Chapter 6: The Electric Villain! The Electro!

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Ben Parker: Hello, everyone again. Welcome back to chapter 6 of Spider-Man. After Tanjiro explains to the Service Club what's happened to him and tells them the truth about where he came from. Kingpin plans to make the Devil's Breath again but this time it gonna be Tokyo, and Spider-Man defeats Rhino and arrests him. What will happen next? Find out on the next chapter, shall we?


2 Months Later... At The Apartment. Night Time.

The camera shows Tanjiro sleeping on the bed normally at night. He had a good sleep but he had a dream on the bed, he slept peacefully.

Tanjiro dreaming about eating Pizza, and he dream about taking the Pizza box and opening it, it is Pepperoni Pizza as he love to eat it.

Tanjiro: *Mumbling* Pizza time~

Tanjiro moves around the bed a bit as he is sleeping. He is dreaming when he was in certain doctor who was Lizard Man, he is in the Doctor's class.

Tanjiro: *Snoring* Oh no, Dr. Connors class!

Inside the dream, Spider-Man swings the web around the city and has fun. He sees a lot of people wave at him while he waves at them.

Spider-Man: Wooohooo!

Spider-Man lands on the rooftop of a Tokyo building, he sees the huge TV Screen on the building and shows it is Spider-Man symbol on the huge TV Screen.

Spider-Man: Hey, It's my symbol! *Smirk*

Spider-Man jump off as he web swing but strangely he didn't see many people around the city, he land down on the city and didn't see no one there.

Spider-Man: *Confused* Where is everybody?

Spider-Man confuse and wonder where is everyone else, he looks around the city before seeing nobody there, he check around the place and find anyone there.

Spider-Man: Hello. Is anybody here?

Spider-Man felt tense as he didn't no one there, he thought it was a good dream but something far worse make him afraid and thought like a monster.

Spider-Man: *Worried* Hello? Anyone?

Spider-Man spots a shadow figure and looks at the shadow figure, why his Spider-Sense didn't warn him about the shadow person and why does he get a bad feeling.

Spider-Man: There a person over there! Why my spider sense didn't warn it? Weird.

Spider-Man gets close to the person as he feels something wrong with the person, and why is he afraid of the shadow person that is covered in a dark aura.

Spider-Man: H-Hey there, did something wrong Mister?

Spider-Man grabs the shadow person's shoulder before he has a huge grin with white eyes, he turns into a black goo and covers Spider-Man's suit. Making Spider-Man shocked.

Spider-Man: *Shocked* WHAT'S THE?! AHHH!!!

Spider-Man is covered in a black goo as the black goo gonna cover himself, he tries to grab it as he tries to escape from black goo alien things.

Spider-Man try to get the black goo from his body, he is confused and scared that there is black goo exists, and why he can't get it off.

Spider-Man: Get off me! *Struggled ripping the goo out*

The ground turns into a black goo, and Spider-Man slowly sinks inside the black goo as he tries to escape from the black goo he didn't know the ground turned into a black goo.

Spider-Man: Somebody, help!

Spider-Man shoots the web on a building as he tries to escape but the black tendrils putting him down, drag him down to the black goo. He was shocked and scared.

Spider-Man: Let's me go! *Shoot a web on a building*

Spider-Man tried to reach a hand as he tried to grab something but the black tendril grabbed him into the void of nothing, he was inside the black void before suddenly a mouth jumped and ate him alive.

Spider-Man: AHHHHH!!!!

Then the screen turned black until a symbol formed is look like a White Spider Logo symbol on the screen which made Spider-Man shocked to see it.

Tanjiro wake up as he is screaming after he see the big white spider logo inside his dream, he woke up confused and freaked out what's happened to him.

Tanjiro: *Scream*

Then he heard someone banging the wall which made Tanjiro start and shocked, he heard a voice yelling at the wall. Is was his Neighbour.

Neighbor: *Offscreen* CAN YOU SHUT UP?! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!

Tanjiro: AH! I'm soo sorry!!!

Tanjiro holds his forehead as he is taking a deep breath, he is scared about that dream and why would it remind him of the certain black suit.

Tanjiro: Oh god... What kind of dream is that? Also why it reminds me of certain black goo aliens anyway?!

This makes Tanjiro scared as he feels a heartbeat in himself, he needs some water to calm himself down. He was confused, scared, and shocked.

Tanjiro: I need some water?! The fridge!

Tanjiro rushes to the fridge and opens the fridge. He grabbed a bottle and drank a water bottle a lot plus he was panic and got anxiety.

Tanjiro: *Anxiety drinking water bottle*

Tanjiro wiped his mouth after he drank the water, he was afraid shocked, and scared. He feels relief after he drinks the water bottle.

Tanjiro: *Sigh in relived* Hahhh... Hahhh... That's feel better now... Man that's was terrifying...!?

Tanjiro looked at his suit in the closet as he was confused and looked at his suit, and he knew his suit looked the same as he wondered why he had that dream.

Tanjiro: My suit...

He looked at the Spider-Man mask lying on the ground as he wearing the suit and was confused and wondering why he had that dream about the black goo.

Tanjiro thinks about the black goo and that huge grin, it reminds him of the alien goo monsters when he sees in the Spider-Man Series. He knows who it is.

Tanjiro: It's can't be right, does is mean that's Alien gonna appeared soon? I need to make sure.

Tanjiro sighed as he heard the door knock in the middle night, he wondered who it was and why people knocking the door to his room.

Tanjiro: Huh?

The letter came out from the door under the gap, Tanjiro grabbed the letter and saw someone who had sent the letter to him, he wondered who it is.

Tanjiro: A letter? Who could it be?

As Tanjiro opened the letter and read it, he wide his eyes it was from the Landlord who wanted payment, making him shocked and scared.

Tanjiro: *Eyes Widen* Oh no... The payment!?

Then Tanjiro read the letter and wondered what does Landlord saying to him, as he read the words from the letter even the Landlord told him to pay the rent.

"Mr. Kumoshi. It's been a month since you haven't paid me the rent, since you keep focusing on your studies at school. I want you to pay me the rent, but if you won't... You gonna get kicked out of this place."

-From Mr. Asuka Shouichi-

Tanjiro was shocked that he hadn't paid the rent and he gonna be kicked out of the apartment, he wide eyes in shocked even a bit scared that he gonna get kicked out.

Tanjiro: *Shocked*

Tanjiro looked at the price on the letter, and saw it was... 500.000 Yen?! Making him shocked that he gonna pay the Landlord 500.000 Yen for the rent.


Tanjiro slumped down as he knew he couldn't afford any kind of rent. He didn't know what he gonna do with his money otherwise he would go homeless.

Tanjiro: I can't afford this kind of Rent?! I would goes homeless if I don't do something!?

Tanjiro sighs as he better look for his job because he can't use his Uncle's inheritance money too much. He hopes that he can find a way to get the job for the money.

Tanjiro: *Sigh* Guess is time to get a part time job to make end meets, I can't replies on my Uncle inheritance money anymore. It's slowly going to ran out soon...

Tanjiro sighed as he decided to do his job but the police radio heard from the device, he decided to listen to the police radio because there was a crime activity.

Police Radio: Dispatch, there a bunch of punks doing a B&E at the couple blocks. Sending a Officer over there now.

Tanjiro sighed as he knew there was criminal activity around the place and found himself in a situation between his money rent and his vigilante job.

Tanjiro: Oh great, more criminal scumbags to take care off. Time to step in as Noisy Spidey.

Tanjiro wearing his mask as he is ready to go and ready to stop the criminals. He puts his mask on as his lens is activated and shows camera videos.

Spider-Man opens the window and is ready to go, even though it's still midnight for him. He needs to finish this job quickly to get sleep for tomorrow.

Spider-Man: Gonna done this quick to get back to sleep for tomorrow school and finding a job.

Spider-Man swings the web away and leaves the apartment before heading to the crime scene location, he hoping that he needs to get some sleep.

Spider-Man web swing away but he didn't know that another Spider-Man is watching him from far away, he is sitting on the rooftop and look at Spider-Man.

???: So that's where Peter Parker's Successor lived, huh? Guess I finally see him.

The black and red Spider-Man sighed as he knew he gonna see the Spider-Man someday in the future but it was not the right time, he decided to check back the place.

???: Well, hope we meet again.

The black and red Spider-Man headed back to land, by climbing down on stair case of the building as he was afraid of the height like certain original black and red Spider-Man.

On The Next Day. At Edo Academy.

Tanjiro sighs with his black eyes on his face, he feels sleepy, down, and sad that he deals with hero stuff and payment rent. He feels like he needs a break.

Tanjiro: *Sigh* This suck... What's should I do now...? I will get evicted if I don't do something about it. I seriously need to find a Job...

???: Hmm, Tanjiro? Why you look tired today?

Tanjiro: Huh? That's voice....?

Tanjiro turned to see it was Miku Nakano holding her lunch box, she looked at Tanjiro with worry. Tanjiro wonders why Miku is here.

Tanjiro: Nakano-San? Are you here for lunch?

Miku: Um, this is where I eat my lunch all the time with my Sisters. Tanjiro. What's about you?

