He Asks You Out

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E/C = eye color
Y/B/F = your best friend
Steve Rogers-
During the past few months you'd spent in the tower as an Avenger, you'd gotten close with everyone on the team. They treated you like family, and you really loved each and everyone one of them.

One person in particular.

Steve sat at the table, pencil in hand and sketching something onto a piece of paper. You glanced over his shoulder as you walked by, curious as to what he was drawing. Your eyes landed on a familiar face perfectly reflected onto the sketch pad.

"Is that me?" You asked, both shocked and flattered.

Steve looked up at you, a slight red tinge appearing on his face. "Um, yeah," he replied shyly. He slowly moved so you could see the picture more clearly. It looked like you, however you thought the drawing was much prettier.

"I like sketching you," he admitted quietly. "You're beautiful."

Now it was your turn to blush. You'd wanted to hear him say something like that for so long. "Thanks," was the only word you could manage.

He took a deep breath before speaking again. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime."

You were surprised but you smiled and nodded. "I'd like that."

Tony Stark- 
"Agent L/N!" Fury interrupts you in the middle of your training session.

You release Y/B/F, whom you had pinned to the ground, and rose to your feet. The two of you had been sparring for the past thirty minutes and before that you'd been doing individual training.

It was one of the rare days when Nick came to view the new recruits during their training and he had left for a few minutes, only to to return just now and stop your training.

"What can I do for you, sir?" You asked, walking over to him. Your hair was in a ponytail and your face glistened with sweat.

"You have visitor," he responded, sounded mildly annoyed. "Just outside in the hall. Be quick. Don't want you to miss out on too much of your training."

Your brow furrowed in confusion, but Fury left without further explanation. Your friend looked just as confused as you were, but motioned for you to go ahead and see what was going on.

As you stepped out of the large training room at SHIELD headquarters, your eyes immediately landed on one billionaire that you'd met at a party. You hadn't spoken to him since then and figured the mild flirtations passed between the two of you that night would never lead to anything else. He was a playboy after all. You pushed that thought out of your mind. He had to be here for something else.

He was staring at the floor, but looked up at you and smiled when you approached him. "Sorry to disturb your training at all. Fury looked pretty upset about that, but I had something really important to ask you," he said.

You wondered what Tony Stark would have to ask you, but before you could respond he was rambling again.

"I actually had a big plan for this and I was going to invite you over to the tower for dinner and everything, but I figured I could do that for our actual date."

Before he could say anything else, you stopped him. "Woah, hold on, date?"

He suddenly stopped talking and stared at you for a moment, blinking a few times. "Yes, a date," he said, recovering quickly.

You weren't sure, but it seemed as though the great playboy Tony Stark was flustered. "Tomorrow night at seven?" You suggested.

He smiled. "Perfect."

Bruce Banner-
Today was the day. Today was the day you'd ask out the guy you'd had a crush on for weeks. Ever since he two of you met in that science lab, there had been real chemistry between you.

But Bruce was shy, and he seemed worried he'd Hulk out on you. You'd waited long enough for him to ask you out and he hadn't, so you were going to do it. What was the worse thing that could happen? He could say no and tear your heart into pieces, a small voice answered from inside your brain. You quickly silenced it as you stepped into the lab at Avengers Tower.

"Good morning, Bruce," you greeted cheerfully as you walked over. You had planned to ask him at a good time and say something smooth and charming. But that plan had gone out the window the minute you'd stepped in there and laid eyes on him.

"Good morning, Y/N," he replied with a small smile. "Ready to get to work?"

"I am. I'm excited for this project." You paused for a moment. "Would you like to go out for dinner sometime?"

You didn't realize the words until they were already out of your mouth. You'd only meant to say them in your head, not aloud.

"Dinner?" Bruce repeated, looking over at you with a mix of shock and confusion.

"Yeah," you replied, gaining a bit of confidence. "I'd like to go to dinner with you sometime, Bruce."

Another small smile appeared on his face. "I'd like that."

