Bucky Barnes- I Don't Dance (Part 1)

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Requested by @Mistress_of_Chaos.

Part One

You remember the day that S.H.I.E.L.D fell, and every moment before. You remember being trapped in your car on the highway as the Winter Soldier attempted to assassinate people you then knew as only Captain America and Black Widow. You remember a HYDRA agent storming towards your car, and the panic you felt in those moments as you slipped out the window and started fighting the man with strength and manoeuvrability you never knew you had. Perhaps it had something to do with the dance lessons you were taking, or the fact that if you didn't defend yourself, you would die.

Today, you stood still, taking in a deep breath as you waited at the entrance of the new Avengers facility in New York. Despite the fact you had been asked to train with the Avengers a few months ago by agent Maria Hill, you still had trouble believing everything that was happening.

"Morning, (Y/N)," your now-friend, Steve Rogers smiled in your direction as you walked towards the training room.

"Hey Steve," you said joyfully, returning the kind gesture as you continued on your way.

"Oh," Steve spun around, grabbing your attention, "I forgot to tell you, I'm not going to be training with you today."

"Aw, why not?" You fake-pouted.

"Got some errands to run, but Nat and Sam should be there," he winked before you watched him disappear behind a door. You then continued to manoeuvre your way past familiar walls, taking the same turns you had for the last few months before making a beeline for the automatic door a few feet in front of you.
Sighing as you reached your destination, you pushed a stray strand of hair out of your face and made your way over to where Natasha and Sam waited for you to make an appearance.

"Hey guys," you greeted as you threw your duffle bag onto the adjacent seat and whipped out your water bottle.

"As you may have heard, Capsicle's not going to be joining you today," Sam smirked as you took a sip of cold water, "And neither are we."

"Wait, what?" You snapped, almost choking on your drink, ignoring his terrible joke and spinning around to face him, "What do you mean you're not? Who am I going to spar with? Myself?"

"Um, no. We've got a new recruit joining us today, and I'm pretty sure you'd be more than capable of fending him off. Hill's keeping an eye on you with the security cameras, so if something goes wron-"

"Hey," a quiet, yet deep and masculine voice interrupted Natasha.

"Here he is now," Sam waved before walking out the door, Natasha in tow, "Have fun."

"Hi," you waved shyly as the man began walking towards you, "I'm (Y/N)."


When the man came closer, you became mesmerised by his strikingly-blue eyes, and how soft his hair looked. You knew you'd seen this man before, but when he was more broken than he was now.

"You're Steve's best friend," you smiled half-heartedly, "If it weren't for your... The people who were controlling you, I wouldn't be here."

"I'm sorry if I hurt you in the past," Bucky frowned, looking at you with those big, beautiful eyes.

"You didn't. It's all good."

Soon, the two of you began to spar, Bucky wincing every time he touched you in case he was hurting you. You told him not to worry, and he told you that Steve arranged for the two of you to fight so that he could see that his metal arm was not just a ruthless weapon that can pull off car doors without effort, but something that he could now control on his own. Slowly, Bucky began to stop pulling his punches as he realised you really were capable of defending yourself.

Just as you were about to kick Bucky in the back of the leg, he countered your attack by back-flipping just in time to avoid impact.

"Sheesh," he smiled genuinely as he regained balance, his brow glistening with sweat, "You really know your stuff, (Y/N)."

"Thanks, Buck," you grinned in response, not moving your attention from the super-soldier in front of you.

"What's your secret?" He chuckled between panting.

"Probably my dancing. Started taking lessons a few years ago. Guess it helped with my movements," you let out a deep breath as Bucky eyed you to make sure you wouldn't catch him unaware.

He scoffed in disbelief, that bright smile still plastered on his face, "What a pity I don't dance."


@Mistress_of_Chaos, I finally got around to your request. All of a sudden, inspiration struck and I decided to make it into a two (maybe three?) part imagine. I really hope you like it and I hope it's worth the wait!

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