Wives of Magnus

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Who is Magneto?

❝The thing none of you will ever understand is that there are no sides. There's no heroes or villains. There's just what I want and how I'll get it❞ -Erik Eisenhardt

Name: Erik Magnus Eisenhardt
Nickname: Erik
Living Status: Alive
Age: 90s~
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Alias: Magneto
Alignment: Villain
Teams: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Hellfire Club

Parents: Jakob & Edie Eisenhardt
Siblings: Ruth
Other family members: None
Love interest: Magda Eisenhardt, Suzanna Dane, Briar Raleigh
Children: Wanda and Pietro with Magda, Lorna with Suzanna, and Quinn, Encahnted & Elissa with Brair


Metal manipulation, metal bending, metal control, Ferrokinesis, Electronic Disruption, Energy Manipulation, Flight, Force Field, Gravity control, Magnetism

Species: Mutant
Hair: Black, turned grey with age
Hair style: short
Eyes: grey blue
Weapons: None
Other: is an Omega Level Mutant

Who is this Character?
Erik was born and raised in Nuremberg, Germany, during the 1930s, by a middle class Jewish family. While attending a local school he became attracted to a young Romani girl named Magda, the daughter of the school cleaner. During his youth, he suffered atrocities at the hands of the Nazis in Auschwitz. He was eventually found and captured and would spend his early teens imprisoned at the Vernichtungslager in Auschwitz, Poland. In 1944, Erik witnessed Mister Sinister and geneticist Josef Mengele, operating at Auschwitz. Max didn't trust Mengele and, consequently, became a Sonderkommando to avoid selection for the geneticist's experiments. The only member of his family to survive the Holocaust, Erik learned first-hand how brutally human beings could treat those they considered different. Erik was unable to access his mutant powers at puberty. While in Auschwitz, Erik was reunited with Magda and continued to smuggle food and supplies to her. He saved Magda from the gas chambers and then from execution; as the Sonderkommando revolted, the two of them escaped together. For several years, Erik and Magda lived in a Carpathian Mountain village, and eventually they were married.
Erik moved his family to the then-Soviet city of Vinnytsia so he could better himself. On their very first day in the city, Max consciously used his powers for the first time. he learned that he had the mutant ability to generate and control magnetic fields, a condition that caused additional hate and fear from those who were different from him. His boss ended up seeing this, and in turn, had called the KGB and they beat up Erik and held him down, preventing him from escaping. Erik then used his powers to destroy the men holding him, the crowd watching, and a large section of the city of Vinnytsia as revenge. Terrified by her husband's powers and overwhelmed by the tragedy, Magda fled, unknowingly pregnant with twins. Soon more soldiers arrived after hearing what he had done and attacked him. After being shot in the head, Max forced the soldiers to turn their own guns on themselves. He went looking for Magda, but never found her, as she died in Transia.
Eventually Magnus traveled to Haifa, Israel, Under the name Erik Magnus. Magnus worked there as a volunteer orderly at a psychiatric hospital for Holocaust victims. It was there Erik first met and became friends with Charles Xavier. Magnus and Xavier frequently debated the subject of mutants' coexistence with the rest of humanity, though neither revealed to the other that they themselves were mutants. While Xavier was idealistic, and believed that humans and mutants could co-exist, Magneto's experiences had hardened him, and he had come to believe that humanity would never allow mutants to live in peace. After realizing his and Xavier's views were incompatible, Erik left.
Eventually Erik found himself in Brooklyn, where At some point, Magneto had an affair with a married woman by the name of Suzanna Dane. Suzanna bore Magneto a child named Lorna but hid the true parentage of the child from her husband Arnold. Arnold eventually learned of his wife's infidelity and confronted her while flying her and Lorna on a plane. Unbeknownst to her parents, Lorna had inherited her father's powers over magnetism. She was upset by her parents fighting, causing her powers to manifest, destroying the plane and inadvertently killing her parents. Magneto was drawn to the crash site by the magnetic pulse unleashed by his young daughter. Believing she was not ready for the life he had to offer, he had his associate Mastermind use his powers of illusion to re-write her memories, erasing the encounter and the crash from her memory.
Magneto was determined to conquer the human race, to prevent their oppression of mutants, as the self-proclaimed savior of mutant kind. He assembled the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Simply needing powerful mutants in the coming war, Magnus recruited twins for the Brotherhood after he rescued them from a mob of ignorant humans but was unaware that they would one day be presumed to be the children that Magda had hidden from him. Pietro soon wished to leave constantly and Wanda disagreed with Magneto's evil ambitions, but Wanda felt that she owed Magneto her life and Pietro would never leave her side. It was certain at this time that Magneto was in a psychotic and manic state, brought on by a combination of factors, including the overuse of his immense powers. On the anniversary of his liberation from Auschwitz, Charles Xavier, now a professor and confined to a wheelchair, met with Magneto at the site of the camp. Professor Xavier pleaded with Magneto that the actions he would set into motion were no different than what the Nazis did to him years earlier, but Magneto laughed and patronized the professor for claiming to lead mutants but being confined to a chair. Professor Xavier replied that he may have lost the use of his legs but not his heart, something Magneto could not say. After both men reminded each other that they had the power to destroy the other, Magneto left, with Professor Xavier hoping that he would see the error of his ways.

