Torn Apart (Avengers: Infinity War 2018)

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(Third POV)

When Y/N first laid eyes on the same flagship that awaited the Skrull all those years ago, now come back to kill the Asgardians, he felt angry. Angry because he thought that he killed the Black Order when he ordered the self-destruct sequence on the ship, but it seems that the members of the Order are not as weak as he had thought. So, grabbing Aatrox, he rushes out to the people and warns them of the coming enemies that are bound to aboard the ship.

"Everyone, Thanos is coming! All who are able, arm yourselves! The rest, get to the escape pods!" Y/N shouts out to the people, and Heimdall, Valkyrie, and many other Asgardians get their weapons to fight back while some of them start to usher the children and women towards the escape pod room. Thor and Loki rush over to their friend with worry on their faces.

"Did you say Thanos, Y/N?" Thor asks urgently.

"I did, and he's coming to kill your people. I saw it with my own eyes when I first met Carol, so you should all prepare for a fight ahead. I'll take on the Black Order, you just focus on getting your people off this ship." Y/N tells them, and they nod to him when the ship starts to shake, meaning that they are being fired upon by the flagship. Explosions erupts from the projectiles that are hitting every part of the ship, and the Asgardians scramble to escape and prepare themselves to fight. Suddenly, a smaller ships meant for boarding exits the main flagship and swiftly flies towards them, and when it makes it's destination, an explosion that sends the door flying off it's hinges occurs. The Black Order, all bearing battle scars from their fight with Wrath, enter the ship.

"So you're still alive, aren't you? No matter, I can just kill you all again if I have to!" Y/N says as he enters Vajra form and rushes towards the Black Order, with Ebony Maw sending debris from the ship at him with his telekinesis. Cull Obsidian, who now has cybernetic arms after having his flesh ones ripped out, charges at Y/N before turning his right arm into a hammer and tries to smash him. Y/N dodges out of the way and is met with the couple of Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight. They attack Y/N with combination attacks that try to get him off his guard, but due to the extra pairs of arms, he manages to fend them off at the same time, but Cull Obsidian, who manages to use his left arm as a grappling hook and latch onto Y/N, throws him into a wall.

Ebony Maw uses this to his advantage and bends the wall to trap him in a metal vice. Y/N thrashes around for a few seconds before Corvus Glaive points his weapon at him to stop him from escaping, and with no other option, he unfortunately has to yield. After that humiliating defeat, the Black Order start to slaughter the Asgardians that stayed and fight, and all Y/N can do is look on in horror. Heimdall is also a victim to their assault and ends up lying on the ground alongside his people, his sword Hofund, laying beside him. Thor is no exception, as he falls to the ground onto his stomach and watches his people die. Valkryie is nowhere to be seen, fortunately, she has helped the Asgardians escape and has gone with them to protect them.

"Hear me, and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No...It is salvation. Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile...For even in death, you have become Children of Thanos." Ebony Maw preaches to the Asgardians that are slaughtered, and all that Y/N wanted to do is snap his neck. But then, the Mad Titan himself, Thanos, walks into the ship with the Infinity Gauntlet in hand, and also has managed to obtain the Power Stone.

He looks to a restrained Y/N and walks over to him before grabbing his chin and raising it up to get a better look at the man who's haunted his dreams.

"Hmph, so you are Wrath. I expected more from you." Thanos gives a snarky comment, causing Y/N spit in his face. He wipes the saliva from his face before Ebony Maw seals his mouth shut with another piece of metal from the ship. "I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right... yet to fail, nonetheless." He says to Thor before grabbing the King of Asgard's head. "It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say...I AM."

The Titan boasts of the Power Stone that he has acquired.

"You talk too much." Thor exhaustedly says to Thanos, spitting out blood from his mouth in the process before Loki stands before the Titan.

"The Tesseract, or your brother's head. I assume you have a preference." Thanos threatens the Trickster God with the death of Thor, but that doesn't faze him, yet...

"Oh, I do. Kill away!" Loki says before Thanos uses the Power Stone to strengthen himself before squeezing Thor's head tightly like a walnut, causing the Thunder God to scream in pain. Y/N struggles in his bonds as he too screams out to try and help Thor. After a few seconds of screaming from his brother, Loki finally gives in. "ALRIGHT, STOP!" He shouts out to Thanos, who does so instantly.

"We don't have the Tesseract. It was destroyed on Asgard." Thor says, thinking it so, but Loki knows something that he doesn't, and with a flick of his wrist, the glowing cube appears in his hand, still intact. "You really are the worst, brother."

"I assure you, brother, the Sun will shine on us again." Loki says as he approaches Thanos with the Tesseract.

"Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian." Thanos says.

"Well, for one thing: I'm not Asgardian. And for another..." Loki trails off of his sentence just as Y/N nearly manages to break free from his restraints, all the while Hulk lingers, ready to strike. "We have a Hulk, and Wrath." Just as he says this, the green monster roars out, revealing his presence to the Titan before he tackles him straight into a walk. While this is happening, Y/N breaks free from the bonds and rushes to help his friend. The Hulk gets an advantage over Thanos due to the unexpected attack, but when he pins the Titan to the wall, Thanos gets a surge of energy that allows him to rip the Hulk's hands away from his neck and breaks his jaw.

