Someone Angrier Than Me (Avengers 2012)

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"The gamma readings are definitely consistent with Selvig's reports on the Tesseract, but it's gonna take weeks to process." Bruce informs Tony and Y/N, who are are all doing their parts to help locate the cube.

"If we bypass their mainframe and run a direct line to Homer Cluster, we can clock this at around 600 teraflops." Tony says as he dials in the necessary stuff on a screen to help speed up the process.

"And all we packed were toothbrushes." Y/N jokes, making the two geniuses chuckle, while typing away on a screen.

"You know, the both of you should come by Stark Tower sometime. Top ten floors, all R&D, you'd love it, it's Candyland." Tony offers them as he picks up an electric screwdriver and walks over to their side.

"Thanks, but last time we were in New York, we kinda broke Harlem." Bruce says, declining Tony's request to come over to the tower and reminding himself of the day when he fought Blonsky alongside Y/N.

"Well, I promise a stress free environment, no tension, no surprises." Just as Tony says this, he pokes Bruce with the screwdriver in his hand, shocking the doctor and gaining a slight "Ow!" from him in the hopes of getting some slight transformation changes from him into the Hulk. As soon as that happens, Steve enters and sees this happening, making him call Tony's attention.

"Hey! Are you nuts?" Steve angrily asks as he approaches them.

"Jury's out." Steve fires back. "You really have got a lid on things, what's your secret, mellow jazz, bongo drums, a huge bag of weed?" He asks, making Y/N chuckle as he does his work.

"Is everything a joke to you?" Steve asks, getting more and more annoyed as the seconds go by.

"Funny things are." Tony answers sarcastically.

"Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship isn't funny, no offense you two." Steve tells Tony before apologizing to the two people who can get angry and tear the helicarrier apart.

"It's fine, Cap. Bruce has been through worse things. If he hadn't been used to pointy and shocking objects, we may never have come aboard." Y/N informs him, not looking up from his screen.

"Question, by the way: Are you Bruce's secret love child? Because you two are so similar." Tony asks out of the blue, causing the other three in the room to look at the billionaire as if he is crazy.

"If you're talking about how we get angry and only use our fists to fight, then that's a long way from the truth, Mr. Stark." Y/N answers him, making Tony huff at the answer.

"Oh well, it was worth the shot. But you two are tiptoeing, you need strut."

"And you need to focus on the problem, Mr. Stark." Steve fires back at him as Tony grabs a zip-lock snack bag with blueberries inside.

"You think I'm not? Why did Fury call us and why now? Why not before? What isn't he telling us? I can't do the equation unless I have all the variables."

"You think Fury's hiding something?"

"He's a spy. Captain, he's the spy. His secrets have secrets." He pops a blueberry in his mouth before pointing at Bruce. "It's bugging him too, isn't it?" This causes Bruce to bobble his words before Y/N gets a message from Asura.

"Y/N, Augus is here now, find a place to rest and meditate. Meet us here soon." Asura informs him, making the young boy look up from his screen with a slight gasp. This is heard by the three adults in the room.

"You okay, kid?" Tony asks with not that much worry in his voice, causing Y/N to turn to the three of them.

"Sorry, you guys. I...uh...need to take a break. I'll help finish things up when I feel rested." They feel slightly skeptical about his answer but decide to shrug it off before Y/N heads into a vacant room where there are two bunks, one top, one bottom. He takes the bottom bunk and starts meditating to relax himself until he finds that his darkened vision turns all white and arrives inside his mindscape once more.

"You made it, good." He turns to Asura, who has his arms crossed with a neutral expression on his face. The only thing that's missing is Master Augus, speaking of him...

"Hahahahahahaha! This is your student, Asura!? I am disappointed in my former pupil!" A thundering voice shouts out before Y/N gets a punch to the right side of his jaw, knocking him away and onto the ground. That same thunderous laughter is heard once more, and Y/N finally sees the assailant who punched him, it's Master Augus, who looks like a much wilder and buffer Asura with a sword strapped at the back of his waist.

"So you must be Y/N. My former pupil has told me about you, and I want to see it for myself! Your training starts now, and it will only be complete once you make me use my sword!" Augus bellows at him before going for yet another punch to Y/N's face. Luckily for him, he adapts quickly and dodges the punch before going for his own. However, the punch not only doesn't stagger the master, it doesn't move his head by even an inch.

"Hah! You're still weak!" The master taunts as he counterattacks with a punch to the gut and a kick to the chin before grabbing him by the face and bringing him down for a slam. Y/N lays in defeat, awing the power of his master's master. He shakily stands up and eyes down Master Augus before he gives him a look of determination.

"Again!" He shouts to the master, who gives a toothy smile with a look that says that he wants to pummel his pupil's student to the ground.

"That's the spirit! Let the training begin!" They charge at each other as Y/N's eyes become pupilless white.

The next day comes shortly after Y/N started training with Master Augus, and Nick Fury, walks into the lab to find Tony and Bruce just chilling and waiting. Surprised by their idleness, he walks over to them angrily. Luckily for them, they've finished everything up and are just waiting to for the location of the Tesseract within half a mile. However...

"What is Phase 2?" Tony asks as the screen shows him a collection of TOP SECRET files. Suddenly, Steve enters the room and drops a very unique gun from his World War II days, a very similar gun to the one that his rival once used. A gun powered by the Tesseract.

"Phase 2 is shield uses the cube to make weapons." He starts off before turning to Stark. "Sorry, computer's running a little slow for me."

"Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract. This does not mean that we're-" Fury tries to defuse the tension in the room, but Tony interrupts him.

"I'm sorry, Nick, what were you lying?" He turns his screen the other way 'round for Steve and Fury to see a model of a rocket that is powered by the same energy the Tesseract uses. More and more plans are followed after, but they've seen what they've already have seen.

"I was wrong, director. The world hasn't changed a bit." Steve says, angry at the fact that Fury is trying to do the exact same thing that his rival, Red Skull had once done in the past. Soon after, Thor and Natasha enter the lab, with the latter's eyes trained on Bruce, who look at her with anger.

"Did you know about this?" Banner asks Natasha, who doesn't answer his question but instead asks him a question.

"You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, doctor?" She asks him.

"I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed."

"Loki's manipulating you and Y/N."

"Y/N knows that, he's probably predicted that his plan is to unleash the other guy. Also, he probably predicted that Barton and a few mind controlled agents are on their way back to retrieve the scepter. And you, what've you been doing exactly?"

"You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you."

"Yes, and I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy. I'd like to know why SHIELD is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction." He says as he points to the screen with the diagram of the missile.

"Because of him." The director points to Thor.

"Me?" He asks, stunned by the director's answer.

"Not only him though, Y/N as well, and speaking of, where the hell is he?" Fury asks, trying to change the topic, but seeing as that didn't work, he decides to speak the truth. "Last year, Earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that leveled a small town. We learned that not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly, hilariously, outgunned."

"My people want nothing but peace with your planet." Thor says with slight annoyance.

"But you're not the only people out there, are you?" Fury fires back. "And, you're not the only threat. The world's filling up with people who can't be matched, they can't be controlled."

"Like you controlled the cube?" Steve asks.

"Your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies. It is the signal to all the realms that the earth is ready for a higher form of war." Thor informs them while Y/N silently walks into the lab and stays at the doorway, not gaining attention for anyone in the room, but as soon as he enters, the argument devolves into full-blown accusations and insult-throwing. They all don't even notice Y/N, who notices that the gem on Loki's scepter is starting to glow a little bit brighter than before. He walks over to it curiously, before taking it in both hands, which causes his eyes to suddenly be engulfed with darkness.

Y/N soon finds himself observing six objects in a star-filled galaxy, one is a blood-red mist as it soon compresses into a red gem, another is an intricately designed orb as it opens to reveal a deep purple gem that is similar in size to the red gem. Another one is a medallion shaped into an eye before it opens up to reveal a green gem. Then the scepter's gem shatters, revealing a yellow gem underneath, an orange gem that radiates the souls of millions of lives, and finally the Tesseract that breaks into a blue gem.

With all of the gems combined, they float over to as they start glowing brighter than they are before it reveals a golden gauntlet that is holding those six gems. But behind that gauntlet, a smirking purple being with the eyes of a killer, who doesn't hesitate to commit universal genocide. When all is said and done, Y/N is brought back into the lab and looks to the others, who are all cautious of what he has in his hand.

"Kid, put down the scepter." Steve asks calmly, making said person look down at the scepter in his hands. He places it back onto the table before a loud beep from the screen on the far end of the room is heard, causing Y/N to walk over and check the location of the cube. He does not listen in on what the others are arguing about and continues to check where the Tesseract is, and the result shocks him.

"Wait...New York...?" Y/N asks rhetorically. Suddenly, he gets a feeing that something is going to go terribly wrong, and he's right. An explosion rocks the whole helicarrier as it takes out an engine and the lab that they're all currently in. Natasha, Y/N, and Bruce all tumble down into the lower levels of the helicarrier, specifically the equipment room, while the other still in the lab get pushed back by the force of the blast.

Once they make contact with solid ground, Y/N groggily stands up from the knock back of the explosion and soon sees Bruce slowly turn into the Hulk. He sees that and also sees Natasha stuck on a large pipe that has caught her leg. Running over to her, he lifts the pipe up with relative ease before helping her stand up. He looks her straight in the eyes and tells her one word.

"Run." She nods and makes her way back to the upper levels, leaving Y/N and Bruce by their lonesome.

"Bruce. Fight it, you gotta fight! This is what Loki wants! If you let him take control, then his plans will have come to fruition. FIGHT IT, BRUCE!" Y/N tries to calm Bruce down, but it does nothing but speed up his process as his skin turns into the terrifying green color whilst his muscles start to grow along with his height. Bruce takes one final look at Y/N with his brown eyes before the transformation is finally finished. Bruce Banner is no longer available, and Hulk is out to smash

"Well, I'll just have to beat the hell out of you 'till you pass out and turn back. Besides, I've always wanted to face someone angrier than me." Y/N says while cracking his knuckles and his eyes turn pupilles white.

"This will be the hardest challenge yet, Y/N. Steel yourself!" Asura tells him, gaining a nod from his student. The two combatants look at each other for a few seconds before the Hulk roars at Y/N, who shouts with the same intensity as the former as they charge at each other with a reeled fist each before their fists collide, creating a shockwave that shakes the helicarrier even more.

With Tony and Steve, they feel the tremor and look at each other, knowing which of all the members are causing this. Natasha, with a fearful look on her face, continues to climb up while the shaking continues. Thor keeps his battle ready look on, not minding the shaking, and smiling...

A/N: Alright, you've started training with Augus, and the predictions have come true. Hawkeye's plan to rescue Loki has started and the helicarrier is on full pandemonium. Next part will mostly be fight scenes, but make sure to stay tuned for that anyways. Thanks for reading, I'll see you in the next chapter.

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