Wrath vs Thanos Round 2, The Beginning of The End(Avengers: Infinity War 2018)

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(Before you start reading, since there are two Peters, Parker and Quill. I'll be referring to Peter Parker as Peter, and Peter Quill as Quill.)

The plan is set in motion, the fate of half the universe hangs on this conflict. Doctor Strange, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Starlord, Drax, Mantis, and Wrath. They may not be large in number, but they can stand a fighting chance against the Mad Titan, who is now on his way back to his homeworld once he acquires the Soul Stone on Voromir and realizes that the Time Stone is located with the Sorcerer Supreme. And so he arrives, a blue portal opens through seemingly out of nowhere, and out walks THE enemy himself, looking around at his once beloved home, finding no one there, not even his subordinate, Ebony Maw, who was supposed to extract the Time Stone from Doctor Strange. Speaking of him...

"Oh, you're much more of a Thanos." The Sorcerer Supreme quips, and said person stays silent for a few seconds before speaking.

"I take it that Maw is dead." Thanos assumes, and Strange simply nods in response to that assumption. "This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission." The Mad Titan says, looking at the silver lining that is the Eye of Agamotto, which houses the Infinity Stone.

"You may regret that. He brought you face-to-face with the Master of the Mystic Arts." Doctor Strange says, confident in his abilities and in his allies as they lie in wait. As he speaks, Thanos moves closer to the Sorcerer but stops just out of his reach.

"And where do you think he brought you?" He questions Strange.

"Let me guess. Your home?" Strange asks, and Thanos smiles, reminiscing of when his planet used to be so much better than what it is now.

"It was. And it was beautiful." He uses the Reality Stone to change the landscape into what it was before it's destruction as a red wave of energy moves around them like pulling back the curtain. "Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, and not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution."

"Genocide?" Strange asks before Thanos continues to speak.

"But at random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass." Soon the Mad Titan drops the illusion, reverting it back to the desolate landscape it is now.

"Congratulations. You're a prophet." Strange says sarcastically.

"I'm a survivor." Thanos fires back, glaring at the Sorcerer.

"Who wants to murder trillions."

"With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers, and they would all cease to exist. I call that...Mercy." Thanos explains, snapping his fingers on his right hand to emphasize how easy it could be to erase half of the universe. Then Strange stands up from his seat and slowly walks towards him.

"And then what?" He asks.

"I finally rest...And watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills." Thanos says, almost shedding a tear for some odd reason.

"I think you'll find our will equal to yours." Strange says, executing hand motions to bring up his Ruby Rings of Raggadorr shields, ready for the fight that's about to begin.

"Ours?" Thanos asks confused by this before looking up into the sky as a large piece of debris is sent down onto his head by none other than Wrath, who is in his Vajra form.

"What did I tell ya, Y/N? Piece o' cake, right?" Tony asks, Y/N, who starts to back away from the debris that has toppled onto Thanos.

"Mhm, piece of cake, if you planned to piss him off!" Y/N fires back before Tony flies in a little closer, only to be slightly sent back by an explosion caused by the Power Stone as Thanos roars in anger, escaping the debris. Then he uses the Reality Stone to transform all of the scattered pieces of rock and metal as they form into large bat-like creatures that start to swarm and fly at Tony, who does his best to escape the horde by using his weapons.

Back with Thanos, who is concentrating on using the Reality Stone to pressure Tony, Spider-Man webs up the Mad Titan's face, causing him to lose concentration before being hit by a kick to the face thanks to a web-swinging Arachnid hero. Drax uses this to slide on his knees and slice Thanos' back of the knee area, causing him to yell out in pain and slightly lower his stance before Y/N rushes in with Aatrox in his main right hand while the other five hands clench up to do some punching.

Both Drax and Y/N manages to whittle down the Mad Titan with punches and slashes even if the wielder of the Gauntlet has web in his eyes. As that happens, Starlord uses his rocket boots to circle around and find an opening to attack. Thanos, however, manages to block a strike from Drax before punching the Destroyer back into some debris before grabbing onto the blade of Aatrox and moves his head closer to Y/N, who maintains a glare at him.