"Thanos!" Y/N shouts out before slashing at said person with Aatrox, making some dents into the armor. When he sees that it's not doing that much damage, he sheathes the sword and punches his palm. Still in Vajra form, he sends out a flurry of punches into Thanos's stomach before headbutting the Titan, but all that does is let him get a headbutt of his own by him. Y/N is knocked away from the hit but manages to get his bearings before the Hulk regroups with him. The two of them look at each other and nod, knowing that they might have a chance if they fight together. They charge at Thanos one more time, and so does the Mad Titan before they clobber him with fierce punches and kicks, but somehow, Thanos gets the upper hand and picks up the Hulk only to slam him to the ground, denting the floor into a crater. As he turns to Y/N, he matches the speed of Y/N's punches and horrifyingly manages to break apart the four arms from his Vajra form before punching him in the gut and kicking him back.

As Y/N lays defeated beside Heimdall, the latter looks to Thor, who tries to attack Thanos but is pushed back by a punch and restrained by Ebony Maw, before he decides to do one final thing to warn Earth of the coming danger ahead.

"Allfathers... let the dark magic flow through me one last... time." His eyes glow a dark orange before the Bifrost whisks the Hulk away in it's bright rays back to Earth. Thanos notices this and walks over to the former keeper.

"That was a mistake." Thanos says before stabbing Heimdall with his own sword. Y/N's eyes widen in shock at the cold-bloodedness.

"FUCKING BASTARD!" Y/N roars with rage before sending one more punch to Thanos with the mantra that he has stored up for a while, his fist glows orange with anger and directs the hit to Thanos's stomach, pushing him a few feet backwards before kneeling down at Heimdall. "Stay with me, Heimdall, you're gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay."

" sword...Use it...for the people...of Asgard..." Heimdall speaks his last words before taking one final breath and succumbing to his wounds. As he lays there dead, Thor cries out with anguish over the death of a close friend.

"NO!!! You're going to die for that!" Thor shouts but Ebony Maw shuts him up with a piece of metal like he did with Y/N, who pulls out Hofund from the corpse of it's owner before turning back to the Black Order now feeling the effects of his injuries. He is then stabbed mercilessly in the stomach by Corvus Glaive, as he rips out his weapon from Y/N, who falls back down from the sudden loss of blood but manages to stay conscious.

" My humble personage... bows before your grandeur. No other being has ever had the might, nay the nobility, to wield not one, but two Infinity Stones. The universe lies within your grasp." Ebony Maw proclaims as he holds the Tesseract with one hand and takes a knee towards Thanos. The latter grabs the cube and crushes it in his hand to reveal the Space Stone, the most essential stone to him so that he may be able to conjure portals to travel through the universe with ease.

"There are two more Stones on Earth. Find them, my children, and bring them to me on Titan." Thanos orders The Black Order, who acknowledge this mission, when Loki emerges once more.

"If I might, interject... If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena." He offers.

"If you consider failure experience..." Thanos says, remembering the time when Loki failed to capture said planet.

"I consider experience, experience. Almighty Thanos. I, Loki, Prince of Asgard... Odinson... The rightful King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief, do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity." Loki says to his supposed "ruler" as he reveals a knife behind his back, but upon seeing this, Y/N groggily stands up, ignoring the pain from his injuries.

"If you even think about defecting to the wrong side, Loki..." Y/N starts off, pointing Hofund at the Trickster God. "Then I will see to it that you will die alongside him." As he goes to charge at Loki, he is unfortunately stabbed directly in the heart by said person, who looks at him with sadness in his eyes before leaning towards his ear.

"L/N, forgive me for this...but as I've said to my brother, the sun will shine on us again." Loki whispers before pulling the dagger out from his chest, causing Y/N to stumble a bit before falling back down, but this time, he fall unconscious finally succumbing to his injuries.

(Inside Y/N's mind)

Y/N jolts awake and quickly sits up from his lying position, and he is met with Asura, who is simply standing in front of his pupil with his arms crossed.

"Now you see why I opted for you to replace your body with a new one?" His master asks, knowing that he is right about it. Y/N sighs, inevitably agreeing with him.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, Asura...I've failed Thor, the people of Asgard, Heimdall, heck even Bruce for that matter. Now I'm really dead for sure..." Y/N dejectedly says, head down onto the white nothingness below the two of them.

"You are not dead, Y/N." Asura tells him, causing his pupil to look back up at his master. "From the moment I trained you, your Mantra allows you to persevere even in near-death. You are currently adrift in space, barely alive. Luckily, you're here, so the Seven Deities and I will help replace your body with a new one, one that is made up of the same metal your arms are made up of.

"Will it affect me in any way?" Y/N asks, looking at the arms that were given to him all those years ago.

"Only positives, you'll be much more resilient and you will become almost numb to pain. You will never have to eat or drink to sustain yourself any more, and yes, I know what you're thinking, you can still procreate." Asura informs him, and Y/N blushes at the last part of his statement before the Seven Deities come back into the mindscape and flank his master in both sides.

"Ready to become one of us, Y/N?" Yasha, Asura's brother-in-law and closest friend, asks him.

"I'm ready, time to become a Guardian General I presume..." Y/N says almost in a mutter before he is settled onto a table and strapped in as the process begins. He will come back a stronger warrior, and Thanos will never know what hit him...

A/N: Hey everyone, I just wanted to say that the book has reached 90k reads, making it one of the most read books on my profile, so thank you all for the support that you've given me. Also, I apologize for the rather short chapter, I've just been wrapped up with school that I barely have time to write, I know that's not much for an excuse, but I hope you guys understand.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading this chapter, please leave a vote and comment if you enjoyed, and I will see you in the next chapter. BYE!

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