size, durability, and colossal strength of the Ice Giants made them formidable foes to the gods of Asgard over the millennia. Except for the Fire Giant Surtr, Ymir was the oldest known being in the Ten Realms. He was the King of the Ice giants, and initially had rule over those of jotunheim. Eventually, during one of his wars with the Asgardians and Odin, He was slain and his body trapped within a ring of fire. His army was sent to muspelheim, where the ice giants became prisoner.
Many years later Bobby Drake, The X-men known as Iceman was captured to use as sacrifice to revive Ymir via a cult that followed him on Midgard. He was rescued by the other X-men and Thor, but an ice troll ended up being sacrificed afterwards, bringing back the former Jotun king. During the war on realms Ymir and the freed Ice Giants aligned themselves with Malekith, the king of the Dark Elves. To retain his power, Laufey, the new king of Jotunheim and the lesser Frost Giants, fought back. Ymir was driven off of Midgard and back to the realms, where odin in prisoned him in the roots of Yggdrasil.  

The fallen king did leave behind a son during his period of freedom between the two periods of imprisonment. Not much can be written in until the wife is created

Who is Laufey?

❝I am king of Jotuns, King of Jotunheim.❞ -Laufey

Name: Laufey
Nickname: Laufey
Living Status: Deceased
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Alias: The King of the Frost Giants
Alignment: Villain

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: None
Other family members: Loki & Helblindi's Children
Love interest: Farbauti
Children: Loki, Helblindi, Byleistr


dimensional travel, Magic, Cosmic Magic, cosmic energy, cosmic energy bursts, Ice Breath, Ice Control, cold resistance, Weather Control, Matter Absorption, Size Manipulation, Super Strength, enhanced durability, Immortality

Species: Jotun, Frost Giant
Hair: Black
Hair style: Long in humanoid form, ice in giant form
Eyes: Blue
Weapons: a Club
Other: Was the King of Jotunheim and leader of the Frost Giants.

Who is this Character?
King Laufey was the leader of the Giants of Jotunheim, taking it on after Ymir was overthrown. He was married to Farbauti, with whom had a son, Loki. As Loki was born small, his existence was kept a secret, since it was an embarrassment to the giants. He had two more sons with his wife, Helblindi and Byleistr respectively, who both where normal frost giants. Laufey raged many wars with Asgard, and one fatally battle, he was slain by Odin and left for dead. Years later, a group of Frost Giants retrieved Laufey's skull and traveled to Midgard with a Frost Giant wizard to try to revive him. They slaughtered many villagers to use their blood to create blood ice and drag Laufey's soul from Hel. However, Thor came along to put an end to the massacre, and he killed the Frost Giants before they could finish the spell and the skull was lost at sea. Malekith made an alliance with the Frost Giants, promising them to find the skull. After he became king of the dark elves and offered an alliance to the Fire Demons, Malekith discovered that the skull was in Midgard. Malekith traveled to Álfheim to slaughter light elves to use their blood for the ceremony, then he retrieved the skull and went to Jotunheim. using the blood of a hundred murdered Light Elves, Malekith performed a spell that resurrected King Laufey.
During the war on realms, initially Laufey was aligned with Malekith, but did not approve of Ymir. To retain his power, fought back against both Ice Giants and Dark Elves, having planned to double cross them in conquering Midgard for themselves. He was killed for a second time during this war, and with both former kings dead, Helblindi rose to the throne.

Laufey had three sons with his wife, Farbauti. Loki, Helblindi, and Byleistr. Loki was stolen and raised by Odin, while his other two sons remained. After his death on Midgard, Helblindi rose to the throne.

Who is Farbauti?

