Your first word/s

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Your POV

Steve: Star

Uncle Tony was fighting with daddy again and I wanted them to stop,I did some of my baby screams but they didn't even look at me. I looked over at my daddy's shield and saw the star, it gave me an idea.

I crawled over to it and yelled. "Dar!!!!"

Daddy and Uncle Tony stopped yelling and looked over at me,I pointed to the star on his shield,"Dar." I said again. Daddy came over and gave me a hug,Uncle Tony just went back to whatever he was doing with a smile.

Bucky: It's okay

Daddy woke up screaming again from having another bad dream,I wanted to make him feel better.

He was sitting on the side of his bed breathing heavily,so I crawled over to him and stood between his legs. I reached up for him to pick me up,I wrapped my arms around his neck and rubbed his back.

" o-tay." I tried soothing him,he let out a chuckle and hugged me tighter.

"Thanks lil star."

Loki: Love you

Daddy took me to see grandpa Odin again but he still wouldn't hold me or even touch me. He kept saying that I had to be evil because daddy was evil,but daddy wasn't evil at all and grandpa Odin needed to know that. So while he was talking to grandma and daddy I crawled over to him and tugged on his cape. He looked down at me and was going to push me away,I looked into his eye.

"Wove you." Grandpa Odin stood there and looked at me then bent down and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. He tensed but patted my back lovingly,I pulled back and kissed his cheek. Then I told grandma and daddy that I love them too,daddy looked at grandpa Odin.

"That was her first word." Grandpa Odin gave me an approving smile then handed me to daddy who also hugged me.

"Very well done Darling."

Natasha: Gun

Mommy was talking to uncle Clint and I wanted to have another nurf war,but no matter how loud I got they wouldn't listen to me. So I crawled over to me you box and grabbed my favorite gun,I pointed it at uncle Clint's head and yelled

"Gun!!!!". They looked at me and I shot uncle Clint right between the eyes.

"That's right baby!" Mommy laughed and walked over to me giving me a hug,she granges a gun of her own and looked down at me.

"Now go shoot uncle Clint again." I gave uncle Clint an evil grin and laughed. He gasped and ran away to find a hiding place. (Poor Clint)

Bruce: That's wrong

I was practicing my algebra when I heard my daddy groan from the other room. He was work on a project for uncle tony and it was stressing him out,so I crawled over and sat down beside him. Staring up at the screen I noticed one of his calculations was incorrect,I tugged on his pants and he looked down at me. I pointed to the equation.

"That's wrong." He looked at the problem and started writing it out on paper.

"What the-?" He looked down at me with wide eyes."You said your first word." Daddy kissed my head and finished the equation. He hurriedly pulled out his phone and called uncle tony.

"Tony your not going to believe this."

Clint:      Loki

Daddy had to go on a mission so he took me to stark tower,he said that the avengers were going to watch me until he got back. I love them there my family ,but I like one more then the others. Daddy carried me into the living room and set me on the floor,I looked around at everybody until I saw.

"Woki!!!!!" I squealed as I crawled over to him. He picked me up trying not to grin as I hugged him. Daddy sighed

"Really, that had to be your first word?" I giggled and started playing with Loki's hair. Loki smirked.

"I am truly honored lady (Y/n)." Daddy rolled his eyes and gave me a kiss on the head.

Wanda:      Pretty

I was watching mommy practice her magic again,it was so pretty I loved watching her do it.

She had been practicing for about a hour and decided to stop for the day. I cried to her trying to tell her to keep going, she understood what I wanted and picked me up, she sat down with me on her lap and started making little animals dance around me.

"Pwetty." Mommy stopped her magic and turned me around so that I was facing her.

"Vhat did you say?" I grabbed her hand and held it up.

"Pwetty." She smiled and sprinkled kisses all over my face. Then she kept playing with her magic until I fell asleep on her lap.

Thor:        Pop tart

I want pop tarts!!!!!
But I can't say it,it just comes out as a bunch of weird sounds and it was making me mad. Daddy could tell I was angered but he didn't know what I was trying to say.

"What is it princess? What do you want?" I looked up at him and took a deep breath.

"Pob-tar!!!" I said it!!! I just said pop tart, I smiled at daddy and he gave a loud laugh. He picked me up and swung me around.

"Excellent job princess. Let's go get you your treat." He carried me to the kitchen and gave me a pop tart.

Tony:      Hot rod

I was was playing with some toy cars daddy had gotten me,there was two fire birds,three corvettes,and one hot rod. The hot rod was my favorite,it was hot rod red and gold the same colors as daddy suits.

Rhodey came over to help daddy with something but stopped to say hi to me. He bent down and point to my favorite car

"Is that a car?" He asked with a smile, I shook my head and pick the car up and held it in front of him.

"Hot wod." Rhodey stood up shoked, he looked over at daddy and told him to come over.

"Watch this." Rhodey pointed at the car again. "Is that a car?" Me and daddy rolled our eyes. Daddy was going to say something but cut him off.

"Hot wod." Daddy looked at me then Rhodey then me again. He smiled and picked me up.

"Good job!!! Rhodey My daughters a genius." He laughed and daddy asked Jarvis to save that as a video and send it to pepper. Then we all ate some ice cream.

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