"Oh, you're still alive." Thanos taunts him.

"Yeah, I hope you're ready for round 2, bitch!" Y/N then headbutts him, making him recoil from the pain but quickly recovers and attacks Y/N with a teep kick to the stomach, but the metal-armed man blocks it with all six of his arms. While that's happening Quill manages to get behind Thanos, using the floating rocks as stepping stones before firing at the back of Thanos. Then Doctor Strange helps out Starlord by creating more footholds to help him dodge the blast created by the Power Stone as Starlord gets over Thanos's head and places a cheeky shocking device just behind his head.

Then as he lands, Starlord retracts his helmet and raises a middle finger up to the Mad Titan to taunt him. "BOOM!" He yells out before jumping backwards into a portal made by Strange just as the device activates, shocking Thanos, stunning him as a result.

"Don't let him close his fist." Strange whispers to his Cloak of Levitation before it does just that, wrapping itself around Thanos's gauntlet, making it difficult to clench and use the Stones. With this distraction, Strange starts to create more portals that Spider-Man uses to his advantage while Y/N backs up the newbie.

"Magic!" Spider-Man says as he delivers a hook to Thanos's face and falls into a well-placed portal by Strange, which is then followed up by Wrath delivering uppercuts to the stomach with two of his right arms followed by an uppercuts to the jaw with all of his left arms. Thanos tries to attack Y/N, who manages to dodge the punches.

"More Magic!" Spider-Man says again, exiting a teleport behind Thanos, grabbing onto his head and delivers kicks to his stomach, using that as a boost to jump into another portal. Wrath then delivers machine gun punches to Thanos's upper body which ends with him using the flat of Aatrox's sword to smack him in the face.

"Magic with a kick!" Spider-Man calls out, kicking Thanos in the same spot he punched him and enters a portal afterwards. Then Wrath delivers a sextuple hammerfist to Thanos, who quickly recovers and teep kicks him away, sending him into some rocks.

"Magic with a-" Spider-Man goes to say, but Thanos predicts this and grabs him by the neck and choke slams him into the ground.

"Insect." Thanos says to him, annoy by these tricks before lifting him up and tossing him at Strange, knocking them out of the fight temporarily. Then the Mad Titan manages to rip the Cloak off of his hand and goes to use the Stones once more, but Tony comes in and uses missile salvos to do some damage to him. However, as he was consumed by the flames, Thanos uses both the combination of the Power Stone and the Space Stone to collect the fire towards his gauntlet and sends it out like a high-powered flame thrower at Tony, who gets knocked back by the force of the flames.

Spider-Man then webs up the Infinity Gauntlet and tries to pull it off of Thanos, but he merely yanks the web, sending Peter towards him before clotheslining the webslinger and rips out the webbing. Suddenly, a ship careens down onto Thanos, knocking him off of his feet for the first time since Hulk had slightly done the same. Wrath watches this and sprints towards the commotion.

As Thanos gets back up to his feet, a cyborg by the name of Nebula jumps out of the ship and strikes him in the back of the head.

"Well, well." He says to his daughter-figure, whose eyes are filled with rage.

"You should've killed me." Nebula says.

"Would've been a waste of parts!" Her ex-father-figure fires back before they begin to duke it out for a few second.

"Where's Gamora!?" She asks but gets back-handed by Thanos and sent into the arms of Wrath, who quickly helps her onto her feet.

"We haven't met before, have we?" Y/N asks to the cyborg.

"I don't care who you are, just help me kill him!" Nebula shouts at him before he nods to her and charges towards Thanos, whose gauntlet is now being restrained by Strange's Crimson Bands of Cyttorak. Using this opportunity, Drax tackles Thanos's legs and restrains the right one, with Wrath rushing towards them and strikes the Mad Titan where the sun don't shine and quickly goes to hold down the left leg with all six arms. Starlord, seeing this, uses the same device he had used on Tony, firing it on the ground as it latches onto Thanos's right arm. Spider-Man then uses his webs to restrain his torso before Tony flies in and takes over for Strange, holding the gauntlet as tight as he can.

