Chapter 2: Busted

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The Basilisk continued to float adrift as a large Nova Corps frigate flew towards them.

Gamora: It's a patrol ship. Designation: Hala's Hope.

Y/n: Hold up, Hala's Hope?!

Rocket hops out of his seat.

Rocket: Uh, (clears throat) there's uh... this thing... I gotta do. I'll be right back.

Rocket leaves the cockpit as Gamora points at the llama.

Gamora: We need to get rid of that animal now.

Y/n: I mean...

Gamora: I'm serious, Y/n. If it stays on the ship, we all go to jail.

Y/n: Gamora, it's a llama. How dangerous could it be?

Gamora: Remember Inaku B?

Y/n: Can't say I have.

Gamora: That's because they scorched the planet because an idiot smuggled in an Exolon.

Drax: (stands up) I will eject the beast into space-

Y/n: Whoa, whoa, whoa, don't eject the llama. It'll make us look guilty.

Gamora: It could be carrying Zefron's disease!

Y/n: Which is why, Drax will hide it the secret cargo compartment behind Groot's plants.

Suddenly a female, blue-skinned Centurion with white hair appears on screen.

Ko-Rel: Y/n. Alrox. Djarin.

Y/n: (mutters) Seriously, my middle name? (clears throat) Ko-Rel. It's been a few years. How've ya been?

Ko-Rel: I honestly don't know whether to be surprised or disappointed, Y/n.

Y/n: Ko-Rel, I'm doing what I've always been good at: surviving. If that's seriously a shock, then maybe you don't know me as well as you think you did.

Ko-Rel: That you're a junker trespassing in the most restricted area of space? Who consorts with thieves and murderers?

Rocket: (enters cockpit) Hey! Killing people for money ain't murder, lady.

Y/n: Look, Ko-Rel, just send your away team, and we'll submit to whatever restraints you think are necessary.

Gamora/Rocket: What?!

Ko-Rel: Just like that?

Y/n: Just like that. If there's a fine or something we have to pay, I'll handle it. Just let me come talk to you in your office and we'll work it out.

Ko-Rel: (sighs) You never cease to surprise me, Y/n. Good or bad. My team's on their way.

Y/n: Understood. See you in a tick.

Ko-Rel disconnects as Rocket and Gamora look at Y/n as if he'd lost it.

Gamora: Are you serious, Y/n?

Rocket: 'The flark's the matter with you?!

Y/n: Will you two chill out? I know Ko-Rel.

Drax then enters the cockpit carrying a crate of tech.

Drax: Y/n Djarin. I found these items in the cargo compartment behind the tree's plants.

Y/n: (fuming) Rocket...

Rocket: Okay, okay, it's a crate of illegal tech  I took from the QZ. Which also happens to be very valuable.

Y/n: You— what part of "no grave-robbing" refused to enter your furry skull?

Rocket: What?! We're on pirate ship! Even the flarkin' bulkheads are stolen!

Gamora: Well we can't fit both in the compartment.

Drax: I will eject the crate into space.

Rocket: Eject the crate and I melt your face! The Basilisk's weapon systems are four generations behind, Y/n. We need that tech, more than we need some stupid farm animal.

Gamora: That "farm animal" could be a class three biohazard. You wanna end up in the Kyln?

Y/n: Hide the llama.

Drax drops the crate.

Rocket: What?! What about my stuff?

Y/n: I should eject it into space to teach you a lesson. But, I have a secret compartment in my room that should be big enough to hold your flarkin' tech.

Rocket: (exhales) Thanks, Y-

Y/n: Thank me, by not starting anything with Nova Corps and getting straight to work on the weapon systems after we get out of this.

Rocket: Right, right.

Y/n: Now guys, I know Ko-Rel. Hopefully, I'll get her to go easy on us about being in the QZ. It's a good thing it's her ship and not some other random Nova Corps frigate, otherwise I doubt we'd be able to reason with them.

Rocket: ...You slept with a cop?!

Y/n: She wasn't a cop back then. The point is, she's one of the most reasonable people I've ever known. If all goes well and nobody starts something with Nova Corps, looking at you Rocket...

Rocket: Hey!

