Teaser (Not a Chapter, Might Delete Soon)

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"If you aske me to recall anything from the world I once resided in, I'd be unable to. Only to remember mere shards of my past long before I met you, my lady. But if you must know, then what I seem to remember is...a spiraling madness that was trying to well up inside of me. Assassins, left and right, trying to attack me to get to the person that I served under. I slaughtered them until there were none left standing, sword and fang. But the pain was immeasurable, and the Two-Fingers kept telling me to kill her, but I couldn't do it, for I loved her like a sister, she was like family to me and all of her Carian relatives."

"The next thing I knew, I come face to face with a warrior I called a true friend, they stood against me, coming to the realization that they had to cut me down to save her from my ever growing madness. I can remember the time I've spent with the warrior, on the day we met, when I howled in the Mistwood, and they snapped their fingers to call on me. When we fought a powerful general that halted the stars, to when they saved me from my prison after I was placed there by a venerable blacksmith who was a little on the larger side."

"And once they struck me down, all I could think was that they would keep her in safe hands as I faded into golden ash. I thought there would be an afterlife to live in after failing to uphold my duty to the Two-Fingers, but instead I sit here, under this tree, talking to you about my past. I do hope that I am not boring you, my lady. My memory is slowly starting to fade, but the moments that I have told to you are the most firm memories I seem to always remember." The girl's eyes soften, all of his life he was made to serve, he was never given a choice to choose a path he wanted, she was thankful that he was given a chance to start again, even if he has kept his...features. Though with or without them, it didn't matter to her, as she begins to see him in a newer much better light. 

"I think you deserve this new life you've been given, Blaidd. After what you've told me, how these "Two-Fingers" have created you for a singular purpose, to keep her in check, I can whole-heartedly say that your new life is going to be wonderful." A hand is soon placed on top of his own, though covered by gauntlet, he can still feel the warmth emanates, something that he has only experienced during the earlier years when the previous leader he served was but a little girl though he did not remember much of it. He looks up to her, a smile slowly making it's way onto his lips, his eyes peering into the violet eyes that also stare back at him as well.

"Thank you, my lady, that means a lot..."

"Please, call me Rhaenyra, we're friends now, after all." From there on, something magical blossomed from the Wolf and the Dragon, something that not even real dragons can sever the bonds to.

A/N: Hey everyone, sorry for the hiatus, I've just been dealing with a lot of personal stuff, and plus I have to apply for a college soon, which means less of writing on wattpad nowadays. But I hope to at least finish one book, hopefully. Anyways, I do hope you enjoy this teaser, I've been so invested in House of the Dragon that I have fallen in love with all the characters, well, except Otto Hightower, fuck that old scrotum. 

Other than that, thank you all so much for the support, it really means a lot to me, I hope to publish more chapters for this book soon, you never know. Bye!

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