❝I cannot live with the revelation my son is small... ❞ -Farbauti

Name: Farbauti
Nickname: Farbauti
Living Status: Deceased
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Alias: Queen of Jotunheim
Alignment: Villain

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: None
Other family members: Loki & Helblindi's Children
Love interest: Laufey
Children: Loki, Helblindi, Byleistr


dimensional travel, Magic, Cosmic Magic, cosmic energy, cosmic energy bursts, Ice Breath, Ice Control, cold resistance, Weather Control, Matter Absorption, Size Manipulation, Super Strength, enhanced durability, Immortality

Species: Jotun, Frost Giant
Hair: Made of Ice
Hair style: long ice hair
Eyes: Red
Weapons: None
Other: None

Who is this Character?
Farbauti was the wife of Laufey, king of the Frost Giants in Jotunheim. She gave birth to unusually small child named Loki, much to the annoyance of her husband. Ashamed of his son's small size, Laufey kept Loki hidden from his people. She proceeded to have two more sons who where of normal stature, Helblindi and Byleistr respectively. When Odin led the Asgardians into battle against the Frost Giants and killed their king Laufey in personal combat, Farbauti survived with her two other sons. Afterwards, Odin found Loki hidden within the Frost Giants' primary stronghold, and took him as his own. Farbauti was left queen alone, raising her two other boys. She ended up being killed in battle, around the time laufey was resurrected, and he resumed the throne. It was passed to Helblindi upon his death.

Farbauti had three sons with her husband, the Jotun king, Laufey; Loki, Helblindi, and Byleistr. Loki was stolen and raised by Odin, while his other two sons remained. After her death and her husband subsequent second death on Midgard, Helblindi rose to the throne.

Who is Helblindi?

❝The throne is mine, you're an Asgardian god now, you're no longer one of us.❞ -Helblindi

Name: Helblindi Laufeyson
Nickname: Helblindi
Living Status: Alive
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Alias: King of Jotunheim
Alignment: Villain

Parents: Laufey & Farbauti
Siblings: Loki, Byleistr
Other family members: Loki's Children
Love interest: Will be created at a later time
Children: Helios, Starla


Inherited abilities
ice control, ice manipulation, ice breath, cold resistance, snow control, wind manipulation, weather control, magic, cosmic magic, cosmic energy, energy manipulation, mind control, telepathy, telekinesis, flight

Species: Jotun, Frost Giant
Hair: Dark Blue
Hair style: Long hair
Eyes: Red
Weapons: Ice clubs
Other: Became king of jotunheim after the passing of his father

Who is this Character?
Helblindi was the younger son of Frost King Laufey. After Laufey died at the hands of the Aesir and his firstborn Loki was taken by Odin and presumed dead, Farbauti became the Regent of Jotunheim until Laufey's other sons Byleister and Helblindi could come of age.

Not much can be written in about his family life until his lover is created, but the important details will be listed off here. He married and had his twins, living in jotunheim, where they git to meet their grandparents. After his father passed for a second time, Helblindi rose to the throne of jotunheim. The realm was in disarray and quite the mess, eventually being over throne when Lucian came of age and took over both the Ice Giants of Niffleheim and reclaimed the Throne of Jotunheim for his father's lineage. He was given the role and king of Frost giants, only focusing in that sect of Jotuns.

Who is Byleistr?

❝I may be the younger son, but I'm sure not the smallest giant.❞ -Byleistr

Name: Byleistr Laufeyson
Nickname: Byleistr
Living Status: Alive
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Alias: Prince of Jotunheim
Alignment: Villain

Parents: Laufey & Farbauti
Siblings: Loki, Helblindi
Other family members: Loki & Helblindi's Children
Love interest: None
Children: None


Inherited abilities
ice control, ice manipulation, ice breath, cold resistance, snow control, wind manipulation, weather control, magic, cosmic magic, cosmic energy, energy manipulation, mind control, telepathy, telekinesis, flight

Species: Jotun, Frost Giant
Hair: Dark Blue
Hair style: Short hair
Eyes: Red
Weapons: Ice clubs
Other: None

Who is this Character?
Byleistr was the younger son of Frost King Laufey. After Laufey died at the hands of the Aesir and his firstborn Loki was taken by Odin and presumed dead, Farbauti became the Regent of Jotunheim until Laufey's other sons Byleister and Helblindi could come of age.

