Civil War (how it should have gone)

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The radio slowly plays in the background as the sunlight enters through the white curtains. Peggy Carter sits in her bed looking out the window, deep in thought when suddenly, the music is cut off and is replaced by an urgent news report.
"This just in, the King of Wakanda was one of the victims in the bombing that took place in a meeting in Vienna. The cameras captured a man in a red sweater, long brown hair and what seemed to be a metal left arm. He fled from the scene of the crime and authorities are asking that if you see him, run away and alert them of his location. That's all for the moment, now back to our regularly scheduled program." With that, the music begins to play again, filling the room. Peggy tilts her head in thought, "Who the bloody hell could that be?" She shakes her head and reaches out for her knitting needles and yarn. Slowly, she begins knitting, and the hours pass by.

"Urgent news report, the superhero group, also known as The Avengers have been found fighting each other in the Leipzig Airport. Amongst them were Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, James Barnes, Tony Stark, and the new king of Wakanda, T'Challa. The reason to their argument is based on the Sokovian Accords that the United Nations passed a few days ago. The amount of destruction done to the airport is immense, but what'll happen to us if the heroes decided to fight in the middle of a town? It seems now that the biggest threat isn't an alien invasion or a robotic attack, but the threat lies in the very heroes that helped us. If we can't trust them, who can we trust? Now, back to our regularly scheduled program." The music begins to play once again as Peggy sits in her bed in utter shock.

Steve, Tony, James.

Those three names ring in her mind and repeat over and over.

She reaches out for her phone and makes a call. "Of course, leave it all up to me. A woman's work is never done!" She mutters under her breath as she carefully moves over to her wheel chair. She asks for help from one of the nurses and they wheel her into an empty meeting room in the same building. She looks up at the clock and sighs. "Of course, late as usual." She says with a soft smile.

The doors to the room open and in walk Steve and a slightly jumpy Bucky. Peggy looks up at Steve, "You're late," she says with a smile. Steve chuckles and a slightly sad smile makes its way to his face as he remembers the day when he arrived at the camp and Peggy said those exact words to him. "Sorry to keep you waiting Peggy," he says as he walks to her and kisses her cheek. "Bucky, do you remembered Peggy?" Steve asks as he stands beside her looking at him.

Bucky furrows his brows in thought before nodding with a smile, "Yeah I do. She was the gal in the picture that you always carried with you in your compass right?" He asks.

Steve's cheeks flame up as Peggy laughs lightly. He then nods, "Y-yeah. That's her.... So umm... Peggy, why did you call us two?" He asks clearly trying to change the subject.

"Ohh I didn't JUST call you two. He should be here any min-" she is cut off by the door swinging open and Tony walking in with flowers in his hand. "Hey Auntie Pegg-" he stops in his tracks as he sees Bucky and Steve. Immediately the room is filled with undeniable tension.

"Hello dear. Now you three, have a seat." She says in a kind yet commanding voice. Steve immediately takes a seat and Bucky follows suit, making sure to sit between Steve and Peggy in case things went haywire with Tony.

Tony reluctantly sits down on the other side of Peggy avoiding eye contact with Steve.

"So, what is this that I heard about you two fighting one another?" Peggy asks looking at Steve and Tony.

Steve scuffs the floor with his shoe, avoiding her gaze.

Peggy sighs and shakes her head, "This is gonna take a while," she mutters under her breath.

A few hours later, a full blown argument has erupted between Tony and Steve. Bucky remains sitting down beside Peggy, staying as quiet as a mouse, watching Steve and Tony holler at each other.

"Stop!" Peggy shouts. She asks Bucky to wheel her over to Steve and Tony and he quickly obeys helping her over. She looks up at them two, red faced with anger.

"Are you bloody kidding me right now?! You two are acting like children! The world relies on you BOTH to protect them. They have enough to worry about. So don't add a group of angry superheroes to the list!"

"But he won't follow the rules!" Tony shouts angrily.

"What rules?! And since when do you care about rules Tony?! Weren't you the one that said that following wasn't your style?"

"That was before!"

"Before what? Ultron? You were too stubborn to stop when we told you not to mess with Loki's scepter. And even if the government had stopped you, you STILL would have continued your freaking experiments."

"No I would not!"

"Ha! That's what you say Tony. But you're stubborn. You never listen to rules. Look at what happened when they asked you to turn in your IronMan suit over to the government. You didn't do it! So why now?"

"I already told you why Rogers! And since when do you break the rules? You're America's golden boy who doesn't break the rules! So why now?!"

"Because I lost trust in the government after SHIELD turned out to be infested by hydra! Only we can make the decisions for ourselves. The government can't control us just because we have powers or abilities!"

"But we're a threat to humanity! We need to be held accountable for what we do!"

"That's just the guilt talking Stark."

"Ohh yeah? Well so what if it is?! I feel guilty for what I did with Ultron and Wanda and Pietro's family. I have a HEART! Sorry for caring Rogers! The accords need to be signed whether you like it or no-"

"ENOUGH!! The bloody hell! I've had enough with hearing you two fight like cats and dogs."

"But-" Steve starts.

"NO BUTS! I've had it with you two!" She then wheels herself forward, slapping both Steve and Tony.

They both stand wide eyed looking at Peggy. Shocked at what she had done. Bucky takes a step back, not wanting to somehow earn a slap from Peggy as well.

Tony and Steve sigh and nod.

Now I know that Peggy dies in the movie... 😭😭
But I feel like this would have been a funny scene to see. Peggy slapping them both and scolding them like children for their arguing.
Also the drawings aren't mine. All credit goes to the one who drew it... I don't know their names soooo...

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