One Last Mission(Avengers: Endgame 2019)

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The time has come, the last mission to end it all. The plan may sound simple, but considering the amount of Pym Particles that are distributed amongst the team, there's only one shot of getting the stones, and only one chance. Considering this, they had to plan it all meticulously, so much so that it has taken them days, weeks even to come up with a plan to retrieve all of the Infinity Stones. 

(The start of the planning)

"Okay, so the how works, now we need to know the when and where." Steve starts off the meeting, looking at everyone who is on this mission, each singular Infinity Stone on six monitors along with information regarding their history across the universe. The Time Stone, held in the Eye of Agamotto and passed down from Sorcerer Supreme to Sorcerer Supreme with Doctor Strange being the last to wield it. The Reality Stone, held in the Aether, a relic of the Dark Elves that the Asgardians once fought, long before Thor was ever born, even Odin for that matter before being recently uncovered by Jane Foster, an ex lover of Thor. The Mind Stone, held in the Scepter of Loki and it's power used to experiment on the twins, Wanda and Pietro. The Space Stone, held in the Tesseract and used in World War 2 as a means to power weapons of mass destruction and used during the invasion of New York. The Power Stone, kept in an orb but used by powerful beings all across the galaxy to boost their capabilities. And the Souls Stone, kept on Vormir...

"Almost everyone in this room has had an encounter with at least one of the Six Infinity Stones." Steve informs the group before Tony gives his input on the matter.

"Or substitute had an encounter with "damn near killed by" one of the six Infinity Stones." Tony comments, with Scott being the only person to have not had an encounter with ANY stone.

"I haven't." He speaks up. "And I don't even know what the hell you're all talking about." 

"Regardless, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round trip each, and these stones have been in a lot of different places in history." Bruce explains.

"Our history, however there aren't that many crucial events that could allow us to retrieve the stones without arousing suspicion or even fucking up timelines entirely." Y/N comments as he's looking at each of the stones, specifically the Space Stone, on the monitors in deep thought while Carol also looks at the Space Stone, having encountered it way back when Nick still had both eyes.

"Which means we have to pick our targets." Clint pipes up, causing Y/N to snap his fingers and point to the Ronin, gesturing that that's what they need to do in order to succeed.

(Reality Stone)

"So, let's start with the Aether. Thor, what do you know?" Steve says, turning to Thor along with everyone else, only to see that he's unresponsive, sitting on a sofa, beer in hand, hand partially in his pants, and sunglasses covering his eyes.

"Is he asleep?" Natasha asks after they don't get a response from him for a few seconds.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure he's dead." Rhodey comments on the god that has fallen from grace. Seeing this, Y/N sighs before he gives him a light touch with his foot, causing Thor to quickly startle awake, needing to give a discussion on the Aether and where they can retrieve it in the past.

"Uh, where to start...?" He says to himself as he takes off his sunglasses. "The Aether's not a stone, it's moreof an angry sludge. My grandfatherhid it from Dark Elves in a rockbetween dimensions that can only beaccessed every 5000 years." The conversation quickly devolves into Thor become a depressed mess after talking about Jane and how they used to date and how they broke up before Tony steps in and decides they all take a breakfast break, courtesy of Y/N, who is cooking a full English meant for Thor seeing as it's said to be a good hangover cure or in this case, depressed drunk cure.

(Power Stone)

"Quill said he stole the Power Stone from Morag." Rocket discusses with the team while they all have some takeout for lunch with some ice cream for Bruce, speaking of...

"Is that a person?" Bruce asks, taking a dollop of ice cream and taking a bite from it.

"No, Morag's a planet." The racoon corrects the Smart Hulk.

"Was the orb simply placed there, or were there guards posted on the planet to prevent it's theft?" Y/N asks, as he takes a bite of his fried rice while Carol spoon feeds Rue some hot quail egg soup.

"There were no guards, but there were mercenaries that arrived after Quill took the stone which resulted in a gunfight." Rocket responds to that question before Scott asks if Morag is an actual planet in outer space, resulting in him getting teased by Rocket for being a beginner about outer space.

(Soul Stone)

"Thanos found the Soul Stone on Vormir." Nebula discusses with Bruce, Rocket, Clint, Scott, Steve, and Y/N about the dark orange stone.

"What is Vormir?" Natasha asks as she takes notes on this specific Infinity Stone

"A dominion of death, at the very center of celestial existence." Nebula responds, turning to the group before looking down at the floor in sadness. "It's where...Thanos murdered my sister..." As soon as she says this, everyone's eyes look to anywhere but on her, until...