Byleistr is primarily a blank slate. He currently has no children or a partner, and resides in jotunheim.

Who is Surtr?

❝The Eternal Flame and the sword, Odin! Can you hear them? They call to one another! You have spoken of power! Now feel the might of Surtur in his glory! ❞ -Surtr

Name: Surtr
Nickname: Surtr
Living Status: Alive
Age: Unknown, as old at the Ten realms himself
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Alias: King of Muspelheim, Lord of Ragnarok
Alignment: Villain

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: None
Other family members: Unknown
Love interest: Sinmara
Children: Pele


Astral Projection, Energy Absorption, Energy Manipulation, Energy-Enhanced Strike, Fire Control, Flame Breath, heat resistance, Flight, Healing, Heat Generation, Heat Vision, Levitation, Immortality, Magic, Shape Shifting, Size Manipulation, Soul Absorption, Super Speed, Super Strength, Telekinesis

Species: Jotun, Fire Giant, Fire Demon
Hair: Red
Hair style: short
Eyes: Yellow
Weapons: The Twilight Sword
Other: Is the king of Muspelheim

Who is this Character?
Surtr came to being on Muspelheim, one of the Ten Realms. He was the very first and the most powerful of the Fire Giants, a race from which the Giants of Jotunheim (Storm Giants, Mountain Giants, Rime Giants, and Frost Giants) descended. Like the other Fire Giants, Surtr was covered in fire, and his hair was normally set a blaze. He constantly generated intense Heat from his body. His huge size, durability, and colossal strength of the Fire Giants made them formidable foes to the gods of Asgard over the millennia. Except for the Ice Giant Ymir, Surtr was the oldest known being in the Ten Realms. He was the King of the Fire giants, and demons he spawned to fill the depths of muspelheim. Surtr was destined to be involved in Ragnarök in which Asgard would be destroyed and reborn in an endless cycle. He would cross the Bifrost and destroy Asgard with the Twilight Sword.

Sinmara,  Fire giant was selected by Surtr to produce him an heir. He never sought a romantic relationship, too lost in his dreams of overthrowing the asgardians and fulfilling his prophecy to bring about ragnarok. Sinmara gave birth to Pele, the heir he desired.

Who is Sinmara?

❝my only purpose is to be your consort, my lord.❞ -Sinmara

Name: Sinmara
Nickname: Sinmara
Living Status: Alive
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Alias: Consort of Surtr
Alignment: Villain

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: None
Other family members: Unknown
Love interest: Surtr
Children: Pele


Inherited abilities
Astral Projection, Energy Absorption, Energy Manipulation, Energy-Enhanced Strike, Fire Control, Flame Breath, heat resistance, Flight, Healing, Heat Generation, Heat Vision, Levitation, Immortality, Magic, Shape Shifting, Size Manipulation, Soul Absorption, Super Speed, Super Strength, Telekinesis

Species: Jotun, Fire Giant, Fire Demon
Hair: Fire Orange
Hair style: Long down
Eyes: Red
Weapons: None
Other: None

Who is this Character?
In the marvel universe, there is no Sinmara. Surtr does not in fact have a love interest. I went looking into his Norse roots, and found the closest her ever had was a consort named Sinmara, whose I've heard of before in Norse related media, and is indeed a fire giant.

Sinmara was a consort for the king of muspelheim, Surtr. She was selected to bear him an heir to the throne, being a powerful giantess, and gave him Pele. She raised her daughter while Surtr waged wars, and he was pleased with the giantesses she raised. Sinmara lives a comfortable life in the palace of muspelheim, for her service. It is unknown if Surtr Will wish to have more children, but Sinmara will be the mother yet again if that is the case.

Who is Skadi?

