Bucky Barnes - Safe House • Pt 1

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You sat there, perfectly at ease, drinking your coffee early in the morning, like usual. You were at the cafe, or cafenea, as it was called in Romanian. You'd moved to Bucharest a couple of months ago, and you were starting to pick up on the language. You moved there with your friend who speaks the language fluently, so she helped when you couldn't translate English to Romanian.

As it got colder, you hugged your coat close to your body with one hand, and held your coffee with the other. You thought you'd heard someone call your name, and your turned your head to see if it was for you, but instead you felt the agonising pain of your coffee spilling onto you.

"Oh my god," the man panicked under his breath, rushing over to the cafe to get some serviettes to wipe the excess coffee from your clothes, "Sorry, I mean- iarta-ma!"

"It's ok, I speak English," you half-laughed.

"I am so sorry," he apologised, handing you some serviettes and setting you down on the nearest bench, "I didn't mean to bump into you. I guess I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's fine," you smiled, looking up at those blue eyes hidden under his cap, "Neither was I."

"No, it's not fine. I ruined your coat."

"Honestly, it's fine. I needed a new one anyway. Now I've got an excuse to get one."

You both smiled.

"I'm so sorry," he continued to apologise.

"Seriously, it's ok. Stop worrying. I'm sure it's not the worst thing that's ever happened to either of us," you grinned.

He paused. He really had worse things happen to him, and all of those were HYDRA's fault. Except when he licked that swing set when he was six, and he got a sick for a month. That was Steve's fault.

"I'm guessing you're not from around here," he spoke, starting up a less awkward conversation.

"Well, not exactly. I'm from New York actually, but I moved here a few months back with my friend. She speaks the language so she comes in handy."

You both laughed.

"What about you?" You asked.

"I grew up in Brooklyn, and after that, I guess you could say I was all over the place."

"You like to travel?"

He paused, "Depends."

"I'm (Y/N)," you smiled, offering him your hand.

He remembered his name for the first time in weeks, "Bucky, it's Bucky. And it very nice to meet you, (Y/N), " he replied, shaking your hand.


"How about I go buy you another coffee, to make up for this," he offered, standing up and holding out his hand.

"That'd be lovely," you took his hand and walked with him to another cafe around the corner which he insisted was "the best cafe in the whole of Bucharest".


"So, do you know any Romanian?" Bucky asked,

"Not much, but I know the essentials. I usually let my friend do all the talking."

You had both finished your coffees a couple minutes ago, and you were now just casually chatting amongst yourselves after exchanging phone numbers. It was funny because Bucky seemed rather clueless when it came to his phone, so you had to write your own contact in. (Y/N) with a ribbon emoji beside it.

Suddenly your phone rang; it was your friend. She was calling you to come back home so she could introduce you to her family that lived in the country.

"I'm sorry, Bucky. I have to go. My friend wants me home, but we have to do this again some time," you excused yourself as you stood up.

"Definitely," Bucky agreed standing up as well. You both embraced in a hug.

"I'll call you," you mumbled into his jacket.

Before you knew it, you'd parted ways and you were headed home with a huge smile on your face all because of one man named Bucky Barnes.


Hey everyone! Using some of Sebastian Stan's original language. Who's seen Civil War yet? I've seen it twice and I love it so much! There's going to be a second part to this imagine, and I'm going to be writing a Bucky being captured by HYDRA one-shot. I hope you liked this imagine, and please comment if you did!


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