Thanos yells out in frustration, trying his hardest to get out of this bind, focusing on Spider-Man first, but he uses the four robotic spider legs made with his suit to anchor himself to the ground and hold himself steady. Once the preparations were complete, Strange opens a portal above Thanos, and out comes Mantis who swiftly places her hands on both sides of the Mad Titan's temple, trying to place him in a catatonic state.

The Mad Titan yells out, trying to resist the mental takeover of his mind, but is powerless with all these people restraining him.

"Is he under? Don't let up." Tony asks, trying his best to pull out the gauntlet from Thanos's arm.

"Be quick.... He is very strong!" Mantis warns them, starting to cry for some reason.

"Parker, Y/N, help! Get over here." Tony calls out to the two of them, with Wrath releasing his hold on the left leg and starts to help pull with all six arms with Peter coming in to help as well. "She can't hold him much longer. Let's go. We gotta open his fingers to get it off!"

Then, Starlord regroups with the others and holsters his blasters, walking confidently towards Thanos, retracting his helmet as he does.

"I thought you'd be harder to catch. For the record, this was my plan." He says confidently before getting up at Thanos's face. "Not so strong now, huh? Where's Gamora?"

"... My... Gamora...?" Thanos manages to mutter out.

"Oh, bull–shit. Where is she?" He asks again.

"He is in anguish!" Mantis says, shocked by what she can feel inside his mind.

"Good!" Quill comments on her observation.

"He... he... he mourns!"

"What does this monster have to mourn?!" Drax asks, struggling to hold the right leg steady before Nebula pipes in finally understanding what has happened to her sister figure.

"Gamora." She lets out, causing Quill to turn his head to her. "He took her to Vormir. He came back with the Soul Stone...but she didn't."

Upon realizing this too, Quill's anger skyrockets, and Tony and Y/N can see it on his face.

"Okay, Quill, you gotta cool it right now, understand?" Tony shouts to him, trying to calm him down so that he won't jeopardize how close they are to finally getting the gauntlet off. "Don't, don't, don't engage, we've almost got this off!"

Realizing that his anger is not subsiding, Y/N decides to let go of the gauntlet and get up in Quill's face.

"DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING DO SOMETHING, QUILL! ONE WRONG MOVE AND WE LOSE EVERYTHING! SET ASIDE YOUR FUCKING ANGER AND WAIT FOR THE GAUNTLET TO BE REMOVED!" Y/N shouts at the top of his lungs before shoving him towards Nebula, who tightly grabs onto Quill's arm to stop him from moving closer.

Then slowly but surely, the gauntlet frees itself from Thanos's clutches before finally it is pulled off, with Spider-Man clutching onto it for dear life.

"I got it! The glove is off!" He lets out a shout of joy as everyone finally smiles in relief, it's over...

Or is it...?

The gauntlet in Peter's grasps starts to vanish in a cluster of red, the body of Thanos dissipates into the same red as before, and soon everyone realizes that they have been fooled by the Reality Stone...Then a thundering burst of purple from the Power Stone rocks everyone off of their feet, with Strange, Iron-Man, Spider-Man, Mantis, and Wrath not fully affected by the blast of the stone.

"I'm impressed. Unfortunately for you, I am tired of these games." The real Thanos reappears before he uses the full extent of the Power Stone and the Space Stone to grab onto the moon that once orbited Titan and hurls it directly towards the planet.

"No...IS HE INSANE!?" Y/N rhetorically asks in horror.

"He's called the Mad Titan for a reason, kid. FIND SOME COVER!" Aatrox shouts in his mind, and Y/N quickly rushes to find something to hide under but gets blasted away by a piece of the moon that impacted the planet near him, sending him colliding into an old building, putting him out of commission for the moment.

"DAMN IT! WAKE UP, KID!" Aatrox tries to wake up his host but he doesn't seem to be gaining consciousness any time soon. As pieces of the moon continue to fall, the bodies of Drax, Starlord, and Nebula all float upwards into the air thanks to the inconsistent gravity, causing Spider-Man to spring into action, webbing up everyone close to him.