Clint Barton-
Eventually you took up Hawkeye's offer and joined the Avengers. They trained you and you quickly mastered your new flight ability. You liked Clint from the start, although you knew the chances of it happening were slim. He was an Avenger and you were a former circus member.

"You're an Avenger now too," Wanda reminded you. She sat beside you on the couch, glancing over at you with a knowing smile.

"Stay out of my mind, Wanda," you said, throwing a pillow over at her.

"Ask him out," she replied firmly. Just then, Clint walked into the room. "Perfect timing," Wanda murmured. She stood up and smiled over at Clint before leaving the room.

Clint must have caught the last part of your conversation because he was looking at you with a curious expression. "Who are you asking out?" He asked. You weren't sure, but you thought there was a hint of jealousy in his voice.

You tried to think of how to respond. You didn't want him to get the wrong idea and think you were going to start seeing someone else. "You," You blurted out. You froze for a moment, but tried to look more confident than you felt.

A smile appeared on Clint's face. "I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever ask me. I was starting to think I was going to have to ask you." He chuckled lightly.

You rolled your eyes at him. "You know I liked you?"

"Honey, it was obvious," he responded. He pressed a kiss to your cheek before turning and leaving the room. "Be ready by seven," he called over his shoulder.

Thor Odinson-
After the incident where Thor broke the cup and the two of you met, he frequented the diner as often as possible. Sometimes with friends, sometimes alone. You didn't think too much of it, as you had many regulars who came to visit the restaurant.

He would often disappear for months at a time before returning, but you never asked where he went. You figured it wasn't any of your business.

It wasn't until the battle of New York that you realized who he was. Thor Odinson. As in the Thor, god of Thunder and now an Avenger.

So it shocked you when he strolled back into the diner you worked at after almost a year of being away.

"Lady Y/N," he greeted, a wide smile on his face.

The two of you had become friends over time and you kind of had a crush on him, despite the fact that you'd go weeks or months without word from him. But now you understood why.

He sat down on one of the bar stools, still smiling at you, that smile that always seemed to make you melt.

"Hi, Thor," you said with a smile. You finished wiping off the counter you'd been cleaning before walking over and stopping in front of him. "Can I get you anything?"

Thor shook his head. "I came to ask you something important," he said.

The slightly nervous tone in his voice worried you. "What is it?"

Thor looked up at you before glancing down at the counter nervously. He took a deep breath before looking back up so that his blue eyes met your E/C ones.

"Would you like to join me for dinner tomorrow night?" He asked. "A date, as you Midgardians call it."

Your heart pounded at his question and you were speechless for a moment. You'd hoped that this would happen, by then you'd found out he was a god.  After that, it just seemed impossible that he would be interested in someone normal like you.

When you didn't answer after a short pause, Thor's face fell and he rose from his chair. "That's alright. I'll be going."

"Wait, wait, Thor." Before he could finish getting it of his chair, you reached across the counter, grabbing him by the hand. "I would love to go on a date with you."

His previously disappointed expression turned to one of happiness. He held onto your hand, closing his fingers around yours. The contact was small, but it left your heart racing and you were pretty sure you were blushing.

"I would love to go on a date with you, Thor."

Loki Laufeyson-
Because of your healing abilities, you had pretty much become the private healer of the royals. You still helped the ordinary citizens of course, but most of the time you were helping to heal illness and wounds from the generals of the army, the princes, and sometimes the king and queen themselves.

Thor often was wounded in battle or during training, so you saw him the most often. Many girls were jealous that you spent so much time with the blond, muscular Asgardian prince, but you had your eyes on another man.

Loki didn't visit you quite as often, but he still had injuries that needed tending to. You were pretty sure he hated you at first, but after a few weeks he seemed to have grown more tolerant of your presence.

You weren't sure what it was that drew you to him. Maybe it was the fact that he was the quieter and more reserved of the two. Thor was always out in the crowd, soaking up the attention. Loki liked attention, but he seemed to sit back a bit more and watch, study things. You also saw him in the library a lot and reading books, one thing that you two had in common.