Tanjiro: Oh I see, Nakano-San. I'm just sitting here.

Miku: J-Just called me Miku, Tanjiro. Please don't be formal calling me by my surname.

Tanjiro: Oh my bad, sorry is just you and your Sisters are soo lookalike. *Awkward laugh*

Miku: It's fine, don't worry about it.

Miku looks at Tanjiro as she is confused as to why he looks so down and sad, Tanjiro notices Miku looking at him as she has worried looks.

Miku: Why you look soo down today, Tanjiro. Something happened?

Tanjiro: *Sigh* I have to pay the rent for the apartment where I live.

Miku: You have trouble on the Rent for your Apartment?

Tanjiro: Well...

Tanjiro explained to Miku that he needed to pay 500.000 Yen for the rent, and he had been looking for jobs to pay the rent otherwise he gonna get evicted.


Tanjiro: I know right? The rent cost is outrageous! That's why I need to look for a job to pay it off the debt.

Miku: That sound bad... I wonder why they increased the rent?

Tanjiro: I wonder it too... Also Miku-San, what you think about Spider-Man? I heard he took down a big Supervillain named Rhino 2 month ago.

Miku: Spider-Man? Are you talking about the Masked Vigilante on the social media?

Tanjiro: Yep, what's you think of him? I think he's pretty cool.

Miku thought about Spider-Man, she remembered him saving her elder sister from kidnappers. She curious about Spider-Man since she watch the news about Spider-Man.

Miku: I'm glad Spider-Man defeated Rhino, I want to say thanks to him after he saved Ichika a long time ago. *Blushes* E-Even wants to have an autograph.

Tanjiro: Oh I see.... *Realize* That's it! I know which jobs!

Miku: Oh? What's Job it's gonna be, Tanjiro?

Tanjiro: I decide that I gonna be photographer.

Making Miku surprised to learn that Tanjiro wanted to become a photographer, and wondered why Tanjiro decided to became a photographer.

Miku: Photography? You want to make money by selling photos?

Tanjiro: Yep! Not normal photo, I will take some pictures of Spider-Man to sell the photos of him for a newspaper company.

Miku: Oh make sense!

Tanjiro: Yep, I did bring my camera with me here. I was thinking of making some money by taken Pictures of Spider-Man.

Miku: Can you show me?

Tanjiro: Sure.

Tanjiro took out his Camera, it was a Canon EOS R6, the camera that Tanjiro owned but the one that he got it from his world when he brought it with him.

Miku looks at Tanjiro's camera, and Tanjiro lets Miku hold it, Miku holds Tanjiro's camera as the camera looks good than usual.

Tanjiro: Yep, what's you think? This camera costed 30.000 Yen.

Miku: Whoa, and the camera looks good. Where did you buy it?

Tanjiro: I got it from my Uncle as my birthday present. I always love photography beside science.

Miku: I see... Speaking of the camera, I found some interesting news.

Tanjiro: Huh? Is there a Newspaper Company for me to sell pictures?

Miku: Yeah, there is a newspaper company that opened few month ago.

Tanjiro: Eh? An new newspaper company that open few months ago? Can you tell me more, Miku-San?

Miku: Well, it from America and they opened a new branch in Japan. It called Daily Bugle.

Miku shows her phone to Tanjiro about the newspaper company in the internet, making Tanjiro wide his eyes to see a familiar logo.

Tanjiro: *Shocked* N-No way?! The Daily Bugle!?

Miku: Eh? Is something wrong?

Tanjiro: I know this Newspaper Company branch!

Miku: You do?

The scene shows the poster has a title name with a trumpet showing the world, it was Daily Bugle, the newspaper company from America.

The Daily Bugle! The Workplace of Spider-Man!

Making Tanjiro shocked and confused. He wonders why there is a Daily Bugle in Tokyo, Japan. More important, why this place exists in this world.

Tanjiro's Mind: What the hell?! Why does the Daily Bugle exist here?! I thought this world doesn't have Daily Bugle!

Miku: Ano? Tanjiro? Are you okay?

Tanjiro: AHH Gomen Miku-San! I was surprised to see this branch from America here on Japan. *Awkward Laugh*

Miku: Oh, makes sense. To be honest, they upload the news of Spider-Man.

Tanjiro: Oh really?

Miku shows her phone the video on Youtube, shows the new reporters talking to the man who owns Daily Bugle, making Tanjiro look at the news on Youtube.

Reporter: Today we talk about the Daily Bugle open in Japan from America. We gonna talk to the owner of the Daily Bugle, Mr. J Jonah Jameson. *Look at ???* Mr. Jameson, why did you open a new branch in Japan?

The scene shows a man has a mustache and wearing a suit, making Tanjiro wide his eyes to see a familiar man who appear on the news.

???: The reason why I moved to this place is because of the Spider-Menace in Tokyo Japan! *Rant*

Reporter: Oh I see? Soo do you have any thoughts and opinions about the Vigilante Spider-Man?

???: My opinion of him is he is a menace to Tokyo! He should let the police handle it but web swinging around Tokyo is causing trouble and really annoying to some people!

This makes Miku feel a bit angry and annoyed toward the mustache old man while Tanjiro wide his eyes to see the familiar man from Spider-Man Comic that he knows.

Miku: Why does he say that? What Spider-Man do to him?! *Abit angry*

Tanjiro: *Eyes Widen* Oh no... Not this annoying old fart again!?

The man continued ranting about Spider-Man while the reporter sweatdrops to hear his rant, he didn't pay enough to listen to his rant.

???: *Rant* That's why I'm gonna discover his true nature behind that mask of his! He is a mena-Nope, maybe Spider-That line got taken!

The man has a mustache wears a suit, he has a loud mouth, to be honest. This is J. Jonah Jameson aka JJJ! The voice actor of Omni-Man and other Jameson Variant.

J. Jonah Jameson The Number #1 Spider-Man Hater! The Annoying News Publisher Of The Daily Bugle!

Tanjiro groaned in annoyance and knew J. Jonah. Jameson is here, he was hoping this guy wouldn't exist in this world even knew this guy was annoying.

Tanjiro's Mind: Oh God why?! Anything but this annoying Clown!?

Jameson continues to rant before the reporter is coughing, Jameson stops ranting and looks at the reporter, saying something about Spider-Man.

Jameson: I opened the branch in Japan so I could find the worker to take a picture of Spider-Man and sell the news about Spider-Man, especially exposing his true nature!

Reporter: But Mr. Jameson, Spider-Man is a Hero and a good guy. He's been saving a rising Actress Star named Ichika Nakano from kidnapped and saving alot of people from Supervillains.

Jameson: And what if he is trying to work with Villains and fake his nature? The way sound like he trying to get the girl for himself!

Reporter: Okay...? Anyway back to the studio.

The reporter decides to tell that it's time for the newsman in the studio before Jonah Jameson looks at the Camera and says something funny words. As he do a familar pointing head thinking pose like a certain mustache caped Hero.


Jameson shouts toward the watcher before Jameson's assistant holds him down before the news ends, making Tanjiro sweatdrops to see Jameson acting like Omni-Man from Invincible.

Tanjiro: *Sweatdrops* Oh boy... This moron is annoying!

Miku: I don't like him, Spider-Man saves a lot of people but this man hates him. What a jerk.

Tanjiro: Me too! I already dislike this Hitler look alike. *Lied tone*

Miku: PFFFT! *Hold her laugh* You're right, he look like Hitler.

Tanjiro: I know right!?

The School Bell rings, Miku puts her phone inside her bag, and Tanjiro grabs the Camera away before they look at each other, they decide they head back to their class.

Miku: I have to go back to the class, Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: Me too. But hey, how your Sister been? Ever since the kidnapping incident.

Miku: She is doing fine, she is getting over the incident.

Tanjiro: Ah I see... Tell Ichika that I say hi.

Miku: I will. See you later, Tanjiro. *Smiles*

Tanjiro and Miku head back to their class, Tanjiro returns to the class before something watches him from behind, it looks like a black spot before it disappears.

Timeskip. At Service Club.

Tanjiro slams his head down on the table, he is mad, shocked, and frustrated about Jameson and soon gonna getting more slandered by this Universe's Jameson.

Tanjiro: *Frown* Kuso! I can't believe it! Soon I'm gonna will be branded a Menace and a Criminal by this World Jameson!

Hachiman: What's happening, Kumoshi?

Tanjiro: This Universe also have a J. Jonah Jameson!? I'm soon gonna be slandered by that loudmouth!

Hachiman: What do you mean this Universe J. Jonah Jameson?

Tanjiro: Trust me, he's is the worst thing in every Spider-Man Multiverse! Alway be the hater and treat us Spider-Heroes as Menace!

Yui: Yikes! That guy is bad!

Yukino: How bad is this J. Jonah Jameson person, Kumoshi-Kun? Can you tell us more about him?

Tanjiro: Alright, but you gonna listen closely to his backstory I know from my old world.

Tanjiro explained to his club members that Jonah Jameson hated Spider-Man because his Wife got killed by a Masked Robber, and which made Jameson hate on the Masked Superheroes especially Spider-Man.

Hachiman: Damn... No wonder he hate you so much.

