Rematch Long Awaited (Thor Ragnarok: Rage Bound 2017)

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No countdown is needed to start off the fight against Hulk and Wrath, as they immediately charge at one another with Hulk swinging his weapons wildly while Wrath blocks some strikes and dodges some that are impossible to do so. Then the green monster makes a small slip up by slamming his weapons down onto Wrath, who immediately capitalizes on the situation by socking the Hulk with three fists, sending him flying backwards a few meters. The crowd is just cheering for both competitors, and they don't care for who wins or loses, all they want to see is blood. Wrath then leaps towards Hulk with a shout, but gets swatted away by Hulk's hammer, sending him sliding on his back against the floor.

"Damn, who knew that Hulk with weapons is two times worse than Hulk with fists..." Wrath mutters to himself before deciding to use the sword on his back. He unsheathes the suspicious sword and grips it with his main arms before pointing it at his friend, who is already charging at him. Their weapons clash against each other, sparks fly everywhere from the contact of metal on metal, steel on steel. It is an all out battle for the two strongest avengers. As that is going on, Korg and the other gladiators below are seen chanting "Wrath, Wrath, Wrath" over and over again, and soon the crowd joins along, much to the dismay of the Grandmaster. Even Loki, who is watching on with interest, thinks to himself.

'C'mon L/N...get the Hulk back for me' He thinks to himself, wanting revenge for what the green monster did back in 2012. Wrath manages to block a double slam from Hulk with his axe and hammer with the sword, which he then uses to his advantage by continuously punching Hulk in the stomach during the clash. The green monster breaks the clash before swinging wildly yet again, and it seems like Wrath is getting the upper hand, which he is. Everyone seems to be chanting for Wrath Incarnate, and the woman from before, who Y/N only knows from Korg as Scrapper 142, or S142, seems to also be enjoying herself as she chugs another bottle of alcohol. 

Then, Wrath ducks under a swing before punching Hulk in the face, but the more he does this pattern, the angrier the green monster seems to be getting. 

"Seriously Hulk! Where have you been for the last two years!? Why'd you have to leave me like that!? I thought we were friends!" Wrath says just as he swings the sword right at Hulk, causing a cut on his forearms, the first decisive blow of the match, and everyone is still cheering except for the Grandmaster of course. Then, Wrath starts to suddenly feel weak, causing him to kneel and use the sword as support.

"Uh oh, the sword is doing it again..." Korg says to the other gladiators, and they agree with him. Because of this, the Hulk takes advantage and smashes him with his hammer, creating a small crater in the process. Everyone reacts to the force of the strike, while the Grandmaster starts to smile.

"F-Fucking hell, Bruce...remind me not to give you any weapons when we fight again..." Wrath says before Bruce goes in for another slam but time suddenly slows almost to a standstill, and a voice softly calls out to him.

"Give in to your anger...Wreak havoc on the entire universe..." The voice comes from the sword, and it's heart starts beating faster and faster, and the thrums get even louder and louder before the whole arena turns dark, and all that is left is an abyss.

"Who are you, what are you...?" Y/N asks the sword, and blood red eyes open up and peer through the abyss and directly at the Avenger.

"I am Aatrox, and you shall be my vessel!" The eyes in the dark say, but Y/N doesn't seem to understand. "I am not a king, I am not a god. I. Am. Worse!" He then realizes that the moment he picked up the sword, that it was assessing him of his abilities, and the sword has now chosen him as a vessel.

"So, what are you really?" Y/N asks before sitting down on the ground, if there is any.

"I am what many in the universe call, a Darkin. The Darkin were once Gods, but unlike those of that sorry excuse of a place called Asgard, we were much better warriors than them. Until Hela came...she corrupted many of my brothers and sisters, and I too fell to her powers. So, I was sealed away inside my weapon, the sword that you are wielding now, along with a few others, and I search for a suitable vessel to exact revenge upon that mad woman!" Aatrox tells Y/N, who just listens intently.

"I did come across Hela, as well. Alongside her brother, Thor, and her adopted brother, Loki. She is powerful sure, but now she's probably on Asgard, wreaking havoc on the poor people of the kingdom." Y/N says, with his head bowed down.

"I see, then I shall help in your conquest. But in return, I demand blood, it may be any form of alien blood, so long as it flows through their veins. If we agree to these terms, then you shall become the vessel of War." After Aatrox tells him of this, Y/N stands up and grabs the sword by the hilt once more before nodding to the eyes in the dark.

"Okay then, show me what makes you so special, Aatrox."

"Wonderful, I will show you why I am called, The God Killer!" Time begins once more, and just as Hulk is about to connect his weapons onto Wrath, the latter opens his eyes, and they are not white when they become pupilless, they are a blood red color. Wrath then grabs onto Hulk's weapons with not effort before he stands up and uses one of his extra arms to grab his sword and swing the face of the blade into Hulk's stomach, pushing him to the opposite end of the arena.

"Power...I need more power. HahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The Grandmaster, being the sore loser that he is, activates the obedience disk on Wrath's hand, causing him to get zapped and spazzes out before he falls to one knee, the crowd boos at this, but the Grandmaster doesn't care at all. Then Hulk decides to finish the fight, he leaps up into the air as high as he can, readying for a final smash. 

"Another day, another Doug." Korg says, disappointed that his new friend isn't going to make it at all.

"Well, if this is how I am gonna be defeated, then fuck the Grandmaster...spoiled piece of shit."

"Not on my watch!" Aatrox says before the sword suddenly floats up into the air and stabs him straight into the stomach, causing everyone to gasp at the sight of it. However, it doesn't kill him, it only causes a transformation to happen. A red mist starts to swirl  around Wrath and encompass him in a ball, and when Hulk's fist is just about to connect with the ball, it explodes in a violent pillar that reaches to the top of the arena followed by distorted and howling roar. When the explosion settles, out comes something no one has expected to see.

Standing at 22 feet, a colossal figure stands tall above everyone in the area, with his leathery wings ready to take flight.

"People of Sakaar, I am Aatrox! I am Deathbringer, The World Ender, The God Killer! And no one is safe from my blade!" The ginormous figure raises his sword and starts swinging at the Hulk, who is having a hard time dodging the swings, seeing as they are quite quick for a goliath like him. The two monsters do battle for what seems to be three hours, with no one seeming to gain the upper hand, but soon after, Aatrox's body starts to shrink and slowly revert back to Y/N. Once the revert is complete, Wrath passes out from exhaustion, and everyone decides to cheer for the most amazing display they have seen in their entire lives. Then, the Hulk walks over to his friend, touches him to check if he's still unconscious before carrying him on his shoulder and moving him somewhere else.

A/N: Hi everyone! I know, two chapters in a row. That's pretty rare nowadays, and I am sorry if the fight is not as epic as you would've hoped. Anyways, next chapter will continue with the storyline, so vote if you liked it, comment your feedback. Thank you so much for reading, and I will see you in the next chapter. BYE!

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