Make Yourself Known (Incredible Hulk 2008)

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A/N: Before we start, I just wanna say that Edward Norton's Hulk is a great one. But since this will be the first that one of the main Avengers gets to witness Y/N's powers, I'll have to replace Edward Norton with Mark Ruffalo. Anyways, let's get to it.


When Y/N first learned that Tony Stark was Iron Man, he was indifferent to the news, considering how much of a genius he is. That was a year ago, but ever since he has announced that he is the iron-clad superhero, Y/N decides to take a page out of Tony's book and help out around the streets of New York. So, he takes it upon himself to sneak out at night and beat up any regular criminal he stumbles upon, from petty thieves to drunken rapists. He gives everyone a fist to the face, and no one is an exception. However, when he decides to roam around Harlem, it will take a turn for the worst. Suddenly, he hears screaming from the people and loud rumbling sounds in a pattern, almost like someone is running, and it gets closer and closer. The rumbling stops before a mini-earthquake is felt around him, and a massive monster lands in the center of an intersection, breaking up the asphalt and cement underneath him.

"What the hell...?" Y/N mutters to himself before he takes a good look at the monster. It stands on two legs, and it's spine is protruding from it's back like some sort of dinosaur. The monster starts tearing up Harlem, fling cars away and running around, doing whatever it can to make the neighborhood of Harlem chaotic. Then, Y/N turns his head to the left and sees a military car, being driven by a police officer, with two soldiers firing assault rifles at the monster, doing jack shit to the thing. He jogs over to the car, and the two soldier see him.

"Hey kid! Get out of here, it's not safe!" One of them says as the other fires off a rocket at the monster as it's back is turned. However, it quickly turns to grab the missile and headbutt it, leaving it unscathed to the blast. It chuckles evilly as it now has it's sight on the military vehicle, and Y/N is it's way. Slowly, the monster throws and tosses everything in it's path, from motorcycles to car before it starts picking up speed before going full sprint towards the car as it backs away with one bad front wheel. With Y/N, he stands in the middle of it's path, ready to take on the beast. The soldiers call out to him, telling him to move out the way, but he doesn't listen. And as the monster gets closer and closer, Y/N reels back a fist as the energy of the Mantra inside of his lights up red markings on his arm before letting out a yell and sending a perfect hook at the monster's stomach, making it hunch over and fly back a meters away.

"H-Holy! That's the first time I've ever punched a fucking monster before, but who am I kidding, that was fun!" Y/n says to himself as he gets himself pumped up for another round whilst the monster gets up from the punch.

"You..." It's sights are now on the one who punched it, but Y/N is ready. But before he could charge, a loud and echoing roar is heard ahead of the monster, and it's yet another monster as well, but this one is green. The green monster had just come out of a hole in the ground, and now the monster nearest to Y/N looks behind him and sees the green one.

"Hulk..." It says to itself, ignoring Y/N and deciding to go for the Hulk, who rips off a piece of a tattered shirt that stays on him and rotates his shoulder a little. Both monsters slowly inch closer to each other before they break into a sprint, roaring at each other. They then jump lunge towards each other as the Hulk is tackled by the spine monster before being thrown in a flaming bus. Y/N sees this and rushes towards the Hulk with amazing speed, around the spine monster and the bus. Then, he kneels down to check if he's ok, but seems to be a bit dazed by the throw as it stumbles back down to it's knees and groans a bit from the dizziness.

"Hey, buddy. Uh, Hulk, are you okay? Can you get up?" Y/N asks him, and the Hulk turns to him with a semi-shocked face before the spine monster, Y/N now nicknames Abomination, stands on top of the flaming bus and chuckles.

"Come on!" It taunts to Hulk, waving it's hands to come closer for a fight. Y/N see this and steels himself before running towards the Abomination and lunges at it with blinding speeds before socking it in the face, staggering him backwards slightly. It looks surprised at the strength of a regular kid.

"I won't let you make a mess out of Harlem! Hulk and I will see it that!" He says, getting in a fighting stance while the Hulk rips open a police cruiser to use as makeshift gauntlets. Then he slams both halves of the car before roaring and charging at Abomination, while Y/N tries to find an opening for him to join in. Hulk's makeshift weapon manages to send Abomination to the ground and relentlessly punches him in the face until the car is nothing but a single part. So Hulk punches him with his fist instead, however that only served to make Abomination loose a tooth, spitting it out.