Yukino: Yeah, that's doesn't mean you're a Menace, Kumoshi-Kun. You saved me from Vulture!

Tanjiro: I know but... Jameson kinda right about me being a Menace... I did commit Vigilantism which is Illegal without authority.

Yui: Eh?! Is that true?

Tanjiro: Anyway, where is Isshiki? Ain't she supposed to be here to hang out with us?

Yui: Oh she was busy with her student council.

Tanjiro: Oh yeah... I forgot she also a Student Council Member. *Sigh* My life are getting worse being Spider-Man now... First I'm suffering a financial problems and now it's getting ranted by triple J...

Yukino: Don't worry about J. Jonah Jameson, he is just a hater who doesn't care about heroic.

Hachiman: Cheer up Kumoshi, ignored that old geezer nonsense. No matter what he say to you, you will be always there for everyone as their Hero.

The Service Club cheer Tanjiro Kumoshi, Tanjiro see them like old friends back in his world, he feel lonely and doesn't know why because he miss his friends.

Yui: Come on, Kumo-Kun. Don't be sad like that! You still have us, right?

Tanjiro: Kumo-Kun?

Yui: Yep, a nickname I give you! Soo cheer up Kumo-Kun! We always there for you as Service Club Members!

Hachiman: Yuigahama is right, we always support you.

Yukino: Indeed, you did say no matter how many you got put down. You always get back up right?

Tanjiro: You guys... Even thought I'm a Masked Vigilante?

Hachiman: Of course.

Yui: Yeah! It's doesn't matter how many time that Geezer tried to slander you. We will always supporting you as an Superhero, Kumo-Kun! *Smiles*

Hachiman: That's right.

Tanjiro: To be honest you three. I really want to cry in joy and hug you guys right now! *Comically tearing up*

The Club Service comically laughs, Tanjiro decides that he gonna apply for the job in the Daily Bugle for the Apartment's money and maybe solve a problem like what Peter did.

Tanjiro: I decide! I will apply for the job at the Daily Bugle as it Photographer and pay off my rent!

Yui: Eh?!

Hachiman: Huh? Why do you want to work on that news company? Since that old geezer will slander you alot and made some newspaper to make fun about you!

Tanjiro: Don't worry, I will be fine. I gonna ignore his rant like what Peter did.

Yukino: Are you sure? I mean he's gonna tried anything to make you the bad guy.

Tanjiro: I will be fine, I promise. I'm not that guy who falls into revenge, you know.

Yukino: I see... But please don't let his words get into your head. Good luck on your job hunting, Kumoshi-Kun.

Tanjiro: Oh I will, Bucho! *Smirk*

Tanjiro smirked and knew what he gonna do while Service Club looked worried and wondered what Tanjiro gonna do, but something watched him from far away, it was a certain green-masked goblin before left.

Timeskip. At The Weekend. On Ginza Subway Station.

The scene show Tanjiro come out from the subway train before he's heading to the location that given by Jameson, he was narrating by himself when he was talking to people about what's happen to him.

Tanjiro: *Narrating* It been a few weeks that I stop robbers who rob Bank Truck, I manage deal with them since they just normal robbers. And saving peoples from accident. Plus I have taken alot of pictures of me as Spider-Man for the Daily Bugle soo I can get a job there!

The bank truck got hijacked by robbers, they got inside the bank truck and one of the drivers was scared before the robber pointed his gun at the driver.

Robber 1: *Aim gun at the Driver* Hello.

Showing the Robber knocked out the Driver with his gun as four more Robber appear. They start to take money bags from the bank truck.

Robber 1: Let's go!

Robber 2: Move it! Watch the street!

Unknown to all robbers, there is a camera hanging by a lampost on the web, the camera caught the criminal's attentions, and they were alarmed and confused.

Robber 1: What the fuck?! Is that a camera flash!?

Robber 2: Someone taking picture of us! Find that motherfucker!

Robber 3: *Spot camera hanging by a lampost on the web* It's just a Camera!

Robber 4: Nani!? Where is that punk!?

Robber 5: I don't know! *Spot someone web swinging* Is that Spider-Man?!

Reveal it was Spider-Man web-swinging to the place making his entry, making the robber group shocked and one of them yell at Spider-Man like a certain random robber from DC Comic Game.

Spider-Man: WOOOO!!!


Spider-Man kicks two robbers to the ground, and they yell in pain. Spider-Man leaped behind them and slammed two goon's heads together. They knock out of cold.

Spider-Man wraps other thugs with his legs and flips them away to land his face on the concrete ground together, knock him out of cold.

Suddenly one of Robber points his gun at Spider-Man face, Spider-Man use Spider-Sense and super speed as Spider-Man perform Breakdance kick on the man's face, he fall down on ground.

Spider-Man quickly jumps on the thug's stomach and uses him as a springboard as he jump into the pair of head-smashed goons earlier who rose back only to deal with double punch from Spider-Man. They scream in pain as they knocked out again then Spider-Man look at his camera.

Spider-Man: *Look at the Camera* Cheese!

Then his camera flashed, and the scene changed to Spider-Man saving people from a car accident, he heard there was a car accident that hit civilians.

Civilian: Somebody help me! *See Spider-Man arrived* SPIDEY! THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE HERE!

Spider-Man: Don't worry, I'm here to save you!

Civilian: Hurry Spider-Man! I think the car gasoline is leaking now!

Spider-Man: I will pull you out now! Please don't panic!

Spider-Man pulls out of the car door when a civilian comes out of the car and Spider-Man grabs the Civilian as he swings away before the car exploded into pieces.

Spider-Man: Wooo! That's was a close one... You okay?

Civilian: I'm alright! You're amazing Spidey!

Spider-Man: Glad to hear it, fellow citizen of Tokyo!

Civilian: *Give a thumb up* You too, Spider-Man!

Spider-Man doing a thumb up before he web-swing away, the flashback ends as he is walking outside the subway train station. Tanjiro sighed as he hope he can get this job to pay off his rent.

Tanjiro: *Sigh* Hope I can managed to get this job to pay off my debt.

Tanjiro looked at the random store reflection to see his outfit, he was changing his outfit to fit his style, he looked like a certain Peter Parker from a different dimension.

Tanjiro: Heh, I knew this style would suit the interview. Thank you Andrew Garfield! *Smirk*

Tanjiro wearing a casual outfit, he wearing two jackets, a hoodie on the inside, and a normal jacket outside. He was wearing an Andrew Garfield Peter Parker outfit style from the Amazing Spider-Man Movie.

Tanjiro walked to a bike rental station, he looked for a bike before he chose the red bike, he set the number on the red rental bike that need to pay.

Tanjiro: Alright, time to pay. *Took out his wallet*

Tanjiro takes out his Credit Card and pays the money for the Rental Bike, thank god that he had a credit card otherwise, he wouldn't have a card and couldn't ride the bike.

Tanjiro: Yosh, iko! To the Daily Bugle!

Tanjiro driving the bike around Tokyo in Japan, as he calls Jameson again from his phone, he feels like it is like the scene from the Marvel Spider-Man 2 game which he didn't know.

Tanjiro: Hello? Mr. Jameson, it's Tanjiro Kumoshi. I called you about selling some Photos?

Jameson: Good, go to the Cafe near the Bugle that I have been waiting there! And Japan Coffee is really good, not gonna lie!

Tanjiro heard the phone that Jameson was drinking a coffee, he continued to ride the bike to the cafe place near Daily Bugle, and he said something to Jameson about the picture.

Tanjiro: Well you'll see my Uncle passed away year ago and my money mortgage is due and- *Get interrupted by Jameson*

Jameson: Kumoshi, I didn't ask you about your life story!

Tanjiro: Gomen!

Jameson: It mean "Sorry", right?

Tanjiro: Yes sir. But please you have to see my photos, you won't be disappointed.

Jameson: I'm sitting outside the Bugle, finishing my coffee. If you can get here before I'm done, I'll look at your photos.

Tanjiro: Okay, I'm on my way!

Jameson: But I warning you, I drink fast!

Tanjiro driving his rental bike to the cafe place, but he saw the cars strike up, and he got traffic. Tanjiro says something about the traffic to Jameson but he interrupts it.

Tanjiro: Ah shit! The traffic! Mr. Jameson, I'm biking down Fifth! The traffic-

Jameson: Then go for it if you want to get there!

Tanjiro: But- *Get interrupted again*

Jameson: Listen, in New York! We do our way to get through traffic, I will teach you being New Yorker!

Tanjiro: Uhhh sir, I'm an Japanese person. Not a New Yorker. And you're living in Japan, everything are diffrerent here.

Jameson: I heard twice, and you should get there fast otherwise I drink coffee fast!

Tanjiro: S-Sorry, sir!

Jameson: Then when something's in your path, you yell COMING THROUGH!

Tanjiro: Okay, okay!

Jameson: And if something blocking you way, GO AROUND! A New Yorkers alway find a way!

Tanjiro: Got it, sir!

Tanjiro continues to drive his bike, and he notices a truck passing by with a backdoor open as the truck drops the box full of fish. Tanjiro covers his nose when he smells the fish.

Tanjiro: Oh crap! Fishes!

Jameson: Stop looking for an excuse, and keep going young man!

