How they got you

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There pov

Your about 3 months old


I was fighting the chitauri with Natasha on the ground,when I heard scream,I ran off to where I heard it come from,when I got there and saw a chitauri shoot down a women.I ran over and killed the alien then knelt down at the women.The women handed me her baby and said,"Promise me you'll take care of her." The women let out her breathe and fell limp,I looked down at the baby and she looked up at me and smiled.

"I promise."


I was walking around the base doing my patrol,when one of the gaurds went running into the building with a bundle in his arms.I followed him back into the building and watched him hand the bundle over to my boos.

"She will work perfectly" He said evily and then I knew that I had to get both of us out of there. 

Two weeks later I had a plan and was ready to get both of us out of there.I went down to where they were keeping the baby and snuck in.There was a soft cry coming from a box in the corner,I looked in the box and saw the baby fighting with the blankets around her arm.

"They couldn't even give you a bed,could they." I said unwrapping the blanket from around her arm.I gasped and dropped the blanket to the ground,where her arm should have been was replaced with metal robotic arm identical to mine,bar the star being blue.

"Don't worry I won't let them hurt you any more." I said picking the baby up,she yawned and curled into my chest and fell asleep.


Tony and Bruce were busy in their lab and the rest of the avengers were on missions,and I was bored.So to find entertainment I secertly left Stark Tower,I was walking down the street trying to find something to get into,when I saw a baby sitting off to the side all by its lonesome.I walked over crouched down and watched the childs memories,her mother left her here because she was not normal,she had magic and just like mine too.

"I know what it's like to be an outcast,but you need not worry for I will make sure you never know the feeling again." I said picking up the small child and craddled her in my arms. "I will insure that you taken care of,even if I must do it myself."


Nick Fury sent Raven and I on a mission to stop some terrorist from blowing up the pentagon,me and Raven had been friends sinces she joined shield.So we were often on missions together,I was 'borrowing' some information while Raven finished off the rest of the bad guys.

Once I was done I called for Raven but she didn't answer,I started to get worried and looked around for her.I heard a cough and turn around,there was Raven with a bullet hole and covered in blood.I yelled her name and ran over to her.

"Natasha I need you to do something form me." She managed to say between coughs.

"What is it ,what do you need?" I asked trying to hold my tears back

"I need you to take of (Y/N) for me." I nodded my head and held her close as she drew her last breathe,I cryed as I had to leave her body there.After I calmed down a bit I went to Raven's secret safe house,I was expecting a dog or cat,but there sitting on the floor,playing with some blocks was a little baby girl.


The other guy had finally had enough of Tonys shananagens and went through the city on a rampage.He smashed into an orphanage and slamed his fists on the ground,there was a small giggle.

Hulk turned his head in the direction of the sound and smashed his fists again,once again there was a small giggly noise coming from one of the cribs.He walked over and looked in the crib,a little baby girl smiled up at him and hulk hit the floor again.

The impact made the baby bounce in her bed and she giggled again,Hulk let out a chuckle of his own and picked up the baby.A woman came in the room and screamed,Hulk looked at her.

"Hulk. Want. Baby." The woman just nodded her head then ran out the room.Hulk went back to the tower and let me have control again,when I had finished shrinking I looked down at the baby and she smiled at me.

"Well lets go buy you some baby stuff I guess."


I lost a bet to tony and had to go hike and live in the woods for like a week.So I've been here two day already and right now I'm tring to hunt me something for lunch.

I heard a rusle in the leaves and pointed my bow in that direction,I didn't see anything,but then I heard a soft cry.I walked over and saw a pile of moved,I ran over and unburyed!?!?

"What are you doing out here little....girl." The baby started crying,so I held her close to my chest and rubbed her back.She calimed down and fell asleep,I looked down at where she was buryed and saw a note.

"If your reading this it means you found the baby,if it is not dead kill it,it's a monster." The date on the note was yesterday and how could this little baby do anything evil.So I called Stark up and had him fly a jet over.


I was going to this thing called a salon to get my hair cut,I let my brother do it last time and,well lets just say thats not going to happen again.

Something caught my eyes so I looked up and saw a woman throw something off of a building,I used my powers to catch it and bring it to me.It was a blanket,I looked at it and it moved,I slowly opened the blanket and looked in.

Two (e/c) eyes looked up at me,I opened the blanket the rest of the way and there was a baby inside.Anger grew inside of me,I took the baby in my arms and with the flick of my rist I brought the woman down infront of me.

"Vhy?! Vhy vould you throw a baby off the roof?!?!" I yelled at the women,she did not answer so I slowly closed my fingers causeing the power around her body to get smaller.She screamed and yeilded,I dropped her on the ground and she looked up at me.

"She's a hydra experiment that didn't go the way they wanted it to,so the told me to get rid of the little devil." The woman grined evily and I couldn't take it any more,I sepped forward and touched her head and made her go through her worst fear until she fell to the ground wishing to be dead.

I looked down at the little baby in my arms and kissed her head,"I vill take care of you."


The bird-man had eaten all of my yummy tarts of pop,so I was forced to go and buy some more.I was walking out of the store after purchasing my yummys,when a frail looking woman came up to me,

"I can no longer take care of her,so now she is yours to look after." She handed my the clump of cloth and ran away.I look down at the dirty cloth and it started moving,I droped my tarts of pop and opened the cloth.

"A baby,what in Odins beard am I to do with a baby." I asked myself.The baby looked up at me and smiled.

"Well Father did say I needed an heir." I smiled,"Come let us show you to the man of Iron."


Pepper and I have been arguing for what seems like hours before I grabbed my coat and headed for the door.I needed to take a walk and clear my head,I was about to walk into a bar when I heard a gun shoot.

A man ran out of an ally with a purse and ran into the ally,a woman lay on the ground unmoving,I knelt down beside her,she took my hand and pointed to a dumpster.A tear fell down her cheek as her eyes closed for the last time.

I walked over to the dumpster and open the lid,there was baby in a basket with a note.

"If you find this baby her name is (Y/N),please take very good care of her." I grabbed the basket and went back to the tower where Pepper was waiting.She was about to start yelling at me again when I shushed her,she looked so mad,I held the basket out towards her and she gasped.

"Tony where did you get that baby from?" I handed her the note and told her what had happed,she read the note and started crying."Are you going to keep her?"

"Yeah I was thinking about it."

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