Abomination taunts at Hulk, "Is that all you got?" That serves to make him go for another punch, but that distraction helps Abomination kick Hulk away into a few apartment buildings. It's now Y/N and him facing off.

"You hit good, kid. Show me some more of your punches!" Y/N and Abomination charge at each other before their punches collide together for a loud bang to echo out. They go in for another punch, and they same thing happens, and again, and again, and again before their punches almost look like blurs to the naked eye.

(A/N: Pretend Star Platinum and The World are Y/N and Abomination, but much slower in terms of punching.)

The punches colliding are so loud, that it's almost as if gunshots are ringing out until Y/N quickly ducks under a punch and uppercuts Abomination's stomach, hunching him over for a a roundhouse kick to the face, sending him flying to the apartment the Hulk crashed into before. A helicopter flies above the apartment, with a mini-gun pointing at Abomination, who gets up from the strong hits.

"Use that thing soldier, give him some help!The older soldier, known as General Ross, orders to the one on the gun.

The gun wielding soldier asks, "Which one!?"

"Help the green one dammit, which do you think cut the other one in half!?" Soon the gunfire starts raining down on Abomination, who realizes who is on the chopper before climbing up to the roof to grab it out of the sky. Y/N, who is still on the street, sees this and chases after him to prevent him from doing so, and Hulk gets the same idea after recovering from the hit. Hulk quickly climbs up from wall to wall before Y/N manages to see him and hop onto his back. The former looks at him before realizing it's the kid from before.

"Look, I don't know who that is, but I wanna help! So let's give that asshole a taste of his own medicine! Together!" Y/N tells Hulk as the Mantra of Wrath starts to glow from his markings, he agrees with a nod and growl before they make it to the roof and see Abomination hide behind a wall that's tall enough so that the chopper can't see. On the chopper, a woman by the name of Betty Ross, who is the General's daughter, sees Hulk and Y/N chasing after Abomination. She is also surprised that the young boys is clinging onto Hulk, but is quickly snapped off her thoughts by a charging Abomination, who leaps into the air to grab onto the copter.

Hulk does the same and manages to grab onto a leg, and so Y/N gets to work as he climbs up from Hulk and starts to grasp on to the spines of Abomination before pummeling away at his head. With punch after punch after punch, he feels Abomination's grips is waining, but the helicopter continues to swirl out of control from the weight of the two monsters holding on. As Y/N is punching over and over, Hulk's grip starts to slip before Abomination swings the leg he's grabbed onto, causing Hulk to crash onto the edge of a building. The young boy then uses his arm to choke him with a hand gripping on his wrist while pulling.

Suddenly, the chopper gets dangerously close to the ground, and this makes Y/N let go of the choke before leaping off and landing with a roll beside the Hulk, who lands shortly after he does. The chopper crashes down ahead of the two of them, but Abomination is nowhere to be seen. After a while, they managed to get their bearings straight as they walk to help the people inside, but their adversary leaps onto the copter, staring down at the two of them.

Abomination wipes some blood off the side of his mouth while Hulk's glare softens, he looks at Y/N, who cracks his knuckles and gets ready for a charge. The three of them stare at each other before charging once more, but Abominations lands a swipe to Y/N, sending him flying face first into the side of the chopper before he tackles Hulk to the wall behind him. He manages to lift the green monster up off his feet as he starts to strangle him. The Hulk tries to get himself out of the hold, but he is just too strong.

"You don't deserve this power. Now watch her die!" Abomination tells Hulk before stabbing an elbow bone into the left pectoral of Hulk, making him cry out in pain and bleed green. Y/N manages to get up and see the altercation before running to help his green buddy.

"I'm coming, Hulk! Hold on!" He leaps onto Abominations back and chokes him the same way he did a while ago as the spined monster starts to lose grip on Hulk. He sees this as an opportunity to grab onto the arm that's choking him and pries it off for a headbutt. Dazed from the hit, Abomination is then sent into the wall behind Hulk, knocking him out of commission for only a while. Then suddenly, the fuel of the chopper catches on fire as it engulfs the side and traps the people inside, which leads Hulk to rush over and claps his hands together, sending a shockwave to put out the fire. Both Y/N and Hulk look at the wreckage before looking at each other.

"Great work their, buddy. We make a good team, you and I." Y/N says to Hulk, but the green monster doesn't reply as he looks to Betty, who slowly exits the chopper. However, her eyes widen in horror as she shout out to the two of them.