❝I am the goddess of winter❞ -Skadi

Name: Skadi
Nickname: Skadi
Living Status: Alive
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Alias: Mistress of the Mountains, Kelda, Goddess of Winter
Alignment: Neutral

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: None
Other family members: Unknown
Love interest: Njord
Children: Frost


Healing factor, Immortality, Magic, Size Manipulation, Super Strength, Ice abilities, ice control, ice manipulation, ice breath, cold resistance, frost generation, snow control, blizzard manipulation, Ice manipulation, snow manipulation, telekinesis, telepathy

Species: Jotun, Ice Giant, Goddess
Hair: White
Hair style: long down
Eyes: Icy Blue
Weapons: none
Other: none

Who is this Character?
Skadi was an Ice Giantess, wife of Njord, daughter-in-law of Tiwaz, and, the goddess of winter. She was never involved in too many things, being reserved to the mountains of Niffleheim.

Skadi became an Asgardian goddess when she married Njord, the god of the seas. She gave birth to her daughter, Frost, and they've lived a rather quiet life. She is an ally to the asgardians, but does not get caught up in the wars, but helps defend Asgard and Niffleheim if it comes to it.

Who is Njord?

❝The lord of the seas shows no mercy...❞ -Njord

Name: Njord Burison
Nickname: Njord
Living Status: Alive
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Alias: God of the Seas
Alignment: Neutral

Parents: Buri, the first Aesir
Siblings: Borr
Other family members: Borr's entire family line, but his son, Odin, Is far more well known
Love interest: Skadi
Children: Frost


Water control, water manipulation, water generation, hydrokinesis, dark vision, temperature resistance, after breathing, swimming speed

Species: Asgardian God
Hair: Brown
Hair style: short
Eyes: Ocean Blue
Weapons: a trident
Other: was once the ruler of Vanaheim

Who is this Character?
Njord is a jilted character in marvel. He is found more in the background, having married Skadi the ice giantess and ruling the realm of Vanaheim. He has a chip on his shoulder to the Aesir ever since Odin annexed Vanaheim into part of Asgard.

Njord is more of an absentee father to frost, being primarily raised by his wife, Skadi, in Niffleheim. Ever since she was born, he had been scorned by the Aesir for taking his kingdom, and raised her to despise them as such. Skadi, being the pacifist she was, didn't interfere all too much, not having skin in the game.

Who is Angrboda?

❝I am a sorceress, the mother of monsters.❞ -Angrboda

Name: Angrboda
Nickname: Angrboda
Living Status: Alive
Age: unknown
Gender: female
Pronouns: She/her
Alias: Mother of monsters
Alignment: Neutral

Parents: Elderspawn Vârcolac and Echidna
Siblings: None
Other family members: Grandparents and Elder Gods Chthon and Set
Love interest: Will be created at a later time
Children: Arisannia, Fenris the wolf, the world serpent


Witchcraft Ancestry
Astral Projection, Illusion Casting, Levitation, Magic, sorcery, energy magic Constructs, Clairvoyance, Energy Constructs, Energy Manipulation, Energy Absorption, Energy Projection, Energy Transferal, Magical Awareness, Healing Magic, dream manipulation, fear manipulation

Inherited abilities
fire manipulation, fire control, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Strength, Teleportation, mind control, telepathy, Allspeak

Species: Jotun, Asgardian Goddess
Hair: Red
Hair style: Long down
Eyes: Green
Weapons: A staff
Other: is a great and powerful sorceress.

Who is this Character?
Within the comics, Angrboda is the primary wife of Loki, giving birth to Hela, Fenris wolf, and the world serpent. Of corse, a few things needed to be altered, following the MCU continuity and the fact it would be award if Shawn's girlfriend was suddenly his cousin.
Angrboda was a giantess of Jotunheim and a witch. She was born to the Elderspawn Vârcolac and Echidna, respectively spawn of the Elder Gods Chthon and Set.

Not much can be written in yet due to her lover not having been created yet. Angrboda is said to be a great witch and sorceress, being a goddess of magic and the mother of the great monsters of Norse mythology. She had arisannia, who helped Lucian rise to power in Jotunheim when it fell after Helblindi's reign. She is a sorceress asgardians and Jotun alike turn to for aid, though is seen as a fearsome goddess who eats the hearts of her foes. She strikes fear into those who utter her name, but is an ally to Asgard in their time of need.

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