Y/n: Then we'll be out of here in a few hours and we'll be able to catch our fallback monster on-

Groot: (points at the viewport) I am Groot!

The Basilisk suddenly jerks as a ship attaches to the cargo port.

Y/n: And that'd be the boarding party.


The Guardians are taken from the Basilisk and onto the Hala's Hope. They all have restraining cuffs and have had their weapons taken.

A restraining bolt gets placed on BD-7's chest, angering Y/n.

Y/n: Hey! Get that thing off my droid!

Corpsman: Silence, prisoner. The commander has no time to meet with lawbreaking pirates like you.

Y/n: Buddy, if you knew who I really am, you wouldn't be calling me a pirate considering everything I did in the war. And FYI, we're legally employed mercs-for-hire.

Rocket: Yeah, that's right. You check those records, bucket-head. Nova Corps licensing permit 67398-2.

Corpsman: "Gardeners of the Galaxy"?

Y/n: Rocket!

Rocket: So I let Groot fill out the paperwork. I fixed it with an addendum.

Corpsman: "Not the most well-known heroes you could hire, but definitely in the top five of most awesome names...? Contributing members: Groot. A Flora colossus. Last of his kind. Fearless in a firefight and awesome best friend. Rocket. Bona fide super genius and a wizard with explosives. Definitely not a raccoon. Gamora. Adopted daughter of Thanos. Deadliest women in the galaxy, and has a soft spot for Y/n. Need we say more? Drax the Destroyer. Convicted serial murderer and Galactic War hero. Often grumpy. Last, and not least, Y/n Djarin. Former ruler of Mandalore that lost his homeworld to the Chitauri and fought against the remnants of the Empire and helped saved the galaxy numerical times. Can also use telekinesis which he calls "the Force".

The Corpsman stops shocked at Y/n's biography.

Corpsman: Men, remove those bindings from the Mandalorian.

Officer: Sir, but-

Corpsman: Now! This is the hero that slayed the Chitauri back hundreds of systems across the galaxy. If it weren't for him, the Nova Corps wouldn't have even been founded.

The officer nodded, removing Y/n's handcuffs.

Y/n: Thank you. Now can I have my Beskar sword, please?

Corpsman: Of course, sir!

Rocket: (clears throats insistently)

Y/n: Also, do my team members have to remain restrained?

Corpsman: I'm afraid so, sir.

Y/n: Understood.

Rocket: What?!

As Y/n was handed back his Beskar sword and BD-7 hopped on Y/n's back. a girl who looked to be at least over ten-years old squeezes to the front.

???: Sorry, excuse me, I just need to-

Corpsman: Cadet Gold? What are you doing here?

Cadet Gold: Oh, you don't know? Really? Says right here. Prisoner Processing Training. I'm your official trainee.

Y/n: Uh, no offense, kid, but are you kind of young for the Corps?

Cadet Gold: Aren't you a little old to be wearing a cape?

Gamora and Rocket snicker as Y/n clicks his tongue. Cadet Gold then noticed that Y/n was devoid of bindings and had his sword.

Cadet Gold: Sir, why is that pirate unrestrained and has a weapon?

Corpsman: You're looking Y/n Djarin, Cadet Gold. Conquerer of the Chitauri and Galactic War hero.

Cadet Gold looked shocked before rushing to him.

Cadet Gold: You're Y/n Djarin?! I've read all the war documents about you! I have so many questions, and-

Y/n: Uh, kind of slightly unprofessional talking to a "pirate" don't you think?

Cadet Gold stops fan-girling as she steps back.

Corpsman: I should check with the Captain.

Cadet Gold: No! No, no, no, no! She definitely signed off on this. You know how thorough she is about signing stuff.

Y/n: Look this is all very fascinating, but I kindly must request speaking to Centurion Ko-Rel about our fine or whatever punishment that has to be doled for being in the QZ.

Corpsman: Of course, sir.

The Corpsman and Cadet Gold lead Y/n and the Guardians down the hall.

Corpsman: Cadet Gold. You know the arrest protocols?

Cadet Gold: All memorized, sir. First thing we do-

Rocket: First thing you do is apologize. We're legitimate business-like folk on legitimate-like business.

Drax: We were not hunting for an illegal creature in illegal space. Illegally.