"Watch out!" They both turn and get hit by a rusted chain, wielded by Abomination. Hulk gets up first but is immediately knocked back down to the ground beside Y/N.

"General." Abomination says to said person, as he and Betty exit the chopper, but the chain swings above them, hitting one of the blades of the propeller as they brace of falling objects.

"Any last words!?" He lets out as he raises the chains up to finish the job. Then suddenly...

"HULK SMASH!" He slams his hands down to the ground as the cracks he made start traveling towards Abomination, who unluckily steps inside one, loosing grip on the chains which hit him on the way down. Now's the chance for the two to attack, and they do so as Hulk grabs the chain and starts choking him all the while Y/N tries his best to restrain his arms. The Hulk gets a few scratches on his face, but he retaliates by ripping out the elbow bone he was stabbed with and stabbing the sharp end into Abomination's chest.

He screams out in agonizing pain as he desperately tries to break free from the hold, but the duo of the Hulk and Y/N is too much for him as the young boy continues punching him over and over again without stopping until he decides to send a fist straight into his eyes, making him roar in pain, while Hulk continues pulling on the chains. And with one final roar, he pulls his hardest.

"Stop!" Betty tells Hulk, and with hesitation, he does so, leaving an exhausted Abomination on the ground. Y/N stands on top of the defeated one's chest, smirking at him.

"Not so tough now, are ya'!" He shouts while stomps on his face before jumping down for the Hulk to plant a foot on him. It was then with a final punch to his face, he lets out his loudest roar, one that signals the victory of the two as the onlookers, from police to firemen, stare, baffled by what's happening in front of them. The roar echoes for a few seconds before General Ross, a few soldiers from the chopper, and Betty slowly walk up to Hulk and Y/N. But when General Ross tries to move closer, Hulk kicks the body of Abomination to the general, and this gives Y/N a clear explanation as to who did this. Because of this, Y/N glares at the general too before Betty walks up to Y/N and offers him a hug, which he slowly accepts.

"Thank you, for helping Bruce." She says to him before breaking the hug.

"It's my pleasure. I just did what I had to do, and that's stop a monster like him from rampaging across Harlem." He tells her, making her smile at him before she approaches Hulk, with tears in her eyes.

"It's okay." She barely says over a whisper as Hulk wipes a tear from her face.

Then he finally speaks with a calm demeanor, "Betty..." Suddenly, a spotlight is pointed directly at Hulk and Y/N, causing the green monster to pick Y/N on his back and run. But as he stands on top of the chopper, he looks over his shoulder to look at Betty one last time before he sighs as if to say goodbye. Then, he starts to navigate his way across Harlem, trying to avoid the spotlight with Y/N on his back.

"Wait, Bruce, where are we going? Where are you taking me?" He asks the green monster, and he replies.

"Far...away... Friend...and Hulk... Together." Y/N's eyes widen at the monster's words before nodding along determined to get away from his life in the orphanage he will never miss,and the school that he never cared about. The Hulk jumps off a roof with a roar as the spotlight shines on them one more time before the scene fades to white.

A month later

In Bella Colla, British Columbia, Y/N and the Hulk, now reverted back to Bruce Banner, are in a small hut, hiding away in solitude after the incident that had happened in Harlem. As Y/N gets himself some eggs and sausages, Bruce gets a small package from a David B. When he opens it up, it's the necklace he once gave to Betty, his lover, wanting to return it, he writes her name, and address on an envelope before placing the necklace inside and sets it down on the table for him to send off later. He takes his cup of coffee and sees Y/N, eating alone at the table.

"Hey, Y/N. How are you?" Bruce greets to Y/N, who looks up from his plate and smiles to his friend.

"I'm doing good, thanks. You?"

"Same here." He responds back before sitting beside Y/N while drinking his coffee. The two of them have been doing just fine on their own, and they manage to get on by without any issues thus far.

"Bruce, do you still think about that day? The day we fought Blonsky in his Abomination form?" Y/N asks him, and he simply gets a nod in response.

"Everyday. There's not a day where I miss Betty."

"Look, even if you are kilometers apart from each other, she will always care about you, friend or lover."

"You're right. For now, let's lay low and find ourselves some work to do." Y/N agrees to this as they sit in silence, eating their breakfast like it's just another day.

A/N: Hey everyone, I fee like this is a great chapter that I wrote. It still gives me goosebumps, remembering when I saw the movie. Anyways, next chapter goes straight into Avengers 2012, so be sure to vote and comment if you liked this chapter. Thanks again, and I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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