Tanjiro: Ugh the smell! *Feeling disgust at the fishes smell*

Tanjiro driving his bike as he sees a construction up ahead, making him shocked as he tells Jameson that there is a construction up ahead of him.

Tanjiro: Yabai, construction ahead! I'll never get- *Get interrupted again*

Jameson: Eyes on the prize! Kumoshi! Go straight to it!

Tanjiro: A-Are you serious?! I have to go straight!

Jameson: I AM INDEED! As an New Yorker myself! TELL'em you're coming through! Say this, "Look out halfwit, these are my streets!"

Tanjiro: But- *Interrupt*


Tanjiro sighed as he shouted at the construction worker who heard Tanjiro's yelling, this made workers and people look at Tanjiro with their confused looks.

Tanjiro: *Shout* HEY HALFWIT-- Ah oop! Sorry! Gosh soo cringe! Excuse me! Passing by!

Jameson: UGH Kumoshi, that pathetic! Be a "man" about it! SHOW THEM YOUR MANHOOD! YOU'RE A MAN NOT A LITTLE GIRL!

Tanjiro: Yes sir! Wait, WHAT THE F-


Tanjiro was driving his bike to the location when he saw a park over there, he decided to cut through the park before saying something to Jameson.

Tanjiro: Almost there! I'll cut through the nearby park here!

Jameson: I'm a few sips away from killing this delicious Japanese Coffee, Kumoshi. You'd better haul ass! *Shout in english*

Tanjiro: T-Thank?

Jameson: Stop sounding soo timid and meek!

Tanjiro: Gomenasai!

Jameson: And stop apologizing! Speak english!

Tanjiro: I'm sorry! I mean--

Jameson: Focused on the road!

Tanjiro almost arrives at the Daily Bungle, and suddenly he spots two high school students getting mugged by the thugs. Tanjiro wide his eyes to see two familiar people.

Tanjiro's Mind: Are those two getting mugged?!

Reveal it was Shikimori and Izumi getting mugged by the thugs, Izumi protect Shikimori as Shikimori worry about her boyfriend, the thugs have a grin and one of them has a pervert grin.

Miyako: Izumi-San! You don't have to! *Worry*

Yuu: S-Stay away! Don't touch m-my girlfriend! *Shield behind Miyako*

Criminal 1: Look at a handsome boy protect his girlfriend! You are a lucky bastard, too bad we gonna take her! *Pervert grin*

Criminal 2: Yeah! If you give your girl to us, we let you go. *Smirk*

Criminal 3: He is right, you can have fun later once we finish her~! *Smirk*

Yuu: Never! I won't let you three hurt Shikimori-San! I-I will fight you all to protect her!

Criminal 1: You think you're Brave Hero huh!? You asked for it, brat!

Yuu got punched as he got knocked out and lay on the ground, making Shikimori gasp and go to check on Yuu while the thugs mock laugh at Yuu.

Yuu: AGHHH!!! *Knock out*

Miyako: *Gasp* Izumi-San!

Criminal 1: Hehehehe! He is weak! I punch him with one punch, what a weakling!

Criminal 2: Hahahaha! Try to fight us? What a wimp!

Criminal 3: Yeah! Your boyfriend is so weak!

Miyako: Konoyaro! Don't insult my Izumi-San! *Battle stance*

Tanjiro sees everything as he is shocked that Izumi got hurt, making him angry at the thugs, and he wants to stop them and break their bones.


Tanjiro wants to do something to stop them but he can't abandon his mission of bringing these photos to Jameson, he has to do both missions.

Tanjiro: Those two are getting mugged?! I need to do something!

Jameson: It's happened all the times like in America. Kumoshi. ACT LIKE YOU LIVE IN NEW YORK AS A NEW YORKER!

Tanjiro heard Jameson shout from his phone, he knew he would deal with those thugs, so he walked toward the scene. Meanwhile three thugs corner Miyako.

Criminal 1: C'mon babe, no need to do that and have fun with us~

Criminal 2: Yeah, babe. We gonna have fun together~!

Criminal 3: Ditch that weak purple hair wimp with us~!

Miyako: Screw you! *Punch Criminal 1 nose*

Criminal 1: Ow my face! Why you bitch! *About to punch at Miyako*

Voice: Hey! Leave them alone!

They heard a voice shouting and turned around to see it was Tanjiro Kumoshi. Making those thugs look at Tanjiro while Miyako is surprised to see Tanjiro.

Miyako: Kumoshi-San!?

Criminal 1: Hah? Who this loser? Your another Boyfriend?

Criminal 2: Heh, another wimp for us to beat! *Grin*

Criminal 3: Oh this gonna be fun!

Tanjiro: Let's them go now! Or I will send all you assholes to hospital emergency room!

Criminal 1: You want a fight, huh? BOY! GET HIM!


Tanjiro: Oh please, last time I broke a Asshole arm for harassing someone. Fighting you 3 idiots would be quick.

Miyako: Let me join the fight, Kumoshi-San!

The song is playing in the background, it sounds like street fight music for Tanjiro to fight the thugs in the park. He is performing his stance.

-OST Playing-
-Street Fight Song [Street Fight] By Adam Jensen-

Thug 3 charged at Tanjiro before he punched at Tanjiro but he dodged it then Tanjiro performed a hook punch at Thug 3, and he yelled in pain before Tanjiro kicked thug 3's face and sent him away.

Thug 2 tries to punch at Miyako but she dodges it before she punches Thug 2 and then spins and kicks at his face, he screams in pain before she performs a black belt kick and sends him away.

Tanjiro: Oh damn! Not bad Shikimori-San!

Miyako: Arigato, your fighting style is pretty good as well!

Thug 1 growls before taking out a baseball bat and hit Tanjiro but he block it with his right hand before Tanjiro grab Baseball bat from Thug 1 and hit his face, he is yell in pain.

The Thug 1's face is messed up before Tanjiro and Miyako perform Double Punch, sending him flying away before he lands down on two thugs. They were knocked out of the cold.

Tanjiro: And all done. *Tired* Man, that's was exhausted, these punks really should get a life.

Miyako: Yeah... Thank you for helping me, Kumoshi-San.

Tanjiro: You welcome- *Realized* Wait, Izumi! Your boyfriend! We need to check on him if he okay!

Miyako: Oh crap! You're right!

They went to check on Yuu, he opened his eyes and woke up, he looked at Miyako and Tanjiro Miyako glad that he was alive.

Miyako: Izumi-San! Izumi-San! Please open your eyes! *Worried tone*

Yuu: S-Shikimori-San, is that you? *See Tanjiro* K-Kumoshi-San??

Tanjiro: Thank god that you are okay, dude.

Yuu: Hai... I'm just want to be strong to protect Shikimori-San from them... *Get his cheek pull by Miyako* ITAI! Shikimori-San?

Miyako: Baka! I understand you want to protect me. *Hug Yuu* I'm glad that you are alright, Izumi-San.

Yuu: I'm soo sorry! Next time I'll be stronger to be the one to protect you.

Miyako: Mou, Baka! *Smiles*

Tanjiro sighs as he smiles, glad Yuu and Miyako are alright after he helps Miyako defeat the thugs. He decides to say something to them.

Tanjiro: *Smiles* Man, I shipped them soo much. Such a wholesome couple since Nasa and Tsukas- *Realized* Oh wait... My bike, my photos!

Tanjiro went to check his rental bike, and saw his rental bike was rough and ruined, he worried about his photo being ruined by something else.

Tanjiro: Oh no! My photos! All of them are ruined now, what should I do?!

Tanjiro picked up a photo that wasn't ruined as he sighed in relived, he was glad those pictures weren't ruined and knew he had taken care of the pictures.

Tanjiro: Thank god... This one is still in good condition. I still can make it to the Bugle in time! I need the money and I need this Job! Gonna ran in foot! I have to!

The scene show Tanjiro start running to the Daily Bugle passing through people. As he start to shout on people to move out the way.


Tanjiro keeps running to the Daily Bungle place and passing through people. He shouts at people that he coming through people's again from Jameson words.

Tanjiro: *Shout again* COMIN' THOUGH PEOPLE!

Tanjiro tried to look for the Daily Bugle, and look around the street of Tokyo before he tried to find where Jameson was and the Daily Bugle.

Tanjiro: Come on, come on...

Then Tanjiro finally arrived at Tokyo Daily Bugle. Tanjiro pull out his phone to call Jameson to look for him as Tanjiro wonder where is Jameson drinking his coffee at.

Tanjiro: Where is he?!

Tanjiro hears a ringtone before he finds JJJ drinking coffee at the table, he walks up to JJJ when he reads the newspaper and looks at JJJ.

Tanjiro: Mr. Jameson? Tanjiro Kumoshi. *Offer handshake*

Jameson: *Put down newspaper* You're late, kid!

Tanjiro: I got something for you want to put on the front page of the Bugle.

Jameson: Cocky little guy, aren't cha?

Tanjiro: Maybe I am, but please you must have to see this photo, Mr. Jameson!

Tanjiro puts his photo down on JJJ's table, Jameson looks at the photo before grabbing the photo and Tanjiro feels nervous when Jameson checks the photo.