After seizing control of the planet's magnetosphere from the north magnetic pole and blackmailing the world into creating a mutant nation, the United Nations ceded to Magneto the island nation of Genosha, which had no recognized government, as a homeland for mutants. At this time, however, Magneto had nearly lost and exhausted his powers by influencing the poles. Magneto was met with armed resistance on Genosha. He used Polaris to augment his powers and was able to gain control of all parts of Genosha, after battling the Avengers and destroying the city of Carrion Cove. Hidden in caves above Carrion Cove was a device that Magneto knew would restore his powers to dangerous levels, and he attacked his alleged children, Wanda and Pietro, who tried to stop him from using it. Once he accessed this genetic enhancer, he regained his powers over the electromagnetic spectrum, but the overwhelming energies made him psychotic and manic once again. Wolverine again struck a critical blow when the X-men invaded Genosha, gutting Magneto and reportedly severing his spine. Magneto, recovering and wheelchair bound, was attended to by Polaris. She had always had a Magneto-father fixation, and stole  a tissue sample of Magneto, had it genetically cross-matched with a sample of her own, and discovered that she was actually Magneto's biological daughter.

House of M
Magneto's daughter, the Scarlet Witch, lost her grip on reality following a reminder of the death of her children, and attacked her fellow Avengers, forcing Magneto to come to her aid after she was rendered unconscious by Doctor Strange. In Genosha, Magneto had heard Wanda's psychic cry for help and whisked her away before the Avengers could stop him. Back in Genosha, Magneto tended to a more withdrawn and angrier Wanda, and allowed only Xavier to visit in the belief that Xavier could help mend Wanda's broken psyche. As Magneto was forced to consider euthanizing his own daughter for the good of the entire world, as her reality-altering powers were spinning out of her control, Pietro convinced his sister to use her powers to create a world wherein they would have everything they wanted.
In the new reality Wanda created, mutants were the dominant species on Earth, and Magneto was the sovereign of the world's mutants, ruling his subjects from Genosha. Magneto had been granted dominion in this realm after revealing an alleged international anti-mutant conspiracy involving Richard Nixon in 1979. Believing Magneto to be the one responsible for the change in their world, a group of heroes, who had their memories of the "real world" restored by Layla Miller, banded together and attacked Magneto in Genosha. During the battle that ensued, Layla was fortunate enough to be able to restore Magneto's memories, as she had done for the others. When Magneto found out about Pietro's role in warping reality, he attacked him, enraged at all that he had done in his name, and killed him by ultimately crushing his body under the weight of a Sentinel. Driven mad by anger and grief over Magneto's treatment of her brother and his violence towards his children, Wanda blamed her father for what Pietro, and she had become, declaring that he had always loved mutantkind more than his own children. Out of spite, she altered reality once more, declaring "No More Mutants." At her command, the mutant population of Earth had been decimated, and if not for Doctor Strange and Emma Frost there would have been no mutants left at all.

