Imagine - Tony

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(You are three years old)

Tony was working on his suit (again) trying to fix one of the thrusters he had broken. He was about done when screams echoed through he building, but not just any scream - it was your scream. Tony dropped the tools in his hands and ran to where he had heard the cry of is child.

When Tony ran into the sun room (yes I added a sun room to Stark Tower for this story) he saw you hiding in the shadow,under the table.

"(y/n) what are you doing under there?" He asked as he crouched down to get a better look at you.

"The shadow was chasing me." you answered back in a small voice. Tony had a confused look on his face,but it quickly turned to a concerned one when you said, "Daddy I'm scared."

"Oh Sugar,don't worry I'm right here,I won't let anything hurt you." Tony stretched his arms out towards you and motioned for you to come to him. You slowly came out from under the table,but stayed in the shadow - you looked up at your dad crouched down on the floor with his arms open and waiting for you. Taking a deep breath you stepped out of the shadow of the table and into the light of the sun that was coming through the large glass windows. You slowly looked down at your feet and saw the scary figure trying to get them - your breathing quickened as you looked from the floor to your dad and back again.

"(y/n) look at me." You looked back up at him and he gave you a reassuring smile. "Now walk to me."

"But I'm scared." Tears started forming in your eyes.

"Just look at me and take a step." you obeyed,then went to look back down at the floor. "Look at me Sugar,now take another step." The two of you continued like this until you were safe in his arms.

"I'm so proud of you (y/n),you faced your fears and punched it in the face." You giggled at your Fathers silliness and wrapped your arms around his neck,pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you daddy."

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