Jameson: This is the only one you got? Where the rest of it kid?

Tanjiro: Oh sorry, I ran into some problems soo this is the only one I taken. *Awkward tone*

Jameson: Hmmm... *Look at the Photo*

Jameson looks at the photo where Spider-Man web-swinging while carrying the criminal in the air and money flew away when he was afraid of height.

Jameson sees the quality picture, he feels disappointed the picture and tells Tanjiro about the quality of the picture.

Jameson: Kumoshi, this photo quality is terrible. Your lighting is flat, your composition is awful. But you did a good job capture the photo of that Menace.

Tanjiro: Oh um, thank you, sir.

Jameson: But it's still look like you're shooting on film like some Caveman... And your nose is bleeding, kid.

Tanjiro: Oh right, sorry sir. *Wipe off blood on his nose*

Jameson: Then you got a job! You're in, kid!

Tanjiro is shocked and excited that he got a job in Daily Bugle from Jameson, this means Tanjiro has finally got a job as a photographer/journalist.

Tanjiro: Wait what? Really? Did I got hired?

Jameson: Yes, since I need the photo of the Spider-Creep for the newspaper tomorrow front page. Congratulations! You're officially the Bugle Photographer!

Tanjiro: Thank you, sir!

Jameson: Good, now leave Kumoshi, work start tomorrow and you better bring me more of that Wall-Crawler Menace photos this time.

Tanjiro: I will sir! You won't regret it! *Excited*

Tanjiro left while Jameson continued reading the newspaper, Tanjiro left in joy before shouting in joy an excited tone that he got a job.


Tanjiro yelled excitely as he finally got a job and paid off the rent, and knew it was worth it that he worked for Daily Bugle and sell the pictures of Spider-Man.


Tanjiro returns to get his rent bike, he arrives at the park and finds his rent bike & stuff on the ground, he picks up the bike and decide to clean up the mess.

Tanjiro: *Sigh* Got a new job now but... I'm gonna clean up this mess. Damn those Thugs rough up my stuffs.

Tanjiro picked up his stuff and put his stuff back before getting back to his rental bike, he needed to get back and head back to his home, couldn't wait to tell the news.

Tanjiro: Can't wait to tell everyone in the Club I got a new job, bet Yuigahama-San will excited on the news.

Tanjiro grabbed his stuff and packed it stuff back, he turned to see it was Yuu and Miyako arriving when they looking for Tanjiro.

Yuu: Oh, Kumoshi-San!

Miyako: Yokatta, I thought you left. We been finding you after you help me fight off those Thugs.

Tanjiro: Izumi-San and Shikimori-San? You two are still here?

Yuu: We're been looking for you, I just want to thank you for saving me and Shikimori-San. You were soo cool!

Miyako: Izumi-San is right, thank you for helping us.

Tanjiro: Oh no problems, I can't leave you two in troubles like that. I would felt guilty for it.

Miyako: You sound like you are a wise person.

Tanjiro: Well, someone I know once saying this to me "When you help someone, you help everyone."

Yuu: Wow... That's person must close to you, Kumoshi-San.

Miyako: I agree, she sound like a wise person.

Tanjiro: Yep. Well I'm gonna continue picking up my stuffs now. Today is my happiest day ever.

Miyako: Oh? Did you do something while we where looking for you?

Tanjiro: *Smirk* You guys gonna be surprise when I tell you guys about this.

Tanjiro tells Miyako and Yuu that he finally got a job at Daily Bugle, making Yuu and Miyako surprised and happy that Tanjiro got a job.

Yuu: You got a job as an Newspaper Photographer!? Congrat Kumoshi-San!

Miyako: Um! Congrat on getting a job, Kumoshi-San! We're happy for you.

Tanjiro: Thank you, you two! Anyway, what are you two doing here?

Yuu: Oh, we're on our date but we didn't expected to get mugged by thugs.

Tanjiro: Huh, that makes sense. Glad me and Miyako stopped them.

Miyako: Yep, also do you need some help with the photo? I'm sorry for not managed to stop those thugs messing up your stuff...

Tanjiro: Hmmm... Sure, I could use some help. And it's fine, don't worry about it.

Yuu and Miyako help Tanjiro pick up all his photos, they look at his photos and are impressed at his photographer skill and the pictures have Spider-Man on them.

Yuu: Whoa! These photos are about Spider-Man!? How did you manage to take photo of him?

Miyako: Yeah! Many Photographers tried to taken picture of him but none success due to how fast Spider-Man is.

Tanjiro: Hehehehehe, that is a secret, you two.

Yuu: Sugoi! These Spider-Man photo are impressive! I think this one is my favorite now. *Point at Photo of Spider-Man stopping Shop Lifter*

Tanjiro: Thank you! glad you like it, man! *Happy Grin*

Yuu: Um! Your photos are soo great, Kumoshi-San!

Miyako: *Cute Pouts* Mou, Izumi-San!

Miyako make cute pouts, Izumi is nervous and apologizes for making Miyako like that while Tanjiro chuckles to see how cute Miyako's pouts.

Miyako: Izumi-San, you make me jealous!

Yuu: Gomen! I mean you're always be the cutest girlfriend I have!

Miyako: Alright, I forgive you for this one, Izumi-San.

Tanjiro: Hehehehe. *Chuckle* You two look like a cute couple. *Quip* Even you two are good match of love~!

Yuu: E-EH?! *Blushes at his quip*

Miyako: W-What are you t-talking about!? *Embarrassed*

Tanjiro: What? It's kinda true. *Smirk*

Tanjiro chuckled before he takes out a camera, he decides to take a picture of Miyako and Yui since they were helping him, and he wants to give them the rewards.

Tanjiro: Oh hey, since you two help me pick up my stuff back soo... Want me to take a Couple Photo of you two as memory? No need for money, just want thanking you two for helping me picks up my stuffs.

Miyako: Eh? Take a picture of us!? Are you sure? *Star eyes*

Yuu: A-Are you sure about that, Kumoshi-San?

Tanjiro: Yes I'm sure, since I help you two and you help me back soo I want to take a picture of you two as gift. Soo want me to take photo now?

Both: Yes, please! *Excited*

Tanjiro: *Chuckles* Alright then, you two should start get into position for me to take pictures.

Miyako and Yui standing in their position, they smile as Tanjiro puts on the camera and is ready to take a picture of them.

Tanjiro: Ready?

Both Couple: Ready!

Tanjiro: Alright set, say cheese~!

Both Couple: Cheese~!

Tanjiro pressed the button of the camera and took a picture of Miyako and Yui, they got a good picture, and they smiled at the picture of themselves.

Tanjiro: Yosh, It's done. Goes see it you two!

Miyako: Okay, Kumoshi-San!

Yuu: Let's me see it!

He gives them the picture and they look at the picture and see how beautiful they are. They smile while looking at the camera, making them smile.

Miyako and Yuu smile and they like the picture, Tanjiro chuckles to see how cute they are in the picture and like the couple in the picture that he taken.

Miyako: Soo cute! I love it!

Yuu: Yeah I agreed Shikimori-San! Thank Kumoshi-San, we really like your photos.

Tanjiro: Glad you two like it. *Smiles*

Miyako: Yeah! Thank a lot, Kumoshi-Kun!

Tanjiro: Welp, I need to go now. See you two tomorrow at School for the photo after I printed it.

Yuu: Oh right, we gonna continue our date soo yeah. See you at School Kumoshi-San. You're soo nice.

Miyako: See you later, Kumoshi-San!

Tanjiro: Bye you two! Enjoy your date!

Yuu and Miyako couple left the park and Tanjiro smiled as he looked at the picture he had taken, he decided to give them for tomorrow if he saw them at school.

Tanjiro: Alright then, time to get some drink at the Cafe. Man I'm thirsty!

He decides to get a drink from the cafe, he leaves the park but what he doesn't know is a black & red Spider-Man look at Tanjiro before parkouring away.

Timeskip. At The Cafe Shop. Night Time.

Tanjiro drank his favorite Milk Coffee at the Cafe shop, he drank coffee to relax and enjoy the day for himself. He was loved to drink coffee.

Tanjiro: Man, Milk Coffee is the best! Today is probably my best day ever.

He continues to drink milk coffee, he thinks about what is he gonna do next after he makes more friends, he decides to buy dinner for tonight to celebrate.

Tanjiro: Haaaizzzz... Is nice to make more friends, Alright! Time to buy dinner for tonight to celebrated my new job!

Tanjiro drinks coffee and gives the Rental bike back to the rental bike station, he decides to head back to his house and tell his friend about this.

Tanjiro: Alright, time for head to the Subway Train Station. Can't wait to tell my friends about the job.

He return the bike to the rental station, suddenly the electricity is cut off as the whole city is black out, making everyone shocked and can't see anything.

Civilian 1: Eh?! What's happened to the city power? A black out?!

Civilian 2: Aw man! How am I suppose to see it?!

Civilian 3: Somebody call support! I can't see everything on the dark!

Civilian 4: I can't see anything! *Bump to another civilian* Ow! I'm sorry!

Civilian 5: Ow! Watch where you going at!

Tanjiro was confused and why there was a blackout in Tokyo, thank god that he had a flashlight in his bag. He was confused and why there was a blackout.