Y/n: Ignore my colleagues. They don't know when to be quiet.

A red ship docks inside the Hala's Hope and an old man walks out with a large beard and gold plates on his head.

Corpsman: (to the Guardians) Hold it right here. (to the old man) Is there a problem?

Old Man: Yes! No faith energy, no power. No power, no containment. A single spark—

Corpsman: The techs are looking at it. They say-

Old Man: They cannot even fathom! How can they fix what they cannot understand?!

Corpsman: Put the Grand Unifier's mind at ease. Run the scanners again!

Rocket: What the flark is a Grand Uni-flyer?

Cadet Gold: Grand Unifier Raker. Leader of the Church of Universal... something.

Y/n: Universal Truths. Though Universal Whackjobs equally fits the description too.

Cadet Gold: He was floating dead in the Quarantine Zone. Looking for "god" apparently. We caught him just like we caught you.

Y/n: Except unlike the Grand Unifier, I know the captain.

They then continued down the docking bay.

Y/n: Hopefully, Ko-Rel isn't in too much of a bad mood to sort this out.

Cadet Gold: For some reason Mom has actually been nervous to see you again. For reasons beyond my understanding.

Rocket: (snorts) I'll bet she is.

Y/n: Nobody asked you, furball.

Gamora: Wait, did she just say "Mom"?

Y/n: (quietly) Glad I wasn't the only one that heard that. (to Cadet Gold) So, time out. You mean to say that your Ko-Rel's—


Suddenly part of Raker's ship explodes and Cadet Gold gets blown over the railing and downwards to a lower platform, hitting the wing of a docked Nova Corp fighter.

Y/n: Hang on!

Y/n jumps over the railing.

Gamora: Y/N!

Rocket: What is he doing?!

Y/n stabs his sword into the wall and slows his descent before stopping at the fragile platform that Cadet Gold was at the very edge of.

Y/n: Cadet Gold! Kid, wake up!

Cadet Gold coughs and groans.

Y/n: You all right?

Cadet Gold: Yeah, yeah! I think so. Let me just see if I can-

The platform breaks more and Cadet Gold cries out as she falls, but suddenly stops as Y/n had dived to the edge and grabbed her wrist while holding onto what was left of the platform with his other hand.

Y/n: What's your name, kid?

Cadet Gold: N-Nikki.

Y/n: Nikki. Nice name. All right, Nikki, on three, I'm gonna swing you onto the platform.

Nikki: I don't think-

Y/n: Just trust me, kid. We can do this. On three! One, two, THREE!

Y/n pulls with all his might and swings Nikki onto the platform successfully. Y/n manages to pull himself up, but the platform creaks.

Y/n: (deadpan) Oh, scut.

The platform breaks and Y/n slips, but Nikki grabs his arms and stops him. She helps him up and they look down the hole.

Y/n: Guess we're even now, huh, kid?

Nikki: Yeah, (pants) I guess so. Mom wouldn't be impressed if I lost my first prisoner.

Y/n: Really? That's your takeaway from all this?

Nikki: Come on. We need to get out of here. There's a blast door around the corner, we'll be safe there.

Y/n: Hold on. Nikki!

Y/n grabs his sword out of the wall and chases after the girl, ducking and squeezing through wreckage.

Nikki: I knew there was something off about that church. Who goes fishing for god in a junkyard?

Y/n: I've seen and heard crazier, believe it or not.

They're then halted by the blast door Nikki spoke of which was locked. Nikki takes a pad out of her pocket and begins to type on it.

Nikki: Just give me a sec. Come on! Come on!

Y/n: Kid-

Nikki: Hang on!

Y/n: For the love of-

Y/n moved Nikki out of the way and drove his sword into the edge of the seal and pried the door open. He pulls the door open and nods for Nikki to go.

Nikki: I had it, you know.

Y/n: Kid, there's a time to be stubborn and there's a time when you need help. And I don't plan to be burned to a crisp because you were too prideful to admit you needed a hand.

Nikki just huffs in annoyance as she nudges past him. As they descend down a stairwell, Nikki receives a ping on her pad and looks at it.

Nikki: Okay, so I've got good news and bad news. Which do you wanna hear first?

Y/n: Bad, I guess?