Magneto was left powerless, along with most of the world's mutant population, and with no more mutant births, the species that Magneto had dedicated his life to fight for was rapidly headed towards extinction. The X-Men left him amidst the ruins of Genosha, a broken and shell-shocked man. When Quicksilver came to Genosha to restore the mutants' powers with the Inhumans' Terrigen Mist, Magneto condemned his actions, pointing out the disastrous effects the Mists had on non-Inhumans. An angry Quicksilver, frustrated at never being able to win his father's approval, attacked Magneto with his new powers gained from the Mists, savagely beating him until his daughter Luna begged him to stop. When the Inhumans later came looking for their Mists, Magneto told them what had happened. Eventually this would be undone, and most mutants would regain their powers.

House of X
After Professor Xavier returned, Magneto and Moira MacTaggert set about creating a new mutant nation of the island of Krakoa. Krakoa would be a home for all of mutantkind, regardless of past misdeeds, and the fledgling nation bought recognition from the rest of the world by offering miracle cures to various ailments that were grown on Krakoa. The establishment of Krakoa also saw the creation of the Five, a group of mutants with the ability to resurrect the dead. Magneto, along with Xavier and Wolverine, was present when a number of mutants formerly hostile to the X-Men and humanity arrived, led by Apocalypse, who revealed that he had a history with the island of Krakoa. When Magneto asked Apocalypse to submit to all the laws of Krakoa and work in service of mutantkind, Apocalypse agreed, completing the new mutant nation. Magneto was one of the chosen to take a seat at the Quiet Council of Krakoa, the governing body of Krakoa. During their first meeting they drafted the initial rules of Krakoa and determined the fate of mutant criminal Sabertooth.
the island of Arakko, Krakoa's twin half and home to millions of mutants, was stranded on Earth, next to Krakoa. It had disappeared in a time rift for thousands of years, and only now re-emerged. Xavier and Magneto met with Isca the Unbeaten, one of the leaders of the Arakki mutants to discuss how their mutant societies might co-exist. The prospects of finding common ground with the war-like Arakki, who far outnumbered the Krakoans, seemed slim, prompting Magneto to propose a solution; he would gather a group of omega level mutants to terraform Mars, which would become the capital of the solar system and a new home to Arakko, giving mutantkind an advantage over humanity in negotiations with alien civilizations, and solving the incompatibility of the Arakki with Earth.
Magneto and his omegas, recruited both from Krakoan and Arakki mutants, succeeded in terraforming the planet and moving the island of Arakko. This was unveiled at the Hellfire Gala, a grand party for both mutants and their human allies and enemies. After the gala, Magneto invited Wanda Maximoff to a private meeting. He told her that no matter what had happened before, he would always be her father. The two shared a loving embrace, and Wanda told him of a plan she had; to cast a spell that would allow for the resurrection of mutants who had died before Cerebro could create a backup of their consciousness. This required that she herself die and go through the resurrection process, and she asked Magneto to kill her and ensure she be brought back. Magneto was at first reluctant but decided to honor his daughter's wishes. Magneto quickly became the main suspect in her murder and attempted to buy time for Wanda to be resurrected, resulting in him fighting both his accusers and the Avengers, who had come to collect Wanda's body. Wanda was indeed resurrected, though with most of her memories missing. Shortly afterwards, Krakoa was attacked by three indestructible kaiju conjured by Wanda's subconscious. Wanda's spirit eventually managed to find its way back to her body, restoring her memories and ending the threat of the kaiju. She proceeded to cast her spell as planned, allowing 20 million mutants to be added to the resurrection queue.
Xavier and Magneto visited Moira, to discuss the fact that Mystique was still expecting them to resurrect Destiny. As Moira stressed that Destiny, and other precogs, could not be resurrected as they would learn the truth; that mutantkind had thus far always lost its battle for survival, they concluded that Mystique would have to be removed from the Quiet Council. The next day they tried to convince the council to vote to remove her but before they could she hijacked the meeting and revealed she had Destiny resurrected behind their backs and nominated her to fill one of the vacant seat in the council, left by Apocalypse. Having already gotten to most of the council Mystique easily got Destiny voted in, foiling their plan to remove her. Realizing Mystique and Destiny were close to destroying everything they'd built and unwilling to solve the problem by breaking Krakoa's laws, Magneto, Charles, and Moira decided they needed to bring another council member in on their secret plans and it needed to be someone they could trust who understood the gravity of the situation. They decided on Emma Frost so they invited her to a meeting at The Louvre where Moira revealed herself to still be alive to Emma. They had Emma read Moira's mind, so she knew exactly what was happening but upon doing so she was so disgusted that the three of them had been lying to everyone the whole time that she left without hearing them out. The next day they decided to put Colossus on the council in Jean's place.
During a discussion with Xavier, Magneto noted that they were losing control of mutantkind, and that their conflict with humanity could not possibly have a peaceful resolution. Their discussion was interrupted as Xavier received a telepathic distress call from Moira. Once they arrived, they realized that Moira was nowhere to be found, and was killed.
Upon their resurrection, they awoke to find that Emma Frost had revealed the secret of their plot with Moira, who had secretly been kidnapped and de-powered by Mystique and Destiny, to the rest of the Quiet Council. Following the events surrounding Moira's disappearance and eventual betrayal, Magneto chose to resign his position with the Quiet Council and retire to Arakko. After challenging and killing the nefarious Tarn of Arakko's Great Ring, he was given Tarn's Seat of Loss. With two Krakoans in the Great Ring, the other members debated if Krakoans should be allowed to serve at all, for they were effectively immortal thanks to the Resurrection Protocols which went against Arakki culture. In response, Magneto willingly destroyed his Cerebro backups to oblige to Arakki customs and declared that he would have no intention of returning should he die. He did, in fact die, though is back under unknown circumstances.

