Bruce | Science Time

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Bruce is always working in the lab, so what happens when he thinks the new assistant is cute, and gets flustered when he's around them?

((There will never be enough soft banner moments for me ))

TW: Tony is in it, and makes some innuendos, and there's some swearing, but other then that, it's not so bad, lol


Bruce pulled up one of Tony's digital blue prints, running a hand through his hair. The roots were slightly grey, but it wasn't from old age. It was from the stress of everything that had happened over the years, but he looked good with it, refined.

He pushed a pair of black glasses up his nose, then looked down at the table in front of him. They were missing a few parts, but nothing drastic. So he could have Tony send their new lab assistant, (Y/N), out on a supply run.

He would ask, but it seemed everytime he was around them, he would stammer and his hands couldn't seem to work, and he had nearly dropped a beaker of a slightly acidic solution on the floor. Luckily, the stopper was on, and (Y/N) was quick on their toes, and had caught it.

"Tony, is (Y/N) in yet? I know it's only nine, but their usually here a little early" he calls, turning to his lab partner, who was on the far side of the lab.

He shrugged, tightening a few screws on his latest suit. "Look, I know Hulk wants to smash, but you really have to talk to them, Bruce. At least ask them for lunch or something at some point! You weren't there when I picked them, but they like you too. They talked about your work and gushed over you."

Bruce blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's just hard. Their really cute. And their (h/l) (h/c) hair looks so soft, and I want to run my fingers through it. I really want to hug them, too"

"Jeez you aren't dating them and you're already whipped. Look, how about I ask them to get what you need, but when they get back, you can go ahead and ask them out to lunch?"

Bruce sighed. Yes, he was nervous to talk to them, but maybe asking them out to lunch would be a good idea. It could help him with his nervousness... But he was also worried. What if they said no?? What if they said yes, and he got so nervous that the big guy made an appearance??

"Brucie, I can feel your stress from over here bud, calm down." He pulled away from his project, grabbing a towel dirty with grease, and wiping what grime he could off his hands. He ran one through his hair, walking over and laying a hand on his shoulder. "Look, maybe you just need to destress before asking (Y/N)"

"Asking (Y/N) what?" The assistant poked their head through the door, smiling. They hadn't heard much, and walked in with a to-go bag, and a holder with three coffees. "Sorry I'm a bit late, but I know you two. Neither of you ate this morning, did you? And Tony, after breakfast, you have to go and rest. From what you have on that table of yours, you didn't sleep"

"I don't need sleep, I need to finish this suit. And dum-E isn't really giving me any help. Keeps grabbing my tools" he says with a huff, but thanked the (slightly) taller/shorter addition to the lab as he grabbed a coffee, and one of the crosaint sandwiches from the outstretched bag.

"Bruce, did you get any rest? I know you were cleaning up before I left, but you had just spilled that amonia..."

Bruce took a coffee, trying to keep his hands from shaking. He could do this! "I did, yeah... Hey um, you bought me coffee, can I return the favor? If you don't want to it's fine, I just thought it would be nice! I mean, your always doing stuff for us, and-"

(Y/N) chuckled, sending him a smile, stopping his rambling. "Bruce, I would love to go get coffee for you. For now, how about we get this project done, and help Tony build the new suit. Here" they handed him a sandwich, and set the bag down, taking a few swigs from her coffee, and setting it down, looking over the blueprint.

Bruce grinned brightly, making sure to move to give them room to look over the blue prints. He had done it! And, if coffee went well, maybe lunch or dinner could follow...

Hey guys! Sorry this one is so short as I said before, I haven't actually written for a while, so I'm kinda trying to get the hang of it again 😅 anywho, I hope you guys enjoyed, and I look forward to writing more for you guys! :D

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