Loki - Birthday

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Since it's my birthday, I'm going to post a series of birthday imagines over the next week with my favourite characters (Loki, Bucky, Steve). I hope you enjoy them!

You walked in to work one Saturday morning, twirling your hair subconsciously with one hand as you held your stationery with the other. You loved coming to work; not for the job, but for the people you got to interact with. You had become friends with the Avengers since you were employed at S.H.I.E.L.D. However, your closest friend in the facility was in fact not a hero, but the most villainous villain around- Loki Laufeyson. Despite what everyone told you about him, he was actually a nice person with a warm heart.

After dropping your things on your designated desk, you headed over to check on how Loki was doing. You walked through the silver and white painted walls until you reached a familiar, triple locked door with a temporary name plate with the name "Loki" blue tacked to it. Ignoring the moustache drawn on Loki's mugshot, which was also tacked to the door, you proceeded to insert your special S.H.I.E.L.D code in the keypad lock and watched as it opened slightly to let you in.

Upon hearing your shoes clacking on the hard floor, Loki's face lit up as he walked to the edge of the glass cage, pressing his hands against the wall.

"Good morning, (Y/N)," he smiled genuinely.

"Hey Loki. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. I can't believe you're just going to ignore the fact that it's your birthday," He asked, raising his eyebrow as a smirk spread across his lips.

"How do you know that?"

"Dr Banner told me. Well, I actually heard him talking to the others about it. Do you really think they'd talk to me about something as special as your birthday?"

"I wish they would," you smiled half-heartedly.

"Happy birthday, darling."

"Thank you, Loki," you smiled warmly, "I need to find out when your birthday is. Thor's bound to remember. After all, you have had about 1065 of them." In the past six months that you had known him, Loki refused to tell you his birthdate. It was Thor who told you his age.

"Ha," he chuckled, "That oaf couldn't even remember what he had for breakfast let alone my date of birth."

"Probably pop tarts," you smirked. For a moment after, you just stood there in silence and smiled at each other, Loki looking happier than usual.

"Did you receive any gifts? Do you have anything planned? As far as I'm aware, they give gifts and celebrate here in Midgard too," Loki asked.

"No. I'm just going to get some pizza after my shift and watch movies for the rest of the day."

"That's no fun," he frowned, "If I wasn't locked up in here, I would've gotten you the most beautiful gift in all the nine realms, and you would be having the greatest celebration."

"Aww. You're so sweet, Loki."

"I've heard humans make a wish on their birthday. Care to tell me what yours is?"

"I'm afraid it doesn't work like that. First, you need a cake and then you have to blow out the candles, and then make a wish," you explained.

"Please? I want to know if I could possibly help to grant it."

You paused for a moment to think. You thought about all the times you had shared with Loki and realised that you had never seen him without the glass obstructing him. You had never gotten to show your affection for the most amazing person you knew.

"I wish I could hug you," you said finally.

Seemingly taken aback by your words, Loki's eyes widened before gesturing for you to come closer to the glass. You had been close to Loki, sitting back to back against the glass many times, but you had never felt his warmth.

"I wish that your wish would be granted," he frowned, a small smile pulling at the corner of his lip.

"I'm going to ask Director Fury to let me inside the cage," remembering that Fury had refused to let you in with Loki on many occasions, you almost didn't suggest it. However, it was your birthday, and that was the only thing you wanted. Just because his eye was missing didn't mean his heart was too.

"Are you mad?" Loki asked, "Doesn't the fact that I'm a terrible person scare you? Perhaps staying outside would be best for everyone."

"Loki, you are not a terrible person, and you don't scare me. There is no way I'm staying out here today. I love you Loki, you know that. There's nothing you could do to change my mind."

Sighing, Loki admitted defeat and let you go to Fury. When you told him things like that, he couldn't argue because he knew he couldn't sway you.
After a few minutes, you had come back into the room. You sucked in a deep breath before standing in front of the keypad and punching in the code to open the makeshift prison. Loki was standing on the other side of the room, looking right at you. When you walked towards the glass door, for the first time it opened. As you walked in, it quickly shut behind you. You walked slowly towards the centre of the room and stood there.

"I can't believe it," you mumbled.

Before you knew it, Loki had begun to move towards you. As he got closer, he seemed a lot taller than he did from the outside. Finally, he was right in front of you and he towered over you. You could feel warmth radiating from his body, and you could hear him breathing.

He was real.

You couldn't stop yourself, so you launched at him, wrapping your arms around his torso and burying your face in his chest. Quickly, Loki hugged back, pressing his face to your hair. You had never received such a great hug in your entire life.

You both stayed like that for a few minutes, taking in each other's presence as if you would never get the chance again.

Loki was the first to break the embrace, placing a feather-light kiss on your forehead. You stood there and looked at him, closely. His eyes were usually an unnatural blue, but you had noticed they were no longer that colour. They were a calm green that seemed like they were meant for Loki. You could see your reflection staring back at you in them, and there was no doubt Loki could see the same in yours.
He gently grabbed both your hands and held them in his.

"Happy birthday, (Y/N)," he smiled so brightly that it made you do the same, "I love you so much. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that."

"I love you too."

You couldn't believe it. Loki was real, and he was just as perfect as you imagined. You couldn't have wished for a better birthday gift.

I wish I could hug Loki. He's so adorable and misunderstood and sad. I love him. I hope you enjoyed it!

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