With Thanos, Doctor Strange floats down onto a piece of floating rock, challenging the Mad Titan to a one on one duel. To start the duel, Strange conjures the Seven Suns of Sinnibus, slamming his hands down to the ground as a tether of energy chains from one floating rock to another before it zips towards Thanos, who jumps towards Strange to avoid the tether before firing a beam using the Power Stone. However, Strange uses the power of the Mirror Dimension to project a shield that blocks the beam before sending the shield towards Thanos, who uses the Power Stone to break through the Mirror Dimenstion and uses the Space Stone to turn it into a black hole which he then fires at the Sorcerer Supreme.

Luckily, Strange uses the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth to transmute the black hole into a cluster of butterflies that distracts Thanos for a moment before using one of his greatest spells, the Images of Ikonn, a spell that duplicates Strange in the dozens.

The clones all start to surround Thanos as they conjure magical whips that they then used to bind Thanos, however, Strange has forgotten one small thing...Thanos has not used the Soul Stone until now. With a clench of his fist, Thanos uses the Soul Stone to quickly dispel all of the duplicates, leaving the real Doctor Strange to be temporarily brought out into his Astral Projection. Then Thanos uses the Space Stone to pull Strange towars him, grasping the Sorcerer by the throat.

"You're full of tricks, wizard. But you never once used your greatest weapon." Thanos points out, ripping the Eye of Agamotta from around Strange, who lets out a "No!" in response to that. Then the Mad Titan crushes the necklace in his hand but doesn't feel the stone in the necklace at all. "A fake." He then throws Strange back and gets ready to inflict more pain on him when a large sword slams into the ground, crushing Thanos from the sheer weight and size of it.

"THANOS! COME! FACE THE GOD KILLER, AATROX! FOR I AM NOT YOUR ENEMY, I AM THE ENEMY!" Aatrox, who now towers over Thanos gets ready to strike as soon as the Mad Titan gets back up to his feet.

"A Darkin...I have not faced one of your kind in so long. I hope that you can provide me with a challenge." Thanos says, getting back up to his feet before feeling something dip down his face as he rubs his fingers onto the semi-large wound that has been made on his cheek. "And spill more that just a few drops of blood."

"I WILL DO MORE THAN JUST SPILL BLOOD! I WILL REND YOU OF YOUR FLESH UNTIL YOU ARE GRINDED INTO A FINE POWDER! MAD TITAN, NOW YOU DIE!" Aatrox then sends down his sword onto the Thanos once more, who uses the Power Stone to enhance his body to be able to block the sword with his bare hands as the ground starts to crumble beneath them. Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, and Tony manage to regroup with one another.

"Who brought giant, horned, and too angry to die to the party?" Tony asks, still with the same humor as he always has.

"That is a Darkin, a race of beings that were once warrior gods before they were corrupted and seal into various weapons. This one, Aatrox, is one of the strongest of his kind." Strange explains to both Peter and Tony as they continue to watch as Aatrox swiped Thanos away with ease, sending him flying into some debris.

"I just hope that this guy is on our side, Mr. Stark." Peter lets out his thoughts just as Thanos leaps out from the debris and lands a nasty punch to Aatrox head, cracking one of his horns clean off.

(Time Skip a few minutes later)

As Strange, Peter, and Tony stay back to get their bearings, both Thanos and Aatrox have expended all that they have, their fight already making them quite tired.

"You prove yourself an admirable foe, Mad Titan. Be thankful that my true form can only last for this much time if I wasn't breaking a sweat!" Aatrox says, using his sword as a support.

"I could say the same for you, Darkin." Thanos talks back before Aatrox's form reverts back into Y/N, who is also a little groggy from the sudden transformation as he takes a knee. This gives Tony the needed opportunity to fly towards his fellow Avengers teammate and land in front of him.

"You did good, Y/N. Let me take the wheel." He says to him, turning his head to look behind him.

"Stark..." Thanos deeply says, recognizing the person now.

