Bucky Barnes ✰ Maybe She's Got A Friend

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A/N: If you've watched CA:TFA a zillion times and memorised every quote in the movie, you'll know where I got the idea from ;)

37. Maybe She's Got A Friend

"Come on out, (Y/N)," your friend, Peggy Carter, urged you from the other side of your bathroom door, "I know you're going to look wonderful."

"No," you muttered, turning to look at yourself in the mirror again, straightening out your dress and pinning up a few strands of hair that were out of place, "I don't even know why I'm getting dressed up. It's not like Steve's got any friends who would be remotely interested in me. And even if he did, you know I'm shy."

"First of all, please come out of there. And second, whatever man doesn't believe you'd make a wonderful partner will personally get kicked in the behind by yours truly," Peggy encouraged, "You'll be fine."

You paused and looked down at your feet, a smile curling your lips at your friend's protectiveness, "Alright," you sighed.

You slowly turned the doorknob, walking out into the open. Your hair was curled into (y/h/c) waves that fell nicely over your shoulders, and your (y/f/c) dress sat comfortably at your knees and hugged your figure in all the right places. You would be lying if you said you didn't like the way it looked on you.

Peggy smiled proudly at your appearance, "I'm sure he's got a friend."


Peggy stepped into the bar, her red dress catching the eyes of every man in sight as she moved elegantly in search of Steve. You walked in behind her, but instead of following her, you took a seat in a corner.

"Don't take it so hard," Steve grinned, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder as the girl of his dreams walked away without paying any attention to Bucky. That was a first for Steve, "Maybe she's got a friend."

Upon hearing the conversation, Peggy whipped back in their direction, her red painted lips curling into a smile, "Actually, I do."

"You do?" Steve turned to face Peggy before looking over at Bucky.

She smiled triumphantly, "She's around here somewhere. She's shy around people she doesn't know well, but she's the most wonderful girl I've ever met, and I'm proud to call her my friend."

Bucky's eyes began to wander the room, the edges of his lips curled as he ran a hand through his hair, "I can't wait to meet her. She sounds great."

"See, Buck?" Steve whispered as he watched Peggy's retreating figure, thinking about all the times that girls had chosen Bucky over him in a heartbeat, "Looks like I found the right partner."

"You sure did, pal."


Moments later, Peggy had found you alone in a corner booth. The look in her eyes screamed 'trouble', and you couldn't help but think it had something to do with a boy... something to do with her Steve.

"(Y/N)," Peggy smirked, marching in your direction, "Have I got a surprise for you."

You chuckled, "Let me guess, you're going to pay for my food this time?"

Peggy's confident demeanour disappeared when she saw you, thinking about the possibility of hooking you up with Steve's best friend. You had been single for as long as you could remember, and your best friend had always wanted to see you fall in love and live your life all while she was doing the same.

"No, I'm not going to pay for your food," Peggy paused, craning her head in Steve's direction, "But someone else might."

Your eyes searched the bar, wondering who Peggy could be talking about.

"What? Don't lie to me. You couldn't have found a date for me that quickly."

"Remember how I said that maybe Steve's got a friend? Well, it turns out he does. And he's not too bad on the eyes either," Peggy curled her lips as she pulled you out of your seat, "And best of all, he's dying to meet you."

"Wait, what? What did you tell him?"

"Only the good stuff."

"And there was a lot of it."

An unfamiliar, husky voice startled you, prompting you to turn around. You recognised Steve as the man standing beside the other man.

"You must be (Y/N)," Steve's friend smirked lopsidedly, taking your hand in his and placing a featherlight kiss on your knuckles.

Let's just say you didn't expect Steve's friend to be this attractive. His brown hair was slightly scruffy and framed his chiseled face perfectly. The baby blue of his eyes complimented the rest of his face nicely. Like diamonds on a ring, they stood out.

"Yes I am," you smiled involuntarily, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks. As childish as the reason as to why you were smiling was, no man had ever kissed your knuckles before, and the contact made you happy.

"Name's James, but you can call me Bucky."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Bucky."

Suddenly, a movement from beside caught your eye. Peggy and Steve had wandered off on their own, leaving you alone with Bucky. Your palms began to sweat, as did your forehead; you weren't used to being alone in the company of a stranger. Bucky noticed you were slightly shaken, and smiled compassionately.