Tanjiro: *Confused* What's going on?

Many civilians were confused until a lighting struck an electric pole, as the electric pole fell down. Making every civilian panic and scared while Tanjiro is shocked.

All Civilian: *Scream in fear and panic*

Tanjiro: What the fuck?! A lighting just strike the pole!?

Many lighting struck down on the road, hit the cars as they exploded, and caused fire, many people ran away while some people prayed to God that they didn't do anything. As Tanjiro need to do something or the situation get worses.

Tanjiro: This is bad! I need to do something!

He takes out the mobile phone and calls his friends from Service Club. The Service has a group video call but suddenly the light turns off, making them shocked and confused.

Yukino: Kumoshi-Kun! What is happening out there?!

Tanjiro: I don't know!? But I think is must be one of my Villains doing to caused the entire Tokyo City in black out!

Yui: EH?! That why everything is soo dark. My mom tripped her foot when the power got shut down!

Hachiman: And my little sister can't see inside the dark! *Take out the flashlight*

Tanjiro: I need to restored the power or thing get wors- *See the yellow lighting struck at the random place* OH SHIT!

Iroha: SENPAI! *Worried tone*

Civilians running away from the Yellow Lighting, the police car arrives as the police put on Riot Shields and the men point their guns at the yellow lighting.

Police 1: This is Tomari! We got a huge problem! Evacuated the Civilians! We got a City power blackout!

Police 2: We need some backup to help us! *Call for backups*

Police 3: *See something in the sky* Huh? Is that a perso- *See the City power are back* WHAT THE?!

The city light power is back, making Miyako & Yuu shocked when they walk on the street. People confused and scared while some people are happy that they got Wifi back. Until yellow lighting hit on ground, causing police cars to get hit and exploded, revealing it was a man in an electric suit.


The man shoots lighting at the electric pole and destroys it, the electric pole falls on the ground, making everyone scared and run away while the police point their gun at the man.

All Police: Freeze! Put your hands up! You under arrest for attacking the city in the act of Terrorism!

???: HA! MAKE ME PIGS! *Shoot lighting at them*

He shoots lightning at the police as some of them get electrocuted, and scream in pain as they are shocked and killed. Tanjiro wide his eyes to see a familiar villain.

Tanjiro: *Eyes widen* N-NO WAY!? HE'S ALSO HERE TOO!?

Service Club: Who?!

Tanjiro: It's Max Dillon!

Yukino: Who is Max Dillon, Kumoshi-Kun!?

A electric bass theme music playing in the background, and the man is smirking while around him is the destroyed electric pole and the cars, and the shops got destroyed as well.

-OST Playing-
-The Electro Theme [I'm Electro] By Hans Zimmer-

Tanjiro heard the theme song, he felt a bit jealous and wondered why the Supervillains had a cooler theme song than Superheroes. While Service club confused and wondered where the song came from.

Tanjiro: Oh god... Why does Supervillains have cooler theme songs than the Heroes? *Abit jealous*

Hachiman: Again, who is Max Dillon?!

Tanjiro: I'll explain later! Right now I need to do something!

People run away from the man shoot many lighting at the city, and the man has a sinister laugh. Tanjiro goes to an alleyway and dresses up. The man laugh like a sinister Villain.

???: *Sinister Laugh* MUHAHAHAHA! RUN BITCH! RUN!

The man shot more lighting at some people, the people got electrocuted and killed, and many people screamed in fear and ran away from the electric man. As he calling out Spider-Man.


The man has electric armor, electricity crack around his hand, he has a star-patterned scar on his face. He doesn't wear a mask like other villains. This is Max Dillon aka Electro.

Max Dillon aka The Electro! The Crazy Electric Villain!

Tanjiro went to the alleyway, he took out the Spider-Man suit and mask, put his suit on, and took out the Spider-Man mask.

Hachiman: Dude! This guy trying to kill everyone else!

Tanjiro: Not for long when I'm here! I will not letting Electro causing chaos in this Universe!

Yui: Lame name for a Supervillain, but kick his ass Kumo-Kun!

Iroha: Yeah! Go break his kneels!

Tanjiro nods as he puts his mask on his head, he becomes Spider-Man. He needs to stop Electro and take picture of him for the Daily Bugle.

Spider-Man: Time to put this Sparkle back to his own place!

Meanwhile, Electro has a crazy laugh and shoots electricity at some people, they get killed while some people hide in fear. Yuu and Miyako are scared and hug each other while hiding behind the car.


Voice: Hey Sparkle! Over here scarface!

Electro: Huh? *Get kicked in the face* AAGHH!!!

Reveal it was Spider-Man kick Electro's face before sending him to the ground, he yelled in pain. Electro stands up and has sadistic looks at Spider-Man while Spider-Man lands on the ground.


Spider-Man: Ooohhhh, pleasure to meet you Max. Or should I called you Electro or Sparkle? Let's me guess, you also after me am I right?

Electro: I heard a lot about you from those dumbass! And Rhino is soo stupid that he falls for your tricks especially he defeat easily, what a dumbass infant!

Spider-Man: Hey, give Aleksei some credits! He's actually give me a hell of a fight like Shocker and Vulture.

Electro: Fine! I get it! *Grin* But I will tell you about why I did to people, so I can lure you to kill you! *Speak and continued monologuing*

Electro keeps doing monologue nonsense. Meanwhile, Spider-Man looks at the camera is sticking to the lamp post, he taking pictures for Daily Bugle and money.

Spider-Man's Mind: Camera setting up? Check! Villain doing nonsense monologue? Also check!

Electro: *See Spider-Man ignore his talking and feel angry* HEY! Are you ignoring my talking?!

Spider-Man: Hey Maxy, don't you know monologue is bad for Villain right? Remember Loki? He's monologued during a fight but ended up got humiliated by Hulk.

Electro: OH SHUT UP! I WILL KILL YOU, SPIDER-MAN! NOW DIE! *Shoot powerful electric beam at Spider-Man*

The scene show Electro charged up his power then shoot an powerful electricity beam at Spider-Man as he try to dodge it from the electricity attack.

Spider-Man web swings before punching Electro many times before uppercut punching his chin, sending him into the air, Electro yells in pain before Spider-Man slams him down on the ground.

Electro grunts in pain before Spider-Man shoots the web at Electro, and swings him before slamming him down on the ground, Electro screams in pain. Electro free from the web.

Spider-Man: How you like that?! Walking Mobile Phone Charger!

Electro: I am not a Walking Mobile Phone Charger! I WILL KILL YOU, SPIDER FREAK!!!

Spider-Man: Zip it you walking battery before I turn you into one!

Electro shoots an electric beam at Spider-Man but he keeps dodging it. Spider-Man kicks Electro's face again before shoot the web on his face and slamming him on the ground again as Electro screams in pain, he takes off the web.

Electro shoot a lightning bolt at Spider-Man but he dodges it, Spider-Man shoots the web around the electric pole and creates a web slingshot before slingshot himself, and air kicks at Electro, he screams in pain as Spider-Man lands down.

Electro: The other was right! You are so brutal and smart than previous one!

Spider-Man: Aww I'm flattered, and you still the same Electro. Mr. Somebody. *Quip*


Meanwhile, Yuu and Miyako watching Spider-Man fighting Electro on the street of Tokyo City. They were in awe and shocked to see Spider-Man was real in front of them.

Yuu: S-Sugoi! It's Spider-Man! He's is real!

Miyako: Y-Yeah! And the electric villain is fighting Spider-Man but I'm worried about him.

Yuu: I agree with you Shikimori-San! Spider-Man is soo cool in real action than I saw in the internet!

Miyako: Yeah, that is true.

Then Spider-Man does the slingshot before he tackles Electro on the ground, as they struggle but Electro groans in annoyance.

Spider-Man: You ready to give up!?

Electro: *Roar* FACE MY ROAR!!!

Electro roars as he shoot an electricity beam on Spider-Man face from his mouth, Spider-Man got hit as he is scream in pain from the electricity coming out from Electro mouth.

Spider-Man was electrocuted and yelled in pain. Making the Service Club shocked that Spider-Man got electrocuted in the face, the girls were shocked and worried about Tanjiro.

Service Club: *Shocked* OH NO!

Suddenly they got disconnected, as Hachiman tried to reconnect the video, and the girls worried and didn't know what was happening to Tanjiro Kumoshi.

Hachiman: Kumoshi! Are you there?! Answer me!

Yukino: We lost his signal!

Yui: Oh no! Kumo-Kun!

Iroha: Kumoshi-Senpai!

Meanwhile, Electro laughs while Spider-Man has broken left eye lenses, he groans in pain and stands up. His mask is broken and bleeding on his face with a burn mark on his suit and civilians look worried, Yuu and Miyako worry about Spider-Man.

Electro: *Laugh* Is that's all you got, you little shit!? How the hell those three morons lost to you?!

Spider-Man: Aw man... You are so strong, Electro. I guess you improve yourself like Rhino? Maybe you still are walking human battery... *Quip in pain*

Electro: The fuck did you say to me again?! You damn brat?! I WILL ZAP YOU LIKE A DAMN FLY!