"Not it." Scott says out of the blue causing everyone to turn to him after breaking such heavy atmosphere.

(Time Stone)

"That Time Stone guy, what was his name again?" Natasha asks as her, Tony, Bruce, Carol, and Y/N discuss about the green stone.

"Doctor Steven Strange, he was Sorcerer Supreme, of a society of Mystic Arts users." Y/N responds to her question as Tony and Natasha soon realize that the person that teleported into the compound on Y/N's birthday was the same guy.

"What kind of doctor was he?" She asks the group.

"Ear-nose-throat meets Rabbit from Hat." Tony responds as he rubs the bridge of his nose.

"I think he was in Sullivan and  Bleeker street, from what I remember vaguely from the place though." Y/N assumes, as he cuddles with Carol on the floor, who manages to get an idea to spark in her head.

"Wait, that's in New York, so doesn't that mean that there are three Infinity Stones in one place?" Carol asks the group, and everyone stops for a moment to think about that, before realizing that she's right, both the Space Stone and Mind Stone were blatantly used by Loki while the Time Stone was still with the Sorcerer Supreme of that time.

(Space Stone)

"So what happened to the Tesseract after that?" Rhodey asks Steve as they both discuss on the Space Stone, with files from Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D from the time when Steve and the Red Skull fought their last battle.

"It's at the bottom of the ocean. Fell out of the plane before I had to crash it." Steve responds.

"I've been meaning to ask you that question. Why did you have to crash the plane?" Rhodey asks, having kept that question for when the topic can be brought up.

"Bomb's on board." Steve simply replies before they stay silent for a few moments.

"And you couldn't have jumped out of the plane before you crashed it?" Rhodey asks once more, eliciting no comment from Steve, for he too thought of that exact same question.


"How long did you fight these guys?" Rocket asks as clips of the original Avengers can be seen fighting off the Chitauri back in 2012 in New York.

"About, two to three hours?" Natasha speculates, causing Rocket to be appalled by such a drawn out battle.

"Hours? The Chitauri are the suckiest army in the galaxy, why not just blow up the mother ship?" He asks, causing Y/N to respond to that question.

"We didn't know that was a thing, but I did manage to hit it with a nuke that was supposedly headed for the city thanks to some S.H.I.E.L.D council members that were actually HYDRA. Afterwards, Natasha closed the portal before I could get back to Earth, and that's how I met Carol." Y/N responds, turning to his wife with a small smile on his face, eliciting a cheek kiss from her. However, Rocket merely got the first part of his sentence.

"You didn't know that was a thing!" He shouts out, laughing at how ridiculous that actually is while everyone else just simply continues to eat their lunch, with Tony standing up and shaving Rocket's fur straight down the top of his head, causing a round of laughter to be heard from everyone before they decide to get back to work.

(Mind Stone)

"So you and your sister were experimented on with the Mind Stone when HYDRA stole the scepter?" Carol asks to the Speedster, who takes a moment to respond, seeing the files of him and his sister, even some video clips of them in separate rooms, his sister levitating letter blocks and him zooming around the room.

"Yeah, we volunteered because we thought that it could get us to exact revenge on Tony. They took the staff but it was stolen by an A.I. made from the stone." Pietro explains so that the people who don't know, know, but to the rest, they all know that it was Ultron, one of their greatest oppositions until Thanos.

(Post Planning)

The plan is now in motion, six stones, four locations, but three teams going into three separate times. Steve, Tony, Bruce, Pietro, and Scott all head to New York to retrieve the Space, Mind, and Time Stone. Rocket, Carol, and Rocket head to Asgard to retrieve the Reality Stone, and Rhodey, Nebula, Clint, Natasha, and Y/N head to Morag first, with the latter three heading onto the Benatar to travel to Vormir to retrieve the Soul Stone. It was now time to put their plan into action, each member starts to suit up into their time travel suits, with Carol and Y/N once done, escorts Rue to Pepper, who has volunteered to take her back to her and Tony's house.

"Mama, Papa, this mission will bring everyone back, right?" She asks her parents, who both kneel down to talk to her on her level.

"Yes, if our team does what they need to do, we can bring back everyone. Now Auntie Pepper will take you to her house. We don't want you anywhere near here in case something goes awry. And it's to keep you safe." Carol says to her daughter, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"But...what if one of you doesn't come back...?" Rue asks, causing the both of them to simply hug their daughter, not wanting to plant negative thoughts in her head.