"You know me?" Tony asks, turning back to the Mad Titan, slightly surprised that he knows of his name.

"I do." He replies. "You're not the only one cursed with knowledge."

"My only curse is you." Tony quips before devices located on his shoulders pop out and start to zip towards Thanos, who yells out "Come on!" to taunt Iron Man to give it everything he's got. The devices then explode near Thanos, acting like a short smokescreen before Tony soars towards him, using his nanobots to create a large battering ram like weapon on his feet and hits Thanos with him, flipping in the air and landing on the ground, the nanobots turning into large boot anchors before he creates two more battering rams, using his repulsors to boost the striking power, pushing Thanos's back against some rocks.

However, he recovers quickly and rips off Tony's helmet before going for a punch when another helmet forms from the nanobots to take the brunt of the punch but still knocks him down. Using this time, Thanos charges up the Power Stone and fires a beam at Tony, but Y/N rushes towards his friend and uses his normal metal arms to cover Tony from the blast, much like what Tony did for him when Thor tried to blast him with lightning back in 2012.

"On my go, Tony!" Y/N shouts out, readying himself to deflect the beam away from them.

"Ready when you are, kid." Tony responds before the metal-armed man pushes the beam off to the side as Tony soars towards Thanos, trapping his gauntlet arm with the nanobots as they form a clamp while he brings the gauntlet to the ground with this foot and creates another battering ram to strike Thanos in the cheek, making only a small wound, much smaller than the one he received thanks to Aatrox.

"Not even close to what the Darkin did." Thanos taunts before he rips the clamp off of him, causing Tony to flip in the air and land on his back before Y/N charges at the Mad Titan and starts to lay into him with punches, left jab, right jab, weave left, uppercut to the body, lean back, right hook to the cheek, slip right, double uppercut to the face before ending the combo with a double hammerfist. However that only serves to piss Thanos off as he begins to attack Y/N with his own punches that whittle away at his guard before using the Power Stone to blast him to where Tony lays.

Then the two Avengers turn to one another and nod.

"Together." They say in chorus before Tony fires off a repulsor beam with Y/N charging up his mantra for his own beam as they manage to push Thanos back for just a little bit, but the Mad Titan merely walks closer towards them and backhands Tony, breaking off more of the nanobots before striking Y/N with a stiff right punch that knocks him down to the ground. With Tony, he uses what little nanobots he has to create a sharp blade, but unfortunately Thanos breaks it off before Tony could use it and uses that same blade to stab Iron Man in the stomach.

"TONY!" Y/N cries out in horror as the billionaire lets out a gasp of shock as he is brought to his knees. With a fiery rage now ready to unleash, Y/N unleashes Mantra form and soars towards Thanos, connecting a devastating right hook to his jaw, causing the Mad Titan to stagger from the hit before Y/N fires out another set of machine gun blows, weakening him ever so slightly.

"THIS IS YOUR END! THAAAAANNNNOOOOSSS!" Y/N lets out one more shout of rage, charging up for one final punch as Thanos does the same with the help of the Power Stone before their blows clash, creating a massive shockwave that rocks the planet to it's core but also destroys Y/N's arm that clashes with the gauntlet. He tries to block another blow with the remaining arm that he has left, but it also crumbles away thanks to the Power Stone, but Y/N continues to fight on, using nothing but kicks and headbutts this time.

"You are a persistent one! Tell me your true name so that I may show you respect before I make half of humanity disappear." Thanos says, admiring the perseverance of Y/N.

"My name is Y/N L/N, and I. AM. Wrath!" He lets out one more shout before going for one more headbutt, but is ultimately knocked down by another punch.

"Then you and Stark have my respect. When I'm done, half of humanity will still be alive. I hope they remember the both of you." Thanos says before raising the Infinity Gauntlet towards Y/N first.

"K-Kid! Y/N!' Tony tries to shout out, but the blade in his stomach makes it difficult for him to raise his voice before...

"Stop!" Strange says, causing the Mad Titan to turn to the Sorcerer Supreme. "Spare their lives, and I will give you the stone." He proposes to him.