Nikki: Your friends have been processed and taken to the brig.

Y/n: So what's the good news then?

Nikki: They're not dead.

Y/n: (sigh) Wish BD was here. He'd be able to get us to the bridge.

Nikki: We don't need help. I know what I'm doing.

Y/n: (sarcastically) Right. Getting blown off a walkway and nearly getting flattened definitely falls into "I know what I'm doing."

Nikki: I didn't ask for your opinion.

Y/n: And I could've let you go splat back at the docking bay. And yet, here we are.

A maintenance bot rolls by and Y/n sees it has a face painted on it.

Y/n: Uh, does that bot have paint on it?

Nikki: What? Oh, yeah. That's just Itz. I, um, I know all the bots down here. They're kind of my friends. I reprogrammed most of them.

Y/n: So you're a techie, huh?

Nikki: Kind of.

Y/n: Does your mother know you hang out down here?

Nikki: Probably not. But what else am I gonna do? It's not like there are other kids on board.

Y/n: I sympathize with that. Growing up as a bounty hunter with my father, well, you don't make too many friends when you're hunting them down for money.

Nikki: Wait, I thought Mandalorians were warriors?

Y/n: Is that what your mom said or is that what you generally thought after reading our history?

Nikki: Reading your history.

Y/n: Yeah, well, warrior or not, we all need to eat. And that's what we did to survive. And after a lot of battles, ambushes, traps, and near-death experiences, one thing lead to another and I was the next ruler of Mandalore.

The pair see a bunch of wreckage blocking their way.

Nikki: Now what?

Y/n: We climb. Wrap your arms and legs around me and we'll head up.

Nikki hesitantly does what Y/n told her and he jumps up, climbing to the top.

Nikki: So, what was Mandalore like?

Y/n: When the Empire was still around, the entire planet was nothing but barren wastelands. And when we rebuilt, it was a paradise. Five years of peace and prosperity. Until the Chitauri came.

Nikki: How'd you meet my mom?

Y/n: After Mandalore was destroyed, I was taken prisoner by the Chitauri and brought before the Mad Titan himself.

Nikki: (shocked) Thanos?!

Y/n: He offered me a choice: either serve his cause and my fellow Mandalorian survivors would go free, or refuse and watch them die. I refused... and Thanos personally slaughtered my people, forcing me to watch as he struck them down... for several years I was his prisoner. Until Gamora, his daughter, freed me. We both found refuge, and I use that word in the loosest sense, with the Kree. And it was among them I met Ko-Rel. She helped me exact my revenge on the Chitauri for obliterating my home and my people.

They make it to the top and Y/n sets Nikki down.

Nikki: I'm so sorry, Y/n.

Y/n: The past is the past, kid. And no matter how badly I'd wanna go back and save my home, my people... my Dad... I can't. Because it's impossible.

Nikki crawls underneath a pipeline and Y/n follows.

Nikki: So, how close were you and my mom?

Y/n: Pretty close.

Nikki: Like, just general "close" or "close-close"?

Y/n: "Close-close". I would've stayed and helped her rebuild, but when I heard that some Mandalorians were here in the Andromeda galaxy, I had to try and find them. But it was all for nothing. My people are gone for good. I'm probably the last Mandalorian alive.

Nikki: Why didn't you go back to her after your search?

Y/n: I searched this galaxy for years to see if any of my people were here. And I honestly thought too much time had passed for me to go back to Ko-Rel. Thought she'd have moved on. Which I guess she has, cause she's got you now. What's your dad like?

Nikki: I don't know. I've asked my mom about who my father is, but she's always hesitant to answer or comes up with something else to talk about or do something "constructive".

Y/n: That's Ko-Rel, all right. Always thinking on her feet.

Nikki: (scoffs) Yeah. But most of the time, she's really controlling, and bossy, and judgemental. (mockingly) "You're just a kid, Nikki. You don't know what's good for you, Nikki. Stay out of the escape pods, Nikki."

Y/n: With everything that's just happened, kid, I kind of think your mom's over-protectiveness is somewhat justified in this instance.

Nikki: That's- okay, maybe in this instance, but not every second of every day! I mean, she's just so frustrating!