"We'll both come back, Rue. You are our motivation to make us come back safely. We promise to come back safely." Y/N reassures her, eliciting a small nod from her before they let go, allowing Pepper to usher her into the car, giving the two of them a nod as she drives off to her house.

"She'll be safe with Morgan." Carol says to her husband, who simply nods at her words before he puts a hand on his hair and beard.

"And I need a hair cut and a shave." Y/N remarks, causing her to chuckle before she takes his hand, wanting to cut his hair for him.


"Five years ago, we lost. All of us." Steve says as everyone stands on the Quantum platform, wanting to give one last speech to everyone before performing their assigned tasks. "We lost friends. We lost family. We lost a part of ourselves. But today we have a chance to take it all back." Then he takes a look at each of the teams assigned to each time before looking at his own team that's going to New York. "You have your teams and you have assignments. Get your stone, and get back here. One round trip each. No mistakes. No do-overs. Most of us are going back to places we know. That doesn't mean we know what to expect. Be careful. Lookout for each other. Improvise, if you have to. This is the fight of our lives. And we're going to win. Whatever it takes." 

He turns to Tony, who gives him a smile at his words, before the leader of the team turns to Y/N, giving him a chuckle and a toothy grin to keep their hopefulness up.

"He's pretty good at that..." Rocket comments on the speech that Steve gave, eliciting an enthusiastic nod from Scott.

"All right, you heard the man.Stroke those keys, Jolly Green." Tony says to Bruce, who starts to tap on switches to activate the tracking beacons, which start to come online shortly after activating them. Along with that, Rocket gives the Benatar, although in the size of a miniature for easy carrying, to Y/N.

"You promise to bring that thing back in one piece?" Rocket asks the metal-armed man, who nods to him, a determined look on his face.

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, if there's even a dent on it, you can have an arm, but if it's trash completely, I can give you both." Y/N gives a bet to Rocket, causing Carol to elbow her husband on the stomach and causing some of the team to chuckle at the small but worthwhile moment before the chaos begins.

"See you in a minute." Natasha says to the team, smiling at each and every one of them before the machine activates, causing everyone to stretch and soon vanish, shrinking down into the Quantum realm as they all head into different tunnels through towards different timelines.


With Nebula, Rhodey, Clint, Natasha, and Y/N, they all land on the desolate and dangerous plant of Morag, where the Power Stone is said to be hidden before the metal-armed man pulls out the Benatar and reverts it to it's original size before Nebula gets on to open up the cargo compartment and lower down a pod for Rhodey and her to ride through the planet while the other three have the Benatar to travel to Vormir.

"Coordinates to Vormir are already locked in, simply stay on course and don't fall out of the ship." Nebula informs to Y/N, who nods firmly. They stay silent for a moment before the latter slowly holds up a hand for her to shake, which she does with hesitance.

"About your sister...from the little time I've spent with her and her crew, she definitely left a great impression on you to be able to fight on our side. Thank you." Y/N says to her, although she doesn't say anything back, she takes his words to hear before Clint, Natasha, and himself board onto the Benatar and head to Vormir.

"Watch each other's six." Rhodey warns them, as they three of them turn back and smile, with Y/N holding up a fist as way to say that they got this in the bag. Soon after, they get situated in the ship as it's engines whir up and quickly soar out of Morag's atmosphere and towards the planet.

"A long way from Budapest." Clint comments on their current situation, eliciting a chuckle from his closest friend.

"You really have to tell me all about Budapest by the time we get the Soul Stone." Y/N says to the Ronin, who simply chuckles along, making the three of them have a little laughing fit together before all is silent halfway through their flight.


Upon arriving to Vormir, the first thing that the trio immediately see is a desolate place, the sun, never moving as it's partially covered by the clouds, unable to fully illuminate the planet. They quickly exit out of the planet with the shrunken Benatar tucked away in Y/N's pocket for safe keeping.

"Alright, gut feeling says that the stone is somewhere at the top of the monolith of sorts. What say we start there?" Y/N suggests to the two former S.H.I.E.L.D agents, who nod and start trekking along towards the top of the mountain.

"Really starting to regret my choice here." Clint comments as they slowly make their way up to the top.

"Yeah, I'm starting to bet the racoon didn't climb up a mountain." Natasha adds to that, looking up to see that Y/N is way ahead of them in terms of their climb.