"It's alright. I can leave if you aren't comfortable. I wouldn't want to upset a beautiful doll like you."

"No!" You barked quicker than you thought you would, "No. True, I am a little unsettled, but it's just because I'm not used to anyone's company other than Peggy. But you seem like a gentleman, and I'd hate to pass up on the opportunity to get to know you."

"You sound an awful lot like someone I used to know," Bucky smiled.

"Do you mind if I ask who?"


"That's awfully sweet," you cooed, "He definitely seems more outgoing than I am."

"You want to know his secret?" Bucky whispered in your ear, you could feel his breath on your skin, "He started hanging out with me."


As the night grew darker, you and Bucky grew closer. Throughout the night, Bucky had become less confident. He was much shyer than upon first meeting, and seemed to look at you directly whenever you spoke. You took notice of his beautiful eyes, seeing something that you had never seen in anyone else's eyes. Something inside of you had also been awakened, something you had never felt before. You'd had multiple crushes in your lifetime, but you never felt so strongly towards anyone in your life. It sounded crazy to say that— you'd only just met Bucky.

"If you'll excuse me," Bucky smiled, rising from his seat opposite you, "I need to go and ask Steve what time we'll be leaving in the morning."

"Wait? Where are you going?" You called, causing him to stop in his tracks.

He turned to face you, "Steve and I are taking down the last Hydra base tomorrow. After that, we'll be a step closer to ending the war."

"Oh," was all you could muster. Your smile that had been contagious throughout the night had suddenly faltered at the thought of Bucky leaving for war.


"Steve!" Bucky called to his friend, "I need to talk to you."

"What is it, Buck?"

"I can't go with you tomorrow. I can't leave now."

"What? I can't take down that Hydra base without you," Steve glanced at Peggy before turning to face Bucky.

"But Steve, you don't understand."

"What, Buck?"

"I think I'm in love with her."

Steve and Peggy paused. Steve had never heard his best friend confess his feelings so strongly, quickly and openly before in his life.

"(Y/N)!?" Peggy interrupted, her grin bordering on resembling the Cheshire Cat.

Bucky gulped, "Yes. I know it sounds crazy, I know that we've only just met, but something about her is different. I think I've found the one, Steve. I can't leave now. All I'll be able to think about is her and how I'm missing out on the future I've always dreamt about."

"I'm so sorry, Buck. We need all the help we can get on this. I understand how hard this must be, and I want to see you live your life, more than anything. But right now, if we don't storm this Hydra base, nobody will be able to get on with their lives. We can't start living our lives until everyone else can, until the war is over. This is important, Bucky. This isn't just for me, it's for the whole of America. I can't postpone something like this."

"I-" Tears welled in Bucky's eyes, one slipped down his cheek.

"I'm sorry, Buck. I don't have a choice."

"What's wrong?" You asked, concerned when you saw how serious everyone was.

"(Y/N)! I-I wasn't expecting you over here," Bucky fumbled around in his pockets and pulled out an old tissue to wipe the tear from his cheek.

You looked around at your friends, "Is everything okay?"

Without further hesitation, Bucky leaned close to you and planted his lips on yours. The way they moved together felt as though they were made from the same mould; they fit perfectly. The kiss was sweet and passionate, it was as if Bucky felt the same way about you. When you finally pulled away for air, you took in deep breath followed by deep breath, your eyes not leaving Bucky's.

"I can't help but feel as though we're meant to be," Bucky's mouth curled slightly as he spoke.

You raised an eyebrow, feeling your smile curl from ear to ear, "Me too."

Bucky's grin matched yours in intensity, "Then you've got to promise me something. After I come back from infiltrating the Hydra base, we're going to go to Rockaway beach. We're going to have the time of our lives, and I'm going to get to know you even better. I can't wait to hear about your childhood, and everything leading up to now. I have always dreamt of finding the right person, and when I'm with you, I can't help but feel like you're that person."

You mused, taking Bucky's hand and giving it a squeeze, "Sounds like a plan."

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

Yep, it's me. I actually updated. It's been so long, so long (kudos if you understood that reference) so I decided I had to give you guys a cheesy, cliche, cute update. I missed writing for you guys so much.
Also, I finally got a Bucky Hot Toys figure and he looks great! I can't wait to read the comments and feedback left by you guys on this chapter.

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