"Lady Y/N, could I trouble you for a moment?" Loki asked, stepping into the room and breaking your train of thought. He held a hand over a place on his shoulder which you found odd.

"Of course, what can I help you with?"

He removed his hand from the front of his shoulder, revealing a bleeding wound that was fairly deep.

You let out a sigh. "Sit down, Loki, and take off your shirt so I can get a better look at that wound."

He obeyed, carefully pulling off his shirt and wincing the whole time because of the movement in his shoulder.

You looked at him, staring at his toned, and now shirtless body. A slight red tinge appeared on your face but you tried to hide it as you stepped over to the table he was sitting on. You placed your hand on the front of his shoulder, close to where the wound was. You tried not to think about how close you were to touching his chest.

"Is that a blush I see on your face, Lady Y/N?" You could practically hear the smirk on his face as he spoke, but you kept your eyes on the wound and focused on healing it.

"Loki, I'm trying to work," you replied sternly. "Don't distract me."

You didn't have to look at him to know he was smiling, holding back a laugh as your blush only grew brighter.

After a few minutes you pulled your hand away, but before you could make it very far, Loki caught it in his. You looked up at him, meeting his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to dinner tonight?" He asked.

You were speechless for a moment. Finally, you nodded. "I would love that."

Bucky Barnes-
You and Bucky had grown to be close friends. He was with Hydra much longer than you, but you were one of the few people who'd known him as the Winter Soldier and understood what he'd gone through.

It took time, but more and more of the old Bucky from the forties began to show. He was a little more outgoing and you weren't sure, but you thought he'd attempted to flirt with you once or twice.

The two of you were now in the training room together. Your weren't an Avenger technically, but you still spent a good deal of time there. You had been sparring and he'd knocked your feet out from under you and pinned you down to the mat. Bucky hovered over you with a victorious grin on his face.

You let out a huff of annoyance. "You win, now let me go." You tried to wriggle out of his grasp but he was over you, holding your wrists so you couldn't even push him off.

"I will, under one condition," he replied.

"What?" You questioned.

"Go out with me."

Your eyes widened in shock. You'd been experiencing a growing attraction toward him, but had never acted on it and you'd definitely never imagined that he felt the same way towards you. A small smile appeared on your face. "Yes."

Pietro Maximoff-
You continued your life of fighting crime as a sort of hobby and Quicksilver continued to come and see you almost every night. You found it rather annoying at first, but eventually you came to enjoy his presence. You knew his identity, but you still hadn't revealed yours to him.

He liked seeing you, you could tell. But you assumed he only liked the Blue Sparrow. How would he feel about Y/N L/N?

Pietro leaned against the wall of the building. There were a lot of lights in the city but it was dark in the alley, so his face was cast in shadows. However you knew he was grinning at you. He seemed to do that a lot.

"When are you going to let me take you out on a date?" He asked.

You sighed and shook your head in amusement. He'd flirted with you several times, but you'd always brushed it off. He was an Avenger. He had more important things to do than go out on a date with you. "Never," you replied. "Besides, you don't even know who I am."

"We'll go somewhere quiet and alone, and you could keep your mask on during the whole thing," he said, practically begging.

You looked at him as he gave you another chanting smile. How could you say no to that face? Besides, you'd kind of developed a massive crush on him. "Fine," you agreed.

Peter Parker-
After the incident where the two of you met, Peter took you to Avengers tower and convinced Tony to let you stay there. You weren't exactly a welcome guest, but Tony grew used to your presence and eventually came to even enjoy it.

You often played poker with the Avengers, always winning because of your mind reading skills, although you denied that you used them to cheat.

After playing poker for a few hours you got tired and decided to head out onto the balcony. "I think I'll sit out this round," you said. "Give you guys a chance to win."

There were a few protests from Clint and Tony, both of them insisting they could beat you and begging you to stay but you ignored them. You stepped out onto the balcony but you weren't alone for long before Peter joined you.

You sent him a wide smile. The two of you had gotten to be very close friends since he'd rescued you from the gang you once belonged to. "Hey, Peter," you greeted. "Did you lose the game already?" You teased him with a playful nudge.