"No tricks." Thanos warns him before raising the gauntlet towards him this time.

"Strange, don't do it!" Y/N says, trying to get back up to his feet, ignoring the loss of his limbs, but the Doctor merely shakes his head and conjures the stone by plucking it out from the sky that is littered with stars. "DON'T! STRANGE!" No one said a word afterwards, as the Time Stone floats towards Thanos's hand, and as he goes to place it in, he hesitates for a moment before the stone is placed into the gauntlet like a piece of metal attracted to a magnet. The power of the Time Stone surges through Thanos as he inspects his almost complete gauntlet.

Suddenly, Quill fires with everything he has at Thanos, but the Mad Titan merely conjures another portal and steps backwards into it, leaving the defeated team to themselves.

"Why, Strange...? WHY DID YOU GIVE UP THE STONE!?" Y/N roars out in anger, in disbelief over the actions of the Sorcerer Supreme. As this happens, Tony manages to pull out the blade and cover up his wound with a spray that disinfects and acts as a bandage.

"We're in the Endgame now..." Doctor Strange cryptically says before the four of them begin to collect their bearings and regroup with Peter, Mantis, Nebula and Drax. And once they do, they all decide that it's time to head back to the Milano. A few minutes of silent walking, something starts to feel wrong with the universe.

"Something's happening." Mantis points out to everyone in the group as they all turn to her when she suddenly disappears into dust, horrifying everyone. Then, everyone turns to Drax, who slowly suffers the same fate.

"Quill...?" Drax softly calls out in worry before he too disappears, causing much worry within one of the last members of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

"Steady, Quill." Tony says, trying to calm him down, but it is useless as he too disappears into dust. Then Y/N turns to Doctor Strange, who is also looking to the now armless Wrath.

"There was no other way..." He tells him before he disappears as well, leaving Tony, Nebula, himself, and Peter, but...

"Mr. Stark, Mr. Wrath." Peter calls out to the two of them, and they quickly turn to see that the Arachnid hero looks to be in some sort of panicked state. "I don't feel so good..." He explains, looking down at his body to see that he is slowly turning to dust as well.

"You're alright." Tony reassures him, but Peter continues to panic, he is definitely not alright.

"I don't know what's happening. I don't know what's happening." He then rushes to Tony, embracing him in a panicked hug. "I don't wanna go...I don't wanna go...Mr. Stark, please..." He softly pleads, but all that does is bring tears to Y/N's face. Tony then sets Peter onto the ground before the web slinger says his final words.

"I'm sorry..." Peter whispers before he inevitably fades into dust as well. 

"Kid...I'm heading out too." Aatrox tells Y/N, who looks to the sword and sees that he is also disappearing from the tip of the blade down to the pommel. "You did all you could kid, but you heard that crazy doctor, there wasn't another way to go about this."

"I know...Aatrox...goodbye..." Y/N whispers to his sword, pressing the blade up to his forehead before the Darkin disappears as well. All that is now left of the team is Nebula, Iron Man, and Wrath.

"He did it..." Nebula points out, and all that Tony could do is sit down, covering his mouth in horror while Y/N walks a few steps away from then, gets down on his knees...and he lets out the loudest roar that he possibly can emit, hoping that the universe can hear his cry.

"THAAAAAAAAAAAANNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS!" Y/N shouts out before the tears start to pour down, the grief of losing trillions upon trillions of lives weighing heavily on himself.

"Y/N...don't lose hope. As the God of Mischief said, the sun will shine once again..." Asura hopes to reassure him, but all that his pupil can do is stay silent...

They had lost...

A/N: Hey guys, Infinity War is now complete. The time has come for the Beginning of the End. Endgame. And this part of the book is gonna play out a little differently, not only that, there will be not one, not two, but three endings, with varying levels of goodness so to speak. One Good Ending, One Neutral Ending, and One Bad Ending. I won't spoil what the endings will be, just know that the final battle will not just end with that. Other than that, thank you all so much for the support, it really means a lot to me. Please like and comment if you enjoyed, and I will see you all in the next chapter. BYE!

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