Magneto already had three kids with two other women, all where accidents, though the first two would've been expected with his wife, since they planned for kids. He simply didn't know about Lorna until a few years after. He may be in his 90s, but that doesn't mean he can't have anymore with a new girlfriend. They just never married since he's so old now. At the end of his life, he's finally getting the small family he dreamed of, making up for the hardships he faced in his youth.

Who is Magda Eisenhardt?

❝Please, stay back...❞ -Magda

Name: Magda Eisenhardt
Nickname: Magda
Living Status: Deceased
Age: 30s~
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Alias: None
Alignment: None
Teams: None

Parents: Unnamed
Siblings: None
Other family members: None
Love interest: Erik Eisenhardt
Children: Wanda & Pietro


Species: Human
Hair: Brown
Hair style: long curly hair
Eyes: Blue
Weapons: None
Other: None

Who is this Character?
Magda was born and raised in Nuremberg, Germany, during the 1930s. She met Erik while attending a school, and the pair fell in love. In 1936 Magda and her mother were deported into Marzahn Detention camp because of their Romani ancestry. In 1944 Erik, who had joined the Sonderkommando at Auschwitz, Poland, discovered Magda in the Romani camp. Henceforward he pledged to fight to keep her alive. Once he managed to get Magda out of the Auschwitz camp to the KZ Buchenwald when he heard that the Nazi camp guards wanted to liquidate the Romani family camp. In this way, Erik saved her from the Zigeunernacht. When the revolt started, Erik and Magda escaped from the death camp.
For several years, Max and Magda lived in a Carpathian Mountain village, and eventually they were married. Not satisfied with the simple life of a mountain village, Erik moved his family to the, Soviet city of Vinnytsia so he could better himself. When a fire broke out in the inn that Magda and her family were staying in, Erik's powers manifested uncontrollably, killing the men holding him, the crowd watching, and a large section of the city of Vinnytsia. Traumatized by Erik's new powers, Magda fled from him. After giving birth to the twins, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, under the care of Bova Ayrshire on Wundagore Mountain, Magda fled into the wilderness, angry and scared, and soon was believed perished in the cold.