Peter gave a small and nervous laugh. "Actually no, I quit before it even started," he said. He couldn't quite meet your eyes as he spoke. "I wanted to come out here and just... talk to you for a bit... is that okay?"

You smiled softly at him. "It's okay," you assured him. You glanced out over the balcony, admiring the view of the city below you. "Was there anything in particular you wanted to talk about?"

"No," he said quickly. He shook his head, staring at you for a moment and shifting awkwardly. His gaze went down to the floor. "Actually... yeah there was something I wanted to ask you."

You tilt your head in curiosity. "What is it?"

"Well... I was, um, wondering... since you and I spend so much time together at the tower, maybe we could go spend some time together out of the tower. Just you and me. Maybe bowling or a restaurant or something."

You interrupted his rambling before he could go any further. "Yes, Peter. I will go out with you."

Peter Quill-
You and Peter sat together in the Milano, listening to some of his music. Peter danced around the ship, making goofy expression and lip syncing along to the song.

"I can't stop this feeling... deep inside of me," you sand loudly, grinning from ear to ear.

"Girl, you just don't realize what you do to me," Peter sang the next verse. He was smiling as well. He close the distance between you, taking you into his arms. You were best friends, so this wasn't anything unusual, but it sent your heart racing. Lately you'd been feeling differently towards him. Not in a bad way. The complete opposite actually.

"When you hold me in your arms so tight, you let me know everything's alright," you sang, trying to ignore the blush creeping onto your face.

The two of you sang the chorus together. "I, I'm hooked on a feeling! I'm high on believing that you're in love with me!"

You were so busy singing the lyrics tot he sighed that you didn't even notice that Peter had stopped singing and his eyes were on you. He suddenly stopped you, holding a hand over your mouth and looking you in the eye. He slowly pulled his hand away from your mouth and you stayed quiet, unsure as to what was happening.

"Got a bug from you, girl, but I don't need no cure." Peter kept singing the words to the song, slowly inching closer to you. "I'll just stay a victim if I can for sure."

You were completely silent, simply staring at him in shock. He grew quiet as well.

"I really, really like you, Y/N," he said quietly.

You sucked in a sharp breath, wondering where he was going with this.

"Are you going to say something, or are you just going to keep staring at me?" He asked nervously.

You opened your mouth to speak, but for several moments nothing came out. Finally, you managed to find your words. "I like you, Peter." You wouldn't admit it, not even to yourself, but the truth was that you were beginning to fall in love with him.

He gave a relieved smile. "I'm really glad you said that otherwise we would've had a huge problem," he said with a small laugh. "How about we go somewhere nice? We'll be stopping at Xandar in a few days to meet up with the Broker once we get that Orb thing. Maybe we could find a nice place there."

"Like... a date?" You asked. You couldn't picture Peter Quill out on a date. He was more of a fling type of person.

You were surprised when he smiled and gave you a small nod. "A date."

Sam Wilson-
You saw Sam almost every day in the hospital while you made your rounds, checking on all your patients. He visited Steve Rogers daily, bringing him books or magazines or just sitting there to talk and listen to music.

Occasionally, he'd make conversation with you as well. He knew you liked the same music as him and soon after that he also learned that you had a similar taste in movies.

"The best Fast and Furious movie is the sixth one," he insisted. "How can the first one be better? I mean, come on that fight scene with Michelle Rodriguez and that other girl? It was awesome."

"You're just saying that because you think she's hot." You playfully rolled your eyes. The two of you were sitting in Steve's hospital room. He was being dismissed from the hospital tomorrow so you had come in to do his final checkup.

Sam gave a small shrug. "She's not the hottest girl I've ever seen."

You raised a brow of curiosity. "So who is then? She must be pretty good looking if you think she's more attractive than Michelle Rodriguez."

"You," he answered, a sly smirk on his face.

You felt the heat quickly rising into your cheeks.

He kept the same smirk on his face, watching your cheeks redden. "Would you like to go out with me sometime?" He asked.

You gave him a small smile and a nod, your cheeks still bright red.

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