"He didn't because he's on Asgard, it was a grand place during 2013, so I'd say he's doing well." Y/N says as he helps his friends up to the top, and when they've all made it, they soon hear an eerie noise coming from behind them, causing Clint and Y/N to unsheathe their swords with Natasha unholstering a gun and pointing at the voice.

"I assure you, you have nothing to fear from me, Natasha, daughter of Ivan, Clint, son of Edith, and Y/N, son of Elijah and Morissa." A hooded figure comes out of the shadows to reveal that it is none other than Red Skull, former arch-nemesis of the Captain during his World War 2 days, causing the three of them to look on with slight shock.

"What do you want?" Natasha asks as the three of them keep their weapons at the ready.

"Consider me a guide. To you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone. " Red Skull responds to them, giving some relief to the trio.

"Then maybe we can offer you a deal by grabbing the stone and leaving with it." Y/N says, lowering his sword, but only slightly.

"Oh, liebchen. If only it were that easy..." He then escorts them to the top of the mountain, a massive monolith carved on top of it, a flat platform with nothing but a cliff, and at the bottom, also nothing.

"What you seek lies in front of you. As does what you fear." Red Skull says, standing just over the edge of the mountain.

"The Stone is down there?" Natasha asks as they all look down, unable to clearly see what lies at the bottom.

"For one of you. For the other...The Stone demands a sacrifice. Inorder to take it, you must leavebehind that which you love. A Soul for a Soul." Upon hearing his words, the three of them immediately realize that one of them must die in order to get the Soul Stone, which did not sit well with any of them as Natasha takes as seat to think on that while Clint walks around to try and think of an idea. Y/N, however, has been given a message by Asura, causing him to meditate while the other two converse.

(Inside Y/N's Mindscape)

"Y/N, it seems that you are faced with a dilemma..." Asura says , standing face to face with his student, who has his arms crossed throughout it all.

"Yeah. One of us has to jump to get the Stone. But...we can't just sacrifice any of us, not me because that would be like throwing away the plus four card right out of the gate during a game of Uno, if Clint jumped, his family would be devastate, and Natasha, she must have some family somewhere in the world..." Y/N explains the situation to his master, head down and unsure of what to do.

"I see...then what if I were to say that there was a way to save all three of you?" Asura asks, causing his student's eyes to widen with surprise.

"You do? How, anything to save my friends." Y/N asks back, needing all the help he can get to reduce the number of casualties.

"The hooded man said a Soul for a Soul, yes? Then...what if I could take the fall for you." Asura suggests, causing Y/N's eyes to widen in horror at the realization.

"No, no, absolutely not master, there has to be another way!" Y/N says with fear in his eyes, but Asura doesn't relent, firm with his decision to keep his student's friends safe."

"Fear not, Y/N...all I need you to do is let me take over, so that I may jump and my soul can be exchanged for the Soul Stone." At this point, his student is in tears, only to engulf him in a fatherly hug, both of them holding onto each other tightly, as this will be the last time they see each other.

"It's time I reunite with Mithra and Durga, my family needs me, and so does yours, Y/N. I taught you all I know. Let's save the universe, whatever it takes." With that one final remark, their souls switch control of Y/N's body, with Asura taking the lead and Y/N almost taking a backseat like looking at a large screen in a cinema.

(Out of the Mindscape)

Asura opens his eyes to see Vormir once again, looking around for a moment and looks down at his student's hands, clenching his fists open and close before hearing the sound of an explosion off to the left. He turns his head and sees Clint having shot an explosive tipped arrow at the ground to push Natasha to the side and prevent her from jumping. Afterwards, Clint proceeds to throw his bow off to the side and sprint towards the cliff, once he sees this, Asura sprints after Clint.

With a large leap, Clint's feet no longer touch solid ground, but instead of falling...he's pushed back onto the mountain. Shocked by this he looks back to the cliff and sees what he thinks is Y/N himself talking the leap off the cliff.

"Y/N!" Natasha cries out, moving towards the edge to see Asura in Y/N's body, eyes pupilless white and staring directly at the both of them before he slowly closes his eyes, accepting that his student is in good hands and has the power to protect the ones he loves.

"I'm glad to call you my pupil, Y/N. Thank you..." With a final farewell from Asura, Y/N's body hits the ground below and for a few moments, all was silent, then suddenly, the monolith starts to light up a white-blue-ish hue and the clouds above them part  before they're engulfed in darkness.

