Imagine: you save them-Steve

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Everyone was sitting in the living room talking,playing games,or watch you play catch with Steve. Steve was so proud of you,you had just taken your first steps the other day and you already wanted to do things that involved standing or walking. You had just tossed the ball back to Steve when the door burst open and a group of hydra agents came through demanding to give them there winter soldier back. Steve thought quickly and picked you up and set you in a near by closet,he didn't shut the door all the way by accident. What he didn't realize is that he put you in the emergency weapons closet,you looked around and saw lots of things,but a box on the floor caught your eye. You walked over and opened the box and found some weird looking balls,they were hard and had a pins in them. You picked it up and it reminded of those things Steve used in the training area,he would pull the pin and throw it and it would make smoke appear so you could disappear. You wanted to show Steve what you had found so walked over to the door and looked through he crack,you saw a man holding a black stick-thing (ak-10) to Steve's head and it scared you. Steve told you not to play with those because they could hurt you,so you snuck out of the closet and pulled the pin out,you walked up of you hiding place and yelled at the man.

"Catch!!" And you through it to the man,he didn't know what it was so caught it and looked at it,he gasped. You had already ran out of the room when you heard a fight break out,you ran to your room and hid in your closet. About an hour later they had killed all the hydra agents and were searching form you.Tony asked jarvis where you were,he told them and Steve took off towards you room. He opened your closet door and there he found you curled up on the floor fast asleep.

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