Y/n: Nikki, if your mom didn't place rules and boundaries on you like this, then she wouldn't have even wanted you in her life. Keep in mind, she's an enforcer of the galaxy. Meaning she has to fight a lot of dangerous people and beings. And she's got enough to worry about without her rebellious daughter running around behind her back.

Nikki: You're taking her side?!

Y/n: Kid, one day something's gonna happen and you won't be able to stop it. And if the last thing you and your mother did was fight before that thing happens, you will hate yourself for the rest of your life, wishing you could've taken back all the things you said or did to her.

Nikki remains silent as they then enter a yellow-lighted room with paintings all around.

Y/n: (whistle) This is... interesting.

Nikki: Don't laugh.

Y/n: No, no, this is really good artistry. If being a Corpsman doesn't work out in the future, an artist could be your fallback plan. Are we staying here, or...?

Nikki: No. I just need to check on Ultimo. His gyros have been all screwy.

Y/n walks to an open room and was about to peek inside, but it shuts before he could look.

Nikki: Hey! Secret stuff. Off limits.

Y/n: I know when to respect a girl's privacy.

Nikki: Anyway, I'm all done here. We should probably get back. Before Mom freaks.

Y/n: At this point? I imagine she probably has.

Nikki: It's like, I'm not a kid anymore!

Y/n: Nikki, you're what? Eleven, twelve? You ARE a kid.

Nikki: I'm old enough do the things she says I can't do!

Y/n: Have you ever shot a blaster before?

Nikki: Uh, no?

Y/n: Have you ever captured someone and done it without help?

Nikki: No...?

Y/n: Have you ever taken a life?

Nikki: ...

Y/n: Then you can't fault your mom. We talked about this, kid. Take it to heart. Because I'm speaking from experience.

Nikki doesn't respond as they approach another door.

Nikki: Almost at the elevator. We're home free.

Nikki then uses her pad again to get the door open.

Nikki: Almost there. Just, give me a sec.

Y/n: Do I need to pry it open again?

Nikki: Yes! Got it!

The door opens and five Nova Corps soldiers are there, the middle being a Centurion.

Nikki: Mom? I can explain.

Ko-Rel takes off her helmet and hands it to one of her men, walking forward and hugging Nikki.

Ko-Rel: (exhales) Nikki...

Nikki: I'm fine, Mom. Seriously. A-okay. Barely a scratch.

Ko-Rel pulls back and looks at Nikki, sternly.

Ko-Rel: What in Hala's name were you thinking?! Sneaking out with an arresting squad? Running around with criminals?

Y/n: Gonna pretend I didn't hear that.

Ko-Rel: You almost died! Do you have any idea how grounded you are right now?

Nikki: Mom! You promised you'd give me more leeway.

Ko-Rel: Leeway doesn't mean lying to my officers. Or sneaking around behind my back.

Nikki: Like it's my fault some guy's ship blew up?

Ko-Rel: Restricted areas are restricted for a reason!

Nikki: You treat me like a prisoner!

Ko-Rel! You're a child! Are you even listening?!

Y/n: HEY!

Y/n gets between the mother and daughter, pulling them apart.

Y/n: A lot of scut has happened today, no denying that. But how about we all take a deep breath and just be glad everyone is alive and not dead?

Ko-Rel exhales as Nikki folds her arms.

Y/n: (to Ko-Rel) This isn't an argument you should be having in front your men.

Ko-Rel breathes through her nose and turns to her squad.

Ko-Rel: Make sure the fire is out and the hangar is secure.

Corpsman #1: Yes, Commander.

Ko-Rel: And find out why that churchman's shuttle exploded.

Corpsman #2: Grand Unifier Raker has been less than cooperative.

Ko-Rel: Make him cooperate.

Ko-Rel turns to Y/n and Nikki.

Ko-Rel: And you two, with me.

Y/n and Nikki follow Ko-Rel to the elevator, which opens.

Nikki: I knew you'd overreact. You always overreact! Even Y/n was saying so.

Y/n: Whoa, whoa, hold on. I never said-

Ko-Rel: Oh, really? I find that very hard to believe. So I suggest you worry less about what Y/n said and worry more about what I'm saying now. What you did was extremely dangerous.