Shortly after, they wake up with a startle in a pond of water, looking at each other, still horrified that Y/N would do such a thing. Then Natasha feels something in the palm of her hand, causing her to open it up and reveal the Soul Stone. Clint sees this and looks up to her, seeing the tears stream down her face, as does his own.

"What are we going to tell Carol...?" She asks Clint, who is unsure of how to respond to that question as they both mourn their friend for a moment, hurriedly activating their GPS devices and traveling back into the Quantum Realm, back in time to 2023.


Soon everyone arrives back at the platform, safe and sound, everyone looking like nothing ever happened to them.

"Did we get 'em all?" Bruce asks, looking around at everyone, seeing them safe and sound.

"Are you telling me this actually worked?" Rhodey asks, holding up the orb in his hands, still in shock at how they managed a successful Time Heist together. However, Clint and Natasha can't help but feel almost scared to tell Carol the news that Y/N has sacrificed himself for the Soul Stone.

"Yep, this actually worked, I'm surprised myself in all honesty." To Natasha and Clint, they couldn't believe their ears, to everyone else, they're simply happy that everyone is safe and sound as the two S.H.I.E.L.D agents turn to their right and see Y/N, safe and sound, looking at everyone with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Natasha punches Y/N right in the face, causing everyone to immediately spring into action to try and defuse the situation, surprised by the redhead's action.

"OW, Nat! What was that for!?" Y/N asks in shock, holding his cheek a little because even if he has the powers of a demi-god/god-like being, Natasha sure can dish out a punch.

"What was that for? CLINT AND I JUST SAW YOU JUMP OFF OF THAT CLIFF TO SACRIFICE YOURSELF FOR THE SOUL STONE!" Natasha reveals, causing everyone to become even more shocked, turning to the metal-armed man, who sighs, knowing that he has to come clean with them sooner or later. He nods his head firmly before he gets off of the platform.

"Come to the dock, only the original six, and Carol too. You need to know the truth before anyone else." Y/N tells them before he leaves the hangar and towards the dock just like he said.

(Time Skip)

When the original six and Carol arrive at the dock, Y/N wasted no time in telling them that his powers came not from himself but from a deity named Asura, a demi-god whose Mantra affinity is to Wrath. He spared no detail left to be unsaid, finishing by telling them that Asura sacrificed himself for the Stone, not Y/N, meaning that Y/N's soul is left intact.

Once they manage to get all the details down, they take a moment to think on it with Carol standing beside her husband and holding him close, not thinking any less of him. 

"Regardless of whether or not Y/N's powers come from a demi-god or not, we have all the Stones and everyone is still alive. All that we need to do is snap our fingers with them and everyone in the Universe comes back." Carol reassures the team, looking at her, nodding, realizing that the time to question Y/N's origins is not now. They had one more thing left to do, and that is to use the Infinity Stones to bring everyone back.

With Tony, Bruce, Rocket, and Y/N all working together to craft a working gauntlet made from nanomachine technology and can withstand the power of the Stones. Currently, Tony is controlling different little arms, all with a separate Stone with gauntlet they've made in the middle. The arms slowly move closer to the gauntlet before the nanomachines take the stones into the gauntlet as each of the powerful Infinity Stones fit snugly onto the gauntlet.

Tony, Bruce, and Y/N all look satisfied with the result but all three seem really tense about the situation, which Rocket capitalized on.

"BOO!" He shouts out unexpectedly, causing Tony and Y/N to be startled more than Bruce is. After being scared out of his daylights, Y/N sighs loudly and walks out of the lab to calm himself down and head to the meeting room where everyone will be waiting. 

Tony, Bruce, and Rocket then bring the completed gauntlet into the room, floating in a cradle-like device, just waiting for any one of them to simply wear it and use it as they please.

"All right. The glove's ready. Question is, who's gonna snap their freaking fingers?" Rocket asks, looking each one of them, and so does each and every one of them, until Thor walks over to volunteer himself to use the gauntlet.

"I'll do it." Thor says, moving to the gauntlet, but everyone stops him in his tracks to prevent him from doing something in his state, seeing as he's not there mentally.

"Thor, we haven't decided who's putting that on." Steve tries to reason with the God of Thunder, who looks a little taken aback by their actions when the gauntlet is right there to be used.

"Oh. Were all of you just waiting for the right opportunity?" Thor asks to everyone in the room.

"We should at least discuss it." Scott suggests.