Electro shoots a thunder blast at Spider-Man, he yells in pain and gets electrocuted before Spider-Man drops down and yells in pain. But Electro grabs him and punches him a few times before sending thunder at Spider-Man. He got electrocuted again and yelled in pain, his suit had burn marks.

Electro smirks in sadistic, he uses an electro whip made out of electricity before whipping at Spider-Man, Spider-Man gets shocked again and yells in pain. Spider-Man tried to shoot the web at Electro but he shocked and conducted his web, until the web shooters overloaded as it got exploded, Spider-Man scream as he send flying by an impact.

Spider-Man: AGHHH!!!!

Spider-Man send flying to the police car, and the police move out of the way before Spider-Man got crashes into the police car, he yells in pain and his left hand is burned.

Spider-Man: Itei! My hand!

Spider-Man looks at his left hand with a burn mark, his web shooter that got blown up as web fluid melt out from his right web shooter.

Spider-Man: My Web Shooters! Don't you know how much expensive to make this, Sparkle!?


Spider-Man: Oh that's it! No more Mr. Nice Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man! *Pissed off tone*

Spider-Man charges at Electro, he punches Electro a few times but Electro blocks it before grabbing his hand and slamming him down on the ground, Spider-Man screams in pain. Electro punches Spider-Man's face and his nose is broken.

Spider-Man stands up and groans in pain before Electro appears Spider-Man tries to shoot a web at Electro but he deflects it with his hand, Electro smirks and forces his palm on Spider-Man with electricity, Spider-Man yells in pain like Electro uses an electric shock wave on Spider-Man's heart.

Electro: Yes! SCREAM FOR ME, SPIDER-MAN! *Sadistic laugh*

Spider-Man: ATATATATATA! *Scream*

Electro grabs Spider-Man as he wide his eyes, Electro smirks and electrocutes Spider-Man but more volt. Spider-Man yells in pain as his suit has got a lot of burn marks. As Spider-Man scream like a certain Bandit from Home Alone Movie.


Spider-Man: *Scream like Marv from Home Alone*

Spider-Man got paralyzed and couldn't move because Electro shocked him too much, which led to his body not being able to move. Electro grabbed Spider-Man's leg, Spider-Man wide his eyes and his PTSD activated again.

Electro: Got your leg!

Spider-Man: Not this agai- *Get drag as got flew up* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Electro flies as he spins Spider-Man and throws him away to a random building, Spider-Man crashes on the wall, leaving a huge crater as he groans in pain.


Spider-Man: Ugh... Now I know why Spectacular Spider-Man always got his own leg grab a lots...

Spider-Man falls to the ground, leaving him on the ground before Electro appears and drops a kick on his chest, as X-Ray shows his ribs got crushed by Electro as his ribs are broken, Spider-Man screaming in pain.

Spider-Man: *Scream*

This makes Yuu and Miyako horrified and shocked that Electro tortured Spider-Man, Yuu feels scared and worried about Spider-Man. At the same time, Miyako is angry at Electro for torturing Spider-Man but she worries about him.

Both Couple: Oh no!

Miyako: *Hold her mouth* Spider-Man!

Yuu: This is bad! Spider-Man is hurt badly!

Miyako: That bastard is hurting him! Yurusan!

Spider-Man lies down on the ground, and Electro lands on the ground. He smirks before having a mock laugh at Spider-Man that he is too weak to defeat him.



Making Electro wide his eyes, and see it was Spider-Man standing up on the ground, Electro was shocked, no pun intended. Miyako and Yuu are relieved that Spider-Man is alive.

Electro: W-What?! How can you still able to stand up!? I broked your Ribs!

Spider-Man: You think breaking my ribs is gonna make me stay down?! Is gonna take more than that to take me down! And I always get back up no matter what, Electro!

Electro: Grr... Guess I GONNA KILL YOU FOR REAL! DIE!

Then Electro shoots a thunder bolt on a sign as it is about to fall on Spider-Man, making him have wide eyes while Yuu and Miyako are shocked that the sign is about to fall on Spider-Man.

Yuu: Yabai! Spider-Man watch out!

Miyako: I gotta help him!

Yuu: Are you sur- *See Miyako running* Shikimori-San?!

Miyako: HAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! *Jump off and spin kick the sign*

Miyako jumped off spin kicked the sign away, and sent the sign to Electro, he widened his eyes before using the lightning beam to destroy the sign. Making Spider-Man shocked to see Miyako kick the sign before she landed on the ground safety.

Making Electro and Spider-Man shocked. Electro feels angry and pissed off about what Miyako did while Spider-Man is shock that she kick a sign away.

Spider-Man: *Shocked* Holy moly?! *See Miyako & Yuu* Shikimori-San and Izumi-San?!

Miyako: Huh? Did I just hear you say my name???

Yuu: How do you know our name? *Confused*

Spider-Man: Ahh nothing! *Cover his mouth* Sorry I misspoke. But thank for helping me.

Miyako: You're welcome! Now go and get him, Spider-Man!

Yuu: Yeah go kick that Villain butt! You are soo cool like action movie Hero!

Spider-Man: Thank! Now you two go hide somewhere safe!

Both Couple: Oka- *Saw Electro throw a car at them*

Electro throws the police car at the couple, making the couple yelp in fear while Spider-Man has worry looks and tries to save them just as Electro charges the electricity.

Electro: Spider-Man! I must break you! *Shoot lighting*

Electro shoots his lighting at Spider-Man while threw police car at the couple and Spider-Man, Yuu and Miyako hug each other and cover themselves.

Yuu: Oh no! *Shield Shikimori* Not this time! I promise I will be the one protecting Shikimori-San!

Miyako: Izumi-San!

Spider-Man: CRAP! *Start running toward*

Spider-Man runs toward the police car and the lighting before he does the backflip in slow motion like an Amazing Spider-Man movie and protects the couple.

Spider-Man: It's time to be The Amazing Spider-Man!

Spider-Man back flips before he uses his right hand to shoot the web and then spit the webbing to two because his left web shooter is broken, Spider-Man shoots the web to cover the car.

Spider-Man stop the police car that got stuck in the web, making Miyako and Yuu surprised and relieved that Spider-Man saved them from their death.

Spider-Man: Are you two okay?

Miyako: We're fine, thanks you Spidey!

Yuu: Thank you for saving us!

Spider-Man: Glad to hear it! You two run now! Get somewhere safe!

Miyako: R-Right! Please be careful!

Yuu: Good luck Spider-Man! Don't get yourself hurt again!

Spider-Man: I'll be fine! Just go somewhere safe now!

Both: Hai!

Miyako and Yuu run away. Spider-Man dusts himself off before glaring at Electro. Electro smirks as electricity covers himself and is ready to kill Spider-Man.

Spider-Man: Now it you and me! Sparky!

Electro: Ha! Do you really want to fight again? I will kill you this time, SPIDER-MAN!!

Spider-Man: This is just a first round! Time for round 2! Electro Dummy! *Battle stance*


Another music is playing in the background, and the music is getting intense as Electro holds electricity powers around himself and is ready to kill Spider-Man.

-OST Playing-
-The Electro Theme [Electro Suite] By Hans Zimmer-

Electro shoots a thunder beam at Spider-Man, but he dodges before Spider-Man grabs him and headbutts his head Electro yells in pain before Spider-Man slams him down on the ground.

Electro groans in pain before seeing Spider-Man shoot his web but Electro dodges it until Spider-Man shoots his web at the trash can before slamming the trash can at Electro, Electro shoots thunder and destroys the Trash can.

Electro: You little shit!

Spider-Man: You messing with wrong man, Sparkle!


Electro create an electro whip and whips at Spider-Man but Spider-Man dodges it, he shoots webs at Electro and slams him down on the ground.

Electro sends out a thunder attack at Spider-Man but he dodges it, Spider-Man jumps before he throws many punches at Electro many times, he yells in pain.


Spider-Man: OH YEAH! But also... There something on your head, Max! *Point something on his head*

Electro: *Confused* Wha...?

Electro is confused before looking up his head, he looked closely and saw it was a triangle & circle on his head, making him surprised and confused.


This makes Electro confused and surprised, while Spider-Man chuckles. Electro yells at Spider-Man for making him confused and why there is a triangle and a circle on his head.

Electro: What the heck!? Why there a triangle and circle on my head?? *Confused*

Spider-Man: HA! You have PS5 Dual Sense Buttons on your head! *Laugh*

Electro: PS5 Dual wha- *Interrupted by Spider-Man*

Spider-Man web strike Electro before kicking and then drops a kick at Electro, he on Electro's shoulder before punching his head. Electro yells in pain.

Electro groans in pain and stands up. Spider-Man lands on the ground safely before Spider-Man does Jojo pose like Jotaro Kujo's pose with menacing Japanese kanji words aura.

Spider-Man: *Jojo pose* Your next line is... "WAS THAT PART OF YOUR PLAN, SPIDER-MAN?!"


Spider-Man: *Wheeze*

Electro: WHY YOU?! *Pissed off*

Electro charged at Spider-Man but he leaped and web his face, he tried to take off but Spider-Man grabbed Elector before punching his face many times like Jotaro punched the enemy's face. Electro pushed Spider-Man away as he was stunned.