Y/n: While she shouldn't have been in the docking bay, Nikki was actually somewhat resourceful in getting us back here. Plus, she did save my life. Believe it or not.

Ko-Rel: Neither of you would have been in danger if Nikki knew how to listen to simple instructions.

Y/n: She didn't have anything to do with Raker's ship going BLAMO!

Ko-Rel: It still doesn't change the fact that she shouldn't have been anywhere near there.

COMM: Upper level: Captain's Quarters.

Nikki: Finally.

Ko-Rel: Initiate lockdown.

Suddenly the elevator locks and the lights turns red.

COMM: Lockdown initiated.

Y/n: Huh. Neat trick. Should use that on Rocket's room.

Nikki: (scoffs) What, are you gonna kill us?

Ko-Rel: In theory, these doors don't open until I say so.

Nikki: Yeah, I know how lockdown works.

Ko-Rel: I don't think you do. Because somehow you keep bypassing every security measure on this ship. And I want to know how. Or you can just show me.

Nikki: Mom.

Y/n: Nikki.

Nikki looks at Y/n as he nods at Ko-Rel.

Y/n: Remember what we talked about.

Nikki: But-

Y/n crosses his arms staring at her as she sighs and took out her tool pad.

Nikki: Here. This is what I've been using to get around the ship. I made a bypass algorithm that lets me override the Hala's Hope's security systems.

Ko-Rel looks at Y/n before back at her daughter and taking the pad.

Ko-Rel: Thank you. Disengage lockdown.

COMM: Lockdown disengaged.

The lights then return to normal.

Nikki: Since I was honest, can I go help secure the hangar?

Ko-Rel: No. You can go back to your quarters and stay there for the next thirty rotations.

Nikki: But Mom!

Ko-Rel: I can make it thirty cycles!

Nikki huffs before looking at Y/n.

Nikki: Thanks a lot, pirate.

Nikki heads to her room, as Y/n just shakes his head. Ko-Rel leads Y/n into her office, looking out at the viewport as Y/n leans against the wall.

Y/n: Today has certainly been... unique. Exploding ships, QZ trespassers, and your little girl missing.

Ko-Rel: You have no idea.

Y/n pushes himself off the wall and stands next to Ko-Rel, looking out into space.

Y/n: We travel all over the galaxy to hundreds, if not thousands of different places... but we never stop to take in the beauty of just open space. No planets, or asteroids, or ships, just stars and beautiful colors all over.

Ko-Rel: I can't decide if that's poetic or you trying to get on my good side.

Y/n: When was I ever on your bad side?

Ko-Rel just chuckles before letting a slow sigh. She then stares at his helmet, not meeting his T-visor.

Ko-Rel: Can you take that thing off? I can always talk to you better without it.

Ko-Rel drags her fingers along Y/n's helmet, making him grab her wrist.

Y/n: You know how I feel about what's under here.

Ko-Rel: And when have I ever judged you for it?

Y/n inhales before quietly exhaling and taking off his helmet and showing her his scarred face from the war.


Ko-Rel: I honestly don't know why you still cover your face.

Y/n: You might not care how I look, but I do. And I'm not anxious to find out what the others will think seeing this. Besides, you were always a bad influence on me.

Ko-Rel: Excuse me? You were a worse one.

Y/n: Oh, really? I showed you how to loosen up once in a while.

Ko-Rel: (giggles) By pissing off the Ravagers?

Y/n: Ha! Good times...

Ko-Rel: Someone has missed you. Pretty badly.

Ko-Rel lets out a whistle and they both hear scurrying as a reptilian dog runs to them.


The massiff barks and tackles Y/n down, licking his helmet. Y/n laughs as Ko-Rel chuckles at man and beast reunion.

Y/n: Yeah, I missed you too, bud! You been taking good care of Ko-Rel? Huh?

Ko-Rel: Nikki looked after him when my duties started to pile. You can take him back if you want. He constantly missed you.

Y/n: And I missed him. But, I did order him to look out for you. And it seems he's done a pretty good job so far.

Ko-Rel chuckles then lets out relaxed sigh.

Ko-Rel: Koran... isn't the only one that's missed you, Y/n.

Ko-Rel grabs Y/n's hand, making him meet her eyes. Y/n began to lean in as did Ko-Rel, until their lips met. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his around her back.