"I agree, one wrong thought and we could make the situation much worse than it already is. So let's at least weigh our options here." Carol says to add to the suggestion, with Y/N and Bruce standing side by side, playing a secretive game of rock, paper, scissors, knowing that the both of them would want to take the gauntlet and use it, they're two of the strongest Avengers, with Thor coming a close third.

"Staring at the thing isn't going to bring everybody back, is it? Look, I'm the third strongest Avenger. It's my responsibility. Fate wills it so." Thor tries to reason with them, but they all continue to gently push him away from the gauntlet, and soon he is nearly brought to tears, wanting to do something good for once after five years of drinking and growing fat.

"Thor, you're in no condition mentally to wield the gauntlet. Like Carol said, one wrong thought and we could send the world into chaos.'s gotta be me." Y/N pipes up on the conversation, pushing himself off of the table he's leaning on as he walks over to the gauntlet.

"I hate to say this, but Y/N has a better chance at wielding the gauntlet than Thor or I can." Bruce ultimately agrees with his protege, a tight-lipped smiled on his face.

"Although Bruce can be able to withstand the Stones, seeing as the radiation is Gamma, I...I feel the Stones calling to me, as if they're telling me to use them as I see fit, and what I see to bring everyone back from five years ago." Y/N explains to everyone, who nods, allowing their strongest Avenger to wield the gauntlet and snap his fingers. He takes the gauntlet from the cradle and holds it in his hands, not wearing it yet as he waits for everyone to get ready for him to wear it.

"Okay, remember Y/N, everyone Thanossnapped away five years ago, you'rejust bringing them today.Don't change anything from the lastfive years. Got it?" Tony reminds him, garnering a nod from Y/N as he looks to everyone putting on their helmets or getting behind shields or anyone that can withstand a blast that could push a normal human back as Rocket hides behind Thor, Clint hides behind a holographic shield made by Tony's new Iron Man suit, and Natasha hides behind Carol, who gets her helmet ready.

"FRIDAY, do me a favor and activate Barn Door Protocol, will you?" Tony asks, and his A.I delivers as shutter doors start to close in around them, even on the windows on the ceiling start to be covered by heavy metal shutters, sealing everyone inside in case something with the Stones go awry.

"Time to bring you all home..." Y/N mutters to himself, as if telling the people that have disappeared right in front of their faces, slowly putting the gauntlet on, the metals and nanomachines adjusting to his hands size before the gauntlet fits snugly on his hand, causing the energy of the Stones to hit him all at once, causing him to groan a little, stumbling a bit from the sudden wave of energy coursing through his veins.

"T-Take it off. TAKE IT OFF!" Thor says, worried for his friend as he sees the pain in his eyes as seconds go by.

"No, not yet." Steve says, hoping that Y/N can take a little bit more until he's used to it.

"Honey, are you okay?" Carol asks her husband, who continues to groan a few seconds after before taking deep breaths until his breathing is calm.

"I'm okay. I can do this." Y/N says before he starts to think of every single person that has disappeared, Peter, Strange, Drax, Mantis, T'Challa, Shuri, Groot, Quill, Wanda, and all the rest before he raises his hands up, groaning a little bit more, until he lets out a loud shout and then...


As soon as he snaps his fingers, Y/N's legs shortly give out, taking a knee as the gauntlet slides down his arm and onto the floor with Carol moving it away from them incase the Stones start acting up. Everyone them rushes to their friend and sees that the metal on his arm is slightly darkened from the immense heat and energy that the Infinity Stones have exerted onto his metal arm before the shutters start to open, and Scott starts to walk out of the lab are in hopes of seeing any effects. And he does, he sees some small birds, ones that he hasn't seen since escaping the Quantum Realm the first time.

With Clint, he hears the vibration of a muted phone, walking over to it and sees that the person calling him is none other than his own wife, Laura. Shocked by this, he answers the phone, but his words get chocked up in his throat because of how speechless he is and how the Stones actually worked. However, they aren't able to celebrate as of yet, as a shadow is cast over the facility, causing Y/N to look up, eyes wide with horror upon seeing something that he never thought he'd see again. But before he can even voice it out, missiles fire upon their position, and all everyone sees is darkness...

The final battle is about to begin, and this time, it's not just for a simple planet, it's for the entire Universe. Standing at the forefront to face Thanos...the Avengers themselves.

A/N: Hey everyone, yes, the final battle is truly about to begin, which means that  the next chapter might be the beginning of the end, so I do hope you guys are ready for that. Anyways, thank you all so much for the support, and I will see you in the next chapter. BYE!

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