As Magda perished many years ago, not much else has happened with her

Who is Suzanna Dane?

❝Lorna?! What are you doing?! LORNA!❞ -Suzanna

Name: Suzanna Dane
Nickname: Susie
Living Status: Deceased
Age: 30s
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Alias: None
Alignment: None
Teams: None

Parents: Unnamed
Siblings: None
Other family members: None
Love interest: Arnold Dane, Erik Eisenhardt
Children: Lorna Dane


Species: Human
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Hair style: Short shoulder length Bob
Eyes: Green
Weapons: None
Other: None

Who is this Character?
Suzanna was the wife of a pilot named Arnold and mother of Lorna Dane, later known as Polaris. Around three years before her death, Suzanna had an affair with mutant terrorist Magneto which resulted in the birth of Lorna. Suzanna kept this secret from her husband and told him that Lorna was his. When Lorna was three years old, Arnold found out that she wasn't his daughter and that Suzanna had been unfaithful. Arnold took them both up to the skies in an airplane so that Suzanna would have no place to flee when he confronted her with this. While the two of them were arguing, Lorna became upset and after being yelled at her mutant powers manifested, tearing apart the jet and killing Arnold and Suzanna

Suzanna has also been deceased for a long time, so nothing has happened with her either

Who is Briar Raleigh?

❝The truth is, the clock is ticking. It's just a matter of time before you cut loose again, in a big way. And you know it. You know what they say about idle hands, don't you? You just need something to keep those hands of yours busy❞ -Briar

Name: Briar Raleigh
Nickname: Briar
Living Status: Alive
Age: 30s
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Alias: Black Bishop
Alignment: Neutral
Teams: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Hellfire Club

Parents: Unnamed
Siblings: None
Other family members: None
Love interest: Erik Eisenhardt
Children: Quinn, Enchanted & Elissa


Inherited abilities
Cybernetic enhancements, immune to telepathy and mental influences

Species: Human
Hair: Ginger
Hair style: bust length pin strait hair
Eyes: green
Weapons: cybernetic enhancements, guns
Other: none

Who is this Character?
When she was young, Briar was a victim of one of Magneto's rampages in Seattle, costing her family and seriously damaging her leg. She went to months of physical therapy to walk again with a cybernetic brace. She tracked Magneto down years later. Locating him in Saranac Lake, New York, Briar told him she could supply information to him that would be more valuable than anything his local contacts could ever give him.
Briar said that she believed that they were meant to work together, so she showed Magnus all the data that she had collected, a list of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents tasked to capture him, their names, personnel files, potential blind spots, and points of weakness. But the real enemies were groups like the Marauders who were to blame for one of the worst massacres of all. Intrigued, Magneto took Briar up on her proposition, and, at her suggestion, re-programmed the Marauders' behavioral conditioning to follow his orders rather than those of Mister Sinister after he'd killed one more cell of them.
Briar was later seen alongside Magneto when they attended a formal meeting with the Hellfire Club's New York branch. As the M-Pox became more dangerous towards mutants, Magneto began making numerous allies to further his plans. Striking a deal with Sebastian Shaw, allowed Briar to gain membership into their Inner Circle as the Black Bishop, while Erik became the White King. With Briar's connections, she was able to obtain a vial of gray matter from Someday Enterprises. She gave the sample to Psylocke, who was the only one able to read it, as she was a telepath. Due to Briar's evidence, the X-Men and the Hellfire Club investigated the company further, but as soon as they arrived, they were attacked by the same mutants who had asked for protection from Someday Enterprises.
Briar continued assisting Magneto during his following missions. When he returned to his ruthless methodology to ensure mutantkind's survival, he established a new Brotherhood of Mutants, and Briar was one of its members.

Due to her accident as a child, Briar has been obsessed with magneto. So much so she became his lover, and ended up having three children with him. She first had Quinn, then a year later, Enchanted followed. Unluckily, not even a year later, about ten months to be exact, she had her third, Elissa. The three has quite the odd family dynamic, due to their father being so old and having great grand nieces and nephews.

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