Y/n then drew away, realizing what he'd done.

Y/n: Ko-Rel, I... it's been over a decade, since we saw one another. And in that time, me and Gamora...

Ko-Rel: (looks down) I understand. You're right.

Y/n: Plus, it seems you've moved on as well. (sits on her desk) Seeing as how you have a daughter.

Ko-Rel: (sits next to him) Yes.

Y/n: One I know you didn't have during the war. Who seems like she's 11 or 12, around the same time I left to look for my people. Ko-Rel do I need to do the math any further?

Ko-Rel: Y/n... when I saw that it was your ship we tethered, part of me was excited. But after seeing you do this? I-

Y/n: Ko-Rel, I told you. This is who I am. It's what I've always been good at. I'm no hero or innocent civilian. And if there's a fine we have to pay-

Ko-Rel: There is. Eight-thousand units.

Y/n: ...Okay, somewhat more than I expected, but I thankfully have a solution to that.

Y/n stands and takes his sword off his back, holding it out to her.

Y/n: My sword should be worth about ten-thousand units. And the extra two-thousand you can use to, I don't know, help maybe get Nikki and yourself something nice.

Ko-Rel: Y/n... I can't take your sword.

Y/n: Relax. I've still got the darksaber. And my blasters.

Ko-Rel slowly takes the blade from the Mandalorian's hands and watched as it glistened from the light of the room.

Y/n: Will that work?

Ko-Rel: Yeah... it'll do.

Y/n: Well... if you can tell your men to let my team go and... we'll be out of your hair.

Y/n kneels down and scratches Koran's neck.

Y/n: Keep being a good boy for Ko-Rel and Nikki. Okay, pal?

Koran whines as Y/n stands.

Y/n: ...Take care, Ko-Rel.

As Y/n heads for the door, Ko-Rel grabs his arm.

Ko-Rel: Y/n, wait. Just...

Ko-Rel leans in and kisses his cheek.

Ko-Rel: In case I don't get another chance to do that.

Y/n: Once we take care of our business trip, I'll find you. Because we're gonna have to have a long talk regarding that little girl you grounded.

Y/n puts his helmet on and exits Ko-Rel's office, leaving the Kree women sighing sadly.


The Guardians were back aboard the Basilisk, looking at Ko-Rel on-screen.

Ko-Rel: Stay safe out there, Y/n.

Y/n: You too, Ko-Rel. Take care. And like I said, once we're finished with our mission, we're gonna have a long talk.

The Hala's Hope then starts heading into the QZ as the Basilisk takes off.

Rocket spins in his chair, facing Y/n.

Rocket: Okay, Y/n. I gotta admit, you got skills, man. No fine, no Nova tracker on my ship-

Y/n: My ship.

Rocket: AND we're scot-free with all our stuff. What'd you do? Sleep with the lady cop again?

Y/n: One: That's none of your flarking business. And Two: I didn't.

Gamora: (suspiciously) Y/n...

Y/n: I DIDN'T! It's like I said, Ko-Rel is a reasonable person.

Drax: While we are devoid of being sent to the Kyln, we still have no beast to present to the Monster Queen of Seknarf Nine.

Y/n: Which is why we still have my fallback plan.

Rocket: So where exactly are we gonna find a monster as good as the one we saw in the QZ?

Y/n: Easy... Felucia.

Rocket: Felucia?! That place is infested with-

Y/n tilts his head, staring at him with an "obviously" look.

Rocket: Ohhhhh... that's big brain, Y/n! One of those oughta get us a decent score!

Gamora: Wait, what's on Felucia?

Y/n: You'll see. Strap in people! Setting in the coordinates for Felucia.

Groot: I am Groot?

Rocket: Relax, bud. If he got us out of that, I'm sure he's got a plan for catching a monster. Right, Y/n?

Y/n: Yep... though I gotta be honest, you're not gonna like it.

Rocket: (somewhat nervous) Why?

Y/n: I'd rather not say till we get there. Coordinates for Felucia are punched in.

BD-7: (beeps inquisitively)

Y/n: (quietly) Oh, yeah. That's why.

The Basilisk then enters hyperspace towards their new potential prize.


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