Spider-Man grabs Electro's back as he breaks his suit, making Electro shock before Spider-Man grabs and punches him few times before kicking Electro. Electro hits the wall as he groans in pain, his suit is broken as he is angry.

Electro: NO NOT MY SUIT! *Shocked* You gonna pay for that! Bug!

Spider-Man: *Quip* Looks like your suit needs to shut down for the electric bill! Get it?


Electro charged at Spider-Man but Spider-Man leaped and performed an Axe kick on Electro's head, he screamed in pain before he falling on the ground as Electro about to crashed.

Electro: *Scream* AGHHHHHHH!!!!!

Electro falls down on the ground, he tries to stand up but he can't. Spider-Man lands on the ground. Making Spider-Man feel pain after he got electrocuted a lot.

Spider-Man: *Tired* Finally... I defeated Electro...

Spider-Man web up Electro, Electro is tied up and tries to escape but he spots the shadow of a certain bird villain which Electro smirks. Spider-Man grabs Electro's neck and asks him.

Electro: Ugh.... What do you want?!

Spider-Man: Alright Dillon, now talk! Where is Kingpin and your rest of Supervillain boys band? Lies to me and I will hurt you!

Electro: *Smirk* Why should I tell you? There is someone coming to save me!

Spider-Man: *Confused* Huh?!

Electro: Better watch your back, Web-Head!

Spider-Man: What? *Spider Sense tingling* Spider Sense!

Suddenly his Spider Sense is tinging and making Spider-Man look somewhere before he looks up, seeing it was the entrance of a certain Bird Villain, making him widen his eyes.

Vulture appears as he strikes Spider-Man down, which he dodges. Vulture broke the web off Electro as he flies away before Vulture smirked at Spider-Man.

Vulture: We meet again! Spider-Brat!

Spider-Man: Vulture!?

Vulture frees him from the web, Electro flies off as they smirk at Spider-Man before Electro with a comical tick mark and complains at Vulture for being late.

Electro: You're fucking late! Old man! *Complaint tone*

Vulture: Don't blame me! I was getting old to fly, and respect elders!

Electro: Who cares about your damn age! You old bastard! Let's get out of here! This Spider-Man is too strong!

Spider-Man: I don't think so! *Charged at two Villain*

Both Villains: OH NO YOU DON'T!

Vulture hits Spider-Man with his wings, he screams in pain before Electro electrocutes Spider-Man. He screams in pain and sends away as he gonna fall down.

Spider-Man: AHHHHHHHH!!!!

Spider-Man falls down to the ground. He groans in pain and he is already at his limits, he can't stand up to the fight anymore. Electro and Vulture fly in the sky and look at Spider-Man.

Spider-Man: Ugh... *Pain groan*

Electro: You need to stay out of our business!

Vulture: See you later, Spider-Man! *Laugh before they fly away*

Spider-Man: S-STOP!

Vulture and Electro fly away before they return back to their base, Spider-Man fails to stop them and is in pain when he can't move his body.

Spider-Man: Dammit! They escaped, I can't move my body... I'm such a failure...

Spider-Man's eyes slowly lose his vision as he is about to go unconscious, he fails his task as Spider-Man and makes Peter disappointed. He blames himself for being weak.

Spider-Man's Mind: I'm soo sorry Peter... For being a disappointment as Spider-Man... I failed as your Successor... *About to cry*

Then he's heard his phone ringing in his pocket. This is Classic Spider-Man ringtone from the Amazing Spider-Man 2 Movie. Spider-Man he managed to take out his phone and he see someone call him reveal is was Yukino.

Spider-Man heard Yukino calling to him Spider-Man thought that he failed Spider-Man and made his friends sad and disappointed in Service Club.

Spider-Man's Mind: I'm sorry, Yukino... Yui... Hachiman... Iroha... I failed as an Hero...

Spider-Man was about to cry before losing his consciousness, he lay on the ground before someone arrived and revealed it was a red & black Spider-Man found him.

Spider-Man's Mind: Is that...?

???: *Speak African America Accent* Spider-Man! Wake up! Spider-Man!

The red & black suit Spider-Man found Tanjiro unconscious before carrying him to the school's Service Club, he looked at Tanjiro's phone when Yukino called him and decided to bring him to the place.

Timeskip. Few Hours Later...

Tanjiro slowly opened his eyes and woke up, he was looking around the room. He sees his chest is bandaged, and confused about where he is.

Tanjiro: Ugh... W-Where... Where am I?

Tanjiro looked around the room, and he realized he was in Edo Academy's infirmary room. He was confused and why he ended up in the infirmary room.

Tanjiro: I am at Edo Academy infirmary room? How did I got here?

Tanjiro tried to get up but he felt pain in his chest, he tried to get up as he sat on the infirmary bed and groaned in pain as he feels pain.

Tanjiro: Agh! Itai! *Pain noise*

Tanjiro looked at his torso bandaged, his ribs were broken. He remember how brutal Electro did to his ribs in the chest by doing Mortal Kombat X-Ray finish.

Tanjiro: Oh man... I remember now, Electro pull an Mortal Kombat move on me and broked my ribs... Damn is still hurt...

???: *Arrive in infirmary room* KUMO-KUN!

Tanjiro: Huh?

The scene shows the Service Club arriving at the Infirmary room, making Tanjiro look at them while Yui and Iroha tear up because they worry about Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: Minna...

Yui rushes and hugs Tanjiro, Tanjiro is surprised before he sees Yui tearing up and worrying about Tanjiro after he gets hurt by Electro.

Yui: Kumo-Kun! *Hug him* Baka! I thought you're gonna dies! *Tear up*

Tanjiro: S-Sorry to make you guys worry. *Iroha pulls out his ear* OW! T-That's hurt!

Iroha: Baka Senpai! *Pull Tanjiro ear* We thought we gonna loses you to Electro! Don't you know I'm worried soo much!?

Tanjiro: I-I'm sorry! I know I make you girls worry much... But how did I end up here?

Hachiman: I found you injured and unconscious at my house backyard. I saw how that Electro guy messed you up pretty badly!

Yukino: So Hikigaya-Kun carry you to the Edo Academy's infirmary club since we don't want people to find out your identity.

Tanjiro: I see... *Realized something* Wait my camera!

Yui: Don't worry Kumo-Kun! It's here! *Give Tanjiro his camera*

Tanjiro grabbed his camera as Yui gave it to him, he checked the camera and it was safe. He is glad that the camera is safe and he sighs in relief.

Tanjiro: Yokatta... Thank god my camera is still on good shape. This is my Uncle last present before he's died...

Hachiman: You really treasure that camera huh?

Tanjiro: Yeah. It's my precious gift to me.

Tanjiro wonders who brought him back to Hachiman's backyard, his spider-sense is going off and he doesn't know who saved him, so it wasn't Yuu Izumi and Miyako Shikimori but someone else.

Tanjiro: Hey Hikigaya, can I ask who brought me to your place? I don't remember anything on what happened back on Ginza when Electro and Vulture knocked me out.

Hachiman: Well I don't know... The person already gone when he's brought you to my place. He's left no trace of himself. Probably some anonymous. And I carried you to our school's infirmary because you got hurt including your ribs. Thank god we carry early to our school because we don't want Hiratsuka-Sensei to find out.

Tanjiro: I see... I wonder who is that person saved me back then?

Yukino: Yeah, I wonder that too. But Kumoshi-Kun...You almost die because of Electro! *Scold Tanjiro*

Tanjiro: Gomen! But any details of the mysterious person who saved me?

Hachiman: Yes, he's called Yukinoshita on your phone when you were unconscious. And his accent isn't Japanese like us.

Yui: Wait! He is an American?

Yukino: Yeah I think so? His accent sound like a African American?

Tanjiro: African American... where did I hear that before...?

Tanjiro continues to think about who was the person who saved him and brought him back, just as they continue to ask Tanjiro. Suddenly they heard a sound from behind.

Hachiman: What the?!

Yui: *Grab a broom* W-who's there?! I won't let anyone hurt Kumo-Kun! I learn Karate and Black Belt from my mom! *Trying to be brave*

Tanjiro: *Spider Sense tingling* Wait the minutes...

Iroha: What going on Senpai?

Yukino: Did you sense something, Kumoshi-Kun!?

Suddenly a portal appears creating a glitch effects inside the Infirmary room. Making Service Club shocked while Tanjiro felt familiar with the portal.

Yui takes out her broom doing her fighting stance, Hachiman takes out a broom as well, while Iroha comically hides behind Yukino and Tanjiro looks at the portal.

Tanjiro: T-That portal...?! It's can't be!?

Yui: Kumo-Kun, what's wrong?

Tanjiro: It's the Spider-Verse portal! But how!?

Then someone about to came out of the Spider Verse's portal, revealing it was a familiar person that Tanjiro knew. Making Tanjiro shocked to see the familiar person.

Tanjiro: *Shocked* Masaka!?

???: Yo Tanjiro, how are your feel?

Tanjiro is shocked to see a familiar person that he knows while Service Club is confused and wonders who is he and why he knows Tanjiro. Find out next time in Spider-Man: Web of Slices of Life.


To Be Continued.

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