// Pietro Maximoff // Future Husband //

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You stick your tongue out of your mouth as you draw messily in crayon as your mom comes in to check on the three-year-old you.

"What do you have there, (Y/n)" she asks you.

You giggle, "I'm drawing my future boyfriend mommy!" You say grinning,

Your mom smiles, knowing this will pass, "Can I see?"

You giggle again, "uh huh!"

You lift up the picture and hand it to your mom as she looks it over. "His name is Pietro! He is a superhero too!"

Your mom smiles, "Pietro? That's an different name."

You giggle and get up to grab a different crayon, "I thought of it! His super power is speed, he can go super super fast! He works with Captain America too!" You say dreamily and giggle again.

"Captain America? Honey, you know he died." You mom says sullenly and you shake your head.

"No! He only went under the water! He froze in water and then he is gonna come back up and fight with some more superheroes and there gonna make a whole team!" You explain and flop onto your bed.

Your mom grins and folds up the stick-figure drawing and puts it on the nightstand, "Well, when you meet him, I'm sure he will love you." She says and kisses you on the forehead, "Goodnight (Y/n)"

"Night Mommie."

You grab a gun quickly and shoot down a robot that was about to attack you. You quickly close your eyes and let your future-vision take over as you start to go into a complex series of attacks and take out a whole group of Ultron bots, then open your eyes.

You close your eyes again and open, and are just about to attack a boy when you feel a arm wrapped around your waist and you get pulled away from the fight and are suddenly in an aircraft and you see a flash of silver dart away.

Confused, you look around and find a pocket knife and run back out there. Somehow, your future sight did not see that man that saved you.

You close your eyes for a second as a vision flashes before you.

The man that saved you, getting gunned down by a robot in a plane, saving another man and a child. Through the vision, you notice something, the man looks like that drawing you drew as a child, but, real.

You quickly open your eyes and start all out running to where you know he was gonna get gunned down just as you see the vehicle emerge.

You see the man start running to save the other man and you quickly take the knife and throw it at the plain with deadly accuracy.

It hits the thruster and it sputters out and the plain take a jolt down and misses both of the men, and then it starts plummeting down and you race over to the two.

"Are you Ok?" You ask frantically.

The blonde man nods, but the Silver one does not move from his position face down on the floor.

Worried, you get down on your knees and roll him over and he gasps for breath.

"Oh my god Pietro your alright!" You say and then you look at his shirt, "Oh my god Pietro your bleeding!"

You help him up by putting one arm around your shoulder and help him walk back to the rescue ship where he sits down.

He looks up at you with almost glowing blue eyes, "How did you know my name?"

You smile, "I'm (Y/n), and I kinda have a 'gift' in your words." you say. "I can see a few seconds into the future. Minutes if I really focus." But in your mind you ponder over the fact of how you were able to see the exact name and powers of him.

Pietro nods, "Well, thank you."

You smile, "Your welcome."

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